
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Taking the Super soldier Serum

Neville started revising his syllabus in the Requirements Chamber once the fusion got over.

He had no time to waste after all.

Although he had studied all the syllabus diligently there was still competition with some other students:-

Hufflepuff future prefects like Hannah Abbot and Ernie Macmillian although not as intelligent as Hermione were such hardworkers that they had begun preparing for the final exams since Christmas holidays.

He even recounted from his Occumulency enhanced memories that Ernie seemed to have gotten an O.W.L in potions exam despite being taught by Snape for 5 years.

Terry boot and Michael Corner were some of the intelligent Ravenclaw who would also go on to get an O.W.L in potions.

Dean Thomas along with the Patil sisters were geniuses who would get an O.W.L in Transfiguration(among the difficult subjects as potions).

Draco Malfoy was also good in his studies and could compete for the top 3 of their year.

Fuelled by his Slytherin pride and ambition he was bound to study hard and try and get higher marks than a "mud blood" like Hermione.

Harry even though he was among the top of his year had Quidditch practice and indulged a lot of his time in the Philosopher's stone and trapdoor research.

Last but not the least was Hermione: she is the smartest witch of all Hogwarts and had recieved atleast 10 O.W.L in her fifth year.

Not to mention that she took the trouble to take extra classes using time travel equipment in her third year.

If she had not been distracted by Nicolas Flamel this year then he would have aimed for 4-10 Rank without hesitation.

If only everyone could have been like Ron and enjoyed their youth!

He estimated that if he were to study hard without the Hyperbolic Time chamber then he could get 4-10 Rank Basilisk gaze.

After that he could perhaps make a lot of clones so that his magic pool stayed down, wear some magical eyemask or simply go in solitude for the week that followed the exam and maybe get his eyes replaced in the summer or something.

But now that he had time on his side he planned to beat everyone and gain the first place.

While he was taking a break from his studies his Hogwarts Explorer mission showed up with a Ding.


Super Soldier Serum can be claimed.

After a series of micro injections into his major muscle groups, it caused a warm feeling in his body.

The system released Vita rays at him to stabilise the Serum and accelerated it's effects on him.

His metabolic activities increased by four to five times and his mental abilities reached a new peak.

He did not shoot up in height or have muscles but he could feel the immense power in his muscles and he was sure that he could last for hours if he began running.

And now he felt .....hungry?

He had finished a month worth of food in just 2 weeks thanks to his transformation.

He was confident that he could rank 2nd if he gave the exam right now with his enhanced mental strength.

He may even tie for the first place with Hermione, but he had to leave the chamber as the food had run out and he had no money to buy food from Hogsmeade village.

Thankfully his clone had returned and dispersed in front of the Requirement Chamber just now.

He got out and headed for the Kitchen to get some snacks from the house elves who were only happy to serve him some left over pudding.

After finishing all the food that the elves served him he left under the excited cheers of the house elves.

Once the golden trio returned from

Hagrid's Hut assured that Snape didn't know about how to get past from Fluffy as he had swore that not a soul except Dumbledore and himself knew how to get past Fluffy.

But now they had something else to worry about: What might happen to Hagrid if anyone found out that he was hiding an illegal dragon.

Hagrid didn't seem to notice that he lived in a wooden house and it was illegal to keep a dragon.

Neville just stayed on the sideline hearing about their plans before the much awaited dinner was served at Great Hall.

As the food on the plates kept refilling no one was able to tell that he had consumed 2 times more food than he usually did.

He even visited the kitchen later to get some leftovers as his hunger still had not been sated.