
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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You really are a wizard, Neville(Edited)

At the exact time he was about to touch the ground with high velocity he seemed to have stopped.

Neville who had already accepted his fate opened his left eye unsure and then saw the miracle by his accidental magic.

It was true!

He had magic!

He felt like a newborn bird that could not wait to spread his wings and fly!

Just as engaged in his wild fantasies he seemed to have finished his quota of accidental magic as he fell down.

Even though he was only a bit scratched he could not stop crying tears of joy.

All this time he had been so anxious and angry at his grand uncle that when it all over he felt at the top of the world and he had felt any more alive in his two lives combined.


{ System is unlocked. please collect newbie package.}

Open Newbie package System

Neville huffed to the system

"Opening Newbie package:- 3x pro mode (in this mode you will be able to perform physical activities 3 times as good as your usual),

3x genius mode (in this mode you will be able to study 3 times as efficiently as you can )

100 ways to lose weight and become handsome (After the host's recent most wish.)"

Why are you doing this to me?

Why do you hate me so much?

Did I almost commit suicide to get this shit?

What sins did I commit in my past life deserve this kind of treatment?

This level of malice is not any less than that shady uncle who pushed him from the window.

" You really are a wizard, Neville!

Augusta Longbottom, his dear old grandmother exclaimed with joy and did not seem to care about the trauma that such a incident could have over a young boy.

Wizards had much less fear of broken bones and other various injuries due to the magical potions that could cure them easily and reduce the pain.

Neville really felt that he and potions were already destined to be bitter enemies for life.

Needless to say his Grandma and his uncle were overjoyed the rest of the day.

Even though he had resentment against his grand uncle he forgave him as he had already apologised to him and reassured his grandmother that he would have cast a "Wingardium Leviosa" at the last moment if Neville didn't use his accidental magic.

They actually decided to record this supposed 'crime' and brag about it to the manor guests in front of his dumbstruck eyes over the upcoming years.

They even let him have all the sweets he wanted to get that day.

He supposed that he was beginning to see the reason why Neville turned out the way he was in the original story.

They sent mail to almost all the people they could.

Is there law and order in this country?

Can none hear a child's desperate cry?

"Here Neville take another Bertie botts sweet."

Never mind!

I can take care of it!

He previously wondered how they had gotten away with such a dangerous stunt in the original story.

Now it seemed that they were quite skilled in giving bribes.

No wonder Neville seemed so nervous and fat in the original story.

But he didn't need to worry about gaining fat.

He was a man fought for the right to be lean and handsome with his life on the line!

He did not fear sweets!

After gobbling up the sweets as he was merely trying to not waste food and was definitely not a glutton trying to hide his true nature by giving excuses he opened up his system panel and went through the rules of the system.

1 He could not under any circumstances let others doubt that he had a system. They could doubt his sanity but not the system.

2 He could take the help of the system rewards to complete the dare mission.

3 The system would disband once the dark lord perished.

4 There would be optional missions from time to time.

That was it for the rules.
