
Is it wrong to take a break in Danmachi?

Alvar has finished his goal by protecting his world from its evil and succeeded in building a kingdom to help the races live in harmony. Still, after living for so long and working on his kingdom he wished to retire, so he picked his most trusted friends and taught them how to lead the kingdom and look after it in his stead. Afterward, Alvar with the help of his magic, items and elementals traveled to a different world to rest and complete his promise. =============================================== A/N This is the first time I wrote a ff so any suggestions and criticism are welcome so that I can improve. Also, I don't own anything but my OCs and I am mainly using Danmatchi as a template so I might change things like some monsters or characters and so on. English isn't my first language so do correct some of the mistakes I make!

TheMetaCheese · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs


Just a small update to let ya'll know that I am still working on the rework and also for a poll.

While I am working on the rework I had an idea of a random not so serious ff that I want to make and post so here's a rough idea of how it will work.

It's a ff about danmachi where the mc will be reincarnated as a DnD character and EVERYTHING will be made via a die. Be it his race, stats, skills, etc. This would mean that plot armor will NOT exist unless fate decides otherwise. The mc can also die and if that happens then the ff ends lol. (I will try to write everything in according to the mc's character which will be random).

I want to post this ff while I work on the rework to improve its quality via the feedback ya'll will give me on this new one but here is the poll

1) Focus on the rework and do this new one afterwards.

2) Post the new one while working on the rework

Thanks for everyone's patients with the rework as well. The rework is coming along nicely so far. Not sure how long it will take though cuz high school last year is tough lol.