
Into the Hunter x Hunter world with Jujutsu Kaisen System

MC, Sachiko, woke up in Hunter x Hunter world with a Jujutsu Kaisen System. Her goal? It's to become the first Jujutsu sorcerer in HxH world. And it changed the fate of both worlds Hisoka - "Look what you make me, Sachiko. I'm so excited to see how sweet of a fruit you're becoming." Sachiko- "Ew, Hisoka." Gojo Satoru - "Tell me who you are and why you are exorcising the curses in such a sneaky manner." Sachiko - "I am a hunter? I mean I want to be a Jujutsu sorcerer." (MC literally being both Jujutsu sorcerer and hunter. She can also go to Jujutsu kaisen world.) Gojo Satoru x MC

Chaotic_Clara · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Chapter 37


After the Water Divination, Killua, Gon and Zushi were instructed to focus on training their Hatsu for four weeks. Sachiko knew Gon and Killua had to fight two matches with Sadaso and Gido but figured it wasn't a problem to take a few hours off those days of matches.

While Killua and Gon were training their Hatsu, Sachiko also went to Jujutsu Kaisen world and killed a few more curses, earning 1850 points. She also practiced her cursed techniques, but she didn't manage to level up any of the cursed techniques. That said, she experimented more with Nullify and practiced Reverse Cursed Technique more to give herself a sense of security and to make it easier for her future nen abilities.

After coming back from Jujutsu Kaisen world, she started working on a nen ability. It was a spur of moment and a spontaneous thought but Sachiko thought of a puppeteer show and realized it could be a cool ability for her.

First, she thought about conjuring a special type of threads with unique properties. Then, she could use the threads as a medium to manipulate a few puppets into different level of control. She could also incorporate Enhancer abilities to enhance the threads if she wanted to directly use them in combat or she could just make them more durable. Because she would conjure the threads using her aura, she could also use In to conceal them, making it difficult for the targets to realize they or their friends were being controlled.

And if she wanted to go all out, she could also transmute her aura into a deadly gas or something poisonous so that when people realized her manipulation ability in battle, it would already be too late for them because of the amount of poison they would've inhaled.

In short, it was the kind of a deadly killer strategy if it was done right. The downside would be that it needed to use almost all categories and normally, it wasn't a wise choice to use the categories far from one's category. However, since Sachiko had no problem with category crossing, it was more feasible for her.

"Alright, I've decided. That'll be my nen ability." Sachiko nodded. "Let's start off with the nen threads."

Sachiko started to think of the properties she wanted to give to her nen threads. After all, to conjure something, she really needed to know it well to the point of even being able to see it and feel it with eyes closed.

The first property she decided was the sticky thread as it reminded her of Spiderman and the threads that could stick on any surface would be pretty useful for other purposes as well. Then, she also decided that she wanted a quite stretchy thread just because it could be fun. But, she also wanted the sharpness of the threads like the Steel threads from Tensura so she was thinking of somehow incorporating into the threads.

After thinking of what she wanted in her nen threads, she realized that she was rather unfamiliar with a few properties. She wasn't really familiar with threads, and she defintely wasn't the type on chew on gums so she found it hard to exactly imagine a sticky, stretchy and sharp thread.

"I guess I should start building the familiarity." Sachiko muttered before she made her way to a few stores to buy supplies.


Well, Sachiko ran into Hisoka at the gum store. She knew she should've expected that seeing how the creepy magician had his Nen ability revolve around his childhood favorite gum.

"Oh, isn't it dear Sachiko?" Hisoka saw Sachiko entering the store and said.

"Seriously..." Sachiko sighed, "What're the chances of me running into you of everyone?"

"Well, you willingly walked into a gum store." Hisoka replied.

"Good point." Sachiko nodded.

"I saw your show the other day. It wasn't bad but I was hoping it would've been more exciting." Hisoka said, thinking about Sachiko's match with Riehlvelt.

Sachiko shrugged, "I mean they were the bottom tier guys who could only prey on newbies."

