
Into the Hunter x Hunter world with Jujutsu Kaisen System

MC, Sachiko, woke up in Hunter x Hunter world with a Jujutsu Kaisen System. Her goal? It's to become the first Jujutsu sorcerer in HxH world. And it changed the fate of both worlds Hisoka - "Look what you make me, Sachiko. I'm so excited to see how sweet of a fruit you're becoming." Sachiko- "Ew, Hisoka." Gojo Satoru - "Tell me who you are and why you are exorcising the curses in such a sneaky manner." Sachiko - "I am a hunter? I mean I want to be a Jujutsu sorcerer." (MC literally being both Jujutsu sorcerer and hunter. She can also go to Jujutsu kaisen world.) Gojo Satoru x MC

Chaotic_Clara · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Chapter 38 - Hisoka's Taunt, A New Mission


"Sachiko san, I called Hisoka and said I would be having a match with him tomorrow." Gon admitted after Wing and Zushi went home.


Gon replied with a nod, "He said I could only give his badge back when I could punch him in the face so I really couldn't wait.."

"And when exactly did you call that clown?" Sachiko asked with a sigh. Honestly, she underestimated Gon's tendency to look for fights.

"Umm..yesterday..since I had a pretty good feeling about the training." Gon admitted.

"Did Hisoka reach out to you after you won against Gido and tell you to contact him for a match?" Sachiko asked. She remembered Hisoka doing that in the anime so if that was what happened, it made sense.

"Yeah." Gon nodded, "So I figured after the training for four weeks, I could do it.."

Sachiko sighed, "Well, I was thinking about teaching you two a little more before you go and do what you want but since you already called him, you're gonna have to fight him. That's how it is."

"You were gonna teach us more?"

"Well, we have only covered the basics and you can still refine what you've learned so far. There're also stuff you gotta be aware of in nen battles but since you already registered, you'll just be learning in the battle with Hisoka." Sachiko said with a mischievous grin. That ought to teach that kid.

'Seriously, who told him to be that reckless?' Sachiko shook her head.

She thought after getting beaten up and having to delay learning nen, Gon would've learned to not be that reckless or stubborn but it seemed that he learned so little. He even went as far as to secretly setting up a match with Hisoka like if she knew, she would've stopped him.

"No..." Gon pouted. "You didn't tell me there was more to learn.."

"Well, I didn't tell you to go and call Hisoka for a match. You did that yourself." Sachiko pinched Gon's cheeks.

"...I'm sorry.."

"Well, save that for when you get your a** kicked." Sachiko said. "Don't worry, Killua and I'll mourn for you."

"Sachiko san, now you're being mean.." Gon muttered.

"See, I told you that's gonna happen." Killua walked into the room and said to Gon.

"Not you too, Killua." Gon said.

"Keep up, Killua." Sachiko cheered for Killua which only made Gon sadder.

"Alright, alright. Jokes aside, just try your best." Sachiko said after laughing at Gon for a while, "Just use what you've learned so far and get that punch in Hisoka's face."


"Yeah, and I'll be praying for you." Killua patted Gon's shoulders.

"And if anything happens to you, I'll mourn for you." Sachiko said in a serious voice.

"You two are saying like you're sure about that." Gon pouted.

"Gon, we love you but Hisoka is all kinds of wrong. And yes, it's a fact that you'll get your a** beaten." Sachiko said.

"Yeah, but I'll miss you." Killua added.

"You two are both mean.." Gon replied.


The next day, it was the day of Gon's match with Hisoka. Sachiko and Killua went to Heavens Arena with Gon to watch the match.

"Wait, I'll go put the bets on Hisoka." Sachiko said.

"Okay, I'll bet 100 million on Hisoka too." Killua said, joining in Sachiko's money making plans.

"Yosh, Gon, do you want to bet on Hisoka too? At least, you'll earn some money by the end of it." Sachiko asked.

Gon shook his head, "Uh..I'll pass." Why would he want to bet on him losing badly?

"Suit yourself." Sachiko said with a chuckle before going to place the bets.

Sachiko was about to go back to her seat after placing the bets but she was stopped by Hisoka.

"We meet again, Sachiko." Hisoka said with his creepy smile.

"Well, Gon's having a match with you so I had to come and watch." Sachiko replied.

"I saw you placing bets. Did you bet on me?" Hisoka asked.

"Obviously. I'm not an idiot." Sachiko replied, "You don't mind me making money off of you, do you?"

Hisoka's lips curled up, "What if I do?"

"That'd be unforunate." Sachiko said, "Not that it would stop me."

