
Chapter 3

It wasn't uncommon to see amazons outside of the pleasure district. The infamous pleasure workers got around, to say the least. But this particular piece of Orario was, if not under the direct control of, had the benefit of protection by the Freya Familia. The rivalry between the two Familia was well known.

To make matters even more explosive, it wasn't just one or two random harlots, but a small contingent of the warrior's known as the Berbera walking in tight formation around their goddess herself, Ishtar!

Ishtar's face was carefully blank as they approached the arranged meeting point. The one specified in a letter brought to her by a teary eyed Belle. The letter was being carried by one of her guards lest Isthar incinerate the insulting summons, more like a demand, from Freya herself.

Freya knew about Belle, or at least knew that the adorable bunny had been turned into an insatiable if still rather sweet slut. Ishtar frowned slightly, she'd once insulted Belle so cruelly, not it felt wrong to call her a demeaning name. After all… if things went to plan, Belle would become the mother of the next generation of amazons.

Thought that plan might not survive the next ten minutes.

Coming to a stop before the Cafe, Ishtar had her amazons stand down. There was some argument, but Ishtar was firm. There wasn't anything her 'zons could do if things turned violent but die here. No, this was on her.

Walking into the cafe, she almost changed her mind though. Their room wasn't ringed by Freya Familia guards, though there weren't any other patrons either. But her attention was called to a set of steps leading to the upper floor, heavy foot falls steadily coming closer till a very recognized figure appeared.

Ottar. Captain of the Freya Familia and the only Level 7 in Orario.

Of course. Why send an entire force of guards when you only needed one. Ottar could single handedly dispatch the small force she'd brought. But with barely a nod and a grunt, she knows he was here only to escort her to his Lady.

On the upper floor Freya herself sat on a balcony seat facing the center of Orario. One goddess awaiting another, but Freya didn't bother to rise, in fact she barely gestures for Ishtar to sit.

The dark skinned goddess of beauty stared at her contemporary with narrowed eyes, wondering if the woman was trying to provoke her on purpose. Probably. Before Belle, it would have worked. Instead she takes the seat to speak to her "peer".

Time passes. Ishtar glances at her own full cup of tea and leaves it untouched.

"You know…" Freya finally speaks. "I had considered having my Familia march upon your home and burn the entire district to the ground." She didn't even look at Ishtar as she spoke.

"Why haven't you?" Ishtar asked with a spiteful tone to her voice, they both knew she couldn't stop Freya. Her family was far too weak at the moment, and even the guild could do little to stop Freya if she truly threw her weight around. The dark skinned goddess felt her hackles rise. But it died as the undeniably more powerful goddess turned to lock gazed with her.

"For one: because it wouldn't be enough. Not enough to properly punish you for what you did." Ishtar managed to hold her gaze, but she was shamefully grateful when Freya looked away with a small sigh of frustration. "For another: It wouldn't change what has been done. But oh I want to anyway." She gave a small shake of her head as she calmly spoke of war between them.

Ishtar had her back to the wall, and no cards to play. But backing down wasn't in her nature.

"I won't apologize for any of it." Freya's gaze snapped back to her as she spoke. Not surprised by Ishtar's words, but by the surprising lack of heat in them. It seemed that the things she'd done with Freya's chosen had even more of an effect than just getting off a bunch of rowdy amazons.

The anger and rage that once consumed Ishtar at the sight of the other goddess was… well, there was something there, but it was far from the all consuming blaze. Ishtar was calm as she spoke, and after a moment the dark skinned goddess picked up a biscuit set out with the tea and took a loud bite. The audacity was astonishing.

"I didn't expect you to." Freya replied. Then, refusing to be outdone, Freya took a sip of her tea before speaking again. "Do you know why I chose Belle?" The elder goddess asked.

Ishtar swallowed, and thumbed away a crumb. "Something more than her cute looks, I assume?"

Freya let out a small hum of agreement. "Her soul is the clearest I've yet to come across. A purity never seen before."

"That explains a bit." Ishtar spoke with a nod, her eyes closed. "Despite everything, an innocence manages to cling to her." Everything she'd done to the girl that was. Ishtar might have felt the smallest inkling of guilt, but Belle's still smiling face had long since put an end to that. Feeling secure in Belle's happiness, and that Freya wouldn't send her back to the heavens, the goddess of beauty took a sip of her tea at last. "It's as if she's immune to corruption." She spoke as she put the cup down gently.

"Though you and your ilk most assuredly tried." Freya stated in a flat tone, her eyes narrowed. "She was too pure, too damn cute. I wanted nothing more than to protect and cultivate her. To see her safe from exploitation of others!" She spat the last, then looked down. "Perhaps if she had been different, more inclined towards combat, I might have left her on her own, to let her grow. But either way, now it's all been for naught." Her tone was bitter in the end as she shook her head.

"Then why are we here then?" Other's might be petrified in fear, not just to be before a goddess as powerful as Freya, but to do so after having been responsible for ruining her plans. Instead Ishtar felt surprisingly relaxed, confident even. She suspected her time with a certain little white bunny had something to do with it. "Why not send me to the heavens and be done with it then."

Freya didn't reply for a moment, but just turned her head to face off the balcony. It only took a moment for Ishtar to realize she was looking in the direction of the pleasure district. Ishtar's domain.

"Belle's soul is still clear, but your amazons have left remnants of themselves on it. She could have expunged them herself, but unconsciously chooses to leave them. Like branches on a tree, connecting her to each of them." Freya's shining gaze turned lock onto Ishtar's. "Even to you."

Ishtar's surprise showed on her face.

"If I killed your amazons, banished you, then those connections she has cultivated would break her." Freya's teeth shown for a moment. "Elsewise I would have stamped you out the moment I learned of your debauchery."

Ishtar's eyes widened, not quite able to hide her surprise at the revelation.

"So now I'm at an impasse… but that doesn't mean I'll allow you to act freely." The silver haired goddess looked at Ishtar like she was a bug that should be stamped.

Ishtar though had a question, and reassured that she truly wasn't facing banishment she asked. "Why us? Why was that friendly bunny so quick to bond to a bunch of Amazons?"

And for the first time in their immortal lives, Ishtar saw her icy counterpart frown. "She is seeking something that my Familia is unable to provide."

Ishtar's face doesn't quite split into a wicked grin. "Oh? And what is the 'glorious' Freya Familia unable to give one of their most favored members?"

"A family." Was the simple answer.

"Family?" Ishtar turns her head as if unsure of what she'd heard.

"While I don't advertise it, it's fairly well known how my Familia members compete. Against each other as much as they do our many rivals." Freya sipped her tea and stared at Ishtar, the reference clear. "Despite my efforts, many of my children see each other as rivals first, family second. This competition exists in their efforts to obtain power, but also in obtaining my favor… Belle possesses both, and so has collected more than her fair share of disdain from those whom should be her allies." Freya's lips twisted slightly, the emotion displayed far greater than it appeared. "Despite her best efforts to obtain a large and loving family, my Familia refuse to reciprocate."

