
Into The Infinityverse : Infinite Series

※ RELINQUISH THE BODY ※ ※ STRENGTHEN THE MIND ※ ※ AND ASCEND THE SOUL ※ The start of a long story of a guy traversing the multiverse meeting, befriending, and loving, the characters he'll meet in his travels and to rebuild the Infinityverse Ps. This story is placed in an interconnected universe like marvel and this is my second try in writing stories Disclaimer : I don't own any of the pictures or video's I used to liven up the descriptions in the story I wrote the links at least some of them of where I got the material so check there works out.

MA_Writecraft · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
5 Chs

Chapter 4 : Message and Gifts

Time skip 6 years


( Winter )


( Blood and Gears )

In a dimly lit hallway an 8 years old dark blue haired child walked alone looking like he's thinking about something important.

( its been two years, since I've retained some of the memories of my past, and the memories I made. when I met with the God and Celestial haaa ( sigh ) why do I even think about that kind of stuff anymore, well it's probably because I'm walking alone )

" Fuck! ( yell ) why the hell did I need to come here alone, why did gramps made me leave Viola behind, this place is enormous, and he knows how I get when I'm alone for too long, haaa ( sigh ) its fine I'm already here anyways. "

The child was standing In front of a large ebony double door he seem like he's already used to the imposing entrance of his destination he opened it and went inside the doors room

" hey gramps why'd you call me here you've been gone for two weeks and suddenly you ask you're grandson to go to you're sketchy labra... " the child was cut short after he saw an arcing devise that seems like it created a portal that opens to another world

" what the hell rick you made a dimensional portal without asking me to help you with it. haaa ( sigh ) and here I was telling you about my dream to be a dimensional traveller atl... " he was once again cut short by a blinking cube that started to project a holographic rick

" hey kid sorry for asking you to come here but I had no other choice so if you received this message it means I kinda fucked up, and forgot to create something to bring me back after I jumped universes here, this cube has everything you might need if you want to become a technomancer like me or a royal scientist hahaha yeah I know you won't do does things and you'll just figure out how to operate my dimensional hopper and use it to follow you're dreams if that's what you want, think of it as a gift and hell even if I ask I can't stop you but as an advise from an old man, be prepared because this machine is one hundred percent unpredictably random. But I did make it so it won't send you to a place where you'll die instantly like someplace like the sun so you'll be alright just be sure that you can come back and not do what I did bye. bye Winter and can you tell you're mom that I went to a vacation so she don't worry about me to much okay bye "

After that the massage hologram disappeared making the cube thing light up green then a mechanical female voice sounded " please verify you're self master "

" I'm Winter Gears second child of the  ( Gears ) Family and the only living descendant of the ancient dynasty of the ( blood fallen ) " he said proudly ( I wish that's all right I didn't practice my introductions much in my etiquette classes with viola )

" identity confirmed, pls give a blood sample so i can be binded to a new master " after the cube asked the boy came forward and picked up the cube he pricked he's finger using a needle that's been placed inside a glass container filled with alcohol

After he finished the procedure the cube opened like a box that's been dismantled and created a holographic atlas filled with pages upon pages of blue prints of items ranging from a normal fridge to a steam magic powered rail gun sniper showing how to make them and giving notes upon notes that his grampa written himself and other authors that the child doesn't recognized

" huh so he gave me his technomancer library huh, well I think its just a copy, but it's still a good gift usually technomancers only gives there library's to there successors hmmm so he was serious about me being a technomancer. Haaa ( sigh ) I do have time, might as well create some gear before exploring the Infinityverse " he said before he left the old laboratory of his grandpa taking with him the technomancer library and another cube that looks like a small chest

( hmmm that message of his I think he made it to call a family member to his laboratory when his still gone after two weeks it just so happened that my sisters currently still at the royal academy of pendulum she's been studying there since she was recruited last year and for mom she's been busy stabilizing the company ever since those vampiric terrorism started huh what a bunch of trouble maker there just ghouls they can't even last 5 years before they turn to ash what kind of lesser vampire, starts creating ghouls and letting them rampage without control haaa ( sigh ) I should stop them cause I'm suppose to be there king or something but haaa ( sigh ) its to much of a bother its not like there going after anyone I know, but if they ever do I should really go after them... )

the kid found himself in the main court yard looking at the beautiful blue sky while he thought about the memories he made while being in this world. After his revelry he sat under a tree a great oak and then brought out the two Items he got from his grandfathers laboratory

