
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs


The next day, Mo Nan was woken up by his cell phone alarm; today he had classes at the university. He looked at the empty spot next to him and wondered where his mother had gone.

Improving his senses, he found her in the kitchen, he couldn't help but smile when he heard her singing happily. Getting out of bed, she went to take a bath and then put on her uniform.

Looking in the mirror, the uniform was too small for him; in all this time he had forgotten about the changes in his body. His muscle mass and height had increased so the uniform no longer fit him.

Thinking of a solution, he surrounded his uniform with his Qi and tried to enlarge the fabric, fortunately it worked. Letting out a sigh after finishing adjusting the uniform, he combed his hair back and tied it with a black scrunchie that blended into his hair.

When he got to the kitchen, his mother had already put the food on the table and was waiting for him. Sitting next to her, but not before giving her a good morning kiss, they began to eat.

"What are you going to do now that you're done?" Mo Nan asked her mother, she had the whole morning free before going to work, so she wanted to know what she was going to do with all that time.

"Clean the whole house and then I'm going to practice the techniques you gave me in the garden." He nodded upon hearing her response, he was glad that she wanted to become strong and not waste her time.

"Don't overexert yourself, rest when you feel exhausted." He said worriedly to Su Yin, he didn't want her to get hurt while he was gone.

After finishing eating, he kissed his mother goodbye, before picking up his backpack and leaving the house. When she arrived at the bus stop, she had to wait a few minutes until the public transportation would arrive and head to the university.


"Wow, how handsome"

"He's the most handsome boy I've ever seen in my life."

"Is he a superstar?"

In the halls of the university, Mo Nan walked calmly without caring about the murmurs of the girls around him. He knew that his new appearance was very striking, but he couldn't do anything. In all the skills and techniques he possessed, there was none. which will help you in such situation.

The foxes were very proud of their beauty and even more so those of high lineage, so it is not strange that in all the information he obtained there was nothing to hide their appearance, instead, there are techniques to increase charm.

Knowing this, he did not know whether to laugh or cry, ignoring the murmurs of the women and the hateful looks of the men, he continued walking through the hallways until he reached the classroom. Upon entering the classroom, a silence filled the room, as much as the girls and boys stared at him.

"Good morning" He said breaking all the silence. Without saying anything else, he headed to his stall. He wasn't worried about the changes in his appearance. He had already thought of a solution to that problem.

If someone asked him his name and they realized that it was the same as the blonde boy's, he would say that there was an error in the time they assigned the classes because of the similarity of the names, and that the blonde boy was assigned to his class. and the boy's class, but the day before they fixed the problem and sent them to their corresponding class.

"Hello, what's your name?" A pretty girl approached him asking her name and when he answered what he expected happened, but after telling her what she had previously made up, the girl believed him. He didn't want to lie, but it was his turn, it was dangerous for other people to know about his changes.

"Oh, so it was like that" The poor girl had no reason not to believe him and she ate the whole lie. A few moments later the teacher arrived in the classroom so the girl had no choice but to go to her seat.

"Ufff" Letting out a sigh, Mo Nan looked at the boy who sat next to him, wondering if she was going to bother him today, because while he was talking to the girl, all the cronies who bothered him that day were looking at him with bad intentions.

'I'm not the same anymore, if they bother me again I will make their lives impossible.' He thought as she smiled mischievously. He had already decided to never let himself be intimidated again, he was no longer that simple cowardly child, now he was a cultivator and a three-tailed fox, with the power to kill them with a simple slap.

Stopping thinking about that, he focused on class. The hours flew by, his lie had spread all over him, thanks to the girl, which took the problem away from him.

When recess began, he left the classroom and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He had taken advantage of class hours to form three more petals, it was all thanks to his soul cultivation that could allow him to concentrate on doing two things at the same time.

Although it was very tiring, his entire forehead was sweating so he had to immediately go wash his face when the break started.

After washing his face he headed to the cafeteria. When she arrived she immediately went to buy a soda and some chips, she sat down to eat at an unoccupied table so she could be alone and be able to continue forming the petals.

Everything was calm, groups of friends talking and joking among themselves, girls talking about their boyfriends and handsome boys, everything was normal until then.


A scream of pain was heard from the entrance of the cafeteria. Mo Nan turned to see what had happened, finding a short boy lying on the ground while he was clutching his stomach and the small group of boys who had bothered him last time, making fun of the boy's pain...