"That's true." Hisoka replied, "That's why, fight with me. We both have our fun."

"Maybe." Sachiko said, "But, I don't want to fight with you for now."

"Your reason being?" Hisoka stared at Sachiko, which was creepy as usual.

"I'm experimenting a few abilities. I don't want to get sidetracked." She replied.

"Is that so?" Sachiko knew Hisoka looked disappointed. He then continued, "You know, right now, you're a fascinating fruit for me to pick but if you play around too much, I just might lose all that interest."


"And things I don't find fascinating anymore are discarded and destroyed." Hisoka said.

"Aren't you a typical transmuter?" Sachiko rolled her eyes.

"I am." Hisoka grinned.

"Well, later, Hisoka." Sachiko said, "I just came here to buy some guy because I'm craving some. You know you don't stand between a woman and her food."

Hisoka laughed, "Later, dear Sachiko. We'll fight soon. For sure."

After Hisoka left, Sachiko bought 100 packs of gum from the store and then headed to another shop to buy threads.

When she got back home, she locked herself in the room to play with the supplies.

One week passed and it was finally the day of Gon's match with Gido.

Although Sachiko had already lost interest in the three idiots making fools out of themselves at this point, she still went to watch the match and even placed 200 million bet on Gon so after the match, she was 100 million richer. Gon's nen progress was quite good as well and Sachiko was happy with how Gon beated Gido up even if it wasn't exciting for her anymore.

Then, the next day, Killua had a match with Riehlvelt which surprised Sachiko as she only knew Sadaso and Gido registered for the matches. Maybe Riehlvelt thought it would be a great idea to get back at Sachiko by fighting Killua. But, Sachiko didn't care to find out the details anymore. As she expected, Killua pulled the same trick he did in the anime and electrocuted Riehlvelt as well.

After that, no one from the three idiots showed up for their matches anymore so Killua and Gon racked up three wins in the span of two weeks. Sachiko also got around 600 million just by placing bets on the two kiddos.

So, Sachiko took them to a celebratory dinner after that and actually paid for the meal without adding to their "debt list".


Two weeks later,

It was the end of Killua and Gon's Hatsu training period and later that day, they were supposed to meet up with Wing and Zushi to do a final class if all goes well.

As Sachiko was also focusing on her nen ability, she finally managed to conjure the threads she wanted. She was quite happy with the elasticity, stickiness and sturdiness of each threads and even played around a little to test it out.

She conjured a thread and made it stick to the ceiling then even tried some Spiderman sh*t to see how sturdy it was or how well it sticked to the ceiling.

The results didn't disappoint her and Sachiko concluded that she could use the threads to do some Spiderman feats if she wanted to and she could also use the threads to tie an object and combined with Shu, it could also cut up the tied object like Souei from Tensura did with Steel threads.

Although this was only the first step for her nen ability, Sachiko could already tell that she would be much stronger once she used well in battle.

"Alright, I'll call this ability thread Sticky Steel Threads. I'll work on my manipulation nen next." Sachiko told herself.


Wing and Zushi got to Sachiko's mansion in the evening. Once they arrived, Sachiko basically dragged them to the classroom so that Killua and Gon could show off their Hatsu already. She was quite excited to see their progress as well since she was mainly focusing on creating her nen ability and couldn't check on them.

"Now, show us what you've accomplished with your training." Wing said.

"Killua, you're first."

"Go, Killua!" Sachiko cheered Killua on.

Killua nodded and walked to the table. He then placed his hands beside the glass and used Ren just like he practiced. After a while, he stopped and said, "I'm done!"

Everyone tasted the water and found that it was really sweet as if it was honey instead of water.

"Excellent work, Killua!" Sachiko clapped her hands. "You get Choco Robots for dessert."

"Yes!" Killua looked happy with the reward.

"Zushi, you're next." Wing said.

"Osu." Zushi came forward and did the same with his Ren but the leaf only moved a little.

"This is the best I can manage.." Zushi said, a little dejected.

"That's fine. But it won't be enough to pass. You will need to train more." Wing replied.


