
Bandit Girl

Waking up to a beautiful sunrise I decided to try to make chakra since my ninja class needed it… though it's harder than expected…

chakra is just the mana and spiritual energy combined, never higher than the spiritual part, so even if I have more mana I can only use the same amount as the spiritual for it. The worst part is the spiritual energy just takes forever to recharge if you don't actively cultivate it, and it takes at least an hour at the moment to even recharge forty points normally just letting it go by itself. Though it doesn't take much to use the skills at the bare minimum but if I used it with full power it would end up taking a lot of it.

The trees are very pretty here as well not only that but the air is clean and crisp no pollution here, probably no guns and cars either, or at least I hope there isn't any.

While walking down the road thinking of how beautiful the world is I am brought back to reality with a shout.

"Oi, you dirty bandits what do you have to say for yourself!" Knight A

"Yea, you been walking around the streets to much lately." Knight B

"But… I am not a ba…." Bandit Girl

"Shut up! We will deliver justice!" Knight A

Hmm… this doesn't seem right… I mean shouldn't knights well be more knightly? And the girl doesn't even look like a bandit from my point of view… and the fact… their ruining…. The scenery with their… load annoying selves…

Without even any warning the Knight A slashed the girl pushing her down with a gash over her chest.

These people are disgusting… calling her a bandit… and won't even let her defend herself? Not like it has anything to do with me nor do I even care to save her but it's like they are in my way.

Soo… very annoying… though I had to moved through them anyhow….. might as well as save this girl…

"Move it…" Jona

I wish… they were off to the side… instead of blocking the whole road with their bodies and horses, but I guess I had the reverse effect since they both turned to me with their swords facing me with a disgusting smile. Though I did see a bit of shock when they first turned around but once they found out I was female they decided to smile like they found another pretty target.

Sigh….. really this is too cliché for me… although it's knights and not bandits doing it… but who cares.

"Can you move?" Jona

"Oi! You dumb bandit you can't tell me what to do!" Knight A

"Yeah you should be passive like this other wench!" Knight B

I think I will start calling Knight B Lackey One since he just is there for a follow up.

'Can you try the cloning? So I can deal with them?' Rose

I just left my third katana on my hip while using both hands to make symbols between each other at a fast pace with a spark of energy starting to flow around me and the space beside me a clone with the same exact looks except the only thing different is the eyes were blue. Even I have no idea why my pink eyes don't copy over then set back and did the transfer of Rose through our own style since we are one mind meaning she can control the clones like her own body. Though only one clone is what I can make recently

"Ah… this is much better…. Ehehe…." Rose

"huh?" Knight A

"What?" Lackey One

They seemed to be shocked at what was going on but Rose didn't seem to care.

"Now.. then boys~ I will make you more beautiful~ with a pretty cuts here and there~" Rose

She seemed to be basically singing even though the clone is half my stats the swords also copied over though probably half the normal compatibility and she didn't even bother with the ones on her back and just keep the red dragon one and walked towards them humming the theme song from D**TH Va**er while trying her best to stay calm.

Though it only served to piss the Knights off as they charged her but the sad thing is she just did to them what she did to me…. Stabbed them both in the sword arms shoulder though she went right between the armor joints to make sure she got past the bone and out to the other side in quick sessions almost like she didn't really move the blade as she keep walking towards them with a killing them for what they did for some reason.

"You dare harm some one? And not even give them a chance to speak? Didn't you really clearly hear her? She isn't a bandit…. Hell her clothes alone are more like a normal girl just out to get flowers! Just look at that basket beside her you idiots~!" Rose

She seems to still be singing but I think it's mostly to keep her calm since I never really seen her angry other than that time she beat my ass up and down to next week…. But as she was messing with them I decided to stealthy move behind them to the girl and as Rose said the girl is probably just some commoner at the wrong time and wrong place.

"shh… It's okay… " Jona

Trying to sooth the girl and check her vitals at the same time, she is really shaking and pale cause of the blood lose, though I can heal her I don't know if I can heal her blood lose here meaning that she'll probably need more rest then I can give here at the moment.

"ah… ah?" Girl

"No need to speak" Jona

Then while the Idiot Knights were being distracted by Rose, I ended up using some of my mana to heal the wound on her chest though it will probably leave a scar, it is at least not bleeding anymore and I was able to help her off to the side as we watch Rose sigh in relief as she knows that I took care of her worry, then her acting like she has been just dropped and the Rose I knew before came out without a smile.

