
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Sky_novel_lover · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs



It was early morning, just before the morning rush of the advantures. Rose Fannett the adviser of Regal and Scathach was preparing to head to the counter to do her work but. 

"Rose!" someone called out, rose turned around, "What is it, Misha?" Rose questioned the girl who just called out to her. Misha is a human girl with pink hair and pink eyes, wearing the guild's uniform and carrying a stack of paper. 

"The guild head is calling for you. he said he has an urgent matter for you," Misha said while placing the stack of papers down. 

"Hmm, why is he calling me?" Rose asked perplexed she was just an employee, what could she do? 

"don't know, he said it was urgent and sent me to tell you to go there," Midha said, Rose just frowned and headed to the head office. 

The office belonged to the guild head, Royman. the room was filled with stacks of files everywhere. Royman was sitting in his chair reading some papers. he looked up at Rose and said, "You finally came" Rose stepped up in front. 

"Guild head, why was I called?" Rose asked politely, this man is a fat elf pig but he was also the guild head so she had to show him a level of respect. Royman just placed the paper he was reading in front of her prompting her to read it. it was the registration paper of the Buddha familia which was filled by Regal. 

"The Buddha familia, all the matters related to them hust me kept quiet. there level to the location." Royman said, shocking Rose. "If any families come to ask about them tell them you dont have permission to talk about it." 

"Guild head, why hid the information?" She asked her curiosity palpable, this situation had never happened. The families have to report to the guild, the level up, the family standing, their members, and location, and all have to be recorded that is the rule. some exceptions like Hermes doesn't report in time when his children level up or where he is going. 

"It is ordered from above. All matter related to the Buddha familia is to be kept a secret, and if possible record down all their movement and report it to me." Royman said his voice turning serious. Rose just gave a nod. 

"You may leave," Royman said dismissing her. 

---Regal's house--- 

Regal and Scathach were sparing, a little exercise before the dungeon. Buddha was watching them while he had his lollipop with the concept of infinity which also changed flavors on will in his mouth. the two stopped they weren't even a little tired. 

"Hey! We will need more members, when should we get them," Buddha asked while leaning on the wall. 

Regal pondered for a bit, "System?" he didn't have many ideas so he asked the system.

[You can buy a random summon for 100,000 system points] 

"Hmm, get three of them," he ordered to the system. "We will recruit a new member now," he said, glancing at Buddha, who raised his eyebrows in surprise. Scathach, standing nearby, watched curiously as it unfolded. Three magic circles appeared, and tiny particles began to coalesce, gradually taking shape and form.

The three summoned were recognized by the Regal, while Scathach and Buddha just stared at them. The three who were summoned were Shinoa Hiragi from Owari no Seraph, Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter, and Yae Miko from Genshin Impact. 

Shinoa Hiragi is a short, and beautiful young girl with shoulder lengthened ashen pink hair, and piercing amber-red eyes. She is wearing a gray school uniform, she is from the start of the anime 

Kurapika has medium blond hair with scarlet Eyes, and he looks more like a girl than a boy. he wears a blue tabard decorated with an orange-colored hem. he seems a little immature, and he is also from the start. 

Yae Miko has long pink hair that reaches her hips, purple eyes, and pink fox ears that point down. Her hair is tied up with a white hair tie, and her bangs divide her eyes. She was wearing a shrine priestess' traditional outfit. 

Regal knew Shinoa and Kurapika well enough to judge how they would fit in but Yae Miko was a different story, she was a game character. Regal had no idea about her except her name, her being a kitsune, and a head shrine maiden. 

The three seemed a little confused but soon they were clear of the situation, the system had dumped the information on them.

"Oh, this seems fun? so what now?" Shinoa said while having a smirk on her face. 

"Why are the short ones always the first to voice out?" Buddha said still leaning on the wall. Shinoa's lips twitched in annoyance. 

"My, this will be amusing." Yae Miko muttered, since this place was quiet everyone heard it. 

"Let's register you all first, you all should have gained the basic information of this world," Regal stated. Kurapika was quiet the whole time.

