
His house Chapter 4

Elianna's. Pov.

I woke up with the worst headache ever I am very going out with Maddi I opened my eyes and tried to adjust in my ---Wait this isn't my room I started to panic until I feel an arm tighten around, pulling me more in to them . I turned around slowly to look at this person and saw that it was Christian. I almost had an heart attack. I tried remembering what happened last night but I couldn't recall anything. Christian stiffen around me I look at him and toke in that seems like the best view ever. His hair wasn't geld back like last night it was now messing but he look sexy, he's jawline was way past perfection, he nose was straight and his lips ooh those lips they looked so kissable at that moment he talked again disturbing my thoughts " Are you finish checking out my face Eli " he asked with a well knowing smirk on his face ." How did you know I was looking at you " I blushed covering my face with my hands so he didn't see his effect on me .

" I could feel it " he replied.

I was battling with the question in my mind I had to ask him I don't remember what happened and I need to know. I went to the bathroom and I could feel is gaze on my ass but I just walked away swaying my hips a bit more. When I got out I had looked like Christian had went downstairs to make breakfast because he said he was hungry when I was in the bathroom. It took ever force not to go back in his comfortable bed I just went and put on one of his T-Shirt that I saw it reach a little above my knee . I reached to the kitchen and saw Christian singing along with Despacito and swaying his hip to the beat. I smiled at the site and toke a quick pic of this and I went to take a seat at the Island . He turned around and only at the moment did I see that he didn't have on a shirt his body is literally perfection I can honestly say that God toke a time out to sculp his body it didn't accrue to me that he was right in front of me with a plate with chocolate chip pancakes with egg and bacon 😋 . I looked at him and whispered a thank you .

" Christian I need to ask you something " he looked at me with a puzzled face .

" Sure go ahead "

" w-what happened last night ? " I didn't even have the guts to look at him in his face so I just focused on my food .

He looked at me then put don't his fork .

" We had sex "

My head was spinning my hands were shaking a felt like I was about to have a panic attack. How could I be so reckless to let this happen even though I know him it doesn't mean that I wanted that to happen and he most have known not to because I was clearly drunk. I look at him in disbelief. Then he started laughing I was so confused as to why he's laughing it was irritating me at the point and I snapped.

"How could you , how could you take advantage of me when I was in a drunken state . " I was beyond mad at this point . He saw that I was angry and he stopped laughing and also giving me a are you serious look .

" You really don't remember anything about last night? " he asked

I said no .

He sighed

" Well after we danced you had a few tequila shots and you got hella wasted I tried stopping you but you said you wanted to have fun before you have to be all mature and start working so I let you let loose. There was this guy who you insisted on going home with you actually wanted to fight me for not letting you go anyways I lifted you up and placed you in my car. When we got here I told you we where here and you kind of huh huhh kissed me I started to kiss you back and then you got out of the car. When you got inside you almost fell down and hit your head so I toke you upstairs to one of the guestrooms I told my head of staff to help you to change out of your dress . I went to take a shower and when I came to check on you and you woke up and begged me to stay.

I told you it wasn't a good idea but you starting crying like you actually cried so I got in next to you and snuggled up next to me and started singing can't help falling in love until you fell asleep I left you sleeping to come to my room about an hour later i heard you come in and snuggle up beside me." After that whole speech he looked red as a tomato I think he was hiding something put I didn't push it .

"I'm sorry for huh thinking you toke advantage of me " I was beyond embarrassed.

"I may have been a player Elianna but I have respect for all women and I would have never done that to anyone especially not you. " he looked angry and hurt at the same time .

He got up and stormed off .

Ahh why are you so stupid Elianna .

After a while I started looking for him . His house or should I say mansion is huge . I went up the stairs and looked in about four room already. I got to a door at the end of the hall I went in without knocking and there he was sitting down in a couch it looked like it was his office . He looked really hurt . I went to sit next to him . " I'm really sorry Christian I just panicked I didn't mean to accuse you . "

He looked at me and before he could say anything I smashed my lips against his . He reacted instantly pulling me to his lap we kissed like our life's depended on it then he changed it to a more passionate and slow but that didn't last too long then it got a lot more heated he bit my lips for entrance I decided to tease him so I didn't grant him access. He growled and gripped my thighs causing me to let out a squiggle and open my mouth he smiled against my lip . We pulled apart both needing air .

"I like you Elianna."

" W-would you go out on a date with me ? "

I was nervous . Back in high school I used to have a crush on Chris . I didn't know what to say .

" Yea sure I will "

After our whole seen in the morning. Christian toke me home and we have been texting ever since. I am really starting to like him again .

I woke up to the harsh sound of my alarm. Today was my first day at the King's corporation. I made my way to my bathroom toke a shower brush my teeth then let down my braids. My hair was still in my box braid so I just did it in a bun then did my baby hairs. I went and to put on some black lace panties and matching bra. I had gone to do my nails so I could look professional. I picked out a dark blue pants with a white long sleeve blouse and a peach blazer I matched that with black heels and my Tommy handbag with some jewels and a simple make-up look.

I decided to look as professional as possible. I toke my phone and saw I text from Mads say good morning . I just called her because I didn't have time to text her .

"Hey lovey dove " she answered

"Hey Maddi . "

"Can you please come and pick me up Jason went with my car and the dickhead didn't even think to let me know first. In already finished thought." She said

"Okay I'll be there in 5 , make sure you outside or I'm going away " I said

She laughed and said sure .

I went downstairs to see the twins and mom eating breakfast. I kissed everyone on the forehand and said goodbye .

I got to my work place at exactly 7:50 . At least I wasn't late. Their was a different lady at the front desk this time. She looked younger around 21 maybe. I said my greeting then went to the elevator. Once up I greeted Clair and she smiled immediately at me I love this girls spirit she's just looks so free and friendly.

" Hey Elianna , your early most people dont get here until 8:15 or later let me show you to your office . "

"Well I like to be early it makes me feel more prepared. " I said bluntly with a huge grin on my face .

"Here we are it was redesigned after the last manager but you can change and redesigned if you like just let me know and I'll -

I cut her off

" it's perfect I love it "

I went to sit in my chair it was so comfy. All those years of teachers being a pain in the ass has paid off . I checked out a few things in my office when I heard an ding coming from the computer it was from Clair saying that all board members were to attend a every important meeting at 10 am sharp . It was already 8:45.

Knock knock. Come on in I shouted.

" I am Lisa, I make coffee for everyone who works on this floor I don't know how you like your coffee so I had to come and ask . "

She was very pretty she looked around 20 .

"I'm guessing you already know my name . I like my coffee with two sugar with cream and a pinch of cinnamon."

"Okay Miss. Levy . I also associate and assistance everyone who works on this floor so if you ever need anything you can go to Clair or me my office is just two doors away or you can ring me by pressing number 7 on your telephone. "

"Okay I just need you to show me where the boarding room is and the file room and a few places that's all and please call me Elianna or Eli . "

"Sure thing "

After about ten minutes Lisa came back with my coffee and we headed out on the way she showed me the file room on this floor since every floor has one. We got to the boarding room and it was empty but better early than late .

We talked for a bit I got to know that she is 21 and go's to night school ( college ) and is studying accountant she has a baby girl that is 6 months old and she live with her boyfriend Benjamin.

Soon people started entering the room by 9:50 it was full and everyone was seated only missing one person which I assumed was Mr. King .

I wonder why he acted the way he did the last time I was here my thoughts were interrupted by someone shouting at the door .


Everyone was looking at the person who was shouting but I didn't. The voice sounded so familiar that was until he came to the front of the table and I looked but at in his eyes his deep grey eyes .

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