
Chapter 1- A Unique Bedtime Story

"Hey dad, for our bedtime story can you tell us about you and Aunty?" A young girl asks sweetly. "Yeah please tell us that story again. I really like it!" A slightly older boy comes into the room with a big grin on his face. "I would be happy to tell you it again." A much older gentleman, the children's father, says as he takes a seat at the end of his daughter's bed. His son jumps onto the bed to sit next to his little sister.

"As we all know my sister, your aunt, and I were what they would call Irises and we have powers. Some couldn't do much but there were some like my sister and I. We could do things that you would never think possible." He says while waving his hand in front of them to show that he created a Aurora Borealis. As his children looked around in wonder and amazement their father continued his tale.

"Being as strong as we were it came at a price. We were slaves to the government. Our parents were slaves to the them as well. It was almost impossible to escape from them. Even though it was almost impossible our parents still tired to get my sister and me out. Sadly it didn't work out the way they thought and they were killed. With no family left to to take care of us, the government took us under their wing. They thought that they could get rid of their enemies and we did." He says while staring down at his hands as if something was on them.

"They made you do bad things to others, right Daddy?" The little girl asks looking up at her father with curiosity in her eyes. Taking a deep breath before he answered her question. "Yes they made us do very very bad things. We thought the things that we were no better then them but we were wrong. Everything that they did was many times worst then what we did. Every single one of them were rotten, vile things that could never be called humans. Their souls were as dark as a black hole with the same destructive power. Nothing compared to what they did or what they were going to do."