
Into the Hunter x Hunter world with Jujutsu Kaisen System

MC, Sachiko, woke up in Hunter x Hunter world with a Jujutsu Kaisen System. Her goal? It's to become the first Jujutsu sorcerer in HxH world. And it changed the fate of both worlds Hisoka - "Look what you make me, Sachiko. I'm so excited to see how sweet of a fruit you're becoming." Sachiko- "Ew, Hisoka." Gojo Satoru - "Tell me who you are and why you are exorcising the curses in such a sneaky manner." Sachiko - "I am a hunter? I mean I want to be a Jujutsu sorcerer." (MC literally being both Jujutsu sorcerer and hunter. She can also go to Jujutsu kaisen world.) Gojo Satoru x MC

Chaotic_Clara · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Chapter 18- Seeking Knowledge

The next morning, they finally got back to the port. They didn't get the bounty money for the pirates but they got 100,000 jenny for killing the fish monster.

"Let's go eat a nice restaurant !" Sachiko said.

"Yes!!!" Gon and Killua's eyes sparkled at the mention of food.

They went to the biggest restaurant in the city and ordered more than ten dishes. They finished them all, of course. Sachiko would never accept wasting food.

Aftee eating, they were all in a good mood. Gon asked, "So, what are we going to do now?"

"We will head to Heaven's Arena." Sachiko said.

"What is heaven's arena?" Gon asked with a clueless face.

"It's a place where you can fight and gain money." Killua answered.

"Oh, we are going to fight there ?"

"Not yet." Sachiko shook her head, "We will go watch a few matches. Then, tomorrow, we will start training."

"Okay!" Gon said enthusiastically.


After being on an aircraft for a few more hours, they got to Heaven's Arena. Gon's eyes were sparkling with curiosity as he took in the sight of the building.

'It really looks beautiful and majestic.' Sachiko thought.

They then went to watch a few matches there.

"It's clear that can beat them up. Why aren't we fighting?" Killua asked.

"Remember when I told you about nen?" Sachiko asked him.

When Killua nodded in reply, she continued, "Starting from 200th floor, everyone uses nen. If you go up there without knowing nen, you are done for. If you're lucky, you'll be crippled. If you aren't lucky, then you will die."

"200th floor? Everyone uses nen up there?" Gon was amazed.

"Yeah, however, to use nen, you have to be prepared. That's why, before you can use nen, I won't recommend fighting at Heaven's Arena." Sachiko told them.

"Okay, then how do we use nen?" Killua asked this time.

"Let's find a place to live. Then, I will explain it to you." She said.


She ended up buying a 800 million jenny house in the city. It was practically a three-storey mansion with a pool and a garden.

Sachiko nearly made a happy dance because the house was so cool but on the other hand, she felt a bit sad that she only had 300 million yen left as she had to exchange 1.2 billion yen into jenny.

In the end, she could only comfort herself by saying she could definitely make that money back in a short time.

Luckily, the house was fully furnished so she didn't have to spend extra money for decorations.

"Tadaa!" Sachiko made a dramatic sound as she showed off her new house.

"Did you really buy this house?" Gon asked. "Wow, I've never seen a house this big!"

Gon ran and looked around the house.

"This is so spacious! The TV is really big too!"

"Woah, the bathroom is sparkling!"

"The bed is huge!!!"

Sachiko and Killua giggled at Gon's excitement.

"So, you two get your own rooms while you're staying here."

"Yesss!!!" Gon said happily.

They took two adjacent rooms on the first floor. Sachiko took the bedroom suite on the second floor.

After settling in, Sachiko called them to the garden.

"You will start your training today." She said.

"You're teaching us nen?" Gon asked.

"No, not yet. You have to start with some physical training." Sachiko said. "Killua, how many doors can you open at the testing gates back home?"

"How do you know about testing doors?!" Killua was surprised at her sudden question.

"Umm..what are testing doors?" Gon asked in curiosity.

