
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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"Come down the hall."

"Your grand uncle Algie is waiting for you."

Augusta Longbottom's voice resounded through the house.

The boy in question was currently checking his body in the mirror in pure amazement.

Although he had seen and confirmed that this was not a dream it still felt too unreal.

He had been run over by a truck and when he opened his eyes he found himself in a very small chubby body.

Yes, he had been transmigrated in Neville Longbottom from the world of Harry Potter.

Initially he had indeed been sceptical of the notion as it was so overhyped in those novels he used to read in his previous life.

But when he had got that old woman perform "Wingardium Leviosa" on him to punish for not showing enough accidental magic he believed it.

He was the only heir of the entire Longbottom family and if he was proved to be a Muggle then the Longbottom manor and all its property would be given to the closest blood relation.

He wasn't sure who this closest blood relation was but he could guess that it was probably a death eaters family as only that could possibly elicit such behaviour from the formidable old witch.

He was even more sure when he saw his uncle look towards him and the window in a calculating manner.

From that day he always made sure to be as far as he could from his uncle.

He wasn't the original Neville Longbottom!

There was no guarantee that he would be able to perform magic to secure himself when thrown out of the window.

Even if he turned out to be a Muggle he planned to use his future knowledge to gain success in the Muggle world.

But first he was going to stay the hell out of Europe.

Probably go to America or Africa.

Even the North Pole seemed more safe to him than this British wizarding community.

Any wizard could point a wand at him to remove his memory.


He really was the shame of all transmigrators ever!

When others unlocked their golden fingers, had a handsome appearance and went forth a great journey and ended up with many beauties on the other hand he still had no golden finger, was so chubby that all girls may consider hugging him as a teddy bear and was always hiding from his shady uncle who was probably waiting in some dark godforsaken corner to grab and throw him out the window!

Just as he was ruing his old days he suddenly heard a .....


"Daredevil system is linked with host.

Does host want to proceed:- Yes/No"

It turns out that he also had a goldfinger.

Although he may not have a great system as long as he had it his future life would be smooth sailing.

Though he didn't know now that when he looked back to this day from the far future he may have preferred if there was no cheat for him.



"Golden finger unlock mission:-

The other wizards in vicinity think that you are not a wizard. Prove yourself by jumping out from the window and surviving.

Mission Time:- 3 minutes


System unlock+ Novice gift pack

Failure:- The host will die a painful agonising death and another host would be transmigrated to the body."


If he does not die than who will?

One death is blatant murder and other is a suicide!

Now all he wanted was to go back in time to slap his chubby face hard when he desired a system!

Was he tired of life!

Even if he unlocks the system he would probably have many such tasks.

He walked towards the window and looked down


This building is too tall!

If he fell to his death with his current body he probably would not have to struggle much before dying.

"Jump and try to use accidental magic, Neville!"

Just as he was contemplating whether to jump or not he heard a dreaded voice behind him that haunted him in his nightmares.

It was that shady uncle!

He had been so engrossed in the system that he had neglected to hide himself.

As he fell towards his demise he thought that if given another chance he would like to enjoy his life and then it happened.