
Iris solitude

She wants to be alone.

sweet_killer · Thành thị
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1 Chs

fortress of solitude

Iris had always been a solitary person, content with her own company and the quiet of her small apartment. But as she got older, the world seemed to get louder and more chaotic, invading her space and demanding her attention.

Every day, Iris would leave her apartment and be bombarded by the noise and bustle of the city. The honking of car horns, the chattering of people on their phones, the blaring music from stores and restaurants - it all felt like an assault on her senses.

So Iris began to retreat further into herself, building a wall around her heart and her mind. She stopped answering calls from friends and family, stopped going out unless it was absolutely necessary. She became a ghost in her own life, fading into the background and hoping to be left alone.

But no matter how hard she tried, the world always found a way to intrude. Her landlord would show up unannounced, demanding repairs and rent. Salespeople would knock on her door, trying to sell her things she didn't need. Even the people in her building seemed to know her name, asking her how she was doing and if she needed anything.

Iris just wanted to be left alone. She didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to be bothered by the outside world. She just wanted to be in her own space, with her own thoughts.

So one day, she decided to take action. She unplugged her phone, turned off her computer, and disconnected from the internet. She closed all the curtains and turned off all the lights, immersing herself in darkness and silence.

For hours, she sat in the quiet, feeling the world fall away. The constant noise and chatter of the city faded into nothingness, and Iris was left alone with her thoughts.

It was a strange feeling, being so disconnected from the world. But Iris found that she liked it. She liked the silence, the stillness. She liked the way her thoughts could finally come to the surface, uninterrupted by the constant barrage of noise and distraction.

And so Iris decided to make a change. She would create a space for herself, a place where she could retreat and be alone whenever she needed to. She would make her apartment a fortress of solitude, a place where the world couldn't touch her.

It wasn't an easy process. She had to fight her own instincts, her own desire for human connection. But in the end, she emerged victorious. She had created a space where she could be alone, truly alone, and it was the greatest gift she could give herself.

Now, whenever the world got too loud and too overwhelming, Iris would retreat to her fortress of solitude. She would close the curtains, turn off the lights, and sit in the quiet, immersing herself in the stillness and the peace. And for those moments, she would be truly, blissfully alone.

As Iris settled into her fortress of solitude, she found that it wasn't as easy to escape the outside world as she had hoped. There were still obstacles that threatened her peace and quiet.

First, there were her friends. They couldn't understand why she wanted to be left alone, and they kept knocking on the door, asking her to come out and socialize. At first, Iris tried to explain herself, but they didn't seem to get it, so she ignored them.

But even without her friends bothering her, there were other obstacles that cropped up. A murder had happened across the street from her apartment, and the police were canvassing the area, questioning residents and looking for witnesses. Iris tried to avoid them, but they knocked on her door and asked her questions, and she had to talk to them for what felt like hours.

Then there were the construction workers outside her window, drilling and hammering at all hours of the day. And the neighbors with their screaming children, and the dog that barked incessantly in the apartment next door. It seemed like there was always something, always someone, disrupting her peace.

But Iris refused to give up. She was determined to make her fortress of solitude work, no matter what. She invested in soundproof curtains and earplugs, and learned to tune out the noises of the world. She put up signs on her door, warning people not to disturb her.

And slowly, but surely, it began to work. The outside world faded into the background, and Iris was able to immerse herself in her own thoughts and feelings. She began to meditate and practice yoga, finding peace and solace in the quiet of her own mind.

It wasn't perfect, of course. There were still times when she had to deal with the outside world, still times when she felt overwhelmed and anxious. But she was stronger now, more resilient. She knew that no matter what obstacles came her way, she could overcome them. And she would always have her fortress of solitude to retreat to, whenever she needed it.