
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 Hidden.

Chapter 34Three days after the incident, Johnald returned to his home and was shocked to hear about the bandits. It was even more shocking that the bandits were hired by someone who had the sigil of Kingsland.Johnald sat down to think, "we received a guest from Kingsland, some say he's a spear and nephew to the tyrant. His name is Derek Blade.""How old is he?" Levi asked, "he was born a few years before the tyrant had his first daughter, so uhhh mid 20s." Johnald replied. "It's good you left one of them alive, I'll take him to the king.'"and what will happen to him?" Iris asked."well, he ambushed a captain of the royal guards and his guest. He will testify against Derek Blade, from there we'll see what happens."...….

Johnald stood in front the King of Daria, and beside him, standing in full silver armor was the general. General stone who helped him gain an audience with the king. In front of his with his hand chained was the archer, he looked tired and worn out.The king sat on his throne with a serious expression, "I am going to be completely honest with you as you have been a good and loyal soldier to me Johnald Samson. Pay attention to the words I say very carefully. Do not push this case any further or there will be consequences."Johnald was confused, 'is the king trying to silence me?' he thought,"your majesty, my brother is among the people that were targeted.""and I sympathize with you Samson, but the person you speak against is not someone to trifle with. Let me elaborate. Derek Blade is a nephew to the tyrant and was sent here to discuss a potential alliance."Confusion and anger was evident on his face, "an alliance with the tyrant? Your majesty that's insane-""WATCH YOUR TONE BOY" general Stone spoke in a deep voice bringing Johnald to a realization, he just raised his voice at the king. He bowed, "I apologize for my rudeness your majesty""it is understandable" the king spoke calmly, but shifted to a more serious tone, he got down from his throne and walked down to Johnald, "now you have to understand this. Derek Blade will not be challenged. I doubt your brother is the target so tell him to look the other way, and you do the same. Let the Tyrant's son and the princess die. Save us a war with the tyrant, he is almost on par with us in military strength. Are we on the same page Captain Samson?"Johnald clenched his and with gritted teeth he answered, "yes your majesty."

Johnald bowed and walked out taking the archer with him. After he left the king turned to general Stone. "General, keep an eye on him. If he goes out of line, you know what to do. " General Stone nodded and walked out of the throne room.

Johnald got home and reported the news to Levi, Iris, and Kara. "Don't leave the house, and please always be on guard be prepared for an attack anytime soon"

"Bah we need to leave" Iris interjected, "they know where we live, we can't risk that,"

"Even if we move, they have people watching our every move" Kara said.

"Don't you know anyone that we could stay with that wouldn't snitch on us while we stayed with them" Iris asked, which made Johnald ponder, "there might be someone, but I'll need to meet with and speak to the person before we move."

"Okay then when you find out anything let us know. Sorry to trouble you so much Jonny" Levi said with an understanding expression.

Johnald nodded and left.

He rode his horse until he got to a remote house, there he saw many barrels, and outside the house was a man measuring wine into jugs and barrels. The man looked to be in his late or mid fifties, he was bald but had some grey hair on the back of his head that circled round his mouth into a grey beard. Without raising his head up he spoke in a grumpy voice, "What are you doing here boy?"

"Mark it's been a while,"

"What are you doing here boy?" The old man asked again. Johnald smiled, he got down from his horse took off his gloves and went to help the old man measure the wine,

"Get your dirty hands off my wine boy, wash them first," Johnald walked off to wash his hands then returned back and assisted the old man. After a while the old man finished, he rinsed his hands and sat down on a chair, " so why are you here ?"

"Mark, an old friend came to visit you, you don't say, hello would you like a drink, or how've you been, see this is why you don't have any friends"

Mark looked at him nonchalantly, he picked up a gourd beside him and drank from it.

"Why are you here boy?"

Johnald sighed, "I need your help"

Johnald explained the situation to Mark as quickly as he could. " Just for a few days please, once the ship comes they'll be out of here and you wouldn't have any trouble."

Mark had a non pleasant expression, sat motionless for a few minutes creating an awkward silence between them.

"Fine, only one week then they're out, no more no less"

Johnald smiled, "this is why you're my favorite friend Mark."

"So how do you plan to bring them here without being seen, and I am sure your visit here did not go unnoticed"

"That is why we will keep our meetings limited, and I have thought of a way to transport them."

Johnald and Mark arrived in a headless carriage with a few barrels in the back. They got down and took three into the house. Johnald and Levi came out first carrying a barrel and put it in the back, then he went back in and Iris assisted him this time. Then for the last barrel mark helped him load it in the carriage then they rode off.