
Invincible system in the multiverse (Hunter x Hunter for the moment)

A human is selected by a goddess who gives him a system multiverse .................. .................. ............. ..... .................. .................. this is my third fanfic and yes that is doing a lot at the same time but I plan to stop one. .................. .................. .............. .... .................. .................. .......... ........ English is not my mother tongue so please do not criticize .................. ..... ............. .................. ................... ................. have fun. And here is my pattern page you can find all the works in advance: patreon.com/LeRebeuRebelle

ScriptForYou · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Quest

The next morning I did the same thing. I did exercises but I intensified my training. By doing 200 push-ups, 200 squats and 40km of running.

After doing these exercises I meditated for a few hours and ate the remains of the bear I had killed. Besides, I thought I should go back and hunt in the forest. To do CP and train in combat and then go to Hunter's exam.

After finishing meditating I go to the forest. This time I could kill the bear with my toes, I really had to kill a beast, even worse beasts for me to win PCs. Going more and more

deep in the forest I finally found a beast. It was a giant beast that looked like a crow.

The crow was black with black feathers. And white wings. She had a very long tail behind her. It was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Even a lion or a dolphin was no more beautiful than this crow. As soon as the crow saw me he ran towards me to attack me.

If I would have been like before I would already be dead but now even without sharingan I could kill her. I had so much power up that I can have my chances against a member of the ghost brigade.

Just by looking at the beast that was in front of me, you could say that it was stronger than the bear that did not even have a quarter of its aura. He rushed at me and I took advantage of this moment to dodge to the right and gave him a strong blow in the head. The blow was so strong that it will die instantly. He didn't even know he was dead. It fell to the ground in a few seconds.

I did as for the bear. I cut it into small pieces and put it in my inventory. I wanted to know the taste of this crow but as I want to sell it when I am in a city I keep it whole.

[Kill a giant crow: 1000PC]

Ren: It's a lot more profitable than killing a bear. Thinking about it I could make a fortune by killing a lot.

Ren: System are there any quests I can do endlessly. If the system can do that it is the best system we could have in the multiverse. Because even eating will give me a reward.

[Ara Ara ~~ of course you can ask me to create a quest for you. You can create endless quests. But I don't advise you to do more than 5 a day.]

Ren: Why can't I do more. If it is by contribution to a law of nature I would listen to the system.

[If you do more quests the world where you are right now will eject you and you will be in a vacuum for the rest of your life.]

I was shocked by the words of the system because if it really worked then I could not go to another world.

Ren: Create a quest for me. Please darling. I thought of a quest in my head. Which was very simple.

[Kill 3 giant raven: 3000PC reward

Number of giant raven kill: (0/3)]

Ren: Thank you honey. It means that now I can create quests whenever I want and earn more rewards. Even if there is this constraint it does not pose much problem to me.

I then continued to search for giant crows and I kill them once I see them. I did this until I killed 3. I cut them into small pieces and put them in my inventory.

[Quest: Kill Giant Ravens (complete): + 3000PC]

Killing 3 giant crow took me over 2 hours because it was long to find them. By walking in the forest with my sharingan I was able to create a map of the entire forest. So it will be much easier to find animals. And to find me more easily in the forest.

Ren: My darling can you show me the store please. It's time to buy new skills. Besides, I have to learn my new flattening skill one of these days.

[Ara Ara ~~ of course darling mouah 😘.]

A blank page appeared before me with several tabs on it. I then clicked on skill and I looked for one that suits me. While searching I found a skill which is good and which will help me for later. It was called fly. This skill allows you to fly at the speed you want as long as you have mana. I will take this skill to be able to leave this island and become a Hunter.

Ren: My darling please buy this skill for me. If I can learn it quickly then I can leave faster. I just hope it's not complex.

[Competence to buy fly: 650PC]

After buying the skill it appeared in my hand. I activated my sharingan and read it. This book contained a lot of information. But thanks to my sharingan it was very easy to memorize everything.

Ren: Okay now I have to practice the fly skill. »I need it as soon as possible. I just hope that the Hunter exam is not in 1 year.

Then I try to use the skill fly but I did not succeed. So I practiced for 3 whole hours and finally I managed to fly. It was actually very easy to apply and now I could fly easily.

I fly as high as possible and I activate my sharingan to look around. I noticed that there were several islands next to where I am.

I fly to one of the islands which is next to me. I landed on the island and saw a village.