
Love In college Chapter one

(Chapter one)

Hi, My Name, is Kai-Shon And Am 20 years old and I'm in college. I don't know why I still come to college when I'm never really in the lessons

Kaiiii (I move to the side out of her way and she hits her head on the floor)

Hey KAI!!! Why did you move out of the way for?

Kai: well because I don't want to get jumped attack.

(the girl who tried to attack me is called Alis-Kensae I've known her all my life)

Alis: earth to kai hellooooo….

Kai: Sorry I've got to go (I get up and walk off)

Alis: KKai what's up Hey Nero what's up with kai

Nero: I don't know he is always been like that.

Alis- I hope he is okay.

(as im walking around other students bump into me and both look at me like WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE WALKING INTO)


(Both of them run away from me)

(I put my headphones in Im walking around the college think to myself why did I come here I hate this place I go and sit in the comic book shop as im walking in the shop I see some new stuff and I see Zeke in the shop to )

Zeke: Yo kai you here again instead of being in college

Kai: Yeah forget college everyone keeps looking at me like a freak of nature so yeah.

Zeke: Well I've got a copy of Tenzeno Vol 10 if you want to read it.

Kai: What no way Tenzeno Vol 10 you sure that I can read it now before it comes out tomorrow.

Zeke: yeah, no problem dude

(Oh, if you're wondering Zeke is one of my comic book friends' but we don't really hang out, but we talk on skype but zeke spends most of his time working but he is a cool guy)

(well I didn't realise that time went past till alis came to find me)

Alis: Kai earth to Kai

(She hit's me on the head then I look up)

Kai: Oh, Alis what you are doing here Oh shit

(Alis looks at me with the eyes of a killer)


Alis: I should hit you but also why didn't you even bother coming to college why.

Kai: well everyone pisses me off so much I left also why you here for.

Alis: whyyyy I'm here looking for you.

Kai: well im here so you can leave me alone now.

Alis: Kai you need to start coming to college more or you'll never pass it okay.

Kai: Sigh fine all be there tomorrow okay now can you leave me alone please

Alis: NO, I shall not you need to get some food okay.

Zeke: Alis its okay im working late again so kai can eat here with me, so you don't need to worry about it alis.

Alis: Okay then I'll see you at college.

Kai: See you Later

Zeke: So, Kai what's up you haven't been on skype and Xbox to.

Kai: I'm Fine.

Zeke: you sure dude.

Kai: Zeke am a guy with white hair and who can't do the one thing that I want to do anymore.

Zeke: It's not that is it kai what's up.

Kai: thanks for the food zeke am going home now so I'll see you later dude.

(As im walking home I didn't realise that my life would change when you came into my life so why now)

Next Day:

Kai: Crap Crap Crap am going to be late for college am leaving now (wait I live alone)

(I walk out of my house and alis is already waiting for me)

Kai: Moring Alis how was your night?

Alis: It was good what about your night??

Kai: Same old stuff.

(we walk to college as we both live 15 minutes away from college)

Kai: Oh, its Nero

Alis: Nero why Didn't come home last night.

Nero: well I thought you were having Kai over for the night

Alis: Wait Wait Wait I never said that.


(Alis runs off with her brother Nero)

Alis- See you in class Kaiiii.

Nero: Yeah see you later Kai

Kai: Yeahhhh see you later

(so, as im walking to classroom I see a girl with pink hair who walks past me and she looked at me with a nice smile and I turn around and looked at her like who is she. I open the classroom door, and everyone looks at me)

Kai: Grrrrrr WHO ARE YOU LOOK AT!!!

Nero: Yo Kai over here.

Alis: Kai Kai Over Here.

(I go and sit next to the window and I started to look out the window)

Teacher: Hey Class today we have a new student with us would you like to come in and interested yourself to us.

(Next Minute a girl walks in the room and are eyes meet each other)

Girl- Hi there everyone my name is Kara Reno

Nice to meet you all.

Teacher: well there is an empty seat next to jack if you want to sit… mis

(the girl walks over to where I am and sits next to me)

(I look at Nero and alis are both are like at me and are saying talk to her and im looking like what are they talking about next minute I get a text saying talk to her your asshole)

Kai: but instead of talking to her I started drawing.

(My Hand starts to shake, and everyone notice the new girl called Kara asked if I was okay)

Kai Yeah, I'm okay (I continue drawing but my hand is still starting)

Alis: (Grabs my hand) kai stop you don't need to prove it to anyone okay.