Even Ishtar felt her brows furrowing, upset that the pure Belle would be snubbed in such a way. But she was also able to connect the rest of the dots. "So now that she has the chance for one with us, she's clinging to my girls." She mulled over how that might help her situation, but kept thinking of the girl's feelings. "You don't normally see that kind of behavior… unless they're already traumatized in some way."

Freya gave the most minute of nods. "The poor girl was an orphan before she came to Orario, her trauma was there, and deep. I worked hard to prevent any permanent harm from coming to her…" She led off, glaring at Ishtar. "So what kind of recompense do you think could possibly make this up to me?" Freya's violet eyes flashed.

Ishtar contemplated what few cards she had. She couldn't stand before Freya's might, and while she'd gotten over her centuries of hate, she had pride enough to refuse subservience over death. Honestly she owed Belle a lot, having a clear head about the situation made a remarkable difference. For millennia she'd thought this sort of meeting would only be a front for violence and destruction. She sipped her tea in silent wonder at no longer being consumed by her own envy. For once she could act like a goddess herself, Freya's equal in divinity and dignity, if not power.

"What about peace?" Freya's head twitched slightly. It was the equivalent to as if she'd been slapped. Ishtar never thought she'd say the words, but they came with surprising ease as she placed the cup down and gestured with open palms. "Instead of trying to take each other's head, we bury the hatchet at last."

"Do you think you're in any kind of position to negotiate from?" Came Freya's ice reply.

"More so than you want to admit." Ishtar said, controlling her expression as best she could down to just a small smirk. "I'll be blunt. Recently I've come to grips with the, admittedly, heated emotions I've had for you. But I still don't like you. You're far too stuck up and arrogant for my tastes."

"And you're not?" Freya's tone was more than a little mocking, but Isthar actually shrugged.

"I wouldn't be a goddess of beauty otherwise. Regardless, I can't overthrow you, but you can't lay a hand on me and my girls. So what if, instead, I offer you a way to get what you want?"

Freya gave her a stony, emotionless stare for several moments. Then-there! A twitch of one of her fingers. Agitation! Ishtar's smirk grew.

"I've watched you for a long time and I'm confident you don't know the working I've done on Belle. The one I've been using to thoroughly enjoy your child. The one she agreed to…" Alright, she might not have the same bitter hatred, but that had still felt far too good to say. "No doubt you thought it something beneath your use while in the heavens, but now, here on the mortal plane the limits imposed on us, I'm sure you're regretting it. After all, you don't want to make a mistake that gets you in trouble and sent back."

Freya's finger tapped once more before she took her hand off the table. "I'll find a way." She said simply, not looking anywhere near Ishtar.

The dark skinned goddess of beauty took this as the victory it was. Ishtar's smile was smug satisfaction itself. "I can show you what the spell is, and how to undo it. Or perhaps to… add to it."

Freya's eyes flashed to the other goddess as she glimpses what the deviant deity has in mind. The silver haired goddess turns to give Freya her full undivided attention for the first time in the meeting.

"Don't think I'll allow you to set every stipulation… but I'm listening."

The two goddesses of beauty begin their debate over the fate of a white rabbit hanging in the balance.


Bell sits on the edge of a now quite familiar bed inside Ishtar's palace. Its her home away from home at this point and Aisha, captain of the Bebera and right hand of the goddess Ishtar consoles her.

The bunny had come back to the amazons in fretful tears, and for once the ladies had thought about more than just their cocks as they rushed to console her. Well, a few still just wanted to fuck her, but cooler heads prevailed.

"What happened?" Aisha had asked as Belle sobbed quietly into her chest. Belle finally looked up at her, her eyes even more red than usual as she sniffled and revealed that Freya knew. She knew everything.

The summons for Ishtar had happened shortly after. In another display of their goddess's calmer demeanor she had ordered Aisha to stay with Belle rather than bring her to the meeting. After all, it didn't matter who she brought, there would be no victory if it came to violence.

Now Aisha held Belle while a number of her sisters took turns sitting on the other side of her, throwing in their own goodwill towards the bunny, and seeking a bit of comfort of their own. They didn't say the last, though Belle picked up on it. They were one and all nervous, if not terrified about the wrath that Freya would bring down on them after learning of the plan sooner. The plan to raise up a new more powerful generation of Amazons with Belle Cranel as the magically empowered brood mother.

Now they waited for the goddesses to finish their meeting.

But when Ishtar returns, it is with a calm solemnity, and surprisingly, no anger or fear. The goddess hugged the rabbit, pulled her in for a kiss with a bit more tongue than politeness would decree, but not enough to start them off on a late night of bunny banging. Then she bid the girl to go home, but that she would ask her to return the next day. The red eyes of their favorite bunny wide as she can only nod.

Making her way back home Belle's anxiety at facing Freya again is fruitless. Her goddess would not see her, let alone speak on the day's events. All she can do is think of the amazons, comforting her, holding and kissing her, loving her… Bending her over and sticking their- … The bunny truly missed her new family, but at least some memories could be used as much for distracting as comforting.

The next evening Belle did indeed return to the pleasure district. It felt strange, leaving the Freya Familia after the truth had been revealed. But none try to stop her. The pleasure district, a place once exciting and new, is now familiar and oddly comforting. Amazons always smiling for their favorite bunny, and Ishtar's palace is somehow more welcoming than Freya's, though she hated to admit it.

Aisha meets her at the entrance with a hug, a kind of nervous energy drifting from the Captain. "I'm so glad to see you, Belle. C'mon, we don't wanna keep M'lady waiting." Barely letting Belle get her own greeting in, she pulled her in deeper.

Soon they enter the grand bedroom, though slightly changed. The room seems somehow even larger, but perhaps that is just the sea of eyes looking at Belle the moment she enters

The entire Bebera is in residence, most of them lounging around the room. Before it had just been one large bed in the center, and while still there, it's now orbited by a dozen or so others. Amazons lay across them in legion, perhaps the entire 100 woman bebera are in the room. Each and every one looks with definite carnal interest as Belle enters. She can't remember ever having so many eyes gazing upon her lustfully at once, and the sensation has pinpricks running up and down her spine.

Aisha takes her hand and leads the way inside and towards the central bed where Ishtar waits.

The goddess of beauty rises up to her full height, towering over every other woman there and glowing with the inner light of divinity.

"Ish-Ishtar!" Belle says, looking at the goddess in her full power. It's true that she's immune to the goddess charm, but there's no magic needed to see the beauty of a giant golden skinned woman with perfect feminine proportions.

