
Into The Infinityverse : Infinite Series

※ RELINQUISH THE BODY ※ ※ STRENGTHEN THE MIND ※ ※ AND ASCEND THE SOUL ※ The start of a long story of a guy traversing the multiverse meeting, befriending, and loving, the characters he'll meet in his travels and to rebuild the Infinityverse Ps. This story is placed in an interconnected universe like marvel and this is my second try in writing stories Disclaimer : I don't own any of the pictures or video's I used to liven up the descriptions in the story I wrote the links at least some of them of where I got the material so check there works out.

MA_Writecraft · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 : Judgement Day

One day while a young man's running through a park, practicing he's sprints. he looked like any old normal looking young man, that's just been through his teen years. he has an average height with an above average build for his age.

then when he was nearing a few benches he slowed down and stopped he's sprint panting and stricken with sweat he sat down at a near concrete bench while still listening to he's music player

recovering he's fatigue while he did so he looked up seeing at the beautiful blue sky he loved so much " haa ( sigh ) that was fun but I really do need to... " then suddenly everything became tinge with the color of crimson and indigo.

( Flickr Crimson Sky | At MM hills. | Foto play!# | Flickr )

Even though it was still 9 o clock in the morning " weird the news didn't say there was an eclipse to day hmmm " he looked like he was thinking something. " Better check if everyone's alright " Before he could take out he's phone.

A sudden dark hooded figure with bleeding wings appeared in he's mind, clear and beautiful he was walking slowly like he was injured he was dripping blood

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then he spoke in a sorrowful and regretful voice " humanity I'm sorry I was to weak father gave me you. as a gift before he died... " he was struggling to talk " and here I am to weak to protect he's creation I'm sorry but I lost. a demon attacked and he won this is my end but I'll give the last of my strength to give some of you the chance to escap... " before he could finish he was cut short by a blade stabbing through his chest then light intensely glowed in his eyes then everything became dark

Everything was so dark that I can't see anything I felt like my body's paralyzed but before I could think of anything else a loud voice boomed in my head laughing " hahaha wow you're pathetic and you call you're self a god well I shouldn't have expected much from someone how protects this garbage of a world good bye. " with those words ending. everything became silent again.

I moved and struggle in a panic ( what the. wait, wait, lets lets calm down and think this over I might be dreaming that weird sensation where I can't move is here so yeah this might be a dream... )

After a few a hours of thinking ( okay not a dream I'm never this conscious when dreaming alright lets first be rational maybe I was kidnap and brought in for an experimental deep dive gear or, the university I was getting test as was ambush and all of us trainee where captured and now being experimented on okay first I'm not that special to be taken like that and I already finished the test for the university and I remember not being remotely close to it so... )

another unknown amount of time passed ( yup alright for now lets believe this "Jesus" is real and was protecting us in the place of "God" because his dead and then a "demon" killed him but before he could... he somehow picked or randomized people and let them escape but where? So I'm now escaping I guess hmmm well I've read weirder scenarios or worse wait I did believed in god at least when I was young so is that a requirement is everyone he save believed in him specifically or is it really a chance thing hmmm I don't know lets find out latter now lets figure what I am now )

some time passed while he self reflected and figure more stuff out ( hmmm lets see now lets just say I'm a "soul" something that has no body but I still do feel I have a body its just that I can't move it or it's not doing what I want it to do and that I can only feel like, I'm at sea floating and being moved slowly by something I wish that he actually helped me and I'm not in something like a hell that keeps me from doing anything but think or an empty purgatory but I don't really believe in those concept so maybe its something else )

some more uncountable time passed ( well this is bad every hour or so I feel like I stop thinking, shit I'm losing consciousness hmmm no its alright if I kelp conscious for longer I might start going insane I'm already talking to myself as it is so its alright lets just make it go faster relax and think of nothing but darkness then remove it... )

in a room full of students talking playing, doing normal teen stuff a boy slept in the background while surrounded by his group " hey Daniel are you really gonna sleep there the whole period were gonna go out you want to come with " said by a pale athletic teen with freckles named Allen

