
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Sky_novel_lover · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs

Hunting Balor! Third Soul Ring. Juggernaut.

The 44th Floor looks like an area inside a volcano. The walls, ground, and ceiling are colored burning red, and distorted rocks lie on the ground across the floor. Along the walls are cracks that are colored black which make it seem like it is carbonized.

Regal and Scathach reached the 44th floor and walked around like it was a morning stroll, Regal wanted to spar with Finn but couldn't as he was managing the campsite. Both didn't want to wait as they went deep into the dungeon. 

 "Hmm, this place is not what I expected." Regal commented, Scathach nodded and added "It was getting a little challenging but after the level, this became nothing." 


Name: Regal Titanborn

Race: Human, ???

LV. 2→3

POW: 1499(EX)→ 0 

END: 1499(EX)→0

DEX: 1499(EX) →0

AGI: 1499(EX)→0

MAG: 2499(EX) → 0

Skill: Magic King, Hegemony, and Rapid Assimilation

Development Skills: Swordsman (E) ArchMage (F)



Race: Human, Immortal

LV. 2→3

POW: 1499(EX)→ 0 

END: 1499(EX)→0

DEX: 1499(EX) →0

AGI: 1499(EX)→0

MAG: 1499(EX) → 0

Skill: Summon Gáe Bolg, Instinct, Battle Continuation, and Wisdom of Dun Scaith 

Magic: Primordial Rune Magic.

Development Skill: Combat Mastery (S), Immortality (A), and Slaughter Queen (G)


Regal had equipped 2 more soul rings they were the same color as the first, a golden ring with black and purple lines covering it. 

[Soul Ring 2nd: Vitality Drain - Absorbs the life force of opponents upon contact, sapping their strength and vitality while replenishing the energy reserves.]

[Soul Ring 3rd: Elemental Nova - Unleashes a devastating burst of elemental energy. ] 

Both of these soul rings were powerful. but the second one is almost useless and the third one is too powerful as he won't use it unless he feels it is necessary.

a group of Flame Rocks emerged and attacked but were cooled off by Regal killing them, he took away the flame from the monster and made them useless as these Flame Rocks without their flame were just rocks that crumbled without a second to waste. 

Regal and Scathach finally reached the 49th floor, traversing through floors 40 to 48 like it was child's play.

"Finally, the 49th floor," Regal remarked, surveying the desolate landscape. The 49th floor was barren, with no grass or trees in sight. The rocks and sand were all a reddish-brown color. It resembled a giant room, with the Monster Rex Balor lurking in the corner.

"Let's play the game: kill the Monster Rex. Same stakes and the system will keep an eye on us," Regal said to which Scathach agreed, ready for the challenge.

A moment of silence ensued, reminiscent of their encounter on the 27th floor.

Boom!!! x 2

Two deafening booms echoed through the floor. Regal and Scathach immediately split up, each heading in a different direction, leaving behind a massive crater where they once stood. The Monster Rex Balor lurked somewhere in the corner of the floor, but its exact location remained unknown. This turned the game into a luck-based endeavor—whichever of them stumbled upon the Monster Rex first would emerge victorious.

Both were strong enough to defeat the Monster Rex with a single strike, regardless of its level or abilities, making the outcome uncertain but thrilling.

A massive horde of Fomoire charged toward Regal, but he effortlessly sidestepped them, leaving behind a small ball of blue fire that exploded, wiping out the Fomoire in one fell swoop.

Meanwhile, on Scathach's side, she too was assaulted by a horde of Fomoire. With swift and precise strikes, she decimated the middle section of the horde, leaving the rest. Aware of her disadvantage, Scathach wasted no time and focused solely on finding Balor.

Despite their efforts, neither Regal nor Scathach could detect any sign of Balor. They were both positioned near the edge of the floor, each in their own corner. Due to the floor's expansive nature, they could see each other, keeping tabs on any potential developments.

As a strange-looking rock on Scathach's side deformed and dislodged itself from the ground, it unveiled a giant humanoid-like creature. The being possessed a single red eye in its face, its body adorned with a rib-like exoskeleton, and a shield-like bone formation on its chest, it was Balor. 

Scathach's spear glowed with runes hovering around it as she threw the spear, targeting the crystal on Balor's chest. 

Meanwhile, Regal had summoned his Soul rings, with the third one emitting a brilliant glow as it hovered before him. he was keeping an eye on Scathach's side more than his so he had noticed the Balor before Scathach. 

The third soul ring released a massive laser, 3 meters in diameter. Regal had put almost all of his mana in this laser, resulting in a dazzling array of colors but mostly dominated by purple, green, and red. It emitted a blinding light that covered the floor in its brilliance.


A ginormous explosion erupted, engulfing the area in uncertainty. Scathach propelled herself backward and hastily conjured a shield from runes. Like Regal, she had been monitoring his side closely, and when she noticed the third ring beginning to glow out of the corner of her eye, she retreated immediately after hurling her spear.

Neither of them knew the outcome; Regal's attack had been too blinding and destructive. But at that moment, both were focused solely on the spectacle unfolding before them. They gazed at the explosion and admired it. 

