
Chapter 7

As everyone heard the news of Euneeh is back and undergo a plastic surgery because of his mysterious friend.

everyone speculate that Euneeh was seducing an old man so the old man let her spend whatever she wants.

But as they whisper themselves a girl who look in 20s with her black shiny hair and her blue eyes that can attract the sky with his slimy and sexy figure.

her lips were peach that it feels sweet while looking at it and her white pink skin that even girls will envy it had stunned the whole campus.

Checking the name tag of the student who looks stand out she smile mysteriously.

Got you!Red hair with amythest eyes with pink lips that looks was no one other than Melissa who was stunned seeing Euneeh I mean Uni-sama who is now Euneeh.

As I look at her position her cheeks mysteriously red?what was that?

before I can react a boy suddenly appeared infront of me and elegantly kiss my hands like a prince charming.

Black hair as I had and blue eyes like I was wearing.

Is he?I look shocked discovered something unbelievable.

he leaned closer to my ears and whispered

"I am glad that you help my stepsister U-ni-sa-ma"

he found it amusing since he know she was 37 disguise as a teenage 20 years old but when he look at her face clearly he seems don't find it weird because she look really a teenager.

"Your welcome"I said as if I didn't care.

this is Euneeh stepbrother although he is rich he was limited in using it because her mother does so to prevent him from helping his sister

so all his money spent only if that school really need it to use.

his mother monitor him everyday so he can't spend his money for his sister.

but of course inorder to used his sister ID account I spent a huge amount of money to convince his mother to go to the America.

but I don't think it's not worth it because I get help Euneeh brothers to use his connection to be friend with the suspect.

evem though his mother was on America she still monitor his bank account so he had no choice about it.