
A Business Doing Pleasure

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.




The doors opened with a familiar electronic wisp—I couldn't get enough of that sound— and as soon as I stepped in she wrapped her arms over my shoulders, doing the exact thing I was hoping to avoid in the first place—crying on me…okay I'll be honest there's something else. She's not the mother I knew, I did say I'd accept her as one, but that didn't mean I was comfortable with getting intimate with her as I was with my actual mom. 

Her intimacy made me uncomfortable, not because I stole her son's body, but because it felt inappropriate as I was trying to respect her and the thoughts brewing in my subconscious were anything but respectful. 

Just don't fuck her.

Way to sum it up brain. 

"It's alright mom, it's okay." I doubt Cecil showed her a video of my fight against the aliens, she'd get to lecturing me if he did. She must have been here by her husband's side since I left, taking care of him like the faithful wife she was.

"How's dad?" I asked, looking down at an Omni-man that was nowhere nearly as injured as he was a day ago, the bruises and lacerations had healed over and were basically non-existent, heck he looked good to go.

"The doctors said he could wake up soon, he's already recovered from all physical damage, it's the mental trauma they're worried about." She said clearly, before going back to crying as I just unintendedly reminded her that he might wake up retarded. 

Heh, a retarded Omni-man. That'd be like a baby with an infinitely loaded gun.

You're going to hell brain.

"He's going to be fine mom."

"You don't know that. You don't."

"Stop, mom, listen to me, this is dad we're talking about, he is going to be fine. I promise."

"I'm sorry Mark, I know I've been unlike myself."

"Don't apologize, I should be more sensitive." I patted her back, she smelled of exhaustion and rose perfume, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet."

"Mom, have you even slept since yesterday?"

"I couldn't."

"Okay, you need to get some food and rest."

"But who's--"

"Don't worry about dad, I'm here, I'll watch over him. You just go do what you have to."

"Okay, omni-man junior, I get it." She joked, "Thank you." She whispered close, plastering a peck on my cheek as she made her exit, leaving me alone with Nolan. She was a strong woman, in her own way. And maybe as Thanos said; 'Perhaps I was a bit hard on you'.

I observed him; the man, the warrior, the traitor and the hero. The father that made the new me possible. The man torn between duty and purpose. 

"You're alive old man, as long as you are there's no mistake you can't learn from. You're strong, you need to be strong for us too. Fight for what's important, come back to us." I spoke to him, trying to at least program his subconscious to value his family more than anything else. 

"Oh, I bet you haven't heard it yet but I fought a whole invasion of aliens, it was fucking hard let me tell you…" I began speaking to pass the time, telling him of all I went through, of the number of lives I'd taken defending the earth, of how I went to Art's store and bled up the whole place and of my new suit. 

Heck I even told him of the girls I was talking to. Things I wanted to tell people other than myself and my darkly sarcastic brain. 

"…so at this point I think it's fair to say I could land a painful hit on you old man. And if you don't wake up soon, well I'll just have to kick your ass."

The doors wisped open, I expected it to be Deb but I got the other guy "We hope it doesn't come to that." Cecil said, reminding me that he'd heard everything I said. 

The real question is if the house's bugged, has he seen you fap then?

Nolan has alien tech, and I doubt that with his super senses he wouldn't be able to detect bugs in the house. 

"We hope." I replied. 

"You did a great job out there kid. I'm sure your dad is going to be proud."

"I only did what had to be done."

"Can't say I don't like your sense of duty. We need that, we need you and more like you, to pick up where the Guardians left off."

Ah, I see where this is going. 

"I'm not comfortable joining a team, I'm sure you've seen me work, I do that best alone or with people that won't bog me down."

"I agree. But I'm sure we can come to an arrangement."

"Maybe. But I don't think now's the time for that." I pointed at the unconscious Nolan. 

"Right. Here's my personal card, give me a call if you need anything." I took the black metallic card and slid it into my back pocket. "Remember Mark, we need you." He said as he left.

The ole guilt trip/responsibility trick, damn Cecil you're making me blush. 


"Off you go." She said after giving me a list of things to do at home. 

"Take care of yourself and dad, I'll be back later." 

"No, you stay at home and get ready for school tomorrow. You can come after it closes."

"School?" I stopped at the door, turning around to stare at her.

"Yes, school. You're going." She crossed her arms.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, and I will call the principal to make sure you do."


"Bye young man."


This time, I flew home—it was much faster that way. The house was oddly quiet and lifeless, even a bit lonely without the two of them here, heck I'd even take their groans and grunts. But like every man knows when you're home alone, you go full commando. 

