
Into the void [ITV]

Benjaman Francis was a man at the doors of death. His life had been consumed by the inevitability of death, but just when he decided to give up. He was granted power greater than he could ever imagine. He is the maker and the creator and all his subjects must obey whether they like it or not. Life is but a theater after all .

atata · Kỳ huyễn
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61 Chs


My eyes flashed open and were greeted by unfamiliar scenery. I jumped up and reached for my gun. An action that I immediately regretted. My head exploded in pain as a searing migraine fried my brain. It was all I could do from shouting out in pain. I gritted my teeth and continued to reach for my gun, only to realize it wasn't by my side.

The migraine and fatigue were too great, and I ended up tumbling back unto soft cotton sheets. My mind was awry, and I found it hard to focus. I couldn't remember anything from the last couple of days. What had happened?

As the thought crossed my mind, it was as if the floodgates had been opened. In an instant, everything that happened, from the assassination to the hunt, came crashing into me.

"Aaargh!" The scream of pain couldn't be kept in. My mind felt as if it was in flames. My skull felt as if my brain was pounding on its walls in a bid to escape. My vision faded to black before swiftly recovering. I felt sick and weak. Rarely had I ever reach such levels before, even in the military.

The pain eventually subsided, but I was left weakened and drenched in sweat. Keeping myself conscious was a battle in itself. I relaxed my body and took deep breaths. My qi was guided towards my brain to numb the feeling slightly.

As the soothing feeling of qi flowing reached every inch of my body, I was suddenly able to focus through the migraine. With that, I could take in my surroundings.

The roof was made of stone, and vines had made homes within the cracks. The old bright yellow lamp that hung at the center cast long shadows across the entire room.

My gun and equipment were nowhere to be seen. I was defenseless and weak, incapable of doing anything. I despised laying down and doing nothing, but I knew that moving would only hinder rather than aid me.

The room itself was sparsely decorated. There were no pictures, no tables, or really any signs that it had been lived in. The only other thing that was in this room with me was a chair facing my bed. Apart from that, it was vacant.

I nearly jumped out of my bed at the sound of a door opening. I turned my head too quickly, and before I realized my mistake, it was too late. Once again, the migraine flared up, and I found myself holding my head and moaning in pain. I was back on the bed, writhing in pain.

I heard a small giggle from the doorway before the second loud creaking of the door signaled its closing. " Really, Arnaud, you have to take better care of yourself. While I do enjoy seeing you struggle, it's not something I want to watch often." I would recognize that voice anywhere.

As she spoke, I felt a cold hand glide across my cheek, and Alexis stood towering over me. A small smile was clearly visible on her face. Her hair was a mess, as usual. She looked as if she was planning something and also looked like she's had enough.

I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face. Finally, I had an ally who understood what was happening.

"It's god to see you gain Alexis." My voice quivered as I spoke. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed her. Despite our often tense relationship, it's hard to live and build a family with someone for decades and not feel something for them. The kiss that followed was welcomed.

"Good to see you too, Arny." She walked away and went to the leftmost wall before pulling at a handle in the wall. In the next instant, the groan of metal could be heard before a platform emerged. Where the walls had once been where an array of supplies ranging from medicines to various other food.

"How are you feeling?" She rummaged through the supplies as she spoke. Her hands moved with grace as she prepared something on the platform. I allowed myself to lean into the bed and relax.

"Like I've been run over by an Exan Rhino."The was a burst of slight laughter at my response.

"Those buggers were always so annoying to deal with their thick hide." She seemed to be examining some concoction she had made as she spoke.

"Tell me about it. Those beasts were always so short-tempered and would just charge immediately."

She turned to me, concoction in hand." Remember when you almost got ran over by their stampede."

"I could never forget." I felt light as I replied. She was at my bedside again. As she finished stirring whatever she had made, she brought it up to my mouth, and I allowed it to enter. There was not a doubt in my mind as to her intention.

The liquid tasted sweet and left me feeling warm and fuzzy. My head went numb, and my migraine subsided. "Your title did always make a brilliant with medicines."

She smirked before playfully tapping my chest."Thank you, should be your answer."

With a grunt of effort, I managed to make myself sit up. A couple seconds after that left me feeling like I needed to vomit. When I did, there was a bucket waiting below me.

I wiped my lips of the sour taste. "Thanks"

"You're a lot nicer on earth, Arny." I shrugged at the statement.

"You were right. It's not what it used to be. Things aren't the same anymore." I felt a weight lift off my chest as I spoke those words.

"I know." The sound of creaking metal followed as she reorganized the supplies and lifted up the metal platform back into the wall.

She headed towards the metal door." Get up soldier, you should be good enough condition to walk." As she disappeared into the hallway, I found myself wanting more time with her.

The guilt that washed over me right after was like a tsunami. I already had a fiancee and a child on the way. Yet, I found myself not worrying about them. I did care about them, but they were so distant and different.

Alexis understood me.

She had experienced what I had. We'd been there for each other for decades. More than a century in fact when converted into earth years.

I felt whatever grip I'd had on what could've been with my fiancee slip. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about this.

I attempted to stand up, and sure enough, I could. There was no nausea, dizziness, or anything of that sort. I still felt like the migraine was there, but the pain wasn't.

I was shirtless, and my shoes were also nowhere to be found. So, I was forced to walk barefooted across cold metal. A sensation that I ended up enjoying. Following Alexis hadn't been all that difficult, even though she had moved out of my line of sight.

The random drafts of wind in what I assumed to be a bunker were helpful.

When I finally arrived at the room she was currently in, I was surprised to see the entirety of my squad sitting there. At least those that were still alive. The sudden explosion of greetings and insults left me feeling elated.

It was a blur of motion as I was pulled to the couches, and beer was placed in my hand. Once the rowdy greetings were exchanged, we all settled down.

"So is it true, Arny? Everything she's told us is true?" Zacharias sat opposite of me. His voice was deep, and with his full stache and height of 199cm, he cut an intimidating figure even when seated. His dark gray eyes bored holes into me as he asked the question.

I turned to Alexis in surprise. I hadn't expected her to tell them, but I threw of any worry that started to arise. Alexis always had a plan. This was probably just part of it.

"Yes. It's all true." The boys looked at each other. There wasn't surprise or disbelief but excitement. I couldn't help the laugh. Of course, these dumbasses would be excited.

"Well then, I guess we got to help you then." It was Matias, the one who had picked me up, that spoke.

"Are you helping me or just using this as an excuse to relieve your boredom."

"Go suck a fat one, bro." The laughter that followed afterward was refreshing.

"Okay, boys. We need to debrief before we get too rowdy." Once Alexis spoke, the atmosphere immediately became somber. All the foolishness was gone in an instant.

I woke up from my seat and grabbed the conveniently available marker next to Alexis before walking towards the old fashion whiteboard in the room.

"So I guess I got to run you guys through everything that's happened to me so far." There were some nods and shiftings as everybody paid attention.

Well, it started like this...

Thanks for reading.:)

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