The explosion had burst forth like a kaleidoscope, painting the air with a mesmerizing blend of vibrant purples, greens, and reds swirling in a chaotic dance. Shockwaves rippled outward, scattering debris and shaking the ground beneath their feet. Amidst the colorful chaos, a swirling sphere of multicolored hues formed at the explosion's heart, resembling an intricate optical illusion. It captivated the senses of the two, their attention was at the core of the explosion watching the dazzling display. 

Scathach and Regal both jolted and backed off to the corner of the floor. The explosion started to condense on itself forming a kaleidoscope sphere of many colors. The floor grew quiet then. 


An even bigger explosion erupted, destroying everything in its reach and spreading powerful shockwaves across the floor. The debris was pulverized into fine dust, while the force of the blast sent shockwaves reverberating throughout the floor. Scathach and Regal braced themselves against the impact, their surroundings consumed by the overwhelming force of the explosion. As the dust settled, the floor lay silent. 

Regal had used his first soul ring to form a barrier while Scathach formed many runic barriers and even engraved the rune on the ground. As the dust settled, they revealed the scene of devastation: deep fissures, craters, and scattered debris marked the once-solid ground. The ceiling above showed severe damage, revealing glimpses of the 48th floor, while a colossal crater led down to the 50th floor. Regal and Scathach exchanged stunned looks. 

The Balor was completely forgotten by the two as they surveyed the aftermath of the explosion. Standing on a raised platform that offered a panoramic view of the entire floor, they witnessed a scene of devastation. Barely any monsters remained; those still alive were in dire straits, their bodies battered and buried under debris. 

Regal chuckled softly, his amusement echoing in the aftermath, while Scathach regarded him with an understanding gaze, a small smile playing on her lips. They exchanged glances, silently communicating with their eyes. 

As they made their way toward the entrance, a bone claw suddenly lashed out at them. Regal swiftly intercepted the attack with his sword, deflecting the bone claw. Scathach responded by summoning her spear and executing a wide arc swing, driving the creature back. 

The creature that attacked them was a bone dragon, devoid of wings and composed entirely of bones. It lacked a magic stone, and its eyes emitted a menacing red glow, with a slit in the center of the eyes. it was the dungeon's defense mechanism, the Juggernaut.

Regal was pushed back a little, he was in his weakest state as he had used almost all his mana and then had to form a barrier to protect himself, He had barely any mana left. In contrast, Scathach remained at her peak state, only having to exert herself minimally when throwing the spear and shielding herself. 

The Juggernaut lunged at them, but Scathach swiftly dashed forward, swinging her spear upward to strike the creature's chin, sending it staggering backward. Regal, preparing himself with wind magic, followed up with a powerful slash, while Scathach swiftly thrust her spear forward, aiming for a decisive blow. 

The bone skull of the Juggernaut shattered under the combined force of their attacks, bringing a swift end to the battle. Neither Regal nor Scathach intended to prolong the fight, utilizing all their strength to swiftly dispose of the Juggernaut. While the battle may have seemed anticlimactic compared to the earlier explosion, it was now just a passing subject in their minds, even though the Juggernaut was stronger than the monster rex Balor.

---Loki Familia's perspective--- 

The executives sat in the meeting room, the discussion nearing its end and a new topic popped up.

"I don't get it, why are we being so accommodating to them?" Tione questioned, her arms folded in frustration.

"What's wrong with that?" Tiona responded energetically, her fondness for Regal and Scathach evident.

"Let's calm down now, what's with the fuse?" Finn intervened, seeking to diffuse the tension.

"Sigh, let's address this first. The Vice-captain of the Buddha familia is now teaching Ais," Riveria stated, drawing everyone's attention to Ais. Tiona had known about this but kept it to herself, while Finn was aware but hesitant to acknowledge it.

"Is that true, Ais?" Gareth inquired, breaking the silence. Ais simply nodded, unaware of the potential repercussions. Her lack of understanding was evident, as she remained oblivious to the implications for the familia's reputation.

"Sigh, let it be. I doubt her teacher will listen to us, and my instinct tells me not to interfere when they're around. If possible, let's keep this matter under the rug," Finn remarked with a bitter smile. Despite his reservations about Scathach training Ais, he prioritized the family's interests above all else. Although he wished to voice his opposition, his instincts restrained him from doing so.

"Let's leave the matter be, and I—" Finn's words were abruptly cut off by a small explosive sound that resonated throughout the room. Startled, Bete instinctively covered his ears, his teeth gritted in discomfort, he was a werewolf so his hearing was the best in the Loki familia. The executives swiftly sprang into action, dispersing and surveying their surroundings for any potential threats. 

They found nothing, but Finn's thumb throbbed slightly, a sign that made him tense up. "Everyone on guard!" he shouted, quickly assuming a vantage point. The adventurers swiftly readied themselves for battle, while the transportation group moved to the center of the formation for added protection.