"I will wait on the 18th floor," Scathach said and left. while Regal took the three to be registered. Yae Miko and Shinoa seemed to become quick friends and were talking the whole way while Kurapika walked beside Regal, Neither took part in any conversation or bothered to listen in. 

Regal was getting stared at by other adventures as he was around girls and a boy who looked like a girl. Regal didn't give a shit, while Kurapika seemed slightly annoyed. 

They arived at the guild and found Rose at a counter, they waited in line as she was the adviser of Regal. When it was their turn Rose called out to a staff to take her place. 

"Is it necessary?" Regal and the three were sitting in a private meeting room of the guild. 

"Unfortunately, it is I have orders to keep the matters of the Buddha familia a closed of information," Rose answers while sitting in front of Regal. "So what can I do for you today" Rose asked with her business voice. 

"I would like you to register there three, also do provide them with the information about the dungeon and the city," Regal responded, while the three listened.

"I have a question if you dont mind," Yae Miko stepped forward with a smile. "Is there any nearby establishment where I can find a collection of novels or perhaps a library?" she inquired, her eyes glinting with interest. 

her interest was expected, after all, she is the head of a publishing establishment and this is the city where gods roam everywhere so her interest was peeked. Rose was a little confused, "this city has many gods so there are a lot of them and the library is in the school district." Rose answered while being a little confused. 

"I see, I will have to go there," Yae Miko muttered with a smile. 

"Ok then, I am done here, you three should return to the familia home first before exploring the city or going to the dungeon." Regal walked out and dived into the dungeon without wasting any time. 


Regal and Scathach met up on the same cliff and ventured down to the dungeon, they were on the 22nd floor massacring monsters. they just killed whatever monster came into their sight. They had plans to go to the lower floor so neither of them was paying attention to anything except being a killing machine till the 25th floor. 

They reached the entrance to the 25th floor in just an hour. "How deep do we go today?" Regal asked.

"Until we find a challenge, perhaps," Scathach responded uncertainly. "Will it be alright to leave things to Buddha? I doubt he will even leave and just play the game to beat that record." 

"Huh... it should be fine they can take care of themself," Regal responded while looking at Scathach, she noticed it and raised a brow as a question.

"Nothing, you have been showing more emotion which made me a little surprised," he said while walking ahead with a smile. Scathach just looked at him with amusement. 

"I can say the same for you, when you summoned me you were almost emotionless. I guess your growth in emotion is also affecting me," she answered while walking beside him.

"Hmm, I see," Regal replied, considering her words. "Your wish is to die in battle, correct? Why?"

Scathach's expression shifted, contemplating his question. "Death is boring. There is nothing for someone as strong as you there. If the circumstances are right, you can even be reborn with all your memories, which I assume is the worst-case scenario. The best-case scenario would be to be reincarnated with fragments of memories."

Scathach frowned, recalling Regal's sacrifice of his memories. "Didn't you give up all your memories?"

"I did, but I just asked the system," Regal explained, conjuring a ball of water and shooting it at a Blue Crab that leaped at them. Meanwhile, Scathach slashed her spear at a Crystaroth Urchin.

"Is that so? Well, I am curious now about death, but even more about you," she remarked. "I was weary, having witnessed countless battles, enduring the passage of time, and experiencing repetitive cycles. It would be strange if anyone would still want to live." She paused, then glanced at Regal. "Hmm, well, almost everyone. There are some exceptions."

Regal's lip twitched at her unexpected jab. After all, he is an entity who knows how long he has lived, he doesn't even know how old he was nor does anybody. Regal was just getting used to having emotions so he had no clue how what to say as a retort. 

"I am an exception," Regal remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Even if I were to die, it wouldn't matter to me. This is the first time I've ventured into something entirely new. Even without my memories, I'm certain that the last thing I did was sleep." 

"Ho? So you do admit it," Scathach remarked, her tone casual. "Well, now that things are changing, why not play along? It's not as if this will only last for a short time, is it?"

Regal chuckled lightly. "It seems like you would change faster than me. I guess there will still be a difference between an entity who has lived too long and someone who is bored with life." 

