
chapter 3

It was boring and I didn't understand anything, hell even Mr.Binns Hogwarts History lesson would be less boring than this and he is the ghost professor for Merlin's sake. Spanish was good I already learned 3 languages in my free periods and Spanish was one of them. I feel proud of myself.

Biology, it reminds me of herbology except we need to see cell of the plants, should we really need to see this, maybe professor Sprout would like this lesson, I remained silence and read biology book from beginning, because I was a more than Hermione if it's turn my grade. After 40 minutes I finished my book. Yey lunch time. I saw Angela and she waved to me I made my way to her table and greeted others plus Bella. I just smiled to her. Jessica and Lauren were gossip girls, I can handle that, I don't like to make enemy because I have enough enemies just for my last name I don't need more. I feel like a normal teenager girl who has worry for her grade and relationship, should I think about my college or career, I always wanted to become teacher or auror. My O.W.L exams results were all outstanding. But in this world maybe I can become engineer it sounds interesting. I laughed with them and told them about my twins and our pranks.

"Let's go guys break time almost finishing" I said to them they pouted

"But it's too quick I'll miss you Lisa" Lauren said, in the corner of my eyes I saw Bella rolling her eyes

"Don't worry we have English together" then she locked our hands and went together. She told me about her life and we laughed together. English literature was easy thanks to Hermione, she always lent some muggle books to me.

My last lesson was Gym, I changed my clothes and saw all boys looking my way with dropped jaw. We played volleyball. I saw this sport in TV and remembered how to play, it's easier than Quidditch, I'm best chaser at Hogwarts. Riding flying broomstick and throwing balls to other teams ring while keeper protecting it was not easiest thing in this world. But I love Quidditch.

Our team won and all guys congratulated me like I saved the world. While Bella was sitting and send me nasty glare. I changed my clothes.

"Lisa let's hang out this weekend, I heard cool coffee shop opened at Port-Angeles" Jessica told me

"of course Jess, I'm in" we made our way to parking

"Wow is this really yours?" Eric questioned

"Yep, my baby" I smirked

"You are coolest girl I've ever known" Mike gave me thumbs up

I gave them my signature smile and ride to my home. I saw Paul and Jacob.

"Hey boys" I hugged them and went inside.

"Why don't you watch TV while I'm preparing dinner?" I suggested

"Do you need any help?" Paul asked

"No it will be magical process, and I'm good at this" I smirked and went to kitchen about 30 minutes later I finished.

"boys dinner is ready" I shouted. Bella walked inside

"Bella, dinner" I told her

"I won't eat and dad won't come tonight" she said and went to her room

"Lisa how did you do this" Paul exclaimed I chuckled at his childish behavior

"so how was your first day?" Jacob asked

"it was interesting, I made a lot of friends" I said happily

"good I want to hear it" then I talked about my day they laughed and helped to wash dishes, actually they washed it while I was talking.

"Let's watch movie" I suggested and they agreed "you can choose movie I'll back" then I went my room to change my pajama

"you look cute" Paul said to me

"Thank you sir" I said in a tiny voice they laughed "those high heels almost killed my legs"

"I'll massage it" Paul said, my face lit up and placed my legs in his lap, we started movie and he massaged my legs.

"it's already late, you can stay here if you want" I said yawning they nodded their heads I prepared bed for them and went to my room. It was an amazing day maybe I can live like this. And i slept in peaceful dream.

It's already become one week since I arrived here. Without any letter from my friends I was holding Daily Prophet, right now this was my only source to know what's happening in wizarding world in my own world. It's become darker. Sometimes I wish I never leave my friends, but I know it would be a better choice for all of us.

But my new life is not that bad, my classmates love me and I get along with La push guys. Paul and I become so close. This Friday I may or may not put some pranks in my school, I just thought they need some change so I helped them with that, back in my days I turned all Slytherin's hair into ginger just like weasley's, they didn't get rid of it that easy.

Jess and Lauren come to my house we become close, then we went to Port-Angeles. We have had a lot of fun together.

When we come to my house I saw Paul standing there, I hugged him tightly

"hey boy what are you doing here?" I asked

"to accompany this beautiful lady to meeting" he joked

"It's honour to go with you my sir" I joked back and turned to giggling girls. I hugged them and said my goodbye.

In the resort I listened their story, but it's sounds like history then I know what they are. They are shapeshifters, now it all makes sense.

And I think Jacob would be a soon shift into one, lately I saw how his demeanor changing. Bella is trying to be close with him. Maybe she is trying to move on, because I know it's the best way. I have some experience in my past and now I know Paul is looking me with these love sick eyes, I just don't want to hurt him, he is brother but not my lover. And I didn't end my relationship with Malfoy.

It felt like I chose the worst choice if it's about boys. He was a git to everyone except me, I trusted him but I know his father is deatheater, what a great coincidence.

So right now, romance is the least thing I wish in my life.

I slept in the Jacob's house that night.