" it would be inconvenient if I forgot both you somewhere so in you go " the child crammed the two objects in his chest but unlike the normal thing that should happen the two items went inside his chest creating a light pink hole where those objects entered in

" huhh that's always so uncomfortable if I do it, but I'm still thankful that the celestial gave me away to connect into my soul realm physically... okay that's good enough let's see where Viola gone to " but before he could stand and leave to go meet his guardian his phone rang playing MEGALOVANIA as a ring tone but using piano instead of a computerized sounds

" hey Winter, buddy its Timmy " a high pitch voice sound out clearly indication of puberty

( ohh its Timothy Turner he's been a freind of mine since we where 5 because where both from nobility and that are houses are very close to each other our parents decided making us friends so we did we became childhood friends but ever since that vampiric terroristic stuff happened are usual city incursions stopped so we barely get to see each other nowadays so we where force to only face chat with the other young nobility and gather like we use too )

" hey dude What's up " Winter treated him casually sounding friendly and familiar without a trace of his usual politeness

" nothing much just bored because of that vampiric chaos that's been going on did you get the news that young nobility can't leave there houses because its too dangerous even though some of us are stronger than tens or even hundreds of people combine " he kept on and on about how boring it was while complimenting he's own ability but he's boosting and idle chatter was stopped by Winter

" so let me Guess, my dear friend Turner. you're going to throw a party, and you're inviting me and any other friends that I'll might bring " he said calmly while he listens in on a silent phone

" hm... haaa ( sigh ) yes you're right I was planing to throw a party so we can loosen the tension with us nobles and are normal friends, so yeah that's it if you want to come it'll start about 3 o clock everyone will probably with there friends so we can get to know each other and meet new people so do you want to come? " he spoke in a more noble and polite tone losing some of his carefree tone but in a more rude way

" hahaha haaa ( sigh ) we've been friends since where 5 why wouldn't I come if the party maker is Timothy Turner himself asked me to come in such a social event how am I to refuse beside I'll look like a bad friend I'll be there but I don't know if I can bring to many friends though " he said while giving of a very friendly aura of light that'll make anyone see him as a freind than an enemy

" really. You'll come great, that's great, okay I'll get things ready, and okay. we all know how hard it is for you to make new friends, so it's fine but at least bring one, anyone so you don't look odd like last... okay bye dude peace " he said being so pleasantly surprise then he hanged up quickly sounding like his in a hurry preparing

" it's always fun taking to him hey Viola, can you call in someone to drive me. " he spoke like his not talking with an empty crowd but before I called him insane again a smiling black haired made came out behind the tree he sat at looking satisfied with his actions

" wow! young master you're really becoming someone quite terrifying aren't you~ but alright I'll prepare everything just wait at the main entrance alright bye master " the maid dessapired as fast as she appeared

" haaa ( sigh ) why does she always test me every time chance she gets it like grampa purposely programmed her to act like this if he's gone to long or is it just her, don't know lets just move " the kid went back inside of the villa and went to the entrance


A few hours later

The young boy changed out of his casual wear losing his simple white shirt and short pants and now whore a white form fitting turtleneck with a baggy blue furred hoody with a gold chained necklace with a bronze gear as it's center and for his lower half he wore a regular stretching dark blue jeans

The snow white haired boy was now looking out off a cars window seeing the autumn leaves fall indicating the early signs of winter

" young master winter where here want me to wait for you while you invite the young mis? " an aged man said while he parked the black car in a near parking spot

" thank you Alex, I'll be back " the boy leapt off the car and going into a crowded residential area and then finally stopping in front of a small church with house sticking on its side

" good thing it isn't Sunday or I might have been force to attend again " he said before knocking at the door of the church house

" wait I'll be there " a man's voice rang out from inside the house opening the door revealing a scared man wearing the apparel of a priest

" hey white you're friend's here " then a dark brown hair and light brown eyed girl came out she whore a light purple baggy long sleeved shirt with a black leggings and for her shoes he wore a pare of low trim converse she was holding a thorn crown

" be careful out there take care of her for a while but I expect her to be back before night young man " he started by patting white's hair while speaking softly then he turned to me and spoke in a streak tone

Winters aura became even lighter than it usually was creating small sparks of white light ❇ sparkle " of course father I'm here elder after all lets go white "

The boy extended his hand for the girl to except and that she did turning her hair long hair white and her eyes dark blue " okay where off bye father see you later "

Then the boy ran with the girl still holding onto him they moved very fast reaching the car in a few seconds and then entering in it