The two reached the edge of the waterfall, they had no plan to just stay at the beginning of the lower floor. both jumped without a second thought. They were attacked by monsters but were killed by Regal as he had the advantages here more than Scahtach. he simply made them explode like a balloon. 

reaching the 27th floor both stopped to look around, this was the span location of the Monster Rex Amphisbaena. it wasn't much just a waterfall with little space to move around. unfortunately, it was already killed most likely by the Loki familia. 

"Let's play a game, there is a safe floor which is the 39th floor. whoever reaches there the fastest wins. As for the stakes," Regal paused and picked up a stone and tossed it. "Will pick the next game and will also make the rules and for this one, anything goes." 

Scathach nodded with a smile, she took a stance while Regal mana was overflowing from his body. Time seems to have slowed down, the small stone seems to fall into slow motion the two's resection. the moment the rock touched the ground, 

*Boom!!!* x 2 

two booming sounds came and the ground was shattered leaving massive holes behind. both Regal and Scathach were nowhere to be seen. 

---Loki familia, Deep Floor--- 

The Loki familia executive just finished off the Monster Rex Udaeus and returned to the outskirts of the white place, where the remaining member of the expedition was moving the carts. 

Ais was standing in the front with Finn and Riveria. it seems like Ais was being scolded by Riveria. 

Tione and Tiona were on the rears with their weapons in hand while giving Ais a sympathetic glance from time to time. The Monster Rex Udaeus was defeated but in that fight, Ais acted a little recklessly. 

The transportation of the carts was smooth and without hindrance. but then Bete who was in the back perked his ears stopped in his tracks and looked back with cautiousness. 

Gareth nearby noticed Bete stop and turned to look as well, "Bete, is something coming?" this question made Bete look back and it was caution all over Bete's face that made Gareth go serious. Bete looked up suddenly his ears twicting. 

Bete's stopping and Gareth becoming serious was noticed but Finn who was keeping an eye out, immediately ordered to everyone be on guard and hassen the transportation. Finn will never take risks if he can avoid them so he made sure that everyone was on guard. 

A small booming sound came which could be barely heard by the Loki familia, the path for the transportation group was cleared so they didn't have much hindrance. Raul and the second team were now positioned in the rear while the Amazone sisters were in the front. 

The transportation group took to a safe corner leaving the way open for any fights that may happen. "Bete, can you identify if it is a monster or an advantage?" Finn asked. 

"I can't tell, it to destructive while also being tamed," Bete responded with a shout, hearing this all to their battle stances, "It might be a variant, if it comes down we kill it," Finn said but he continued to check his thumb which wasn't showing any signs. 

The explosion became louder which suddenly stopped, Finn was frowning his instinct was telling him to not get in the way and everything would be fine. "Clear the way!" Finn shouted which was responded with swift action by all. 

A massive explosive sound came from the distance, and two blurs could be seen. one was red while the other was black. 

They were moving at high speed, the red one seemed to be running while the black one was flying with wind wrapped around it and explosions from the black figure from time to time. they were almost side by side. The two blurs passed through the cleared way without any obstructions and disappeared into the white castle while the sounds of explosions continued. 

No one could see who they were, but Finn seemed to have realized something. Ais was looking in the direction of the two with doubt, she wanted to rush there but she was just scolded so she didn't dare. 

---39th floor--- 

Two figures seem to burst in with incredible speed. it was Regal and Scathach both stopped and looked at each other. bother were sweaty, and Scathach's cloak was lost midway. her skin-tight clothes weren't helping, her perfect body which was covered in sweat was in full view. 

Regal wasn't in good shape either, the insides of his armor was too hot right now. while his hair was drenched as he was using water to cool off, it did help but it also became a hindrance. 

Both stared at each other and they made an agreement with their eyes, to take a rest for a while before anything. 

Both walked to an open area on the floor, taking the moment to rest a bit. Regal stomped on the ground and a massive pillar with a diameter of 3 meters raised. Scathach circled around the pillar and carved runes around it. then both jumped on top. Regal channeled his mana and made it go higher. they were almost 25 meters high. Scathach carved out some runes that concealed them from monsters.


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Plz, comment! I like reading them. 

Also i dont have much time as i am still in school so... i might not update daily but i will try.