"They are the entrance to Zoldyck Manor. There are seven doors in total and first door weighs 2 tons and starting from second door, each door weighs double the smaller one." Sachiko explained.

"Hey, how do you even know that?" Killua asked.

"I just know." Sachiko said with a chuckle.


"Anyway, how many doors, Killua?" She asked.

Killua replied, "Three doors."

"That's 16 tons. Impressive!" Sachiko said with a smile, then ruffled his fluffy white hair.

"Huh?" Killua was taken aback by the compliment.

"Now, you two will train your physical body a bit more."

"I thought learning nen will make us stronger." Killua said.

"Well, yes but you also need to build your foundation. Train for two weeks first." She told them.

"Now, put these on." Sachiko gave them weights to wear. "This is for Gon and this one's for Killua."

"Okay." Killua took it and wore it. Gon followed suit.

"Okay, so you wear it all the time except when you are sleeping. You will also eat meals provided by me to build muscles." Sachiko said.

After that, Sachiko went back to her room and asked the system.

'System, what if I want to try meditating to open my nen nodes? Do I need a specific method for it?'

[You do not need special methods. However , you need knowledge related to nen to be able to use basic nen abilities.]

'Can I buy that?'


'Fine. I will figure it out myself.' She sighed.

"Time for an outing, I guess." Sachiko muttered.

She used disguise skill to change her hair into black color, her skin to be more tanned and then her eyebrows to be similar to Zushi.

She looked into the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. Well, that could convince them.


Sachiko headed to the reception as soon as she got to Heaven's Arena.

"If you're registering for a fight, please fill out this form first." The receptionist said.

"Oh no, I'm just wondering if a boy named Zushi has registered for a fight." Sachiko asked with a smile. "You see, he's ...my brother. He said he was going to Heaven's Arena before leaving home so..I just want to know if he got here safely."

"And if he was fighting, I will bet a lot on him, of course!" She added the last part so that the receptionist would think of her as a big fish.

The receptionist stared at her for a brief second before finally saying, "I will check."

"You're in luck, actually. He's heading to floor 50 and he will probably have another fight."

"I see, thanks for the information. I will go watch the match!" She said with a happy smile.

After leaving the reception, she changed back to herself. Then, she went to 50th floor to watch the match. When she got to the audience seats, she looked around to see if Wing was there.

After searching for a few minutes, she finally spotted Wing who was sitting at the fifth row from the stage.

Sachiko smirked before heading to the seat beside Wing.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

"Yes, of course." Wing said with a smile.

"Thanks," Sachiko returned the smile and sat at the seat beside him. "I'm Sachiko Nakamura."

"I'm Wing."

"Everyone, here is the match you are waiting for! The boy who got to 50th floor with just one match, Zushi vs Jackie who still have not lost a match!"

Zushi and Jackie got onto the stage and started fighting. Zushi was actually a genius, Sachiko couldn't help but think. It was just that Gon and Killua were more talented than him.

"Oh, Zushi is pretty good." Sachiko made a comment intentionally. 'I wonder Wing will start a conversation.'

Wing smiled and said to her, "He's actually my disciple."

"Really? Then, you must be an exceptional teacher." She said with a smile.

"I teach him to utilize his talent, that's all." Wing replied, but Sachiko could tell he was pleased to get the compliment.

Sachiko didn't say anything anymore after that and watched Zushi fight. Then, Zushi used Ren to fend off against his opponent. Wing seemed to be angry at Zushi and yelled, "Zushiii!!!"

"You're angry at him for using Ren." She stated.

"Yes," Wing sighed, "I made him clear that he wasn't supposed to be using nen until he gets to 200th floor."

"I can see why," Sachiko agreed. "I actually have a brother. If he did something like this, I would be mad too."

"I suppose you are teaching him nen." Wing said.