(I get up and walk out of the class and everyone looks at me again)

Kai: stop looking at me

(and guess where I walk to comic book shop and I walk in the shop and there is no zeke, but I see his mother miss Kento at the counter)

Kai: Hi Miss Kento Where is Zeke today

Miss Kento: Hello their Kai Zeke is at the Doctors so don't worry about it.

(So, I go and sit next to the one of the tables and start reading and eating my food next minute the new girl comes looking for me)

Kara: You Okay.

Kai: Wait minute you're the new girl right.

Kara Yeah name is Kara and why did you leave the class for.

Kai: that is none of your business.

Kara: also, what's with the hat.

Kai: None of your business.

Kara: so, you like coming here.

Kai: Yeah, I know the people who own this place, so I come here all the time so yeah…. WAIT Minute its none of your business.

Kara: so, what you are reading then.

Kai: it's called Tenzeno Vol 10 why

Kara: wait your reading Tenzeno vol 10 this place sale it here.

Kai: Yeah it came out today, but I read it yesterday so here you can read it.

Kara: you read it yesterday that's not fair but is it good to read.

Kai: yeah, it's good to read.

Kai: so, do you want some food.

Kara: Yes please.

Kai: What type of food you want Kara.

Kara: well a chicken sandwich please.

Kai: Okay I'll Be back.

(She looks at me with smile on her face and my face goes redish so I look away and walk off to get food as I came back Kara is fast a sleep with her head in the book so I put my hoodie over her and leave her food and a note)

Kara: Kai you back yet…t where did he go.

Miss Kento: oh, you're awake if you're looking for kai, he left but he left a note for you here.

Kara: A note.

(Kara looks at the note and starts reading the note)

Yo Kara

I Came back with the food but you were fast asleep so I give you my hoodie to keep you warm and also I left you the food I got you and also don't worry about giving me the money for the food and also I don't normally say this to anyone but thanks for keeping me company.


(Kara's face goes red-ish from readying the note)

(So, I go back home, and I sat on my computer and just listen to music and played a carded games)

Next Day:

Kai- Crap Crap Crap Going to be late again.

(As am Walking to college a car stops next to me and Kara gets out of the car)

Kai- Kara Morning

Kara- Morning Kai

Kai- how was your Night?

Kara- it was good what about you?

Kai- It was okay just listen to music and played some cared games on my computer. OH, Its alis and Nero. Yo Guys.

Alis/Nero- Yo/Hi Kai, wait wait wait what is Kara doing with Kai?


Alis- Reallllyyyyyyy Kai Then why is she… wait where did sheee go. (she turns around and am gone to) and Kai is gone to.


(Alis walks into the classroom and see me in the room before her)

Alis- Kai you're here what is going on today?

Kai- Nothing is going on (Kara walks in after alis and sit's next to me)

Kara- Hi Everyone what are we doing in art class today?

Kai- did you bring my hoodie today??

Kara- No sorry I forgot

Kai- Its okay just bring it in tomorrow then.

(after the lesson end's I get up and walk to the lunch hall to find Nero to see if he has this new game that he was telling me about.)

Kai- Yo Nero you here... I guess not

(I wonder where he went)

Kai- well I'll go to the comic book shop then.

(I walk into the comic book shop and see that zeke has banish up his arm)

Kai- Zeke what happen to your arm??

Zeke- Don't worry dude just cut my arm open so I had to go to the hospital about it just have to change it every two hours to keep it clean.

(about four hours went past and guess who come's looking for me Alis of Couse)

Alis- Kai do you want to walk home with me and Nero.

Kai- yeah why not. Yo zeke I'll see you on Xbox later dude.

Zeke- Yeah dude.

(as me and the others walking home. my head start to feel funny. So, I stop for a minute to catch my breath.)


Kai- Am okay I just need some water.

Nero- Here you go Kai.

(I take a drink and I start to feel a lot better)

Kai-Thanks Nero

Nero- No Problem

(We walk for about 10 minutes)

Kai- well Guys I'll be going this way to the shop to get food.

Alis- No you will be going to our house for food. I've already told my mam that you are coming with us.

Kai- You sure Alis?

Alis- Yeah, No Problem

(So, we walk to alis house)

Alis- Mam we are home and Kai is with us to.

Miss Kensae- Welcome home Everyone.

Kai- Hello Ms K

Miss Kensae- Hello Kai you grown up a lot since that day and you look a lot like him you know kai.

Kai- You mean my dad and I know I should of came around a lot more when my parents died. Im sorry I didn't. (I bow my head down to show that I was sorry.)

Miss Kensae- Oh don't worry about it everyone needs time when stuff like that happens (ms K pats me on the head) you are always welcome here my boy.