The knights seemed to be fighting her two on one, but she wanted to fight so I will let her take care of it herself, though it isn't that hard it seems though they might have more power than she has more speed with her blade like a cobra waiting to strike at the right moment without any flaws in her movements similar to the Blade Dancer Class though the clones can only use one Class and one Job at a time it is more to say that she just sticks with the Dancer class since it is more or less in movement and synergy.

The blades of the knights didn't even get close to her as she keep dancing around them striking their legs, arms, back, even the sides and chest area with quick motions only making them grow angrier as they keep telling her to stand still but the energy she is using is too much for the clone at the moment so she has to finish it pretty fast or she will poof cause the clone will vanish once all the energy used in it vanishes because it becomes impossible to keep it stable.

"Well guys… it's time to finish this" Rose

{Dancing Requiem of the Dragon's Wrath}

The next moment her blade growled like it was a dragon on its own cutting through their swords and armor in one fast spin around killing them both in one move as she broke up into flower pedals that scattered off with the wind in the blood that splashed all over the place.

'Well.. that was fun…' Rose

Why did you even want to fight in the first place?

'Cause to hit innocence and charge then without giving them any way to defend themselves just pissed me off.' Rose

Well… remind me to never get on your bad side like that, even though I took a beating…..

'I am sorry… I was trying not to end up being creepy… and super angry cause I didn't know if they would take the girl as hostage' Rose

You didn't end up being that creepy though in the future… singing and humming while being angry and wanting to kill them isn't a good idea…

'Sorry…' Rose

No need to be sorry you wanted to save the girl and you had probably a lot of pent up angry cause of me to begin with.

"Excuse me….." Girl

I looked down at her covering her chest that was cut blushing for some odd reason, though she is about 16 years old, with curly brown hair and a common type dress you'd see cheaply made and mostly used as a night gown in my old world, though it had some leather around the front of it like an apron.

"Sorry, for before." Jona

I decided to take my bag off my back because I seemed forgotten, though it seems more or less lighter than before? Did the strength of the blessings really make me that strong? Though I am sure they wouldn't make me too broken, and the fact the last move that Rose used was a pretty high level move… making it sap even my remainder spiritual energy leaving me with only ten left and it would take a few days to recover.

"N-No need to be sorry!" she bowed her head

I wonder why she is bowing her head… anyhow let's get this pink coat out of my bag that seemed to have three or four of in there so I got the most common one… looks more like a bath robe but still pretty useful to cover herself while holding it out to her.

"Use this." Jona

She just stared blankly at it as the rest of the bag ended up into my inventory now since I didn't feel like putting it back on my back long with the two swords on my back since they are slightly problematic if a town guard sees me using that many, maybe?

"I…" Girl

"Use it!" Jona

I didn't care for her next words about to say she can't accept something valuable or the likes.

She put it on in a rush like she was ordered by a master.

The time I ended up doing was sighing at how she is acting and patted her head even though she is older than this body I didn't want her to be tense.

"Calm down, Kay?" Jona

She seemed to calm down a bit but kept her body tense like she was in the presence of someone of that would punish her if she did anything wrong.

"Let's get you home okay?" Jona

She jumped a bit but nodded and as I helped her up and walking a over to the only horse that survived the battle while helping her up onto it before getting in front of her since I am smaller then her.. it would be a pain to reach over her to guide the horse the way she points to go.

What? Didn't expect me to be able to ride a horse?

Well tough I use to do it all the time back in my camping days.

'You need to stop doing that….' Rose

Rose sounded sleepy and like she was about to blank out before I felt her presence in the back of my mind sleeping inside the mental space she beat me at. Apparently with her staying there it is easier to enter or at least watch over.

"Oh I forgot to even introduce myself, my name is Jona, a wonderer." Jona

"Eh? You're not royalty?" Sam

"eh…. For the most part…."Jona

"eh? Well… I am Samantha… " Sam

Yeah… I figured she'd be a Sam as the way she keeps looking at me up and down like I am some exotic animal.

Word count: 2,040

This story will progress faster then my other story, do to a lot of it had just been re righting

KuroSonacreators' thoughts