"Belle, I'm glad you've arrived. I know you're concerned with Freya, and I understand." Belle's entire body tensed at the words. "But fear not, our arrangement shall stand."

A small gasp left the petite girl as the weight of her nerves left. "You shall still be the mother of the next generation of amazons, this will be done." A small cheer came up from the surrounding women and Belle almost felt lifted up by the sensation of Bebera's joy.

"But-" Ishtar begins and Belle's back goes stiff. "After speaking with Freya, I have made a… 'modification' to the original contract."

Belle's face turns into a frown, but she can barely open her mouth before a set of dark arms embrace her from behind.

"Hello, Belle." Freya's powerful voice resonates through her and a shiver runs up and down Belle's body.

"F-Fr-My goddess! I-I-" Belle's attempts to speak are cut off by a strong breath over her ear.

"Shhhh, peace, little heroine." Belle's body, tense with anxiety, seemed to melt into her goddesses embrace. "I'll admit, I was upset you never came to me with your true desire, but it's alright, Belle." She loosens her grip and instead turns Belle to face her. Red eyes meet silver and Freya's black gloved fingers cradle Belle's cheeks. "I understand, and I forgive you. And I will support you and help you achieve your dreams."

Belle's eyes go wide, and then heat up as tears start to well. Her lips shudder and she tries to ask the goddess how when Freya leans down and kisses her.

The kiss is soft and sweet. At first anyway. Soon it grows more heated as the silver haired goddess of beauty leads Belle to the center bed.

Ishtar smirks and moves out of the way as her counterpart takes the center mattress of honor.

Freya pushes Belle down gently, and rides her to the bed before finally breaking the kiss so the girl can breathe.

"I made an arrangement with Ishtar, Belle." She smiles at the look of wonder on Belle's face, then begins to slowly work her way down the bunny's body as she speaks. "And a big part of it was that I get first crack at you this evening." Belle gasps at that and Freya lets out a rare laugh and starts to disrobe Belle.

Belle is immune to charms, but it doesn't go much past skin deep. Freya pulls at her clothes, and they begin to fall apart as the clothing gets more than an inch or so from the white haired minx. Pulling and disintegrating, Freya has Belle completely in the buff in moments. Then the goddess of beauty begins to taste her favored Heroine, one inch at a time.

Belle can only moan and squirm as her goddess kisses her way down her neck, fondling, then suckling at her modest breasts, and even finds her way to her stomach. The tattoo magically inscribed on Belle's womb receives several warm loving pecks before Freya descends even further and for all intents and purposes begins to consume the little hero.

"M-M'lady! F-Fuh-Freeeyaaaa!!" Belle's moans of pleasure quickly find a new octave as her goddess tongues her pussy like the deity's eternal life depended on it. Freya's hips and legs twitch and kick out as the petite girl cry's out in shock.

The bebera can only watch, intent and growing quickly restless as the once fear goddess goes down on their favorite bunny. In moments a dozen different amazon cocks are exposed and being stroked wildly. Ishtar stays focused on the scene, but even her long skirt is being lifted up by a massive godly erection.

But who can blame any of them, not only is the scene incredibly erotic, but both Ishtar and Freya are in attendance. Two goddesses of beauty who's wanton charms fill the room, and set ablaze the fires of lust in these amazon's hearts.

"Fuh-Freeyaaaa!" Belle cries out and her pale legs lift off the edges of the bed as Freya's eager tongue brings the little bunny to orgasm. Gasping for breath, Belle blinks rapidly as her goddess crawls on top of her.

Freya's pale lips glisten with the heroine's juices and she doesn't bother to wipe it off. Instead she smiles, and moves a bit higher till her barely covered breasts are hanging over the blushing bunnies face. "Well Belle? Might you return the favor for your goddess?" With barely a tug, possibly proving the long held theory that only magic kept her dress in place, the sides of it fell apart and the pale goddess of beauty's bountiful bosom fell onto Belle's face.

The heroine didn't hesitate for a moment to indulge in her goddess. Her mouth found a nipple even before her hands could rise up and grope the two wondrous globes.

"Mmmnnn…" Freya's slight moan carries a subtle sensuality that is impossible to deny. Different from Ishtar's which could almost be seen as 'loud' in comparison. It's a new sensation for the members of her Familia. Half a dozen members of the bebera lose control and cum with gasps and barely muffled moans. At least one amazon is given a surprise backshot.

Belle takes her time fondling and suckling at the goddess. She's almost like a newborn, adorable and loving, but still indulging in something so wonderfully carnal. When she lingers too long, Freya nudges her and Belle eagerly switches breasts, barely taking a gasp of air before latching on with impressive greed for her lady's breast. Chuckling slightly Freya nudges her again, there's more than just her bosom to enjoy after all.

The goddess withdraws and stands, pulling at Belle to sit up. The entire room seems to focus in even more now, eager for what comes next. Belle is confused, but has more than an inkling as her Goddess gestures and Belle pulls down the bottom of her enchanted dress.

Belle had an idea, and she was careful to stay back. It didn't matter. With a *thwap*! The bunny still managed to get smacked in the nose by Freya's absolutely massive bitch breaker of a cock. It should have been impossible to hide such a thing in the goddesses' incredibly revealing dress, but you couldn't really put impossible and divinity together, now could you.

Belle didn't care about that, she didn't even care about the way her nose was stinging slightly. She stared in wonder at the gloriously devine shaft of beautiful pale goddess cock awaiting her. It was enormous! Possibly even bigger than Ishtar's!

"As I said, tonight I get you first." Freya's voice rang with mirth as her cock throbbed, pulsing visibly and beginning to leak out thick precum.

"Oh-Oh my goddess!" Then Belle couldn't hold back, she leaned in, her tongue out. First lapping up the pre before it could be wasted, her tongue running up the underside of the goddesses shaft. Freya let a small gasp, her new appendage being used for the first time surprising her. But that gasp turned into a moan as the experienced bunny wrapped her fingers around the girthy shaft, easily fitting both her hands, and then her soft lips around the oversized tip.

Just the sight of her worshiping such a grand member was just too much for many amazons, and even more burst in that moment, sending their seed to the ground, the beds, or onto at least a few of their sisters. No one really cares, no one can look at anything but Belle Cranel slurping down on Freya's shaft.

Bell sucks the tip, then licks her way down then back up the member while her hands grow slick and stroke with surety. "Yes Belle, yessss…" Freya moans. "Show me what these lewd amazons have taught you, let your goddess know of your lov-ah!" Freya was interrupted as Belle, sucking intently upon her tip, gripped the Goddesses curvy hips and shoved herself onto the throbbing shaft. "O-Oh! Belle!" The girl is throating the mighty rod of a goddess, her eyes open but unseeing as she focuses entirely on taking it as deep as possible.

