
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

Chapter 3

It was now morning, Bell and Shalltear were in the dungeon, on the 3rd floor in a passage separated from the rest of the people.

"Eh… How are we gonna train in the dungeon?"

"Bell, wait here and I am gonna tame a monster so you can fight him"

"Wha...? We are not just gonna kill the monsters in the dungeon?"

"You are not gonna just gonna kill monsters but actually learn about them. You are gonna learn the patterns of different types of monsters and how they telegraph attacks and then can extrapolate it to other enemies of the same class later on"

"Huh... ?"

"Look, just wait here and if a monster comes and attacks you you can kill it meanwhile"

Then Shalltear just moved out of the passage and started looking for monsters… She quickly found a Kobold.

You will do!

The Kobold detected Shalltear and it started to roar. But Shalltear quickly moved behind him, pinned it down, chomped, and started to drain its blood. It tried to resist but after a few seconds, it was limp like a corpse.

Then, it started to change, its skin became more white and its eyes red. Abnormally sharp canines gleamed within its half-open mouth. It now possessed a false life, which it showed as it stirred into stiff activity.

"Master~" it said with an expression like a child expressing his love to his mother and wagging its tail happily.

Shit! That is not a Lesser Vampire, that is a Vampire, the normal version, which is not mummified.

"Follow me, don't talk unless I order you to"

Well.. this will make things easier to pass them as an enhanced species of Kobold

Now she went back to Bell, and he looked cautious of the surroundings and a dead goblin lay at his feet. He looked to Shalltear and to the Vampire Kobold.

"Wha...? What is that? It looks like a Kobold but it's white!"

"Calm down, it is Kobold I tamed, I have a tamer skill that makes them an enhanced species. You are gonna fight him for a while"

I know that you don't know anything about taming… so there is no way you can disprove it

"...So, I kill it?"

"No, you are gonna evade its attacks, defend, counterattack, and learn everything it can do. Kobold! Attack him but don't kill him"

Then it moved to attack Bell, the Kobold jumped and tried to bite him while landing. Bell evaded to the left and slashed out with his knife making a cut in the Kobold.

The Kobold started using its claws, slashing at him, Bell evaded again, then positioned to lunge forward and attacked the Kobold with his knife, doing a deep cut in its side.

Then the Kobold roared, clasped his hands up and it went down with all its strength. Bell took a stance with his knife vertical at the height of his head, with his left-hand open and holding the knife from the opposite side of the blade in the lower part, his legs slightly flexed.


He blocked the strike of the Kobold with everything he had, looking very cool.

What the…?

"Stop! Stop the fight! Kobold, get away from him. What was that? Why the hell did you do that?!"

"Eh?! Th-That is the technique that Gramps told me to use to block with a knife"

"No, not that! Bell, you are a fighter based on speed not on strength, you just stood there and tanked the full force of the hit instead of redirecting it to the side or blocking it from an angle to not take the full force"

"...I can do that?!" he screamed with his eyes wide open

"Yes, yes you can do that. Bell, the monsters in the dungeon are always gonna have more strength than you, since you fight with a knife and are a fighter based on speed, you shouldn't put yourself in positions where it is a contest of strength but speed instead"

"...not put me in a contest of strength"

"Bell, you are a melee fighter, you should redirect the enemy's attack to get closer and attack their weak points, since the monsters are gonna be stronger than you, use their force against them."

"Use their force… against them?"

"Bell, you do know the common weak points of most living beings?"

"Their magic stones? Monsters disappear when you destroy them"

"I said for most living beings… their hearts is one, but you have the genitals, neck, ears, mouth, and nose, among others"


"Now go after the Kobold, attack him with everything you have to kill him"

The Kobold looked at Shalltear like saying 'Wait what?'. Bell sprung into action after the Kobold.


Bell Cranel still had a lot to learn…


It was now near the afternoon, a tired Bell accompanied Shalltear to the area around Hestia's church.

"Are you sure you don't want to split the rewards for the magic stones?"

"It is fine, I will keep the drops, you can keep the magic stones"

So I don't need to show my face at the Guild and they recognize that I am not registered


"I said it is fine, just go to your home to rest and maybe go dungeon exploring later. I will wait for Ais around here"


Now… my plan to fix the mess I did has failed… I should just cut my losses… but I am actually curious about something…

She extended her hands forward with the palms up looking at herself. She looked to her own hands and was fixated on them.