"Interesting." Hisoka replied, "So, you know I could beat Gon up badly."

"Yep," Sachiko nodded, "That's pretty obvious."

This time, Hisoka's lips curled up into a smile, "What if I say I could kill Gon?"

Sachiko paused, then looked at Hisoka in the eyes.

"If you don't agree to fight me, I might just lose all my patience and take it out on Gon." Hisoka pushed further.

Sachiko didn't entertain Hisoka. It was likely a ruse to get her to fight him.

So, Hisoka pushed even further, "And then I could also find a chance to fight Killua. It wouldn't be hard to break him as well."

Sachiko let out a laugh, "Are you threatening me with Gon and Killua's life?"

"What if I was?" Hisoka asked, his yellow eyes staring into Sachiko's eye.

"That'd be unfortunate." Sachiko replied, but she didn't elaborate further.

"Right?" Hisoka said, "So, fight me."

Sachiko looked at Hisoka in the face. Despite her calm demeanor, Hisoka's threat worked better than she showed as her cursed energy began acting up like it wanted to curse everything it touched once it got let out. Sachiko didn't like the objects or people she cared about getting destroyed. She would never take the threats like that well.

"Sure, we'll fight here." Sachiko replied, "But I'll decide the rules and the exact time."

Sachiko decided to agree for now. Although Hisoka in the anime wouldn't actually kill Gon yet, she couldn't guarantee that fact with all the subtle changes happening here. She also noticed that unlike in the anime, Hisoka didn't seem to care that much about facing Gon or getting a punch from him. Sachiko suspected that Hisoka right here was doing it just so that he could get reactions from her and she would agree to fight him. While she could be wrong, if it was the case, then Hisoka would actually kill Gon and maybe even Killua if he believed that was the only way he could fight her.

So, while agreeing to fight Hisoka would be equivalent to admitting she cared about Gon and Killua more than she let on or he could use the two as the leverage, Sachiko didn't want to take a chance at Hisoka's whims and get the two kiddos killed.

Besides, it was just a fight. If she could do it a month later, she might not even lose against him or at least she would be able to hold her ground.

"Fine by me." Hisoka chuckled, "I hope you keep your words or who knows what would happen?"

Sachiko laughed, "Likewise, Hisoka. I hope you drop your threats or who knows what would happen?"

"Oh, the threat Sachiko made...it just makes me feel..sooo..." Hisoka licked his lips.

"Eww, Hisoka." Sachiko held up a middle finger.

"Oh, when?" Hisoka asked. "I'm up for it anytime."

Maybe the middle finger was a bad idea, Sachiko thought as she looked at Hisoka in disgust.

He may look hot and she happened to like dangerous men but she didn't like a creepy clown like Hisoka, that's for sure.

'Even Gojo Satoru's like leagues better than this clown...' She thought.

Shaking her head, she went back to her seat to watch the match. Noticing Sachiko's disturbed look, Killua asked, "You okay? What happened?"

"I ran into Hisoka." Sachiko answered, "And I made the mistake of holding up a middle figer for him."

"...I don't want to listen more.." Killua regretted asking but Sachiko continued, "And he asked when."

"I didn't need to know that!" Killua looked traumatized.

"You didn't even hear how he said it. Trust me, it's much worse." Sachiko shook her head.

Fortunately, Sachiko didn't have to dwell on the matter much as the match started soon.

"Hello, everyone! In the arena today, we have Gon versus Hisoka. This is the fight you have all been waiting for. As you can see, the seats are packed." The commentator announced,"The tension in the air before the start of the match is unreal!"

Gon was first to appear on the stage.

The commentator announced as Gon appeared, "Gon is first to arrive! After four fights, he has a record of 3-1, he's on a roll!"

Hisoka then arrived.

"Hisoka arrives!" The commentator said excitedly. "His record is 8-3. He has won all the matches he has showed up for!"

Soon, Gon and Hisoka faced on the stage. Hisoka's aura was strong and sinister as usual as he smiled at Gon in a creepy way.

"Long time no see, Gonnn."

Gon looked uncomfortable with how Hisoka was greeting him, which was totally understandable.

He replied, "I'm here to give you back your badge."

"I know," Hisoka said, "I can't wait to see how much you've grown."

And so they started their exchange. Gon was mostly making moves after moves while Hisoka basically didn't even move from his spot. Despite that, Hisoka didn't have any problem dodging Gon's every move and even beat him up.

"What a terrifying aura.." Wing commented from the audience.