"HURK! GURK! GLUCK!" Belle's throat bulges with the obscene shape of Freya's dick and a dozen more amazon's lose it.

"Belle! That feel's-mmmng!" Freya herself cannot believe what the 'innocent' Belle is doing. But truly, the bunny is just getting started.

"GLAWK!GLAWK!GLAWK!GLAWK!GLAWK!" She starts to shove her face onto the cock, pulling and pushing at Freya's hips to slam the goddesses pale python into her again and again and again.

"Ah! Oh, Belle! Hnnng! That's it! Yessss my heroine-mmmn! You have… You have earned y-your rewaaaarrdd! Nnngaaaahh!" Even Freya's voice breaks as Belle gives her the throat technique now infamous among the amazons and the goddess cums directly down her throat while Belle takes one big breath through her nose before impaling herself on the goddess till the tip of her little nose is brushing against Freya's baby smooth pelvis.

The girl doesn't even have to swallow, the goddesses of beauty's load is deposited directly into the bunny's cute belly. "Guck… Guck… Guck…" But she tries anyway, and Freya moans, hunching over with her gloved fingers tangling in the girl's hair as the well practiced muscles of Belle's throat milk her divine meat. It's the first time Freya has orgasmed with the new member, and she's nearly bowled over by the glorious sensation… To say nothing of the way Belle just kept suckling at her sensitive member! Goodness, it was as if the adorable bunny was trying to suck out her divinity through her new futa cock!

Belle only pulls off as the heavenly fluid slows. Getting to taste the last of her goddess's cream as she pulls off with a pop, her cheeks full. Several amazons feverishly stroke as they stare at the adorable slut. Belle swallows audibly, her eyes bulging for a moment, and three separate amazons burst. Then Belle's mouth opens in a gasp for air. Her red eyes roll back while her tongue loll's out, displaying a completely empty mouth. Some fifteen amazons, a few of which who were carefully edging, lose control at the sight and fall back while orgasming uncontrollably.

Freya is honestly astounded. It was quite possibly one of the most erotic things the immortal goddess of beauty had ever seen and she doubted she'd need magic to keep herself erect.

Red eyes slowly come back to focus and a happy smile comes to Belle's face as she sees her goddess is still ready to go. "Oh, yay!" Belle leans in to give the sensitive tip of her goddess's prick a kiss. "I'm so glad you want even more, my goddess!" Then the outstandingly adorable, and impossibly sexy girl pushes herself back to sprawl onto the bed, legs spread and waiting.

Freya grips her throbbing cock and places it between the girl's legs. If the goddess of beauty is unsure about the new appendage she doesn't show it. Save for a slight pause with the cum and saliva covered tip pressed to Belle's slick lower lips.

"Please my goddess, put it in me!" But at Belle's clearly eager insistence she thrusts onward.

Belle gasps as her tight pussy is spread out. She wasn't sure, but now there's no doubt, Freya did indeed give her an even larger member. Belle would roll her eyes at the silly rivalry's of the gods, if it wasn't so pleasure to feel stretching her out. "Mnnng, oh YES my goddess, yesss!"

Freya answers with a deep moan while her member sinks in only slightly at first. The goddess intended to take her favored one slowly, gently, to savor the moment. Belle bites her lip and reaches up for her. Her hands pulling at Freya's shoulders and encouraging the goddess to go deeper. The mighty shaft pumps into her and Belle squeals, a cry of pure pleasure as her eyes roll and the first orgasm of the evening rolls through her.

Freya's eyes widen, then her stolid lips curl up into a pleased smile. "I see you're enjoying it my Belle. Good, a few more of those and you'll be ready to be properly bred." Belle's eyes widen at that, spinning in their sockets as her orgasm subsides while a wide smile spreads across her face.

"Yes… Please… Mmmore!" Comes Belle's fevered begging.

Not one to abandon the plea's of her favored, Freya drives in hard and deep. Belle screams out, a sound of pure pleasure and wraps her legs around the goddess gleefully. Freya is surprised, but pleasantly so, as she begins thrusting into the young girl, again and again.

"Oh my goddess, oh my goddess-Hnnng! Aaahh!" Belle shouts out another orgasm and the tattoo over her womb glows.

"Hnngn… Yes Belle… My favored… My heroine… My-Mmmnng… Mine!" Freya's violet eyes roll back and she orgasms. Cumming inside the tight womb of her beloved Belle in a moan louder than she'd have thought herself capable of producing.

Freya slowly removes herself. Stopping with her member halfway out to kiss Belle, their tongues tangling while the goddess feels herself recovering. A small moan comes from the divine being as she breaks the kiss and pulls away fully, her member at half mast as it comes free of Belle's quim with a wet squelch.

Belle looked up, her breath already back and a wide eyed hunger in her face. She wasn't tired, she wanted more! She needed it!

Ishtar was there, putting a hand on Freya's shoulder and taking her place with surprising gentleness. This was belied by the sight of the massive caramel cock sticking out from her pelvis.

Belle stares at the cock with open hunger, licking her wet lips. To her surprise, Ishtar bends over her to lay hands on her body. Her womb in particular. The tattoo is glowing, and Belle realizes she can see the pink glow reflecting off the goddesses bronze skin and jewelry.

"You're almost there Belle. Just a little more…" Belle frowns slightly, curious about what she meant exactly, but instead of an answer, she got what she truly desired, Ishtar's throbbing godly fuck meat.

Ishtar pushed her legs back and plowed into the bunny with abandon. Not bothering to go slow, she knew what Belle really wanted. Also she had no desire to go slow, she was almost as horny as her poor watching amazons.

"Aaiiieee!!" Belle screamed out, a shout so loud that Freya's brows rose with alarm. But one look at Belle revealed no pain or shock, just pure wanton joy. Freya can only stare in wonder, walking around the bed and witnessing her 'pure' Belle scream in pleasure at the rough handling.

"Oh goddess, yesssh, Ishtaaarrr! Mmmng, so good! So good, you're stirring up my cunny so guh-guh-Mmmmng!" Belle pushed her face into Ishtar's breasts to muffle her own scream as she came again.

Ishtar jackhammered the bunny who couldn't get enough. Her already tingling pussy, still sensitive from Freya, was spun up into a proper mess, the seed gushing into her magically infused womb stirred up into a messy cream pie before being sucked up by her enchanted cervix.

Ishtar grinned at the girl, then up to the watching Freya. Letting out a sharp laugh, Ishtar pushed Belle back, gripped the small girl, and flipped her. Belle squealed as the cock twisted in her pussy and she landed on her hands and knees. For a moment at least till Ishtar grabs her wrists and pulls them back tight.