I want to try that with Ais and see what happens.


After a while, Bell left his home to go to the dungeon, and then Ais came in her usual armor.

"Shalltear" she said in a slow voice

"Hello~" Shalltear said and smiled like a little girl bent on mischief

"...Training" said Ais while putting her weapon away again.

"You know Ais, you are a known figure around Orario and they said that you can use wind magic right? Yesterday you were limited, but you can use it for training if you want"

"...No magic on training …unfair to opponent …too strong for a duel"

"It's fine, I can take it"

"…Are you… sure?"

"Yes, I am sure~ Now come!" and Shalltear took a stance with her parasol.

"Awaken, Tempest" The trigger spell flowed from her lips. Air currents enveloped her scabbard used as a sword and body in the blink of an eye. And in an instant, she wasn't there anymore but it was in front of Shalltear.

But it was still too slow for Shalltear, she parried the attack easily. But Ais was keeping the pressure with more attacks, one after the other without holding back anything.

The wind roared through the battlefield and in the middle of that roar Shalltear was evading the strikes like a fairy dancing in the wind.

So This is your real level of strength…


A few hours later, Ais was panting a little after all the fighting…

"Let's take a break~ You did better today"

"... Still not… strong enough…"

"If you want then we can change roles next. I will be attacking and you defending"

And then I can knock you out and try using my blood



After a short break, Ais and Shalltear were again up and ready to fight, both in a fighting instance.

"Are you ready~?" Shalltear licked her lips. Her red eyes had a crimson light flash in them.


Then Shalltear kicked the ground and got closer to Ais in an instant lunging forward with her parasol at a speed that was faster than Ais but not by too much. Ais struggled but could parry the strike to her left side and down using her scabbard with both hands and slightly twisting her torso to redirect the force coming after her.


And that is what Shalltear was aiming for, now with her left shoulder down and torso twisted to the left, she simply threw a knockout punch to Ais' jaw adjusting her force, and her jaw snapped to the side, causing the brain to hit the side of the skull, triggering a blackout.


Ais simply fell down

Well… all that should be enough acting to be convincing how I knocked her out 'by accident' in the fight…

Now I just need to move Ais…

She moved Ais' body and put her over a fallen wall in the ruins. She put her looking down, she moved Ais's golden hair to reveal her precious bareback.

You really shouldn't let your familia members have their back in the air Loki~

Shalltear smiled lustily looking at Ais' back, her crimson pupils stirred in anticipation.

Now… I remember that Loki locked Ais' status in the novel by placing her finger just below Aiz's neck as soon as the first few drops of blood came out. Then she traced a series of movements on the girl's back with a steady hand, almost as if she were writing her signature. Her blood flowed out, forming straight lines and intricate patterns. The key would have been turned, and the status would then appear.

But, I want to check if this gets a reaction without unlocking it…

Got it! The safest option is to not do any extra movement with my finger then.

Shalltear extended her right index finger and used her left hand to make a small cut on it, then the cut closed immediately by her regeneration.

*clicking tongue in displeasure*

Fine! I need a bigger cut

Then she repeated the process by putting her right palm up, looking at her, and cutting her palm from side to side with a swift movement of her left hand.

A bigger cut appeared and some drops of blood flowed down her stretched right index finger, then she placed her finger just below Aiz's neck. The blood made contact with Ais' skin and rippled with a black light, creating a wave of darkness that expanded from Ais' back with no other apparent reaction. But that's all the confirmation that Shalltear needed.


She tried to contain her laughter and place her left hand over her mouth and act like a lady but the euphoria quickly overflowed her and formed a maniacal grin on her face.


True Vampires, also called the race of 'The One', was a race in Ygdrassil only attainable by using the Blood Soul item as stated by Overlord's author, an item attainable as drop by killing a particular Ygdrassil event boss. This boss was of course of the same race, after all, he was 'The One'. He was a deity that was the patron of vampires and blood, so it was only natural that his own soul and blood were tied together. Shalltear was made from the beginning with this item in mind, she was made as a priestess and divine magic caster that revered him and had a strong connection to him: The One, the ultimate Vampire, the god of the first bloodline, the first of the blood, the Divine Ancestor Cainabel. So while not a goddess herself, Cainabel's blood was running through Shalltear's veins and was a very important part of her.

