
Is It Possible To Tame The Heartless CEO?

***WFP #35 Bronze Tier Winner*** ##Warning-Mature Content (Strictly no rape)## There is a saying that 'Fate will find a way'.That is exactly what happened to the lives of Nina Anderson and James Thomson, who met with each other in the most unexpected way. Nina Anderson, who lost her memory due to excessive stress needed some help to keep herself alive, whereas James Thomson, the cold and arrogant CEO needed someone to act with him to avoid his arranged marriage. What will happen to them when they would be together in marriage on the contract? To know please read the book 'Is It Possible to tame the Heartless CEO.' ****The cover of the book is not mine.Whole credit goes to the original artist, as I only have edited the cover.**** ******Please add this book to your library and vote to support it..*****

XIOANI · Thành thị
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167 Chs

A woman?

"What did you say? A woman? How is it possible? Why are you informing this now?"Gerard Thomson asked his assistant angrily.

"Boss, I wanted to confirm it before coming to you. As yesterday you ordered me to keep an eye on him, I followed him and found it. The woman is now in the Rolex hospital. She had gone through surgery yesterday. But after the surgery, she lost her memory. The young master was with her the whole night. He even fed her breakfast today morning. "Assistant Thomas reported.

"Who is that woman? Is she from a family with high status?"The old man asked in a worried tone.

"Boss, I could not gather any information about that woman. I think the young master is trying to keep her identity a secret from others. There is something else also."Assistant Thomas said with hesitation.

"What is it?"

"As the nurse informed me about that woman, she told me that the woman was registered as the fiancee of the young master in the hospital register."The assistant said in a low voice.

"What!What the hell? Is he playing a game with me? How he can see another woman when we already fixed his marriage date? What will I reply to Mr. Porter if he comes to know about all these? That punk is testing my patience.No....I can not let this happen. Prepare my car now. I have to teach that punk a lesson."The old man said in an angry tone.

"Boss, I think you should keep yourself calm. Your health is not good. The doctor advised you not to take much stress."

"I don't care. My health is not more important than my reputation. I have been keeping my head high in society for all those years. How can I let him do any harm to my reputation? No, I have to try hard to save my face in front of all the people. Let us go."He said and took his coat.

            The assistant sighed and followed his boss. They reached the hospital after half an hour.

"Boss she is in the VIP cabin. Please come this way."The assistant said and entered the hospital.

              The assistant knocked at the door of Miss Jula's cabin.

"Come in."They heard a woman replied.

                  Mr. Gerard Thomson and his assistant entered the cabin. Jula was sitting on a chair near the window. She looked at the men who just entered the cabin with a questioning gaze.

"Hello Miss, how are you now?"Assistant Thomas asked with a smile.

"I am fine. Thank you. I am sorry, but I can remember you. Do I know you?"Jula said in a confused tone.

"I think you don't know us. Here he is Mr. Thomson, the Chairman of Trudominion Private Limited. I am his assistant, Thomas."The assistant came forward and speak with a smile.

"Ok. Please have a seat."Jula said with a weak smile.

"We are here not to sit." Mr. Gerald Thomson said in a cold voice.

"Oh. I am sorry, but how can I help you? I don't think that you are here just to see me."Jual said in a calm tone.

"Yes. We are not here to just see you, but to warn you."The old man said in the same cold tone.

"To warn me? What do you mean by warning me? What have I done? I even can not remember you. Did I harm you in any way?"Jula asked in a confused tone.

"Are you really that naive or are you trying to make me a fool? I think you are a cunning fox." Mr. Gerald Thomson asked in a loud voice.

"Look Mr. Chairman. You are of my grandfather's age, so I am not going to speak anything which can hurt your feelings. But one thing I can say that now you are behaving so rudely. A person of your age should stay at home and play with the grandchildren or even great-grandchildren. Please don't make things hard for me. Please leave me alone. Otherwise, I will call the security Guards."Jula said in a cold voice.

                Both the men stunned to hear her tone. They never met a woman as bold as her. They looked at each other. Assistant Thomas immediately understood that his boss is very angry. He did not want to make the situation worse.

"Look, Miss. You should be careful when you talk to him. Please don't make him angry. He is the Grandfather of James Thomson."Assistant Thomas went near Jula and said in a low voice.

"Who? Did you say, Thomson? Are you trying to say that he is the grandfather of my fiance? How is this possible? Have they adopted my fiance? Their personalities do not match even one percent. My fiance is so kind, whereas his grandfather is......."Jula said in a confused tone.

"What do you mean by he is adopted? He is my ....... Why am I telling this rude woman about my family? Listen carefully, girl. Whoever you are, you are not eligible for my grandson. Don't try to snatch him from us. I don't know how did you seduce him, but I don't like you. I will make your life hell if you try to meet him." Mr. Gerald Thomson said with a cold tone.

                        Jula stunned to hear the old man. She never thought that the man who took care of her whole night, his grandfather can be such arrogant and rude. She closed her eyes and breath deeply to control her anger.

"Look, Mr. Thomson. My injuries have not healed yet. Please leave me alone. If you have any problem with your grandson's decision, instead of coming to me, you should go to him. He is your family. You should control your family members before trying to control someone else. I am not in the mood of talking to anyone now. Please let me take some rest."Jula said in a calm voice and closed her eyes.

"That sly woman........" Mr. Gerald Thomson wanted to speak something but stopped by his assistant.

"Boss, we should leave now. please let us go. She is sick after all."The assistant said and opened the door for his boss. The old man stomped his foot angrily and left the cabin.

Dear reader,

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With love