Belle is lifted up, with a shout. Her modest breasts bouncing once at the rapid rise, then a gasp coming from her as she stares ahead into the violet eyes of her goddess. "F-Freya?-Unng!" A moan is torn out of her as Ishtar shoves in as deep as she can from behind. Belle's eyes roll, her breasts bounce, and her stomach bulges visibly from the fat goddess futa dick digging into her.

The smallest red tint comes to the goddesses pale cheeks and when Belle notices it she feels filled with shame. She looks away, even another cry is torn out of her from Ishtar. The dark skinned goddess thrusts into her again, and again, and again before she starts to really speed up. Belle struggles to look at anything but her goddess. Her face burns red with shame even as drool falls from her chin and pleasure burns through her. The sight of the bunny bouncing like a fuck toy, impaled on Ishtar's girth, brings several amazons to completion even as Freya smiles at the sight of her apparent shame.

She can only allow it so long though. Feya moves onto the bed, crawling towards Belle and finally putting a hand on her face. The goddess is solid as stone as Belle bounces on Ishtar's cock and their lips meet in a quick kiss.

"Be calmed, Belle. Do not feel ashamed for so much pleasure." Belle's eyes go wide as Freya pulls her into another even deeper kiss. The girl moaned into her mouth while her eyes rolled in pleasure.

"Hnnng, oh! That tightened the little bunny up!" Ishtar said with a groan of pleasure that turned into a laugh. She'd nearly came just from that! Ishtar laughed louder still and kicked up the pace into full speed.

The loud room echoed with the wet slaps of flesh on flesh and Belle broke the kiss, drool falling between her mouth and Freya's as she moaned and orgasmed again. This time Ishtar joined her, the dark goddess of beauty baring her teeth and locking her hips against Belle's bottom as she added her seed to Freya's.

Ishtar pulled out with a wet slurp and Belle collapsed to the bed. The bunny twisted, reeling as waves of pleasure continued to wash through her like nothing she'd felt before. It was like the goddesses seed had filled her like fuel and that final orgasm had lit a flame inside her very womb.

Delirious with pleasure it took a moment to register that hands were on her, moving her. Belle was rolled over, lifted up, and spread open. Freya and Ishtar were on either side of her, holding her legs open. Freya licked her ear and reached down to rub at her pussy. The goddesses fingers grew sticky with cum, though not nearly as much as there should have been. Belle's pussy soaked it all up…

"We're not done. The ritual has been modified to not only join Freya to you, but all the amazons!" Ishtar laughed with the words and gestured with a wide sweep of her arm toward the amazons, many of which were already standing and moving closer, filing in on Belle. "C'mon lady's, and this time I want every drop inside this sweet bunny cunny!" She looked down at Belle, and Freya moved her hand away, licking her fingers clean while Belle met Ishtar's red eyes. "All of it into our little heroine's wonderful womb."

The first amazon to step up surprises Belle, not the powerful Aisha but the Veridy. She rushes the last few feet, the hair normally draping over one eye pulling back to reveal both of her smokey eyes. But her normally sultry gaze is gone, replaced with a kind of desperate hunger. She nearly tackles the poor bunny down and drives her cock into Belle in one eager thrust.

Belle cries out, and Veridy gropes her breasts with rough hands. "Finally! Oh goddess YES! I needed this sooo badly…" The woman growls out the words while her hips begin to swing desperately. Her hips plowing into the smaller woman rapidly, her eyes frantic with charm fueled need. "Oh Belle! You're all I can think of, you're all I neeeeed-hnng! Take my seed! Bear my child! I-I-Aaahnnnn!!" She thrusts into Belle and falls over the girl, her long dark hair covering them both as she bites down on Belle's shoulder.

The bunny gasps, and despite the rough treatment moans and cums a moment later. Her pale legs sticking out wide and her toes curling. Veridy's hips pump a few final times, before she finally lets out a heaving breath.

She pushes herself up, breathing hard and looking down at Belle in surprise at her own ruthlessness. But to her surprise Belle reaches up and brushes her hair back behind her ear to yet again see both her dark eyes. "Don't worry… I'll have your child, Veridy. And then we can love them together." Veridy can only nod, her mascara starting to run with soft tears as strong but gentle hands pull her off.

A bubbly brunette takes her place. Lena smiles, though her eyes are a bit too wide. The same desperation is in her, but she has just a bit more self control. "Oh… A-and can I get… get a child too, pretty Belle?"

Belle smiles brightly. "Of course, you and every other amazon. Now come and give me yours." Lena's self control shatters and she nearly jumps onto the small girl, burying her fat cock in Belle's pussy, and muffling the bunny's moan with her fat tits as she shoves her hands down just over Belle's head and starts to swing her hips with wild abandon.

Belle nearly gets a black eye from her fat tits, but groping the big melons and sucking on them while Lena's throbbing member was incredibly fun. "Yes, suck on my big boooobie's Belle! Oh, oh yes, oh yes! Aahhh!" And it seemed they were quite sensitive as Lena lasted even less time than Veridy.

The amazon's came at her one by one, less a gangbang, and more a divinely inspired train of brown futa cock railroading into Belle's endlessly eager pussy.

Lil'Mei pummeled her with a feverish need that made Belle's entire body buzz. The pint sized amazon drooling all over her breasts as she bounced her hips like a wild animal.

A wave of amazon's Belle didn't know took her. Each one introducing themselves in turn. A pretty girl with Orangish red hair named Xiandra just stared at her with burning red cheeks till she came. A blue haired amazon flipped Belle onto her side, lifting one long slender leg up and wrapping her arms around it. She said her name was Brenna and she kissed and licked Belle's calf and ankle worshipfully as she pumped into her. And a glasses wearing amazon with two high dirty blonde pigtails must have claimed her love for Belle at least a hundred times as she relentlessly threw herself into the bunny. She breathlessly said her name was Keema just before pulling out.

The muscle bound Dierdre, partook in her favorite method of lifting Belle into the air before impaling the bunny on her cock. She shoved her tongue into Belle's mouth for the heroine to suck on before Dierdre exploded up into her like a geyser. Not willing to let the bunny go, but knowing the orders of her goddess, Deirdre held Belle up in place while her entire squad of dungeon raider's took their turns. Belle and Dierdre kissing the entire time.

Samira, second in command after Aisha took Belle from behind. Staring at Belle's asshole while fucking her, the tomboy had to satiate her anal fixation by shoving a couple finger's into Belle's backdoor while fucking the bunny's face into the bed.

This finally broke Aisha. The captain had planned to wait until the end, but seeing her best friend take a turn and enjoying it so much was just too much. No one tried to get in the captain's way as she stepped up for the next turn and she gently rolled Belle onto her back once more.

"Aisha…!" The still orgasmic Belle breathed her name as Aisha fell upon her. The Captain sunk herself into Belle to the hilt and captured the white haired girl's moan with a deep and loving kiss. The captain's normally impressive stamina wasn't nearly as noticeable after all the edging, but Belle didn't complain, only kissed her and promised her a strong healthy child.

