[Welcome to the 4th Dimension] Ari is a girl who's best friend committed suicide on her 20th. After being sent down a depressed spiral a gift from her aunt gives her a way to bring her back. Using a unique glass of milk she's sent to the 4th Dimension, a place where lost souls can be saved and returned Now with the help of a talking panda bear and some new friends she journeys through to retrieve the souls of people who have taken their own lives and save the life of her lost friend.
Marooning through the heavy snowfall Ari could not shake the nagging feeling she was being watched and or followed.
Constantly checking over her shoulder she gave into her paranoia.
"Fuck it, Buttons let's go faster somehow" she whispered to her hand.
"Huh? How?" he responded incredulously.
"I don't know, turn into a snowmobile or something" Ari hissed.
"Yeah can't do that cause I'm not sure if you're aware but I don't have an engine so..." he said sarcastically.
"Okay well get faster cause I'm convinced someone's watching us" Ari said.
"We're in open air if we were being watched I'm pretty sure we would-" a blood curdling scream off in the distance interrupted Buttons.
"Shit, Buttons come on we gotta go faster" Ari said as she began running through the thick ankle high snow.
"Uh uh uh woop" Buttons said as he raised Ari into the air stretching the bottom of her suits feet into foot long stilts.
"Okay good" Ari said as she squinted through the fog to make out a figure in the distance.
"I think that's it. Oh of course they're on a snowmobile" she said as she heard a motor.
Ari began moving faster whilst barely maintaining her balance on the foot high platforms beneath her feet.
"Just about there" she said as she closed in on the figure.
"Longer arms" she shouted to Buttons.
Extending her arms out she began waving them at the figure in the distance as the gloves of her suit extended from the wrist and reached out to the figure.
"Wrap em up!" Ari shouted as she lept into the air trying to make up as much ground as possible.
Buttons wrapped the arms around the figure on the snowmobile and the momentum of the snowmobile dragged them along with it.
"Gah!" Ari shouted as she narrowly avoided face planting into the snow.
"Pull-" Ari said before snow kicked up by the snowmobile drowned her out.
Buttons began retracting the extended arms as Ari's head slowly rose above the snow being propelled into her face.
Now getting a clear look at the figure she saw a hooded figure with a woman slumped over it's shoulder.
"Let go of-" Ari said as she attempted to get her feet back under her before falling forward on the stilts.
"Buttons turn the stilts into skis!" Ari shouted as her legs remained dragging behind her as she struggled for purchase.
As the stilts retracted Ari watched them impatiently as the feet of the suit widened.
Mustering all her core strength to pull her feet underneath herself, Ari gained purchase as Buttons morphed the feet into skis.
Now riding behind the hooded figure on in the snow machine she inched closer and closer as Buttons pulled them further in.
"Stephanie!" she shouted to the unconscious woman.
"Fucking let go of her" Ari said unable to budge the figure who remained planted on the seat steady as a rock.
"Aight change of plans, Buttons one arm-" she said before the figure abruptly stopped the snowmobile.
Ari watched as she went flying overhead from her skis got caught in the snow.
She watched as Stephanie fell off the figure's shoulder.
As her momentum sent her back first into the snow in front of the snowmobile.
Remaining attached to the figure she laid on her back.
Looking around she saw the figure descend the bike and grab Stephanie's unconscious body off the ground.
"Buttons! Arms detached quickly, skis gone quickly! Do it now!" she shouted as Buttons immediately followed her instructions and she scrambled to her feet as quickly as possible.
Running in the snow she threw herself at the figure as it stood over Stephanie.
Grabbing onto the hood she pulled at it eventually removing it from the figure and tossing it to the side.
To her recoil and confusion the creature underneath the hood resembled a mutated human.
With mangled facial features that don't fit together such as a one brown eye and one blue one, a wide jaw and unevenly sized lips it was a Frankensteins monster of the human form.
"You should back off now!" it screeched in a warped amalgamation of different voices.
"Ohh..." Ari said staring down the monstrosity.
"You're all her bullies wrapped into one. Probably did you a favor making you look this good" she said with a smirk.
"Alright we'll work on your superhero trash talk later. Let's just kick this things ass" Buttons said.
"Alright Buttons, bigger fists and longer feet! Get me eye level with this thing" Ari said as she began running and rapidly collided her fist against the creatures face.
"Wow I'm quick, those stats worked a treat" Ari said looking at her hands.
"Well now that your satisfied actually give me time to make your shit bigger" Buttons said as Ari's fists grew to the size of heads and she was elevated half a foot off the ground.
"Okay first of all pause on that bigger statement, second let's get it" Ari said as she lept forward on her six inch platforms and punched the monster in the side of the face.
"Wassup can't fight?" she said as she connected with a thudding punch to it's stomach knocking it across the floor.
"Lil bully bitch" she said with a smirk as she cockily walked across the floor towards it.
"Buttons, left hand shaped like a blade" she said under her breath.
Looking at her hand she watched her large left hand shrink and flatten out morphing into a foot long blade.
"Time's up hoe" Ari said as she raised her hand in the air and swung for it's neck.
A millisecond before it connected Ari felt a thud to her stomach and she got sent back.
Tumbling through the snow she rolled over her neck and landed back on her feet.
Feeling her ears ringing and her balance thrown off she saw a red light flash up in front of her.
"Got cocky..." Ari said as she watched the monster slowly rise to it's feet with its eyes glowing red.
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