"Will Gon be okay?" Zushi muttered.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Gon and Hisoka had already exchanged a few more blows.

"Is that all you got? I haven't even moved from this spot yet." Hisoka said to Gon.

Gon made a surprised face when he realized this and pouted, "Really?! Damn!"

Hisoka laughed, quite amused with Gon's reaction. "What a cute face."

"Seriously that clown.." Sachiko muttered, shaking her head.

"Hisoka's enjoying himself.." Killua said.

"Yep," Sachiko replied, "Life advice for you, don't get involved with creepy clowns like him."

"That's the best life advice you've ever given." Killua replied.

They turned their attention back to the stage where Gon was starting to use feints instead of just blindly charging at Hisoka.

"Not bad." Sachiko nodded in approval. It was much better than the earlier attacks.

Gon then flipped a tile on the stage and shattered it with a kick to create the rumbles which he could use to hide in and approach to Hisoka's blind spot.

Hisoka found that Gon had disappeared only to feel a stinging sensation on his cheek a second later as Gon's punch made contact with his face.

"He got the punch." Killua stated.

"Yep, and now Hisoka's gonna kick his ass." Sachiko replied.

On the stage, Gon gave Hisoka his badge back. Hisoka smiled slightly and asked, "So how much Sachiko taught you about nen?"

"She taught me all the basics and Gyo." Gon replied.

"I see," Hisoka replied, "Then, you must've already learned what category you're."

"That's right." Gon nodded.

Hisoka said, "You must be an enhancer."

Gon was surprised by how accurate Hisoka's guess was, "How did you know?"

Hisoka laughed, amused at Gon's reaction, "You're so adorable. You should do a better job at keeping secrets."

Gon replied, "Shut up! How did you know?"

Hisoka laughed more at Gon's frustration, "I used a method similar to the blood type personality test and it was just as unreliable. I devised my own way of using personality to classify aura." Hisoka then pointed a finger at Gon, "Enhancers are simple and earnest."

Gon was surprised just because it was right.

'He's right!' Killua thought.

Hisoka continued, "By the way, I'm a Transmuter, fickle and dishonest."

'He's right..' Killua thought again.

"Emitters have short tempers." Hisoka continued his analysis, "Specialists are independent."

As Hisoka mentioned Specialists, Killua turned to look at Sachiko and thought, 'He's kinda right..although she's also a big liar..'

Killua couldn't help but recall the time Gon said he met Sachiko on his island, how she supposedly got on a wrong boat and how she had lost her wallet along the way. But, he quickly realized that it was probably a lie when Sachiko took them to Heavens Arena and showed them the huge mansion she bought in the same city. Now, Killua wasn't the best when it comes to telling the prices, but he was pretty sure that the mansion would at least cost hundreds of millions. In short, if Sachiko really lost her wallet and all her belongings, where would she get that much money to buy a mansion in a short period of time?

And that was only one of the incidents Killua could tell Sachiko was lying or keeping things from them. He was also sure that Sachiko was more than what she showed, just because of how much information she seemed to know. Killua could still remember his shock when Sachiko casually asked about how many testing gates he could open as if the knowledge about his house and Zoldyck family wasn't a secret to her. He still had no idea how she knew that and the fact that she could know much more just made Killua believe Sachiko could be far from what she claimed to be.

But, as strange as it was, that didn't really make him trust her any lesser. In fact, it made him feel that she was more interesting to be around. And, the time he had spent with her so far was already far better than what he spent at his "home" so Killua really wouldn't complain.

On the other hand, Killua could also see how Sachiko was an independent person. Despite keeping Gon and him close and teaching them, Sachiko also preferred to go out do her own things most of the time. Surely she let them tag along and participate in a few of her schemes but Killua could tell Sachiko would've done the same schemes even without their help or participation as well. In other words, she was more like a wild card who could go anywhere and do anything independently.

"You're thinking too much into this." Killua's thoughts were brought back to the present as he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. Sachiko was pinching his cheek again.

"I'm not." Killua lied.

"Sure, you're not." Sachiko made a face as she didn't believe what Killua said.

"Conjurers are high-strung. Manipulators are argumentative." Hisoka continued, "The two of us are quite compatible. Our opposite personalities attract each other. Don't you think?"

Gon didn't answer but he looked like he was ready to fight Hisoka again.

Hisoka chuckled at Gon's reactions.

"You better entertain me a little more, Gon." He said as his aura changed. As Hisoka was getting a little serious, Gon couldn't keep up anymore and he was continuously getting hit.

Soon, Hisoka's points got to 6-2.