Melly, a blonde haired amazon with the largest tits and quite possibly the longest cock in the bebera took her place and made sure to plant her seed extra deep. "I hope my child has breasts just as big as mine, Belle! No offense to your cute little titties!"

Belle nodded, her head loose as she smiled up. "I-I'm sure she'll-hnnng.. I'm sure she'll have… v-very large breasts Muh-Melly! Aaannn!"

One amazon after another, with Belle doing her very best to remember every name, everyone's face, and everyone throbbing hard cock. Some amazons lasted surprisingly long, these being the one's to already lose their control earlier, and having been put at the end of the line. This meant that as Belle approached the end of the marathon, the fuck sessions actually became longer.

Belle seemed to absorb their seed, their love, and at least a little of their stamina as she kept going, and managed to stay conscious through it all. But something strange started to happen, a pressure growing inside her. Truthfully, if it wasn't for the magic she was sure she'd have blown up like a balloon with all her beloved amazon's seed. But the pressure was more than that, even if it was focused directly on her womb.

The pressure, the constant orgasms, it finally began to wear on her as the final amazon's took their turns. Their seed pushing into her, and the pressure as they did so now undeniable. Belle's eyes flickered, her mouth quivering as the last amazon, a pretty girl with a brunette bob cut and well defined arms named Lorra finished inside her.

Belle lays back at last, just breathing before soft gloved hands pull her up and into someone's lap. Freya holds her close, resting her chin on Belle's shoulder and speaking softly into her ear. "We're almost done, my dear." Freya kisses Belle over her shoulder as someone else moves to sit in front of them. Ishtar.

"All that's left is to complete the seal." Ishtar speaks in a surprisingly calm voice, as if she was trying to reassure Belle. And Belle quickly realizes why as both goddesses lift her up into the air.

Belle looks between them at the swollen cocks of the two divinities. "Oh-oh my goddess…" Belle murmurs in nervous prayer and the two divine beings share a glance. She knows what they're going to do, and she honestly can't help but feel more than a little nervous.

Belle is lifted above them and Freya and Ishtar come together below her. The tips of their cocks touch, as if kissing. Then they both begin to bend upwards and slide off of each other till both tips were just below Belle's overused pussy.

"Oh my goddess… Oh my goddess… Oh my goddess…!" Belle quavers, the words a prayer as her nerves grew.

Freya incants a few words of a spell and golden lights shines around the two members as they push together, till both cocks are bound in what looks like golden twine. Wrapped around the two throbbing monster cocks and keeping them close together.

Belle feels the fat cocks pressing against her hole, then as she gasped it grew so much more intense. "Just relax little bunny, you were born for this." Ishtar whispers into her, the goddesses fingers strong on her spread thighs.

"Let me help you…" Freya puts her hands on her face and kisses her passionately, a tired moan drifting from Belle's throat a moment before Ishtar lowers the girl down onto the dual bitch breakers.

Belle's moan turns into a barely muffled scream and her red eyes go wide. The girl's body shakes and Freya grips her wrists to keep them from flailing while Ishtar lets gravity do the work of impaling the poor bunny on every last inch of double divine dick meat. Her pussy stretched out like nothing before till her very womb is invaded by pale and dark goddess cocks at the same time.

"Oh, by the heavens that is tight…" Ishtar growls.

"Belle… You're doing it… You're doing so well-mmmnng!" Freya speaks as the kiss breaks and Belle can only gasp and lean into her goddess. She goes limp as her body is completely filled, and Ishtar gives her about five seconds to adjust. Then the cruel goddess of beauty begins to use Belle like an adorable cock socket.

In moments Belle's mind starts to go numb. The two goddesses' powers combined seeming to affect even her as she's sandwiched between them while simultaneously feeling like she's going to be ripped apart.

Both of the goddesses moan and Freya's hands land right next to Ishtar's on her thighs as they work together to fuck the little adventurer's brains out. While she carries the seed of the bebera its known that god's can't conceive with mortals, but you wouldn't know it by the way the two goddesses use her womb. Seeming almost as desperate as any amazon to impregnate the bunny with their powerful seed. As if the centuries of inability to give way to such an instinct was being let out, they grow more and more forceful with her.

It's too much, far too much for any mortal. It should have killed her, instead the pleasure took her first. Belle fell into a continuous wave of exploding orgasms. Mind numbing pleasure as her insides were stretched and rearranged, and only the most ragged of gasping breaths could slip out past her drooling lips while her red eyes spun wildly in their sockets.

Somehow she realizes they've both risen to their feet on the bed and have her suspended between them! The golden thread holding their cocks together is gone as the two goddesses don't even bother finding a tempo. At times Ishtar slams up into her frantically while Freya takes long slow pumps. At others Freya shoves her tongue into Belle's mouth while urgently thrusting as Ishtar flexes her core in deep gradual thrusts.

Later on Belle would swear their members never left her, but somehow she gets turned around. She realizes that she's facing Ishtar and the dark skinned goddess painfully tweaks her nipples and sucks on her protruding tongue while Freya's strong gloved hands hold her thighs wide and continuously lift and drop the bunny onto her shaft.

Belle blinks as one orgasm tapers and realizes she's staring into the violet eyes of her goddess. Freya is breathing fast, licking her lips, and gazing into Belle's red eyes in a way no one has ever seen from the goddess before. Then Freya is leaning in to kiss her again and Belle moans into her umpteenth orgasm as the two goddesses approach their own.

Ishtar is first, but Freya is so close behind it's almost impossible to notice. The two goddesses each gasp, and their cocks swell up even larger inside the girl. Belle's mouth opens, a keening cry of shock as spittle bursts from her lips and her vision blurs. The bunny has no doubt in her mind, her two beautiful goddesses are going to split her in half.

Instead, they fill her with a truly inhuman amount of divine cum.

Both deities cry out as they unload their pent up needs into the girl. Thick cum that overloads Belle's womb and swells her already bulging belly out. For just a moment it looked as if something terrible might happen, when the tattoo over the pale girl's womb flared into light and her body began absorbing the cum in a way that should have been utterly impossible.

The pressure never let up for Belle. The seed exploding into her womb like a hurricane of godly seed was pulled into the seal on her belly, but the pressure stayed there. Somehow she could feel it, she knew exactly what was happening. The seed wasn't just being stored, it was taking action. Flooding her womb, and finding every egg the poor bunny had till her ovaries were filled well beyond their limit.

The magic flared, the light of her tattoo suddenly shined out through Belle's eyes and amazons gasped as they watched her become the greatest mother in history.

The light on her belly flared ever stronger, while her eyes closed and Belle passed out under the insurmountable pressure of her own ovum.