Then, it was Gon's turn. As Gon used his Hatsu, the water volume suddenly changed, resulting in the glass breaking and water overflowing.

Wing looked pretty shocked at Gon's progress but personally, Sachiko liked Killua's progress more. In her opinion, it just lacked the dramatic effect as Transmutation would only change the property of the water and make it sweet. On the other hand, by changing the volume of the water rapidly with Enhancement, one could break even the glass.

"Excellent work, both of you." Sachiko gave them thumbs up. "You've basically learned all the basics."

"We did it, Killua!" Gon said.

"Yeah." Killua nodded in reply. Finally, he had learned the basics of the power his brother had for so long. It would take a while but Killua looked forward to getting stronger than Illumi one day.

"Killua kun, Gon kun, I have something important to say." Wing said.

"Something important?" Gon was puzzled.

Wing changed his demeanor as he straightened himself and said in a serious voice, "Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, you have passed the Secret Hunter Exam."

"What?" This time, both Killua and Gon were confused.

"You passed. Congratulations." Wing said with a smile.

Sachiko laughed at the confusion of the two kids so she decided to interfere. "Well, what Wing san meant was there's a secret hunter exam after passing the one we did. Normally, hunters were required to be able to use nen but since announcing to the public about nen was a no go, they couldn't really make it an official requirement or include in the official exam. So, this secret exam is only held for the ones that passed the Hunter Exam. Am I right, Wing san?"

"Yes, you are." Wing nodded. "Hunters are responsible to teach nen to the new hunters that had just passed the exam if they run into them. And I happen to be put in charge for you, Killua kun, Gon kun."

"Wait, what about Sachiko san?" Gon asked.

"Of course, since Sachiko san is already a nen user by the time of the exam, she has already passed." Wing answered. "Same goes for Hisoka. He already passed the moment he passed the Hunter Exam as he was already a nen user."

"Well, that makes sense." Killua nodded. He then realized if Illumi were to pass the fourth phase of the Exam, he would've passed the Hunter Exam altogether and become a hunter. Realizing this, Killua was glad that Sachiko interfered and made Illumi fail the exam.

Sachiko didn't know what exactly Killua was thinking but she could tell Killua was seeing her more in a good light and starting to think of her as his family even more so than his real biological family.

To say she wasn't proud of that would be a big lie.


Sachiko chan's update stats

Name: Nakamura Sachiko

Alias: None.

Age: 19

Relationships: Gon Freecs (Close Friend), Killua Zoldyck (Adopted brother), Kurapika (Friend), Leorio (Friend), Hisoka (Rivals), Illumi (Enemy), Geto Suguru (Enemy) Goio Satoru (Potential Romantic Interest), Wing (Acquaintance), Zushi (Acquaintance), Gido (Enemy), Sadaso (Enemy), Riehlvelt (Enemy).

Assets 225 million yen, 800 million jenny house, 3.25 billion jenny.

Hunter level: C

Jujutsu sorcerer level: Grade-1

Cursed technique: Cursed energy manipulation (Proficient), Time Manipulation Eyes (Competent), Nullify (Competent), Pain killer (Competent), Reverse Cursed Technique (Competent).

Cursed energy: 10,000/10,000

Cursed energy reserves rank: C

Nen Techniques: Ten (Proficient), Ren/Ken (Proficient), Zetsu (Proficient), Gyo (Proficient), Ko (Proficient), Ryu (Competent), In (Competent), Shu (Competent), En (Advanced Beginner).

Nen Abilities: Sticky Steel Threads (Conjuration).

Nen Type: Manipulator, Transmuter.

Aura pool: 92,000 units.

Curse points: 5730.

Hunter points: 220.

Cursed tools: Special Grade Scythe.

Skills Intermediate Sword Skill (Competent), Assassins Art: Shroud (Competent), Assassins Art: Silent gaits, Rhythm Echo (Competent). Disguise (Novice).

Abilities: Enhanced sense: Eyesight, Super Hearing, Superior Strength (20x), Enhanced Reflexes, Pain resistance.