Only problem with that was that I was now certain the house was being watched, I could hear the agents breathe in the opposite home and I could hear the weight of their feet against the floor and could even feel the intangible shift of air around them. 

I acted ignorant to these facts and blissfully went about doing the chores which included airing the house after cleaning it and arranging some things. With that done I finally took a hot shower, throwing a box of cold pizza into the microwave and then down my stomach. With my gut full, I finally got changed and left the house, thankful I could fly at supersonic speeds. 

I made a quick stop at a pharmacy, emptied my pockets of the money and spaghetti and proceeded to my destination. 


Knock knock. 

My knuckles rapped against the wooden door bearing the silver plaque numbered 32. I was half expecting it to either whir or wisp open, being around advanced tech will do that to you. I scanned the environment; a few cars were parked in the front of the building, the evening atmosphere brought a certain kind of solitary aura to the motel, despite the colorful paint trying to imitate an image of joy. 

I could hear blinds and curtains shift behind the closed window. The scent of soft detergent told me that cleaning rounds had been done for the night.

"Who is it?" She said from behind the door, her eyes gazing through the peephole.

"It's me." I offered a smile.

'It is I'. 

I know what the accurate grammatical expression is brain. 

"Give me a minute." She said hurriedly, I heard the trigger click of something and then her trying to calm her breath. She approached the door with a click clack of heels striking against wood and with a mechanical groan the handle turned and she pulled the door open. 

Close your eyes children. 

She was adorned in black lace lingerie, the corset stopped beneath her breasts leaving the massive mounds bare only for her nipples to be covered by thin strips of black tape. On her legs right beneath the corset was a thin, black crotchless tights that further accented her curves in sentient shadows and made her thighs more alluring than they had any right to be.  

And do you know what she smelled like? Like fresh roses. 

She stretched out her finger and made a come here gesture while she retreated into the room. The smile on her beautifully freckled face told me she knew exactly what effect she was having on me. I stepped in, transfixed and with a pitched tent in my pants. 

I spotted the igniter on the drawer and the scented candles that added an erotic tinge to her already seductive aura.

Of all perfumes, it had to be rose.

I threw the bag I'd brought on the bed, condoms spilled out all over the bed and to the floor. She raised a brow at that.

"Isn't that a bit too much baby?" She said, walking slowly towards me, her bust and hips moving hypnotically as she did. 

I smiled in return, prying my clothes off and stretching my neck with loud pops. She flinched when I clapped my hands loudly, making sure some of that Viltrumite strength slipped into it to make a resounding bang. 

"For the next twenty four hours, I cannot guarantee your physical wellbeing."

"Come destroy this pussy baby." She wrapped her arms around my waist, whispering in my ear with hot breaths, finishing it off with a flick of her tongue on my cheek. I noticed how wet she was, considering she was grinding against my leg, and subsequently soaking it in her slippery fluids. 

I let my fingers explore her, from the aroused flesh of her nips to her wet and engorged lips. My mouth met hers, her tongue broke the barrier of her cherry flavored lips and saliva, giving me a proper taste. I ran a single finger along the length of her opening, feeling her shiver in my hands and push herself closer to me. 

"Give it to me you tease" She moaned between breaths. I freed my other arm, grabbed a condom and handed it to her. I would tease her more, but the fire within had long ignited, it was an inferno that would soon burn past the barrier I made. This was for her sake, to get her as receptive and as aroused as possible, because once I began, there would be no stopping myself. 

I wouldn't be able to. 

She went on her knees and took my entire length down her throat, her tongue working the shaft as though it were an independent entity. She slobbered it up and maintained eye contact the entire time, the aura of mature and sexy wafting off of her was mesmerizing. Once the rubber covered my entire length. I stared up, a wave of pleasure and heat was radiating from my core. The metaphorical fire had manifested.

The Emperor help you woman. 

I grabbed her by the neck like some deranged barbarian and pushed her down to the floor, ignoring the petal decorated bed. I had to be mindful of my new found strength and how I handled her. I kissed my way down her lips and buried my face in the crook of her neck —inhaling her intoxicating scent—and buried the entire length of my member in the deepest reaches of her constricting, lubricated pussy so far I bottomed out in one fluid motion.

"Fuck yessss~" She hissed out a mixture of pleasure and pain. 

I pulled her closer, hanging her legs on my shoulders, grabbing on her arms and holding her in place as I ravaged her insides and pounded her back out of alignment as gently as I could, which was still plenty rough when you took my strength into account. I was going hard enough to see the bulge of my dick on her lower abdomen. She shivered, kicked and groaned and did the impossible; became even wetter and tighter. 