When she finally awoke, red eyes slowly blinking, Belle is pleased to not be alone. On her back, pillows under her head for comfort and under her legs to keep them elevated. Ishtar lays to her left and Freya to her right.

"Belle…?" Freya askes while Ishtar runs a hand down her body. Freya holds her face while Belle blinks.

"Freya? Is everything alright, my goddess?" Freya lets out a sigh of relief.

"Yes. Oh yes, everything is fine now." The goddess kissed her, soft and sweet, then pulled away while her own hand moved to run down Belle's body as well. The goddesses were inspecting her, examining her.

"Gave us a little scare." Ishtar murmurs and Belle looks at her with wide eyes. "We uh… well, there was a misunderstanding with the ritual."

Belle looked between them and got the very rare, perhaps unheard of sight, of two powerful goddesses both looking embarrassed.

"The ritual didn't work the first time because of Freya's blessing. So her joining in this time was meant to help get past that." Isthar explained, raising her hand for a moment to gesticulate, then placing it onto Belle's stomach.

"But while it didn't quite take effect the first time they performed it, it didn't completely fail." Freya added.

"What do you mean?" Belle asked. "What did and didn't work?"

"Well bunny," Said Ishtar with a bemused smirk. "We thought that all that tantric energy and, well, gallons of amazon cum, just kind of went to waste." She shook her head, chagrinned. "Nope, it was stored by the magic. Then Freya's got involved, and not only bypassed it, the bitch super charged it!" Ishtar snickered while Freya gave her a narrow eyed glare.

"What she means-" Freya said, ignoring the other goddess. "Is that the ritual was a resounding success." Belle's eyes grow very large, and Freya smiles at her. "You're going to be a mother." Then her eyes wander away. "Though… in a even larger sense than previously hoped."

"Huh?" Belle wants to celebrate but it seems that nothing's ever easy.

"Belle. I am an arbiter of souls, I have the innate ability to see the soul of every living being from the moment of its conception." She looked at Belle's stomach, then immediately away, actually flinching.

"And apparently your belly is so full of souls that it's like staring into the sun for our pale princess." Ishtar mocked. "Heh, maybe she'll get a tan out of it for once!"

Ishtar's laughter grew as Belle stared at her own stomach in surprise. It did look… just a little larger than normal.

"Belle…" Freya said softly, not trying to pull her attention away from her own stomach as she spoke to the girl. "You don't have a single unfertilized egg. You're going to have many, many children. Every member of the bebera, some maybe get several."

Belle's breath started to come faster and she put both her hands on her belly, with the goddesses fingers right next to hers. Then, she started sobbing.

A racking cry escaped her, and tears nearly burst from her eyes. "Belle!" "Belle?!"

Amazons appeared in her now blurry peripheral vision and she realizes that many members of the bebera are still there, waiting to see her awake. Concerned faces barely seen through her tears, but they all relax a bit as Belle's lips pull back into a wide smile.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna be a mommy!" More loud racking cries come from her, seemingly against her own will as the bunny laughs and cries with pure unfiltered joy shining out of her entire being.

The two goddesses embrace her. "You're gonna be an amazing momma." Says Ishtar.

"And soon too." Freya's words however leave yet more questions for the heroine, but she doesn't bother asking for an answer, not when she can't stop sobbing with happiness as more of her amazons come to share in the ever growing cuddle puddle. Because why shouldn't they join in, the ever selfless Belle was going to give each and every one of them a child.


The cooing of a child calmed as it latched onto Belle's breast. Born yesterday, it was the thirteenth of her children to be born. Less than three months had passed since the successful ritual and Belle had rapidly grown heavy with many children.

Blessfully, she only appeared a bit larger than your average mother of triplicates. Anything more and her petite frame might not be able to cope, even with the support of the divine.

Her breasts, swollen with milk, are quite busy. An adorable baby on one breast, and the bubbly Lena on the other.

"Ok Lena, you've had enough. Have to make sure I have milk for the next!" She chides the busty brunette amazon who pulls off her breast bashfully. Belle laughs and passes the suckling child away to its amazonian mother and Lena carefully takes it before falling into a deluge of cooing and baby talk while several other amazons guide her away or take her place.

They normally fearsome warrior women fuss over her almost endlessly, rubbing her belly and wondering aloud about who's baby will be born next. Belle knows there's a board somewhere in the palace where the amazon's are placing bets.

The goddesses warned about how fast the pregnancies would be. Hyper-pregnancy was the term Freya had landed on. Her belly swelling up to contain her magically fortified womb. Each fetus would seem to go from a kind of magically induced stasis to a stage of rapid growth before birth. The entire process taking two to three days at most, plus an additional day or two of rest for the mother.

During which Belle refused to actually sit around and relax and could still be found taking trips into the dungeon. Though accompanied by an elite force of amazons that did take some of the fun out of it. But they were just so sweet she couldn't be mad no matter how much they hovered.

On top of the improbable fast incubations another strange quirk had manifested. Through a strange blend of motherly instincts and magic, Belle was able to recognize the parent of each child. This had restricted most upset reactions or fights over claim, but it had left the rest rather impatient.

Belle's birthing suite was an expansive room with quite a view. Not just the open balcony providing airflow and sight of the great tower, but the dozen beautiful amazon's nursing their children. But sitting on that balcony, two goddesses sat with the greatest secrets in Orario.

Freya and Ishtar each held a child. The first two born from Belle's magically enchanted womb, moments apart, a pair of demi-god sons.

The impossible had been done. Both in giving birth to being once thought only myth, and finally, utterly ending any and all animosity between the two goddesses. Their newborns, brothers and destined to be great heroes in their own right. The goddesses would never wage war on eachother again, for the sake of their children, to say nothing of the girl who gave them such miracles.

The bebera had gladly sworn the vows of secrecy about the twins.

It was also a surprise that they had been born boys. They weren't the only ones either. It seemed Belle's children leaned towards females, but even a few amazonian bred boy's were quite a surprise. It was the defining trait of their race after all. But they wouldn't be cast out, the very notion unthinkable to Ishtar as she cradled her own son. All the children were welcome in Ishtar's palace, it was more than large enough to keep them safe and hidden.

The goddesses' new bond had confused many in Orario, most especially the Freya Familia. But there was no denying the new found happiness of their goddess. What was an ancient rivalry before the smiling face of their beautiful goddess?

Otherwise little was thought of Belle spending so much time in Ishtar's company. They were even thankful for it, the more time she spent with Ishtar, the less she spent with Freya in their minds. The silly rivalries would end eventually, but not just yet.

With the births the bebera had sworn off working in the brothel's. They wouldn't fault any other members of the Familia for their work, but as far as they were concerned it wasn't the kind of work for warriors and mothers like them. No, because they were all taken women.