Gon wanted to take a break and think of his next move but Hisoka showed him that he had already attached his aura, Bungee Gum, which had the properties of rubber and gum, and could contract and expand at Hisoka's will, to Gon's cheek. With a move of Hisoka's finger, Gon was pulled towards Hisoka and a heavy punch landed on his face.

Gon was still dozzy even after standing up because of the punch.

Hisoka asked Gon as he stood up, "I have a question for you. If you can answer it correctly, I'll give you a free hit. When did I attach my Bungee Gum to your face?"

Hisoka continued, "One, when I elbowed you. Two, when I landed a clean hit. Or three, when I landed a critical strike."

"Three, when you hit me with both hands!" Gon answered.

"Wrong! The right answer is four, when I gave you the nen personality analysis." Hisoka replied.

Needless to say, Gon was upset about the answer not even being in the options Hisoka gave.

"Typical Hisoka." Sachiko laughed from the audience. She had to admit that was pretty funny to watch. That Hisoka might be creepy but his methods were quite amusing to watch, well, for her anyway, since most people would be repulsed by his extreme methods most of the time. It just also happened that she wasn't the one Hisoka was targetting right now.

Then, Hisoka gave a little talk about how it was useless even if Gon used Gyo from the start and as he could've attached Bungee Gum during hits as well, it was useless if Gon couldn't dodge him.

Gon, being the Shounen Protagonist he was had a temporary power-up from his sheer determination and a brief enlightenment. He ended up charging towards Hisoka and catching him offguard to punch him in the face.

Hisoka was getting so excited that he couldn't move, or he would end up killing Gon.

'If I kill Gon, she'll not give me the fight I want...' Hisoka thought as he glanced at the audience. Surely, Gon was interesting and he admitted that the boy could be a delicious fruit when he matured, but Sachiko was holding a mystery he wanted to find out badly. He knew he just had to find out what exactly was behind that bandage/eyepatch and what her true abilities were. And Hisoka longed for the satisfaction of being the one to rip off all the masks and everything she was concealing before killing her with his hands.

To be able to do that, Hisoka knew he needed to not break Gon and Killua before he could break her first. Otherwise, he so suspected that she would deny him of what he wanted as a revenge rather than fighting him or trying to kill him for revenge. So, Hisoka would spare Gon, watch him grow and if he was lucky, maybe Gon would replace Sachiko's place after he broke her.

Hisoka's lips curled up into a smile as he finally landed another hit on Gon's face, earning him the final point to win by 10 points.

Hisoka had won the match and now, his record od Heavens Arena was 9 wins and 3 losses.

One more win and he could challenge a floor master.

One more loss and he would go back down to the first floor.

Meanwhile, Sachiko almost swore as she read the System notification. It had been a mission issued by the System out of the blue.

[Sub Mission : Stop Hisoka's win streak by defeating him in a match.

Reward : Random skill inspired by Hisoka's skills and abilities.]


Sachiko chan's update stats

Name: Nakamura Sachiko

Alias: None.

Age: 19

Relationships: Gon Freecs (Close Friend), Killua Zoldyck (Adopted brother), Kurapika (Friend), Leorio (Friend), Hisoka (Rivals), Illumi (Enemy), Geto Suguru (Enemy), Gojo Satoru (Potential Romantic Interest), Wing (Acquaintance), Zushi (Acquaintance).

Assets 225 million yen, 800 million jenny house, 3.25 billion jenny.

Hunter level: C

Jujutsu sorcerer level: Grade-1

Cursed technique: Cursed energy manipulation (Proficient), Time Manipulation Eyes (Competent), Nullify (Competent), Pain killer (Competent), Reverse Cursed Technique (Competent).

Cursed energy: 9,600/10,000

Cursed energy reserves rank: C

Nen Techniques: Ten (Proficient), Ren/Ken (Proficient), Zetsu (Proficient), Gyo (Proficient), Ko (Proficient), Ryu (Competent), In (Competent), Shu (Competent), En (Advanced Beginner).

Nen Abilities: Sticky Steel Threads (Conjuration).

Nen Type: Manipulator, Transmuter.

Aura pool: 92,500 units.

Curse points: 5730.

Hunter points: 220.

Cursed tools: Special Grade Scythe.

Skills Intermediate Sword Skill (Competent), Assassins Art: Shroud (Competent), Assassins Art: Silent gaits, Rhythm Echo (Competent). Disguise (Novice).

Abilities: Enhanced sense: Eyesight, Super Hearing, Superior Strength (20x), Enhanced Reflexes, Pain resistance.