
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Khoa huyễn
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309 Chs

Chapter 27

Being alone in the hen house was helping Lich finish his task. Luckily no one else or no other chicken was here.

'Rooster probably placed me here cause he thinks I won't lay the eggs. But he thought wrong, sure if others were here I would take forever to lay an egg. But as long as it stays only me here I will still be able to speed through the quest.'


"Done! Now I can go give... why am I still a hen?" Suddenly a flurry of notifications sounded off.

[All Coupons Confirmed Used.]

[Entry To Last Stage Of G Primary Unlocked For All Champions]

[New Server Wide Quest Released.]

[Be The First To Reach F Rank In All Paths. Rewards: Entry For All Non-Champions Unlocked, ???, Corrupt Universe Server.]

'The rewards are certainly.. diverse. The first reward helps others and I am sure no one really cares about that one. The second is a way to hook people to do the quest, however it could also be worthless. Finally the last one I have no idea what to think. Sure getting a whole universe for you to own is cool, but the whole corrupt thing might be a deal breaker.'

[Chicken Quest G1: Lay 1000 G1 Eggs]

'Wait I didn't select to do the stupid quest, let me out!'

Deciding to just do the quest and leave, Lich started back laying eggs. However another chicken was thrown in, causing the egg he was currently laying to go back in. His little chicken heart started to beat rapidly.

'Another person! F*ck. Wait, if I act like a NPC maybe they won't talk to me. However it will be hard to lay eggs now.'

However his hopes were dashed as the chicken walked up to him and started to speak.

"Hey Lich, my name is Valeria. Rooster told me about you, before he tossed me in here. He was also laughing about how fast you were laying eggs."

Staying quiet for a bit, Lich finally laid another egg.

"I am sorry but please don't talk to me." Lich then tried going back to trying to lay an egg, but Valeria started talking again breaking his concentration.

"Try not to be angry at me or the others that show up. I don't know the reason for your beef but we can all still be friends even if we are in the same click as Rooster."

Finding it easier to lay eggs after laying so many, Lich spoke again. "I will treat everyone like they treat me from now on. Hating someone cause I don't like one of their friends is dumb. However I told you to stop talking to me cause I have anxiety so laying eggs is super weird thing to do right now with you talking to me."

"Oh okay, sorry. I will be over there."

Even though Lich started laying eggs before Valeria, she someone finished with all 10 quests for the G rank egg laying.

"Later Lich!" A little bit after she left, Lich's egg laying speed got fast again and he finished the G1 quest.

Instead of getting an option to leave, the G2 egg laying quest came in. Along with the quest came another person.

A chicken with a necklace on started to complain to Lich or maybe just out loud to himself.

"I am a guy so why am I here laying eggs? Anyways time to get to laying!"

After just that one sentence, no other thing was said.

'I guess she warned people to not talk cause it makes it harder for me to do the quests.'


After finishing his current quest, Lich made a joke about another person showing up, only for it to be true.

A Chicken who weirdly had a cake hat on its head showed up. "I said I am a Phoenix! Why am I in a chicken coop!"

Then the chicken looked over at Lich, and after a long time of silence Lich corrected her. "I think coops are small, this is a hen house."

Locking eyes for a bit, she said something in a language Lich didn't know and walked to the other side of the hen house.


'So after each quest I finish, they throw the next person in. I am glad I am going slow, cause if I wasn't than wouldn't it be crowded in here.'

Seemingly giving up on getting out, Lich decided to see if doing all the G rank missions of the chicken was the way out.

'This new guy is covered in random tattoos or I guess feather design. He hasn't tried talking with me, but man is he popping out eggs so fast.'

After a bit the guy left and Lich finished the quest. The next person who showed up was a chicken with a witch hat.

Looking over she just grunted her name, which was Wendy. Even though there was no talking, Lich still found laying eggs weird so his speed dropped whenever someone showed up.


Lich spent the time feeling weird and not talking. The next few people or chicken who showed up was a chicken named Davis, who had a corn addiction, as he kept eating corn very loudly. Which was another factor of Lich slowing his egg laying speed.

The next was a hen, who seemed to be on drugs. Funny enough her name was Crystal. But that probably wasn't what she was on.

Next was a very chatty chicken who tried a lot of times to talk to Lich. Another thing the chicken named Irwin did was narrate everything he did. This caused Lich to slow down, not cause of the talking but because Irwin would throw random jokes in causing him to laugh.

The last person to show up was either named Chichi or she wanted to be annoying. She chose the egg laying spot by Lich and kept saying chichi. It was either her name or she was getting into the role of a chicken who said chichi constantly.


The time for Lich to see if doing all the G quests was the key for him to leave was now. The last egg was laid and a notification sounded off.

[Detected User Had A Path At Peak Of G Rank. Are You Aiming For Server Wide Quest? Y/N]

'Since most people are probably aiming to just doing the paths they want, there might not be a lot of people aiming for the quest. There probably isn't many quest where I have to lay eggs so I should have a good chance of being the first to get all to F rank. Also I was the first one hear to the server, so it would be sad if I didn't do it.'

[User Selected Yes. Chicken Path Currently Locked. Quest: 1/1000]

'Huh so for the ones doing the quest, they get their paths locked once it reaches the peak. Also I see I can still back out. So I have a higher chance of being the one to pass the quest then.'

Lich was free and was headed to the door to get the flyer and bounce. But then suddenly the shop owner appeared in front of him.

"You almost forgot your pay and special gift." The shop owner handed a lot of money over along with another coupon. It seemed the money for the G1 quest was 200 dollars which was double of the G0. While G2 was 300.

Walking out the store and grabbing the flyer, which was of Lich sitting in a hen house with chickens, he looked over at coupon he got back.

(9/10th Of A Everything Coupon : Can be used to get the rest of the paths in the local area that the original coupon was used in.)

"Holy shit! So I didn't get 10 free paths, but 100? I guess with the money I make I wont have to worry about having enough money for the other paths after the coupons are all used.

Saving the coupon for later, Lich decided to go get the other 9. He used the Gym Rat flyer to teleport back to where his journey started.

When the flyer was used, it transformed into a door. Opening the door, Lich ended up in the Gym Rat's Gym.


Looking around Lich realized a problem.

'How do I start the quest? For the chicken thing, I was kind of forced to finish it all. Do I just start working out somewhere?' Seeing Lich at the door, someone walked up and greeted him.

"Hey Lich, my name is Chapman. It is nice to meet you!" The guy named Chapman walked up and went for a hug. As he seem to just finish working out, he was sweaty.

Pushing Chapman off, Lich decided to ask him for help. "Hey, I was wondering how to start the quest for working out. Are you someone who can tell me?"

Hearing that, Chapman started to laugh. "I am the best person to tell you. By the way I am the Gym Rat Champion. Since you are already registered here you just have to go workout. Also I wanted to thank you for spending a coupon here. Oh and you will get your coupon back to reuse once you get your paycheck for doing the G9 quest, in case you didn't know yet."