As for the reaction in Ais' back, it was only natural, after all in Danmachi the gods' blood is the main requirement and one of the most important parts of the Falna as written by Danmachi's author. The gods' blood was used to write hieroglyphs to unlock the limitless possibilities of their mortal followers. In other words, a person's abilities rise when a god's blood is used to write hieroglyphs on their body through the blessing called Falna. The gods' blood was used to give, dissolve, update, lock, unlock, and even convert a Falna from another god. There are even items made from a god's blood that didn't require to be used by a god like the Unlocking Serum / Status Thief and Renewal Serum / Status Snitch.

"This!… This opens a lot of things!"

Now… I need to calm down

I want to experiment more with this before Ais wakes up…

For starters what is the quickest, most elegant, and cleanest way that I can generate blood to use for this?

Ahhhh! There is so much more to explore!

Like the light generated by interacting with the Falna is red for Loki and Asfi said that Hermes' was a different color from red but didn't specify which color...

And mine—no, Cainabel's is black as the night…


I know that the process of updating a Status differs for each goddess…

Loki focuses more on the hieroglyphs, Hestia's in the excelia, and Demeter's is automatic and instant…

What is gonna happen if I try to give a Falna to somebody?


So much more to test!!


The hours passed by, and eventually, Ais woke up and they continued their training. Now it was evening. Shalltear was walking around the streets of Orario at a fast pace with a frown on her face.

Come on!

It shouldn't be this hard to find a store open!

I just want to sell and buy some things!

Why are all stores already closed down or closing down and don't want to sell?


I just need a general store open…

Where do I get an open store at this hour?

Wait… Actually, I do know a trustworthy general store that opens until very late since a certain gnome is a workaholic that works until he collapses…

The one that Lili goes to!

The Gnome Trader!

She quickly changed her direction to the Main Street Plaza, then went through NorthWest Main Street until she could see The Guild, and then changed direction to the wide street going north to almost the wall surrounding Orario, then she changed direction to the backstreets to the right.

The overall atmosphere back here was completely different from the big shops and the bright colors of Main Street. Looking up, Shalltear saw only a long strip of the sky visible between long brick houses. The bottoms of the clouds were dyed orange by the evening sun's weak light. The day was ending. A group of cats gathered around a shabby garbage dump, their golden eyes all pointing her way.


They all scattered at her approach.




The echoes of small feet bounced down the alleyway.

Shalltear ran at a moderate speed through streets even more complex than the Dungeon itself. After turning many corners, she found the looked-for building, the Gnome Trader.

An ancient small store in a building made of red bricks, with a wooden door and two glass windows protected by a wooded grid. The yellow light of a lamp expands from the inside. In the right window swords and shields were on display. In the left window, many highly decorated antiques were on display.

Shalltear straightened herself, and was going to enter inside when she remembered….


I need to prepare and not make the same mistake as the first time.

Then she checked both sides of the street and opened her inventory to get an empty pouch and started to fill it with the drops of the deepest monsters she had encountered first, then the ones that she got later.

Now, with the pouch in hand, she opened the door of the Gnome Trader. Inside she saw a wooden counter that had a yellow lamp over it, a sand clock, and some jars containing small animals, ingredients, and drops from the dungeon preserved in a liquid solution. In the wall at the back of the shop, there were shelves filled with books, pouches, more preserving jars, highly-decorated plates, and even a skull of a big animal. To the right of the shop, there were more shelves.

Behind the counter, over a stool, was Bom Cornwall, the owner of the store, an old male

gnome with white hair and brown eyes wearing old gray-blue clothing and a red pointed hat.

Gnomes are a race of fairies that live alongside the people. They may look like little old men and women, but their knowledge about jewels and valuable materials has made them a valuable part of Orario's society.

Without the abilities they possessed in the Ancient Times, gnomes had fallen to the bottom ranks of the fairies, but he was still a member of a race that was considered closest to the gods themselves.

Blessings from the gods and goddesses have made fairies less appreciated compared to the Old Age. However, their mysterious nature still captivates humans and demi-humans alike.

Bom Cornwall, a workaholic gnome that prefers to live in a city instead of in nature and has great appraisal skills. Has a long relationship with Lili and buys her stolen items even knowing that they are stolen. He manages Lili's money and gnome jewels investment in the gnome rental storage unit in Orario's eastern ward. He was the one that had hidden Lili from Soma when they were after her and let her live with him. After Hestia acquired her mansion, Lili still went in the mornings and nights to check on him.