Kai- thank you

(well after we eater food alis and Nero were playing that carded game that I make from like 3 years go)

Kai- you guys still have that cared game I made.

Both of them- Yeah, we do because it's a good game to play.

Alis- I really think you should try and make an updated version of the game with new monster and etc

Nero- I agree with alis and make legendary cards to.

Kai- I might do

(well we played this game for hours then I realised what time it was)

Kai- Well I think I should get going thanks for the food ms'K.

Ms'K- anytime My Boy.

Alis- I'll walk you halfway kai

Kai- No its okay. You need to stay here and make should you win that carded game Okay??

(alis looks at me with a smile on her and laughs at me.)

Alis- Okay ill make sure I'll win hahah

Kai- Well I'll see you tomorrow then.

( I walk for about 10 minutes and I started to feel like am being followed for some reason)

Kai- Alright whoever you are come out now!!!????

Unknown Person- How did you know I was there??

Kai- you think I wouldn't notice someone trying to follow me. Hahaha

Kai- well I don't care who you are im out of here.

(as I turn around to go home I fall to the floor I see blood running down my head as this happens my phone start to ring and just a everything start to fated black I manage to answer it )

Alis and Kara- Kai you done the art work…

Unknown guys- that's it kick him till he can't get up hahah.


( I hear people talking and I hear the fate Nosie of alis and Kara. The last words I remember saying is well shit hehe)

Alis- you idiot.

Kara- why didn't he call us early.

( I fell a breeze on my face and the smell of flowers. I start to wake up and I see blurs)

Kai- Where. Where I'm I.

Both of them- KAIIII your awake.

Kai- Heyy you guys

Both of them- Kai you feeling okay

Kai- I feel okay.

Alis- you remember what happen to you kai.

Kai- Yeah I remember what happen.

Alis- who would do that?

Kara- It must have been someone who hates Kai?

(I look about and I see that my hands are covered in bandages and half of my face is to I try to move around)

Kara- stop kai you need to rest up.

Alis- Kai what do you remember?

Kai- Well I remember that the guy who attacked me was talking about my past about the old me who use to be a pro manga artist and im the reason he lost a lot of money for working with the other artist who I was competing against.

Kara- Wait you use to draw manga?

Kai- Yeah I was really go at it?

Kara- What was your pen name Kai?

Kai- Well I went by Kaijin back then.

Alis- Still can't believe that you just added Jin to the end of your first name Kai.

Kai- Yeah I wasn't very good with coming up with names.

Kara- Wait minute you're the Kaijin who release the top manga at the time the marked ones?

Kai- Yeah that's me

Kara- I'm friends with the Kaijin

Kai- Kara im not that Kaijin anymore. I haven't drawn in like 5 years.

Alis- Well I think we should get going Kara so Kai can get some more rest.

Kara- Yeah your right well Kai we will see you tomorrow.

Kai- Yeah no problem get home safe you guys.

Both of them- We will.

(After kara and alis leaves I look at my hands and I see that the guys who attack me messed up my left hand not my right hand them hand that I use to draw the manga hahah what assholes.)

Six Days Go By:

Alis- Morning Kara

Kara- Morning Alis you hear that Kai is getting discharge from the hospital today.

Alis- I Know I can't wait to see him. Do you think he'll come to college today?

Kara- I think he might go to the comic book shop instead of college.

(everyone goes to the class room and as everyone walks in to the class room they notice Kai is not there)

Kara- it looks like I was right Kai is at the comic book shop.

Alis- well I've texted Zeke to see if Kai is there.

(Lunch Time)

Alis- Kara you want to come with me to see if Kai is at the comic book shop?

Kara- Yeah I'll come with you.

(Kara and alis head to the comic book shop to see if kai is there but what they find instead is a lot different)

Alis- Zeke have you seen Kai today.

Zeke- Oh I guess the hospital didn't ring you then.

Alis- why what's happen to kai?

Zeke- He got rust in the surgery.

Both of them- WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN???

Zeke- Kai had to get surgery on his lower back as the doctor found out that his spine is a little bit damaged but they said don't worry he should be okay.

Alis- Kai I Hope you are okay.

(next minute Kara runs out of the comic book shop with tears in her eyes what is she think right now)

Doctor- okay Kai you ready to begin the surgery??

Kai-(Takes in deep breath) Yeah Doctor I'm ready now.

(I feel the anaesthesia working and everything starts to go black. I wonder if the others will be mad at me because I didn't tell them about this.)

End of Chapter One