
Iron man in MHA

Guy gets reincarnated in MHA with an iron man system and wipes his ass with the original timeline.

FrikandelSpeciaal · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

An offer you can't refuse

We were silent the rest of the ride to the doctor. Dad was thinking about things and mom was looking through her phone.

After 10 or 15 minutes we arrived. Walking through the corridors of the hospital I saw some hero's being treated for small to big wounds and doctors with healing quirks or just medication helping them.

After asking where we needed to go at the front desk we made our way to the doctor.

On every kid's fourth birthday, you would go to the doctor to take the test if you didn't know that you already had a quirk, the doctor would do an x-ray of your feet and if you had 1 joint in your pinky toe you would have further testing if you didn't you would have a very big chance to be quirk-less.

After arriving at a female doctor who had cat ears and a cattail she asked us all the common questions you get when you are at the doctor like your name, age, and address that kind of things and while my dad and my was answering those questions I looked around the room.

There was a machine that look like it was just big enough for your feet which was probably the x-ray machine.

There were different kinds of posters, posters about normal human anatomy, and people with mutant types of quirks anatomy.

It was kinda weird to see how a person with a dog's head's anatomy looked but it was also fun.

"Well then please get seated and we will start the x-ray, you won't feel a thing so stay calm. After this is over I will give you a candy alright?" The nurse asked me, it was sometimes kinda weird to be asked like a child like this, tho even if I was in my 30s I would probably still want the candy.

After the x-ray, the results were shown. "As you can see he has 1 joint in his pinky toe which means that he has a very high chance of awakening a quirk." the doctor said.

My parents became overjoyed because of that, even though being quirkless isn't a bad thing in today's society it was looked down upon.

"We will now do a test that determines your quirk name, it doesn't say what your quirk does but many times we can get it figured out by the name." the doctor said.

So I was put In a machine with all kinds of electrodes on my body.

Beep-boop, the machine started printing a little piece of paper that the doctor took "let's see, it seems your quirk name is: Starks mind"

"It's a what now," my mom asked

"Starks mind is your son's quirk name ma'am, and I have honestly no idea what the quirk could entail."

The doctor answered.

"Well, it doesn't matter it's already great that he has a quirk." my dad said

"Don't worry I know that it is a great quirk and I will be a great hero" I said

My mom and dad looked at me with love but uncertainty in their eyes while the doctor just sat there not knowing when to but in.

"Well we should go home and talk about it there, thank you very much, doctor." my dad hurried us up to the exit.

After getting candy from the doctor, we walked through the hallway of the hospital I saw a green-haired kid with freckles crying his eyes out while his mom was struggling to calm the kid.

So I walked toward midoriya and said, " here candy" and I gave him my damn candy and tried to walk away but midoriya the naive kid he was asked me back between sobs "thank you, what's your name" and of course, I who didn't know this would play out like this at all said " Akito Sasaki" and walked away to my parents ready to leave the hospital.

Knowing midoriya's personality he won't forget me, and that means I can use him to my heart's content.

Do I see myself as a good person no, a bad person no I will use people but I will also help them back even though they might not know it.

Stepping into the car my dad asked why I gave the kid my candy and me still trying to make sure my parents are sure of my decision said that I wanted to cheer up the crying kid.

(next day)

I am currently standing in front of my dad's office.

Why am I here? To make my dad an offer and get things I as a 4-year-old can't buy, and so I knocked.

"Come in"

"Dad for the use of my quirk I need to have a lab and funds," I said

"If I give you a lab and funds what are you gonna do with it," my dad asked.

"my quirk lets me make a quirkless human into a hero for that I need a lab and funds to buy materials," I answered back.

And with that answer, my dad looked up "how are you gonna make a quirkless human into a hero, it's impossible"

"Simple I'm gonna build a suit which can fly, work as armor, and as a weapon,"

"I want a design" my dad suddenly said.

"Huh," I said baffled by this

"Simple if you can design a suit that can turn a quirkless person into a hero and show that to me I will give you a state-of-the-art lab with unlimited funds," my dad said

"Why," I asked

"Think about the possibilities of this, if we can give the police force these suits that can do what you claim they can do we will not only get great profit but also great political standing, I can already see it hanging on the city's billboards and int he newspapers and magazines, 'Sasaki family reduce the villain's numbers by 90%' can you imagine what that could do for our company and families. When would be on par with endeavor and all might" my dad said while imagining it all in front of him.

"I understand dad but distributing this technology can also cause an even greater villain number because regular people or villains with weak quirks can cause great damage with this," I said breaking his fantasy bubble.

He sighs deeply "yeah that's also true but my offer still stands"

"I agree to your offer" I would be stupid not to agree to unlimited funds and a state-of-the-art lab

"Then I would like to see what you can come up with" my dad ended the conversation so I left his office.

I immediately ran to my room and grabbed a pencil with paper and started drawing.

(2 weeks later)

Aaaahhhh I moaned while slowly dropping myself into the bath I just finished the last drawing and I was tired after I had my things and the materials I was immediately gonna build the holograms that you can do anything with and an AI so I didn't need to draw it on paper and start again when I made a mistake.

You might think that because I know how to build and code the suit I also knew how to draw it and I did but the thing is I suck at drawing so I made some mistakes and because I can't just erase it with an eraser because you have the lines still visible on it I needed to do it, again and again, which sucked.

After drying myself off and putting on some clothes I went to get some food and talk to my father who at this hour would be on the couch watching the news.

"I am done," I said after eating some breakfast with my dad.

"With what, being stupid isn't something you can just get rid of you know" my dad joked

"Haha very funny, no my design I'm done with my design of the Iron Man suit mark-1"

"Catchy name did you come up with it by yourself?"

"Yeah my quirk had something to do with that" I answered.

"Well let's see shall we, explain the result to me" my dad answered.

"The suit consists of mostly iron-copper-magnesium alloys, it has 2 flamethrowers on each arm, a Manually-Deployed Missile, and electromagnetic gloves.

It's bulletproof and capable of short-term flight, it enhances strength and durability but reduces speed.

It's powered by an arc reactor, and only has basic programming." I explained how it was built and the features while my dad looked proud at me.

"I understand and it's a great invention that can certainly stop small-time crooks but it isn't powerful enough to be used against villains with quirks, and what is an arc reactor?" my dad asked.

"An arc reactor is a fusion type power source with a palladium core but since palladium poisons people with long exposure I used another element that only was discovered 10 years ago by you, that works as good if not better than palladium and also doesn't poison people," I explained to him

"Hmm I understand and you certainly designed something that can do as you claimed but it isn't powerful enough to use it in the line of hero work."

My dad commented.

"No it isn't but I already got an idea for the mark-2 armor but it's too difficult to draw on paper."

"I understand it I will grant you your request"

My dad said

I beamed with happiness after those words were spoken "thank you, thank you so much, dad" and I hugged him the tightest I could.

"Haha no problem I know I'm the best, and since I already saw that you knew what you were doing I already started with the build of your lab."

And at that, I beamed even more I knew that I needed to build and change some things but I finally got my own lab, and I felt so damn happy with that, now I only needed to build the suit and build a butler.

If you like what you read leave it in the comments because that is what motivates me. If you got any ideas also please leave them in the comments. Thx for reading this book and hoed you have fun.

FrikandelSpeciaalcreators' thoughts