Bom Cornwall, the most trustworthy gnome in all Orario…

"Hello~ Is this the store of Mr. Bom Cornwall~?"

"Ooh? Yes, that is me. A new face around here… Evening'"

"Good evening Mr. Cornwall~ I have come to this store as a recommendation of a male Pallum"

Lili should be disguised as a male when coming to Bom's store at this point in time…

This should work to set the tone of the conversations, business I want to do and so he doesn't try to pry too much on me…

"A recommendation? This geezer's not worthy of such a thing"

"My my~! Don't say that, I heard that you are good at evaluating items and giving a fair price for them. I came to sell some monster drops and also to buy a few things"


After an hour, Shalltear exited the store with a small adventurer backpack in her left hand containing valis and several things she had bought like some rags, some ink, some paper, two wall clocks, bed sheets, and some magic stone lamps, among other things.

Now.. to decorate my base!

She went into the backstreets and checked that nobody was around.


Now she was on the top of the tree in Rivira. She looked around and found the trap door inside, went down the stairs, and started to look around. While it was dark without any lamp yet, she could see that the house was unfinished but was advancing.


The undead summons expires after a time if not summoned using a corpse…

Well.. not like I need permanent ones yet…


After re-summoning them and ordering them to finish and expand the house she went into the dungeon and started to experiment. She was now on the 9th floor, moss covered the brown-colored walls and the ground below became a short grass plain. The strong light from the phosphorescence above was similar to light from the sun.

Several Killer Ants converted to vampires were around her, their skin is now white instead of red and their eyes shining with a crimson light.

So if I use Greater Lethal and then Animate Dead I can create Zombies that look exactly as when they were alive since I kill them with no external injuries, they move slowly and stiffly, but have more strength and durability than the original…

In that state, they are not attacked by members of the same race if it is a race that works on groups like Imps, Orcs, and Ants, but lose all racial abilities like attracting more ants with pheromones…

And I can make them mummified Lesser Vampires with my Blood Pool ability, but since they are mummified and look very different they are attacked by all monsters…

Except for the ants… is that because as insects they rely more on other senses than sight and don't notice the difference?

Anyway, since the ones I have right now were converted directly from Killer Ants to normal Vampire instead of going through Zombies to Lesser Vampires, they should have the ability to attract more ants.

This is something I can use to gain partial control in the upper levels of the dungeon since they have the ability to attract more ants to their location.

I can order them around and use that ability to swarm adventurers, scare them, block sections of the dungeon, etc, a lot of possibilities…

With this I can have control over floors 7th to 9th—No, it will not be weird for a monster to slip into another adjacent floor, so it will be more from 6th to 10th then…

"I order you! Explore the floor below and three floors over this one to memorize their layout, if you are attacked by monsters you can kill them and eat the magic stones but carry all drops to nests in the dungeon. Create them in different locations, and try to avoid and keep adventurers away from them. Make the first nest near this location. If you encounter monsters that don't attack you or carry weapons or armor, avoid them if you can. Act friendly if not attacked."

This is the first step to start gaining control over the dungeon…

Though the middle floors from the 13th to the 17th are gonna be more complicated, perhaps I can convert a group of Almiraj to vampires… they already have white fur and red eyes, and the changes are not gonna be noticed by anybody.

Still, they don't have the ability to control other monsters like the ants, so what they can do is limited…

And on the 18th floor is my base…

Past that we are in Xenos territory since we are very close to their Hidden Village on the 20th floor…

The Xenos, Ouranos' personal forces in the dungeon. I am gonna need to infiltrate them…

But first! Almirajs!

Shalltear suddenly stopped in her tracks with a thoughtful expression.



Wait…before even all that… I almost forgot one of the most important parts of the ecosystem inside the dungeon…


She arrived on the 7th floor and started to move quickly with focus and determination towards the southern corner of the floor. Doing one heck of a detour she keeps going for a very long and thin corridor, which will normally take an hour for a normal adventurer to go through.


"Perfect Unknowable"

She continued walking deep into the dungeon, then, the pale green walls, the lights in the ceiling, the path under her feet— everything was starting to get uneven. The farther she walked, the less the surroundings look like the Dungeon most adventurers know. It almost feels like you're lost in the belly of a cave.