"Well, I am supposed to be. But, the problem is I am not a great teacher. I don't know much about teaching and I'm inexperienced. Now, I can only teach them theories because I'm worried that I teach them the wrong way." Sachiko said with a sigh, seemingly disappointed by her lack of experience.

"I can see your point. Well, you can always find other teachers. Especially, if you are a fellow nen user, it shouldn't be hard to find one." Wing studied her for a moment and said.

"Yeah, I wish I can go find my teacher. After all, she taught me a lot. It's such a shame I cannot find her or I would've taken my brother to her." She replied. "You see, my brother...had already passed hunter's exam this year but he needs to learn nen to become a real hunter."

"Your brother passed hunter's exam this year?"

"Yeah, name's Killua Zoldyck."

'Killua Zoldyck?' Wing recalled Netero told him to watch Killua and Gon.

"You know him?" Sachiko asked.

"I've heard of him." Wing said.

"I see."


When the match was over, Sachiko followed Wing.

"Wing san, can I ask you a favor?"

"Well, I guess it depends on what you're going to ask."

"It's not something difficult actually. I just hope that you can share some tips in teaching nen." She said, "I know it's forbidden to talk about nen to nen-users and we have to be careful in choosing who to teach so I will not ask you to teach Killua. Still, I hope you can at least share some tips."

Wing studied her eyes for a moment, he didn't feel like she was one hundred percent genuine. What was worse was he couldn't tell she was a nen user at the first glance. But why would a non nen user know about nen or have this unusual aura around her? It was a mystery he couldn't put his finger on.

Wing smiled and started explaining some tips to her but he wasn't being entirely truthful. He left a few important points on purpose.

"Well, this is all I can tell you. I hope this helps."

Sachiko smiled and replied, "Of course, thank you!"

Wing gave her a smile before leaving. 'What exactly did she want?' Wing thought , puzzled.

'He's not being truthful. Seems like he thinks this is fishy.' Sachiko thought. 'There's only one way now.'

Sachiko used shroud to follow Wing. She stood on the roof of Wing's house and listened to Wing and Zushi's conversation. Wing was scolding Zushi for using Ren at first then checked his progress on meditating. Sachiko managed to find out a lot more information about nen, even the parts Wing refrained from sharing her.

'It seemed that Wing couldn't tell what my intentions are. He didn't seem to realize I can't use nen, neither did Hisoka or old man Netero but why?' She thought to herself.

Anyway, having accomplished the goal she came here for, Sachiko left. She didn't stop using Shroud for a second or let her guard down because Wing was a nen user. And, one thing she had to make sure when she use Shroud around nen users was that depending on the strength of nen user, the effectiveness of Shroud could vary. In some cases, it would be the perimeter she could hide her presence from or sometimes, things she did would draw more attention. So, Sachiko had to make sure she was concentrated and not get too close to him or do anything that would draw attention. It wasn't easy but Sachiko was glad she managed to do it.

Now, she could start her nen training.


Sachiko chan's update stats

Name : Nakamura Sachiko

Alias : None.

Age : 19

Relationships : Gon Freecs (Close Friend), Killua Zoldyck (Adopted brother), Kurapika (Friend), Leorio Paradinight (Friend), Hisoka (Rivals), Illumi (Enemy), Geto Suguru (Acquaintance )

Assets : 300 million yen, 800 million jenny house.

Hunter level : C

Jujutsu sorcerer level : Grade-1

Cursed technique : Cursed energy manipulation (Competent), Time Manipulation Eyes (Advanced beginner), Nullify (Novice), Pain killer (novice).

Cursed energy : 4980/5000

Cursed energy reserves rank : D

Curse points : 3380

Hunter points : 50

Cursed tools : Special Grade Scythe

Skills : Intermediate Sword Skill (Advanced beginner), Assassins Art: Shroud (Competent), Assassins Art : Silent gaits, Rhythm Echo (Competent), Disguise (Novice).

Abilities : Enhanced sense : Eyesight , Super Hearing.