That a hundred women(plus two goddesses) had all sworn loyalty to her had touched the hyper-pregnant bunny deeply. Some of the girls had worked so hard to spoil her, a few had even leveled up. Their sudden need to protect has spurred them to greater heights.

Aisha hugged Belle as several other amazons ran their hands over her body. It's amazing how much Belle has gotten used to just being felt up all the time. To be fair, only occasionally do they grope her ass or tits, often they're just feeling her tummy for kicks or even giving her light but comforting messages.

Belle rubs her stomach with one hand while the other hugs Aisha. The next child she's decided is Samira's. The mother is currently in the dungeon taking out her nerves on some poor monsters. She doesn't do well with the softer side of things, when her hands are on Belle she's one of the few who can be counted on to do some groping. If not a good slap on the bum.

Thoughts of the wayward parent wander as Aisha presses her lips to belles, then kiss her way along Belle's cheek to her ear. All at once several hands at once become a big frisky as more amazons catch onto the captain's mood. Apparently a few of the amazons have recently discovered something of a pregnancy kink, Aisha being a big fan of Belle and her big belly.

"Hey pretty bunny, you wanna join a few of us in another room?" Aisha's voice is husky in her ear. "Maybe somewhere without any little ones watching?"

Despite everything she's done, the heavily pregnant bunny still blushes as she nods. Aisha gives her a wide grin and without a word the hands around her grow firm and lift Belle into the air. Belle's carried by her amazon's into a side room where a nice comfy bed awaits.

'Things have been so much crazier than I ever could have imagined, but I can't imagine it any better. I've got my family, and all the love in the world!' Belle has to blink to hold back a few small happy tears. It helps when one amazon kisses her cheek, then hands start to carefully strip her naked.

"God you're sexy…" Aisha growls at the sight of the hyper-pregnant Belle.

"Oh, you're just saying that." Belle waves her hand away while giggling and Aisha lets out a bark of laughter.

"The hell I am." Then the captain of the amazons is shoving aside her bottoms to reveal the fat throbbing futa cock waiting there.

Hearts seem to appear in Belle's eyes as she looks up at the pulsating shaft and she places a pale hand on her flushed cheeks while biting her lower lip. "Oh, myyyy…"

Aisha feeds the bunny a tasty carrot, and for once it's Belle suckling on someone else instead of one of her babies. But before she can finish the captain is out and gently pushing Belle onto her back. Pale legs spread under a swollen belly. "Mmmmng, put it in me, please!" Belle begs, and Aisha is eager to acquiesce.

Hands on the girl's Belly, Aisha pushes into her. Unable to drop down and kiss the heavily pregnant Belle, the other amazons see their opening.

Two women drop down and start sucking on Belle's breasts, and the thirsty Belle asks for another "Carrot" for herself. She received it in short term. Stiff amazon cocks surround her face and Belle giggles in delight before sucking and stroking with the best of them. Aisha watches her beloved work off her sisters and cums moments before one amazon fills Belle's mouth and another sprays across the left side of her face.

Aisha moves back and another amazon eagerly takes her place, and Belle's belly starts to bounce again.

Some eight or nine loads in her holes or all over her face later and a voice is cleared heavily.

Belle wipes cum out of her left eye and looks up with red cheeks.

"I hope I didn't miss the birth, did I?" Samira askes from the door, hands on her hips and a stern expression on her face.

Belle's own face blossoms in a wide smile. "Nope. You're not a mommy just yet, sorry!" Belle giggled, then winked at the amazon and rubbed her swollen cum stained belly. "But you can join me while we wait for it to happen."

Samira's stern expression broke into a smile of her own as she walked into the room and started stripping. "Oh you better believe it. I need to burn off some stress!"

Belle laughed, then looked at the girls nearest her. She held out her hands and the amazons were quick to help her stand up. Aisha was one of them, and she knew what Aisha would want nearly as well as Belle did.

The pretty bunny spun in place, then with her amazonian support structure, bent over. Her pretty bum, hips noticeably wider than they were just a few months ago, was pointed right at the incoming Samira.

The ass fanatic took in the sight and nearly ran to shove her cock into the bunny's bottom. Belle moaned, then reached back. Samira had her hands on Belle's hips and the small girl took one and pulled it further around. "Come meet the baby-Hnnng!"

Samira doubled over Belle's ass and wrapped both arms around the small girl to rub and caress her full stomach. Her hips still going, smacking into Belle's ass with loud claps and causing her belly to jiggle and her heavy breasts to swing.

"Hnnng-good goddesses that's sexy…" Aisha moaned at the sight and Belle looked at the amazon holding her hand, only to realize Aisha was rock hard yet again.

"Mmmm, carrot…"

"Huh-Woah!" Aisha was pulled closer and glad to give in as Belle slurped on her cock in a lewd double ended penetration by the two top amazons. More seem to arrive as well, with Lena the fat cocked bimbo and Veridy and her velvet gloves ready to get a handle on Belle's new hips.

Surrounded by love in more ways than one Belle moans as she cums anally and feels Samira fill her bottom up with spunk before Aisha's tasty love gushes onto her tongue.

Belle feels the two ladies retreat as more take their places, the positions changing, and more tasty cocks filling her up. A little gagging, a lot of pussy stretching, and even more loud orgasms. Belle's world is nothing but amazon's using her and filling her with pleasure in every lewd wonderful way, when they're not sucking the milk out of her or snowballing their sister's cum in her mouth.

Some time later, and the perfect time at that, Belle feels a now very familiar pressure. The timing is perfect since she finds herself reclining back on Samira's cock. Taking it up the ass while the amazon helps to keep her steady while Lil'Mei squeezes under her belly to pump up into her pussy.

"Oh my goddess!" She shouts. "Oh my goddess!!" louder that time, catching the definite attention of several amazons who know that tone.

"AAah yeah, I'm cummminnnnn!" Lil'Mei shouts, completely unaware. "Oooh yeah! Take that load Belle, you sexy bunny slu-woah!" Suddenly one of her sister's has yanked the clueless little amazon out of the way while Belle leans back more forcefully into Samira.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh my gaaawwwddessssssss!!!" Belle screams while amazon's move in to take her hands, while several others try to shout over her.

For the first time in her life, Samira is more than happy to delay her own orgasm as together with her sisters they lift the bunny up and get her back to her birthing suite.

A frenzy of activity takes place with amazons running around wildly, trying to clean the post orgy Belle and see to any and all needs. The goddesses arrived in the middle of the tumult, but by this point the bebera's experience has kicked in and the divinities stay to the side and take in the miracle of life.

"It's crowning!" "I can see the head!" "Breath Belle!" "Push Belle!" "Belle you're amazing! Oh my god I love you!!!"

And suddenly Belle's family grows just a little bit larger.