Another spoke " we might get in trouble but its fine the teachers left because of the meeting so we can play something while we wait for the bell so lets go " he was a curly haired dark skinned teen named John he was Allen's brother

" alright but I... " he stop mid sentence ( wait where what hmmm time travel or a memory if memory I can't change anything time travel I might break something lets hope memory )

smack Allen punched the dazed kid on the arm " hey Daniel I said wake up we can't let you day dream all day lets go have some fun " he was about to hit him again but the kid caught it

" alright lets go " he stood up he looked like a well fed kid I mean fat that's been spoiled to much he has no pimples and has a regular barbers cut " hey so where do you guys want to go... " he looked behind seeing that they weren't there so he looked back inside the room he saw something he always regretted doing nothing about

A girl small petite girl was being made fun of by a tall kid ( this... this is the time when I did... alright I'll never get over it if let it happen again ) the fat kid moved forward and jump and grabbed the eraser that the tall kid was holding high

The onlookers was shock by the fat kids action but kept silent the tall kid laughed and left " here you go Allysa this eraser's you'res right want to hangout at the library while we wait for the bell " she was all red it probably because she was riled up by the tall kid she nodded and grabbed her art things both of them left the room but before the fat kid left he spoke with he's friends first

" hey guys I'll catch up later, go without me " he yelled ( well that went better than before ) " hump Daniel~ thanks for helping me but he might go after you later though " the small girl said the boy just placed his hand on top of her head and said

" its alright he was just joking, let's just hang out for while I still do want to finish reading that book at the library so lets go " the girl smiled and then both of them went to the library when they entered something happened...

( huh where. what. so it's really some kind of time travel huh ) the boy was standing in the middle of a field of white grass looking up a pink sky tinge with blue ( so a meeting I probably pass a test or something where do I go ) the boy looked around first inspecting his body ( back to being 12 I guess hmmm not the worst age I wish I'm not stuck like this though ) he starred at a distant hill with a person on top sitting on a stump

( my guess is, his the one how saved me, lets just go with it, but in the other hand it is beautiful here let's just. ) the boy laid down on the beautiful patch of white grass relaxing while singing a song about love

:( Support his work please he makes great content ): this but only the love part

" haaa to day is such a beautiful day all that's missing is a bunch of birds singing and maybe some playing children but I could be the child and probably some flowers would you think so god " a white robed old man stood near the kid and sat when the kid spoke

" ha ha ha what a funny child you are didn't think hahaha well I did know someone like you can exist. I just didn't know someone like you can survive something like this I'm... I'm " he kneeled down and said " Sorry " then bowed but before so the kid reached out and touched his white hair head

" it's alright dude I don't blame you or you're probably son and he did saved me from a fate he thinks worse than this so it's okay " he said while laying back down on the white grass while he smile the old man smiled as well and layed down beside him

" I know you really didn't believed in me when you where a child you're mother just forced, a religion she herself just got into that was it " the old man said while starring at the beautiful sky he made

" I know so are you like a recording or something you're son did say you died " the kid said while still laying

" hahaha alright I know you're just full of questions kid and yes you're guess is kinda right but before we continue let's walk to that stump right there " the old man pointed at the stump the kid nodded his head

They where both walking up the hill a brown haired boy, dressed in a white uniform. And an old man how's hair was as white as the flowers that surrounds them he wore a white and yellow robe. " so I know you're just itching to know what the he'll is going on here and ask questions like is this an isekai, are or you god, did Jesus, die am I a soul or dead hahaha yeah does kinds of questions " the old man said while they walk sounding like idle chatter or just small talk

" Is god really this chatty yes I do want to know all those things, and I am curious, but. to be honest I don't really care that much, I would probably act confuse, and the other normal reactions a person would go through if there in my shoes, but I don't. Because I had an entire lets say a month of thinking in a place where the only thing I can do is think so I'm alright " the child said while they sat at the stump that actually has something to lean on it like a bench

" hahaha " quite laughter " yeah I know I've seen it and I'm empress but it wasn't a month it was a year " the child looked shock but not surprise ( I knew I was stuck there for a long time but a year hmmm guess I shouldn't be surprise it doesn't really matter anyways ) the child nod prompting the old man to continue talking " you've been stuck in limbo for a year and I know not many of you can stay sane so " he stopped and looked at the child " it's alright I'm still sane don't worry about me even though you're you, you should just be worried for the others "

