
Invincible Ancient

He was just a random Person, just living his life and barely making his ends meet, an orphan who had been abandoned with just a suspicious letter from his parents and a pendant saying his destiny awaits him, It was his 18th birthday and it was supposed to be a happy occasion but as he wakes up he finds himself in another place far away from earth and anyone he was close with. Just what is it that awaits him and what is his DESTINY. Will it be a happy ending for him or is he going to die before reacing the end of his path...

theo_durantt · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Just a random NPC

It was another new morning and a new day of struggle for him, his name is Leo Peacock, an orphan, not that he knew whether his parent abandoned him or what, he grew up In an orphanage and the head nun told him that he was found on the doorsteps of the orphanage with a letter and a pendant with him and guess what, that letter was fricking empty with nothing written, I mean just why leave an empty letter better not have left it as it often reminds him of them and just who are they and why did they leave him with an empty letter, better yet they could have left some money at least as it would be quite nice considering his current predicament and financial state that was in shambles.

His life up to now was pretty monotonous just getting by everyday has been a struggle since he was 18, he is now 20 and his birthday is in just a few days and here he is working a 9 to 5 job as a delivery man and living in a small rented apartment. It is in a building with 3 floors and he lives on the 1st floor. Except for him there are about 10 other tenants living in the building. Although it is small it gets the job done and honestly he doesn't have many items and furniture to occupy the space and as for any companion or future partner? Well all I can say is SWEET DREAMS!!!

He lives in the country of Envia one of the many countries in super continent Euron, there are 2 more continents except Euron on the planet Andromed they are Arctic and Polar.

Euron was almost 10 times bigger than Polar (Author: Polar is equal to Asia). While Arctic was the smallest and is covered in ice all-round the year (Author: same as Antarctica in size and climate). Euron being the biggest also had a high number of people and with it came the complication of space and many countries are at war for more space, Envie also being one of them.

Though currently many countries have stopped the aggression due the event 20 years ago when the country of Versail was almost close to being annihilated it used nuclear weapon on the other county Turk which has led to many after effects and complication, so although the aggressions have stopped there are still many small scale fights which happen now and then.

It is 7June, 2020 and Leo is getting ready to go for his delivery work as it is almost 8 in the morning.

'Ahh another day of hell 'said Leo as he gets out of his apartment, getting himself mentally prepared for all the annoying and self-entitled people he is going to meet who make his day hard, well not that he can do anything else.

'Good morning Aunt Grace' Leo greets the landlady of his apartment who also lives in the ground floor.

'Good morning Leo, going to work now are you?' She asks.

'Yes Aunt, I got to go or I will be late' Leo says as he gets on his bicycle and rides away as if scared of something.

'Honestly the landlady is kind and good but she has the bad habit of gossiping and nagging others' Leo thinks as he is on his way to get the packets that he has to deliver.

His work pace is 3 km away from his rented apartment, he works for a food delivery company and usually has to go and deliver over 100 packets daily all for the meager salary of 250 $/per day, which he gets by the ends of the day.

It took another 30 min to reach his destination, as he enters the building he sees Ross his coworker 'Hi Ross, so how many do I have to deal with today? Leo askes

'Hi Leo, been a busy morning you know maybe you've to work overtime buddy' he replies.

'Yup, perfect thing to hear to make your day worse' Leo sighs while resigning to his fate.

'Ok, so got the things ready?' Leo askes as he goes to collect the package he has to deliver.

'Yeah it's all packed and ready' Ross replies while doing something else.

Leo takes all the things and goes towards the exit ready to set off and finish his work as soon as possible so that he doesn't have to work overtime as he doesn't get paid for it and it's not safe in the neighborhood late at night where he lives in.

As Leo gets on his bicycle ready to go out he meets his fellow workers who are also here to collect their package to deliver they, they exchange pleasantries and take off.

The rest of the day goes off without any hitches which was something very rare for him as he always gets at least 1-2 annoying customers who don't even want to reason with you. An extreme case among this is certainly shocking, there was one customer who just said 'hey you should wear red shirt and pants cause I like it and next time bring more food for me', Leo was flabbergasted, he really wanted to say' you're the one who ordered the food not me bruhh'.

As he finally finished his last delivery for the day he went back to his workplace to collect his salary for the day, while going he checks the time.

It was currently 9:14 he will reach his office by another 5 and it will take 10 more to settle his salary and by 9:45-50 he should reach home.

After reaching home and getting fresh, he lays down in his bed all exhausted and wondering whether life will ever get any better for him or will he always live like this, without any goals and ambition. While thinking all of this and getting himself ready for another day, he fell asleep.

But little does he know that all that he has ever learned and thought to be true is soon going to be overturned, will his future take a turn for the worse or can he finally act on this chance and rise to what he dreamed and more than what he could ever imagine.

Authors note: Hey there guys I wish you find this interesting and do comment if there are any mistakes. If there are not any problems on my side then expect 1-2 chapters daily.


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