
Into the Hunter x Hunter world with Jujutsu Kaisen System

MC, Sachiko, woke up in Hunter x Hunter world with a Jujutsu Kaisen System. Her goal? It's to become the first Jujutsu sorcerer in HxH world. And it changed the fate of both worlds Hisoka - "Look what you make me, Sachiko. I'm so excited to see how sweet of a fruit you're becoming." Sachiko- "Ew, Hisoka." Gojo Satoru - "Tell me who you are and why you are exorcising the curses in such a sneaky manner." Sachiko - "I am a hunter? I mean I want to be a Jujutsu sorcerer." (MC literally being both Jujutsu sorcerer and hunter. She can also go to Jujutsu kaisen world.) Gojo Satoru x MC

Chaotic_Clara · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Chapter 27 - "Call me Satoru"

Misaki knew she should've ran to a hospital if she wanted to survive but the image of the silver haired girl who jumped in to protect her was reminding her of a child she lost.

She just couldn't let her die, especially not when the girl ended up in that situation because she wanted to save her.

So, she ran to find someone who could potentially help her, which led her to a young man with silver hair wearing a blindfold.

She told him the situation and hoped that he wouldn't think she was crazy but to her surprise, the young man became serious and asked her the direction before teleporting her to a nearby hospital.


Sachiko held the special grade Scythe and got ready to fight as she was transported to Jujutsu Kaisen world again. As soon as she got there, she started using cursed energy to protect her body first.

Then, she started to cut down the curses that came close. After the curses were somewhat clear around her, she took the initiate an attack Geto Suguru.

It seemed that Suguru was amazed by the sudden turn of events. To him, Sachiko was close to dying in his hands just a moment ago and he was quite at a loss on how she suddenly became stronger.

However, even though he was perplexed, he wasn't caught off guard by her attack. He easily blocked the scythe that's coming his way and sent out a curse to attack her.

The new curse was over seven feet tall and had spikes all over its body. It repeatedly sent out the spikes from its body and as Sachiko dodged them, it would attack her. Suguru wasn't idle during that time either, he would attack her as soon as he saw an opening.

To his unpleasant surprise, Sachiko now had enhanced reflexes to help her with dodging attacks and even counterattack.

Even when the times she couldn't dodge in time with the number of curses Suguru was using, she used Ryu to defend herself. And if she got injured because she couldn't use Ryu as accurately as needed, she used Reverse Cursed Technique to heal as much as she could.

The battle continued for nearly an hour before they were stopped by a familiar voice.

"Well....is this infighting I'm seeing right here?" A silver haired male with a blindfold asked.

Both Sachiko and Suguru froze at that.

Sachiko almost swore out loud.

'Why is he here?' She thought but then she realized she fought with Geto Suguru in the city where Gojo Satoru happened to be in without a curtain or so. So, the question should be 'Why shouldn't he be?'

"I...am not a curse user." Sachiko blurted out loud. "And he's trying to kill me if that's not obvious already."

Gojo Satoru laughed, "I'd say you were both trying to kill each other."

"So, what are you going to do, Satoru? Kill us?" Suguru asked with a chuckle.

Satoru's face expression changed a bit at Suguru's question, like he was sad but he covered it up pretty quickly as he said, "I don't know, you tell me, Suguru. Why are you even here?"

Suguru shrugged, "Usual business."

"Running a shady temple and killing people?" Satoru asked.

"Yeah, that." Suguru replied.

"You are not stopping whatever you are doing, are you?" Satoru asked again.

"No, I don't think I will." Suguru answered, "You chose your path and so did I."

"I guess so." Satoru said quietly.

"Well, if you're not killing me now, I'll leave." Suguru said.

Satoru didn't reply at first, only when Suguru started to walk away, he said, "I will have to kill you when it comes to that, Suguru. There will be no going back by then."

Suguru paused his steps for a second before replying in a quiet tone, "I know, Satoru. And I can accept that. In fact, I was prepared once I walked away that day."

Satoru laughed at that but Sachiko could almost see his hurt feelings.

The two best friends ending up walking two separate paths.

One didn't like the idea of losing his friend and having to be the one to end his life while one was prepared to die for his cause by the hands of his best friend.

Seeing the exchange between them, Sachiko sighed.

While she was still lost in her thoughts,

Satoru faced her.

"Are you the one who exorcised the curses in schools in Tokyo and here?"

Sachiko said with a sigh, "Yes, but I'm only practising my cursed technique."

"Do you realize you're being labeled as a curse user and an accomplice of Geto Suguru, a famous curse user?"

"No? I mean why would I be? I didn't even kill anyone." Sachiko replied.