Suddenly, the luminescent spots on the ceiling start to go dim and a shroud of darkness descends around her. There's a soft greenish glow coming from around the rocky corner ahead, coming from further deep inside. She follows the glow through a few more turns in the cave, only the sound of her footsteps in the air. The source of the glow is waiting for her at the end of the

path. No monsters are around and no other noises could be heard…. it was calm… too calm for the dungeon…

When she emerged from the rocky path, there was a very, very big area. You will never see a space this big in the Dungeon until much deeper, until the levels farther down.

Her eyes instantly lock onto a towering pillar of quartz in the back of the room. The massive column of powdery green rock stretches from the floor all the way up to the ceiling. The whole thing is jutting out of the back wall. But the surface isn't smooth, bits and pieces stick out like tree bark. This whole thing might as well be a tree made of quartz. The entire structure is emanating a green light. This is where that green glow was coming from…

There they are, the monsters…

A clear white sap drips out from between the breaks in the rock, enough to make a large pool at the base of the "tree". She can see Killer Ants and very rare Purple Moths dotting the surface of the tree and a Needle Rabbit dipping its tongue into the pool. They're all drinking the sap.

So this is a Pantry...a place where the Dungeon stores food for the monsters to eat.

Monsters born from the dungeon walls are alive, so it makes sense they would get hungry. While they can feast on stray adventurers or other monsters, it looks like most of them get their subsistence from their "mother," the Dungeon itself. This wide area is a source of nutrients for the monsters. And there are two or three pantries on every floor of the Dungeon except for the first two.

Now you may ask yourself why adventurers completely ignored this really good hunting

spot, especially since very rare monsters show here? Well… this place is too far out of the main path. In fact, every single dungeon pantry is so far removed from the usual route that it will take hours to get to one of them. Even if you manage to find one—and are strong enough to survive fighting everything in here at once—it's more efficient to collect the magic stones that are worth more from monsters farther down. But the most important reason is that if you make even one mistake, the danger of being overwhelmed by sheer numbers is very real. These are the reasons why most adventurers try to avoid turning these places into their battlefields.

Taking another look around the room, there are many entrances to the pantry. Even now, monsters are streaming in from ten—no, twelve other places.

If you close one of the entrances, the monsters are gonna move through the paths to use another entrance, and if you close all entrances to a pantry, they will go to another pantry on the floor causing a mass migration of monsters.

But… if you close all the pantries on the floor… the monsters are gonna go to the adjacent floors.

Ultimately, if you can control the pantries, you can indirectly control the movement of the monsters on the floor.

If I really want to control the dungeon, I need to find, control, and use the pantries, starting with this one…


The next morning, in the dungeon, Shalltear was with a knocked-out Bell after doing training for a few hours. Shalltear had made the monster knock him out and ordered it to guard the location and intercept intruders. She was sitting down and put Bell looking down over her legs, a few pieces of paper and ink lay around them.

Now then…

Since I now know that my blood has a reaction with the Status and Falna, I want to learn the god's hieroglyphs.

In that case, the first step should be looking at the name of the person and the name of Basic Abilities: Strength, Defense, Utility, Agility, and Magic, in that order.

If I wanted to see Ais' Status I would need to unlock it and that would give me away with Loki.

But Hestia didn't lock Bell's Status since she doesn't know how to do it yet~!

She pulled up his shirt and armor to see his bare back and his Status, then moved a piece of paper and the ink closer to her. She examined the hieroglyphs on Bell's Status and started to laugh maniacally.

"AhahhahahhaaaaAAAHAHAHA! But of course!"

Among her inherited abilities, Shalltear knew how to read and write in Japanese, and she realized that the "god's hieroglyphs" were only modified Japanese hiragana and katakana (a weird font), just flipped upside down.

"This makes things so much easier! Today is a great day! AHAHAHAAHAHAH"

Now now!

I want to see what the rest of Bell's Status says…

She started to look and trace all the other text on Bell's Status. And immediately she found an insurmountable obstacle… Hestia's bad handwriting!

Oh for fuck's sake!

I knew that Hestia's handwriting was bad, but not THIS BAD!

Hestia! What the hell?!!

You gave Bell the Falna, practically a magical pact with a goddess, by writing it in his back with THIS HANDWRITING?

How wasn't Bell's first skill CANCER instead?!!

Seriously, Hestia, you need to improve your handwriting.

No wonder Eina couldn't read the skill and could only read Bell's stats numbers, instead believing Hestia added some sort of protection so others couldn't read Bell's status.

