
Summer Vacation

Hotaru lived with her family in the city life unaware of what the future holds for her . Ever summer vacation she would go for the village where her uncle and aunt had a peaceful passing life in the bright sun and a forest which brings the freshest air during the summer and chills in winter.

HOTARU - Mom , it's time .

MOM- Hotaru be aware of the sunstroke . Don't roam around much. And remember to obey the elders.

HOTARU- yes, yes and take care stay hydrated. Mom you said this already 15 times. Let me go or I will miss the bus.

MOM- okay sweetie off you go.

After leaving for the countryside Hotaru thought of the endless summer vacation she spended at her aunt's house. The house was an ordinary run down house . It's glimmering with the star at nights with fresh air coming through the forest behind the house.

After thinking for long Hotaru decided for taking a nap until she reaches.

When she opened her eyes it was past 5.The sun began to set with fresh air passing by. It was more 10 Minutes to reach the aunt's house. Hotaru dusted herself to look presentable as she was to meet her aunt after an year. She collected the box of gift that her mother packed for her aunt and uncle.

HOTARU - Sigh ... It's been really a long journey but atleast I get to see the best view after a year long wait.

Hotaru clumsy got down the bus picked her bag and luggage and moved towards her aunt house.From a distance she could see her uncle sitting on a chair listening to the old radio while aunt is busy cutting veggies for the dinner.

HOTARU - Aunt, Uncle...

AUNT- Hotaruu... oh my,oh my dear sweet child. How have you been my daughter. Oh my I can't believe you came

Uncle was sitting at a side . After seeing Hotaru he couldn't speak but stare at her in disbelief. For them Hotaru was like there own child. After losing there son and daughter-in-law in a car accident it was Hotaru who visited them year after year. Aunt as usual began to weep as she saw Hotaru grown up while uncle chocked on his tears he passed Hotaru a warm smile.

Hotaru was well aware of the feelings of both of them.

HOTARU - Aunt please stop crying. I am here now aren't i? Please stop crying. See what have I brought for you and uncle. Mom has loaded me lots of good for you and uncle as she was worried about you.

AUNT- Oh dear. I am really getting senile. How can I forget to bring you inside will your carrying all this load . Come in dear come in.

Hotaru glanced at her uncle before going in. She could see the clear fine line of tears in his eyes. Hotaru smiled and shook her head in disbelief and went inside .

AUNT- Dinner is ready dear. Would you like to have some?

HOTARU- it's still 7:00 aunt I am not hungry. In cities we have dinner quite late even after that when I am hungry I would have late night snacks so don't worry. If I am hungry i will let you know.

AUNT- Is it so?? I don't know much about city life. We spended all our life here in this forest . But please let me know when you are hungry.