
Iridescent 1314

Human is always greedy to be entertained. In a not so far away future, human looking for an entertainment. Iridescent is a project to entertain human. This is not a vlog nor scripted movie. This is real people in some kind of imaginary world. People crave to be in an adventure but most of the people don't want to experience it. The scientist and the show businesses work together to produce this simulation. Some people were offered. Some people were chosen. Some were trapped. Only one choose to be part of Iridescent. Her code name is Iris. Iris will always be Iris. In this number is the new start for her. All 1313 stories have been erased when she win on the 2nd 13. She asked for it. Asking to only remember who she was. She is tired from remembering all 1313 stories which many of them involving AE. The one who broke her heart for almost in every stories. Now in this new stories, she can only remember her name and her ability. She's currently living as an abandoned princess ready to engaged to the cold and harsh young Duke. An Iris will be Iris. Always.

Niken_Os · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Chapter 21

A slow heartbeat heard all over Iris ear. She opened her eyes. She was in a very dark room. She heard commotion at the same time. She tried to stand up. She realized there was so many wires or like intravenous line attached to her body.

Bzzz… a light came in as the door open.

"Please… Please stay. We will help you, just stay there." A person came walking in a royal blue robe. He has a name badge. Iris still can't see it clearly. Another person also coming in.

The blue royal robe person checking wires attached to her. While this other person using white robe said to her, "I am YAMI. You remember?"

"No, I…" A piercing headache suddenly throbbed her.

"It's okay," they calmed her, "We apologize that you wake up when you are in a story. It may not be a pleasant for you."

They continued, "Please rest while we set you up again." Their name tag show "YAMI – The Director."

"Am I in the lab?"

"Correct, you are in the project's lab."

"How can I wake up here?"

"You are in deeper state of sleep in the story. Sometimes it happened to other players too. No need to worry. We can handle this. Anyway, I want to tell you, so far, they like the story progressing. Even though you forget all the story behind, you instinctively know what to do. As expected of IRIS."

"I… you mean what I do in story?"

"Yes, I bet you are in a blank knowledge of what it supposed to be. But what you do so far prove it that you can rely on your instinct to live in a story."

"Well, I don't have any purpose. I just want to survive."

"Survive is the only way to live in a story. But you do have purpose, beside surviving. I mean, a goal in the story. This story."

"What is it?"

"Sadly, I cannot tell you explicitly. That is this story condition as voted by the viewer. They love how you choose to erase your memory and start this story with so little knowledge on how it is usually done. So, I am sorry, I cannot let you know. However, I can tell that you are in the good direction."

"Then, I just survive these whole things."

"You are indeed a little different now. We truly apologize."

"Yes, memory erased change me. You don't have to apologize."

"Soon, you will be going back. As an apology from my personal part, I give you this small advice. You are IRIS. Do what IRIS usually do. I bid you farewell for now." They smiled meaningfully as if there's something behind that smile.

IRIS started to feel drowsy. She closed her eyes.