A silence fell, no one spoke and the tension was high. but then 


A deafening explosion reverberated through the dungeon, causing Finn, who was at a vantage point, to nearly lose his balance. The entire Loki Familia was thrown off balance as the dungeon shook violently.

After a while, the tremors subsided, but chaos ensued as monsters on the floor began to charge towards the entrance to the upper levels. Some attacked the Loki Familia's camp, but the executives swiftly dealt with them. Riveria chanted her magic, summoning Wynn Fimbulvetr to seal off the entrance, while the others expanded outward from the camp, eliminating any monsters approaching.

All of them worked swiftly to clean up the monsters and returned to the camp. Bete and the other demi-humans with sensitive hearing were in bad condition; the explosion had been too loud for them, causing some to bleed from their ears and others to lose consciousness.

The healers present immediately began their work, attending to the injured, while Riveria and Lefiya focused on the most critical cases.

---Guild Prayer chamber--- 

Ouranos, with his eyes closed, suddenly snapped them open with a grave expression. "The dungeon is crying out," he declared, his voice carrying an air of seriousness. He rose to his feet and focused his attention inward, delving into his domain over the sky in the dungeon. Peering into its depths, he witnessed a colossal explosion on the 49th floor, prompting a deep furrow of concern on his weathered brow.

As the explosion subsided, confusion clouded his mind. "Why is it crying out so harshly?" he pondered aloud, his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding before him. Then, realization dawned, and he watched in stunned silence, a sense of foreboding settling over him.

The explosion calmed down, but it was merely absorbed by a kaleidoscope sphere, which compressed it before unleashing an even larger explosion. Ouranos watched in disbelief as the dust settled, revealing a colossal crater leading down to the 50th floor. He snapped out of his daze and searched for the culprits, finding Regal and Scathach calmly observing from a distant vantage point.

As Ouranos continued to observe, he witnessed Regal and Scathach effortlessly dispatching the Juggernaut. However, despite their display of power, a lingering sense of unease crept over him, leaving him with more questions than answers. As the two adventurers headed towards the entrance, Ouranos remained unsettled,

Both Regal and Scathach turned back and their gazes met Ouranos's, he felt a prickling sensation in his eyes, prompting him to open them and cease his observation immediately. Shocked by the intensity of their glares, Ouranos remained silent.

Ouranos knew exactly who the two individuals were: one was the captain and the other the vice-captain of the Buddha familia.

"Fels!" he called out, summoning his trusted advisor from the shadows. Fels emerged silently and stood before him, awaiting further instructions.

"Increase the danger level of the Buddha familia," Ouranos commanded, his tone grave.

"Their captain and vice-captain are not to be underestimated. They are likely at least level 8, possibly even level 9." Fels froze momentarily at the revelation before regaining his composure and disappearing into the shadows to carry out the order.

---Regal and Scathach's perspective --- 

"Who was that?" Scathach questioned, her gaze still fixed on the ceiling.

"It should be Ouranos," Regal replied as they resumed their walk. Scathach followed closely behind, both feeling somewhat drained by the spectacle of the explosion, mostly mentally, and neither eager to deal with anything extreme anymore.

Scathach had witnessed plenty of destruction like this before, even larger ones, but the implications of what had just happened were completely different. Regal was only at level 3, and there were still more levels to ascend before reaching the peak. However, both were unsure if level 10 was the limit or if the dungeon extended beyond 100 floors. This added another layer of complexity to their situation.

As Scathach's gaze fell upon Regal, it shifted from mere curiosity to a deep sense of expectation. Her eyes reflected not just curiosity but also a thirst to unravel the mystery surrounding Regal. She knew he was an Entity, but what exactly did that mean? What were the limits of an Entity, and how far could they reach within a human body? What would happen next, and where would their journey lead? Countless questions swirled in her mind, urging her to delve deeper into the enigma that was in front of her standing as Regal. 

Regal noted the shift in Scathach's gaze but chose not to remark on it. He had anticipated her curiosity. While she pondered over him, he found himself equally intrigued by her. 

Both didn't do anything and proceeded to go up. 


Name: Regal Titanborn

Race: Human, ???

LV. 3

POW: 0 → 1047 (SS)

END: 0 →937 (S)

DEX: 0 →1037 (SS)

AGI: 0 →1035 (SS)

MAG: 0 →1945 (EX)

Skill: Magic King, Hegemony, and Rapid Assimilation

Development Skills: Swordsman (E) ArchMage (F)



Race: Human, Immortal

LV. 3

POW: 0 →1086 (SS)

END: 0 →912 (S)

DEX: 0 →1067 (SS)

AGI: 0 →1129 (SSS)

MAG: 0 →992 (S)

Skill: Summon Gáe Bolg, Instinct, Battle Continuation, and Wisdom of Dun Scaith 

Magic: Primordial Rune Magic.

Development Skill: Combat Mastery (S), Immortality (A), and Slaughter Queen (G)



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Plz, comment! I like reading them. 

This chapter was a mess but somehow I made it better than expected.....

if there are any mistakes sorry i wasn't in a good mod when writing this chapter. 

Also plz go check out my original novel!!!