

I walked majestically to my father's throne. I was the son of King Bartholomew.

Well, I was birthed by an illegitimate wife, that much could be seen in the difference between my father's skin and my own.

His was pale. Perhaps deathly pale, it didn't help that he was going to die anytime soon.

His blonde hair was always packed in a ponytail and there was a chance it would remain that way till his death.

His dark blue eyes exhibited little signs of life and his pointed nose showed signs of becoming flat.

While his son, more vibrant had a brown skin rich in color and his brown hair in locks.

See this was the generation of kings, queens, and let's not forget peasants.

But that was according to our dear prince.

"Father, I would like to go out on a walk this night."

His father grunted. It was just like there was no point asking him at all.

The young boy opened his mouth once more but found out his father was sleeping.

Now, this was a good opportunity for him, he could sneak out!

Before we go further, the name of our darling prince is Ian, Ian Mysr of kingdom Maya.

For reasons, Ian decided to go with his mother's last name.

The boy ran out of the throne room grabbing a bow forgetting about the arrows determined to look like a rouge.

'Be careful what you wish for'.

And just like that. I was back in my throne room.

Mr. Chi caught me trying to sneak out. At first, he didn't try to chase me but decided to let me go. This was some kind of test and I was determined not to fail.

Considering I had failed every practical test with my weapon mister.

I had run to the front gate only to find out the guards were waiting for me outside the gate to the fortress.

But, he failed and he was locked in his room his father gave him a disappointing place before he was led in.

Ian ran to the door hoping to find some loop in which he could escape.

But instead.

"He gets more pathetic as he tries to escape almost every week."

"A king is supposed to be strong and smart. Not just smart."

"I almost regret birthing him."

This was the conversation between the ailing king and the weapon master.

This was what let him fall.

Now, the reason why he can't leave his castle is complicated. Never mind the fact he doesn't know much about fighting and he could die the moment he stepped out of the castle.

He was in danger because the people of the kingdom hated him. They hated him for the fact he was the cause of their misery. More precisely, the king had done nothing for his kingdom. And his parting gift was death.

Ian fell into desperation. He gave up.

But a light shone and the voice boomed.

[You! have! unlocked! the!]

"What the duck!"

[ Ducks are a type of bird commonly found in water. In the adventurer's log, they are usually called water-type birds.]

"Well, I didn't ask for a definition of ducks."

[I, see]

"What are you?"

[I am you]

"A more explanatory answer."

[I am a log of your consciousness. I am you]

A system?


Ian tried taking to his consciousness a little longer but the log won't open up.

He gave up trying and resorted to sleeping but as he was about to close his eyes.

[We are in a world of adventurers, performers, and different class people, everyone you have ever met is either an adventurer or a performer. But yet you are none. Why is that, ?]

"Because I am no one special"

An ethereal mist flew in and a tiger appeared in its place.

"I am a part of you, Ian"

I'm didn't feel afraid but he was curious about what other things would happen today.

"Would you like to see your worth?"


Name; Ian Mysr.

Health; 25/25.

Energy; 8/8

Agility; 5

Melee; 2

Defense; 100

Adventurer rank; Unavailable.

Titles; Weakling price, Prince of Mysr.


I was the weakling prince.

I ignored that part focusing on my defense only. Looks like the number of times Sir Chi beat me up finally came to pay off.

[Begginer quest; Run 1km]


I sighed with my little energy there was no way I could do that.

Unless I pushed myself to a limit.

I closed my eyes.

I read a lot of books and the characters always got stronger by some method. Maybe sleeping could help me get stronger.

The tiger disappeared and the glass pane of my window broke. The most exciting part was gravity held the pieces together until they fell on the floor. No sound was made either. This was like a blessing from God.

A silhouette appeared and I kept myself from screaming. There was a chance the person didn't know I was here.

I hid behind the curtains certain they would never find me here.

Next thing I knew I was dead.

Of course not, the story couldn't end here that'd be bizarre.

Next thing I knew. I had run 5 km away from the castle.