" alright if you're really are okay or stable... let me continue so listen closely like what you thought I'm a god but, right now I've probably been dead by now. So the me right now. the one that's been talking to you is just an imprint I left in the soul of every human I've connected to the spirit those people are the ones I've asked my son to save as many as he can if anything happens to the world I've made so that's probably why you're here you're one of my sons that are more or connected to me than normal " the old man said to the child that's until now, has been listening intently to his words

" okay this is hmmm " ( hmmm well that explains a lot I was always been sensitive spiritually when I was at my middle teen years okay well lets just ask ) " so god is this like where I get a gift that'll help me in my adventure "

" hahaha sorry kid but I can't give you anything as grand as magic or the things you think I can give if I could I would have done it when I made humanity but I'm not as powerful as I where when I was young... but I do need to give you something you know that memory you entered before you came to this place? " the child nodded in response

" that was a test I know you already realized it but that should have been more than one memory you know why its just one? " he asked the child

" because that's my worst regret and the other's was resolve because from that point on I change and I grown up and let go of the other negative things that kept on holding me even when I was haaa( sign )... and only took me my worlds end to let go of all of it and forgive myself for being so weak that I can't even protect my self or the others I like " the old man started to clap clap clap

" you're exactly right kid so young yet so wise. okay you're right you know about the karma thing the Hindus have made it exist I made it as a reward system for those how have done good in there life and also a punishment for those how has been cruel in there last lifetime that thing " the old man kept explaining concepts after concepts that he made to maintain humanity and verified things the kid knows

" alright that's probably everything have you gotten bored of listening kid " the old man said while they where both drinking coffee

" no I'm alright " he shook his head " but I'm curious grandpa what are you anyways " the kid asked

" oh I didn't mentioned it didn't I " he was stroking his beard

" well it's a long story okay. Fine let me see now... this is how they told me it along long time ago there where nothing but blank slate filled with nothing but one entity the celestials called him arcana he was as they said it one of them the first of them the being how created everything he is there father then that being was bored of being eternally existing alone so like many others like him he broke him self and used his body to form what the celestials called the abyss many think the abyss is empty and chaotic but does fools have no idea what true chaos or emptiness is. so after his vessel was turned to the abyss his consciousness lingered for a time but also broke with time that consciousness was eventually resurrected and fractured creating celestial this beings are both the protector and creator of the abyss's rules and dimensions but they also like all things faded no one knows where they are or if there even still alive and then and they where the beings how created me a god they left God's in charge of worlds to protect them at least for some that's what they did for others God's just exists in the universes or worlds the celestial both accidentally or purposely made so they left them there without enlightening them because there already doing there work without them telling it I'm just lucky that one of them enlightened me when I was young but in the end before every celestial went missing they did something I've never never thought they would do they cut every Infinityverse bridge. "

" so that's everything I know I'm really surprise you're soul is still haven't been eaten by something yet... " the old man started to flicker out of existence fading slowly like a ghost

" so uncle what's going on " the child said panicked

" its okay it's just the imprint I made its beginning to fade okay I don't have enough time here " he summoned three glowing orbs the first ones pink the second ones blue and third ones white

" there swallow the pink one quick it'll give you this pocket dimension and mark it in you're soul " the kid quickly does the there surrounding stopped flickering like the old man

" white ones all the gifts I can give you and the blue one is a collection of memories and experiences of every human that I connected to the spirit you can ask it anything you want and some of my knowledge is in there to good b... " before he could finish the old man vanished turning to nothing the kid clapped his hands thanking the man in prayer

" thank you for the gifts I promise to not stray in the path of being good... at least at the start good bye... uncle god I should have called him gramps haaa maybe next time so like he said haa dam I'll probably be stuck here for a while lets use this gifts he gave me lets start with you " he swallowed the white orb

" I don't feel different I wonder what it is lets see how about the blue one " the boy starred at the blue orb...