Sweat trailed down her face, mascara tears painted black lines through her freckles and drool traced down the side of open mouth, her tongue hung out as she fought to breathe like a panting animal. I could feel her hands tap frenetically on mine, tapping out and maybe begging for respite even as she convulsed. I continued despite her weak protests, loud moans and intermittent shivering.

Releasing her hands to grab on her legs suspended on my shoulders, I held both limbs close together and used them for new found leverage and better control. The sight of my rod piercing in and out of her was astoundingly stimulating, coupled with the image of her boobs bouncing unrestrained, her open mouth, tear stained eyes and scattered hair was enough to bring me close to the edge. 

"UagHgAhhh~" I pushed her legs over her head, never ceasing my piston-like movements into her tunnel. Faster I went with each deep thrust into her depths, the sound of wet slaps and her pussy queefing to egg me on.

I grunted, grinding my pelvis on hers as I emptied a bucketload of seed deep in her, the contents held secure by the ballooned condom. 

I pulled it off, grabbed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide I'd bought and poured the contents of both into the toilet, watching the peroxide foam in the toilet bowl from killing the sperm cells. Look, I didn't know the half-life of these things, I needed to be thorough with getting rid of them. At least my post nut clarity self, agreed with my pre nut paranoid self. 

I slid on another rubber—Viltrumite recovery for the win— and approached the milf. "We're just getting started." I whispered to the lady too busy gasping for air to even listen. I scooped her off the floor and laid her face down on the bed. 

I slapped her ass, watching the shapely masses of flesh jiggle like jelly in a bag and earning me a moan. I climbed atop, locking her plump, smooth legs beneath mine. I snaked a hand down past her belly, ripping the corset in the process. I caressed her engorged clit, the wet of our previous sex served as an adequate lubricant.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Please I need a m-moment to bre-..b-breathe…I..nee—ahhh~" She moaned from the double pleasure from being penetrated and fingered at the same time, the sensation of stimulating both of her most sensitive spots had her rocking her back into my pelvis, grinding her clit down on my fingers and biting down on the bed's sponge.

She didn't see it, but I used some of her lipstick to keep a tally on her back. We were at one, I had about twenty-nine more condoms to burn through. 

"You wanted your pussy destroyed didn't you." I'll be doing just that. 


Well, well, well. Look at our boy get down and dirty. To be honest I really struggled with letting everything fade to black, but well this story is rated M for a reason and I didn't want to detract the grit from what makes 'Invincible Me', well, 'Invincible Me'

You know the drill. Heh. Leave a review, comment, or a nude. Hit that like button, smash that heart, drop them power stones, and spread the love!

Check out my twitter (@RainReider) or Intsa(@rainmaine) for the semi-sfw inspiration pic of Melissa the Milf. 

Y'all remember to stay dangerous. I hope the chapter brought some entertainment to your day. Till we meet again, it was I your favorite, Rain. Arigattotina mein frendos.

The Piper and The Huntsman: https://www.amazon.com/Piper-Huntsman-Hunt-Reign-Reid-ebook/dp/B092RDS87S

Big thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;

● Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson) ● Clinton (Titan Breaker) ● David J (Celestial Devastator) ● King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser ) ● PbookR (Infinity's Librarian) ● Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant) ● Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord) ● Frodo the fourth (Eternal Emperor), Belduim (Moon Maker)● Justlovereadin (Diamond Duke) ● Robert Jefferson (Notorious BFG) ● Simply Invincible (Onepunch Lord) ● Scott Shar (Fade Lord) ●Zack Crum (Master Z), ● Douglas Bernard (Atom Smasher) ● Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword), ●Rebek (Radioactive Knife), ● Xedex (Kill Billie Jean),● Joseph Bipp (Bad Prince) ● Cultivating Reader (Bomber Kane) ● Turtle (Slow Die) ● Aaron Kay (Mean Keyz) ● Ahmed Ayub (Alt+f4) ● Jeffery McClurg(Chief) ● Devan Kincaid (Killa Tin) ● Scuffed Beetle (Jedi Goner) ● Luis Gomez (Killzoner) ● Wiley Chris (Pierce Bonbon) ● SavedMeerKat78 (Feral Idol) ● Abdullah Khan (Virginian Sultan) ● Windblown leaf (Gale Force) ● OneManArmy (Gun Gator) ● Wolfdragon Sage (Fire King) ● Ryan Mcmullen (Reynolds Slayer) ● BlueFern XO (Pain Tahiti) ● Angel (Alpha Zariel) ●

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me in your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: @Rainreider https://twitter.com/RainReider

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On YOUTUBE: https://is.gd/RaiNation

On INSTA (Where I post memes): @rainnmaine