"Well, for starters, you aren't associated with any Jujutsu school or Jujutsu sorcerers, making me question where you even learned how to exorcise curses. Not to mention, you appeared in the same town as Geto Suguru who was famous to be able to control curses he take in. And the curses were disappearing wherever you went. Do you want me to say any further?" Satoru asked.


"Great! Now, I can get you out of this situation if you agree to join Tokyo Jujutsu Tech." Satoru said cheerfully.

"Wait, what?"

"Well, I saw your fight earlier. Not bad, you have potential. So, why don't you just be a Jujutsu sorcerer and practice your cursed technique all you want?" He asked.

"No thanks. I actually like my freedom so I'm not gonna let some old geezers..I mean those higher ups bossing me around." Sachiko said which amused Satoru.

"You'd prefer being labeled as a curse user and potentially chased down to being a Jujutsu sorcerer?"


"While you could just rebel all you want even after being a Jujutsu sorcerer?" Satoru raised his eyebrows, not that it was visible with his blindfold in place.

"Not everyone's like you who can say whatever they want straight to those old geezers' faces." Sachiko said, crossing her arms.

"Well, that's true."

"So, can I go now or are you going to put me up for execution?"

Satoru laughed at that, "I wouldn't go that far yet."

"That means I can leave, right?"

"Yes, you can but the next time you do something out of Jujutsu law, you will actually be labeled as a curse user and may be even executed." Satoru told her.

"I'll keep that in mind." Sachiko nodded in reply.

"Great! Now that it's over, I'll go back to buying sweets." Satoru muttered before leaving.

Only then, Sachiko felt like a nightmare had passed. She headed back to the hotel to take a long nap and when she woke up at night, she walked around aimlessly and bought some food when she walked by some food stalls.

It was a nice change of pace after focusing solely on training these days.

"Maybe I should go a bit more easier..." She muttered as she looked at the stars.

Once she got back, maybe she could go on another vacation or just chill at home for a few days before start thinking about developing a Hatsu.

There was no urgent need for her to train like a madman right now and she felt like slowing things down for a while.

As for Suguru potentially coming back to kill her, she wasn't worried that much as she now wouldn't die easily even if she faced him. As long as she trained regularly, she should be able to hold her ground against him soon.

"Mind if I sit here?" Sachiko heard a familiar voice and she saw Satoru with a few bags of sweets. He was now wearing black sunglasses instead of the blindfold so his blue eyes were staring into her hazel one.

"I thought you already went back." She couldn't help but said as she watched Satoru sat down without waiting for her answer.

"Well, I just thought you'd want to know what happened to a woman you tried to protect." He said, studying her face.

"Is she okay? I told her to go to hospital but I guess she tried to find help.."

"She sure did. She was worried about you while she was the one with her neck sliced open." Satoru chuckled at that.

"Is she okay?"

"Yes, yes. She is. I dropped her off at the hospital." He said, "anyway, you two look like mother and daughter. Not appearance wise but I don't know, there's something about it."

"That's what I feel too. I don't know maybe we were mother and daughter in the past life. If that exists, I mean..." Sachiko said with a laugh.

"Maybe." Satoru chuckled.

There was a silence after that but it was a comfortable one, which was strange. Wasn't she trying to run away from this man a few weeks ago? Or maybe this morning in the man's dictionary. But, somehow, the more she saw him, the more it felt right.

Sachiko said after a while, "So, do you think you can maybe drop me off at that hospital as well? I think I'd like to meet her again. Maybe I can be her daughter, who knows, right?"

Satoru laughed, "I didn't think you'd take the mother and daughter thing that seriously but sure."

Sachiko also laughed at his words. At that moment, it just felt right somehow even if she couldn't explain why.


Sachiko ended up walking to the hospital with Satoru leading the way. ​Although he was leading the way, he was actually walking side by side with her and at times, his hand would 'accidentally' touch hers.

But, Sachiko didn't say anything, neither did Satoru.

The walk was silent and uneventful except for those accidental hand touches. Soon, the hospital came into their view.

"Here you go. She's in room number 307." Satoru told her.

"I guess this is where we part. Thanks, Gojo san." Sachiko said.

"Or maybe we'll meet again soon." He said.


"Well, in that case," Satoru paused as he stared into Sachiko's eyes, "Call me Satoru."

"Okay, Satoru."

Satoru beamed at that, "Later, cupcake."

Sachiko blushed before realizing, "Wait, where did that come from?!"


AN:I actually got an interesting plot idea surrounding Misaki and Gojo. Wanna guess?

And it's official at this point that Satoru likes to call Sachiko sweets related names no matter which world he is from.