It was Hestia's bad handwriting all along!

Then she started to decipher Hestia's handwriting and copy it on a piece of paper. It took a few hours and a lot of work, and the first thing she copied was his skill:

Realis Phrase:

Rapid Growth

Continued desire results in continued growth

Stronger desire results in stronger growth


Like I needed confirmation that I messed up things irremediably!

And this is probably because he has feelings for me, doesn't it?


Then, she copied what the rest of his back said:

You are the first Familia who shares my blood. Human, of banal birth. Strengthless vessel that holds all the pillars of possibilities. The prosperous race that receives numerous blessings. The pure-breed children that Gods shaped with their imagination. The undefined brilliance that allowed you to become anyone you wish.


After that, Shalltear made sure to copy each character of the weird Japanese font to have it for the future and went back to the area around Hestia's Church while Bell went to the dungeon.

Eventually, Ais came. The armor she wanted to be wearing was nowhere to be seen, instead, she wore a white, sleeveless top paired with a miniskirt. A beautiful floral pattern was sewn into the shirt just above the hem as an accent. It was a very simple combination, but the blond hair and feminine figure of the wearer made the garments come to life.

Shalltear looked at her surprised and licked her lips. Her red eyes had a crimson light flash in them.

"Oh?! You came without your usual armor~?"

"...Maintenace… also, I bought new clothes… Is it bad?"

The blond girl looked at the floor, cheeks turning bright pink. She stood there like a shy doll as Shalltear looked at her with approving eyes. She would never have chosen to wear anything as cute as this on her own, she felt exposed and out of place. Today she was dragged by Lefiya, Tiona, and Tione to buy new clothes for her, and came directly from there.

"It looks very cute on you~"

How cute… squirming like that…

Ahhh you are tempting me…

No! no!

I need to focus!


I already got what I wanted from Ais…

So the smarter option to stop messing things up will be to separate from Ais…



How do I do that?

Oh! I got an idea…

Ais doesn't like that Loki harasses her right?

And today she is not in her usual armor~

Ais then went to put her sword against a wall like always. Shalltear smiled lustily and went after her getting closer, very close, their skin touching, and put the parasol at the right of Ais' sword.

"Today I will train without my parasol… so the fights could get closer than normal~" she whispered softly into her ear

"...Okay," Ais said while her cheeks had very slightly turned pink.

And so Shalltear took the opportunity in every movement while they were fighting… jabs to her jaw to feel the soft skin on her neck… open hand strikes on her torso that ended touching her breasts… kicks that ended missing her legs and touching more of her thighs that they should…

"... Why?" asked Ais with her cheeks bright pink

"Yes~?" responded Shalltear, her eyes oozing a sensual hunger

"Why…. are you fighting… like this?"

"Why~? Well during fights sometimes the enemies can have a lot of contact you know~? So this is training for that moment. You don't want the monster to get the upper hand if they get a strike in an unusual zone right? This will help you get stronger~"

This is probably the worst excuse ever! Even worse than those that Loki uses. Just realize what is going on and stop asking me to train you Ais.

".... Understood. Let us fight'' she responded with a look of determination on her face. Adrenaline flowed into her chest, seemingly into her very soul. Tightening her grip on the weapon in her hand, Ais pushed her body to move even faster.




Why are you believing me?!!

That reason was absolute BULLSHIT!!

Dammit! I am gonna need to step up my game then!!


A few hours later, both girls needed to have a break from the fight because of the stimulation from it.

Ais's cheeks were not pink but totally red, she was panting and squirming in place, her left hand was near her left thigh and her right hand with her sword's scabbard over her stomach likely trying to hold the heat coming from inside her body but failing to do so. She had a confused look on her face, likely not completely understanding the situation she was in.

Shalltear had a dazed look on her face that would make people think that she had just been woken up. Her crimson eyes, whose pupils were filled with arousal. Shalltear's flat chest surged with a strong heat. Her breathing was ragged. She kept exhaling the heat stored within her body, reflecting Ais' face in her dazed eyes. Her wet tongue brushed against her lips, reflecting light lecherously.

"Um…. haah… haah… We should… haah… stop… haah… for today…" Ais was the first to break the silence


"Haah… we can continue… haah… tomorrow"

Ais is supposed to hate when Loki harasses her

Why didn't this work?

Why is this getting the opposite effect?!



