
Chapter 155

Alchemist made pills and could level up by taking pills.

Mutant:Alchemist made powder drugs and could level up by taking the powder. 

Spirit was an element that did no physical damage but would destroy the soul of the target. It leveled up by destroying souls.

Devourer lets you get stronger by eating. It leveled up the more you eat.

Sunwalker strengthens all equipped Dao by its level under the sun, but also negates it by the same level while under the moon. It levels up by being in daylight.

Moonwalker despite it's name was like Sunwalker but vise versa.

Seamstress allowed you create armor and clothes made out of cloth like materials. It gets stronger the more you create.

Blacksmith allowed you to create weapons and armor out of metal and hard materials. It gets stronger the more you create.

Miner let you mine and it gets stronger the more you mine.