Riveria had seen Ais in the dining hall, she had seen her more distracted than usual. The girl's heart and body had been out of balance ever since she'd come back from the showers. Riveria decided that the best course of action was to call for Ais to come to her office so they could talk in private. She had prepared two cups of a well-brewed relaxing tea.

"Ais, What is troubling you?" she said, drinking in the scent before taking a long sip of the tea.

"...It's nothing...I'm...fine" Ais responded, her tea untouched

"Ais, you know that you can rely on me?" Riveria said while putting her tea down and getting closer to Ais

"Riveria…. can you be sick…. when you are with one person?" Ais said with confusion on her face

Sick? That would explain her behavior…

I am gonna need first to confirm the symptoms, this could be serious…

"... You need to explain more about that. What happened? What did you feel?" Riveria said with a very serious expression and a frown on her face.

"Um… We were training… It felt very hot inside… It was difficult to contain… I peed myself"

Peed? Hot inside? That's…


I knew…I knew that this day would come…

"No… That is not pee Ais" she said with an understanding expression on her face

"No?... I don't understand…" Ais tilted her head in confusion

I knew that I would have to explain this someday, but I wasn't expecting it so soon…


I wonder who is the lucky boy?

And so it was time for Riveria to give Ais the talk…


Two hours later, an embarrassed Ais and a tired Riveria were still talking.

"Then that means… umm… that I like the other person?" Ais questioned with her cheeks bright pink

"... It is one of the ways to say it. Yes'' said Riveria with a tired expression

"Um… since she also…. was… umm… 'wet'.... does that mean…. that she likes me?" Ais said with an awkward and confused expression on her face

She?! It wasn't a boy?

"She? You were seeing a girl, Ais?" Riveria asked intrigued and completely flabbergasted

"Yes?.... for training… Is this bad...?" Ais said while her confusion only increased

"N-no, but…" Riveria said backtracking

Talk about the unexpected…

A girl instead of a boy?

Poor Lefiya is not gonna take this well…

Now Riveria needed to give Ais that other talk. It was gonna be a long night for the poor Riveria… And equally long for a certain blonde blue-eyed elf girl that was listening to the conversation on the other side of the door…

Hey there! Thanks for reading so far, let me clarify some things in this chapter...

The Japanese community of Danmachi discovered from the Anime that the hieroglyphs were modified Japanese hiragana and katakana (pretty much a weird font), just flipped upside down and used that to translate what is written in Bell's Status and the Hestia Knife enchantment, also they discovered that the Common language in the Anime is English written with a weird Greek-based Font, here it is: i.imgur.com/fbJKdtk.png

Furthermore, in the Light Novels, the author used Greek instead as the god's language, this is shown in the Illustrations of Ais' Status in Sword Oratoria Volume 1, but I decided to go the anime way since it will make the story advance faster, instead of needing a story arc where Shalltear needs to learn Greek.


The text on Bells' back is pretty cute, isn't it? Hestia will always be Best-ia no matter what…

And by the way, Ais's Status in Sword Oratoria Volume 1 is in Greek, and with the help of Google Translator it says:

Princess of Swords, You will spend in acts of revenge.

Time, stop it. You are beautiful, ***** sleeping would choose the sword?

Please. Hey, stop it. Until the day when the hero will appear.

You are beautiful

I am missing a word that I cannot see because of the text over it, but if you want to continue translating it here are the images in the higher quality I could find them and my translation work:




Regarding the differences in the Falna update process, I am not making those up, it really slightly differs for each goddess, it was written by Danmachi's author in the Light Novels: Loki needs to look through the series of hieroglyphs to find any faded characters or numbers and write new ones over them. For Hestia, it was unnecessary to follow the hieroglyphs with her eyes. All she had to do was find the Excelia within Bell and draw it out to change his status. As long as she could locate his Excelia, one inner shirt wasn't going to get in the way, as it happened in the Silverback fight (Yeah, it was slightly different than the Anime). For Demeter, it instead occurs in the blink of an eye when her blood touches the body, the hieroglyph list appears, and new inscriptions are added automatically, while for the other Goddesses, they need to stop and consider things before adding new inscriptions for example for new Skills and Development Abilities. The Falna has many more secrets to explore that wasn't covered in the Anime… Let's explore which ones will Cainabel's blood allow Shalltear to draw out in the open…

LittleMariecreators' thoughts