
Titanomachy {III}


Deep in the depths of Tartarus the booms of giant hammers echoed like a thunderstorm.

The Cyclopes were in the process of completion as they were now creating weapons of divine power.

Thunderbolt, a weapon shaped like lightning capable of harnessing and compressing the immense power of " The Living Lightning". Fashioned after Zeus and fuelled by only his power, the Thunderbolt is fearsome weapon that will allow Zeus to bridge the power gap between between him and the much older, and powerful Titans.

The Trident, a weapon capable of harnessing and focusing the power of the it was fashioned after, Poseidon, and allowing it to control and manipulate all the water on a scale limited by only it's wielders wishes and power output he can provide.

Last but certainly not the least.

The Helm of Darkness, while not an actual weapon, it was by far the most sinister of all the others. It is capable of harnessing the power of fear and manipulating it at a scale of immeasurable limit only limited by the user's power output. It also provides the wearer invisibility of such high measure it could fool many of the Primordials, except for Nyx, Gaia and Chaos.

But since the Helm wasn't exactly a weapon and oblivious to capabilities, the Cyclopes thought it wasn't enough to play a pivotal role in the war and it might displease Hades who was their great friend and rescuer.

So they forged the "Claws of Hades", set of spiked chains with two hooks at the end of each that glowed pale purple. A weapon capable of ripping out the souls of the who end on their hooks and every time a soul is ripped and absorbed it makes the chains and the claws stronger.




P.O.V. Narrator

While the Cyclopes were creating the Divine weapons, in the meantime however, the final encounter had begun.

All Gods and Titan were now engaging each other head on. The sky turned dark as Hyperion came down on Earth alongside his son Helios, and reigned fire on the entire battle field.

The battle was gritty, painful and exhausting. The Titans fought with every ounce of their being for they knew that this was a war they must win.

Kronos was standing behind Atlas ordering his army and strategising moves to win the War by constantly reversing and changing minor outcomes which could possibly lead to a optimal solution for victory.

And results of his messing around were apparent as the fights and the injuries his Titans would have suffered were being mitigated and were being turned in their favour. Though Kronos was still rather frustrated as he couldn't make major waves as the Gods were now adapting to his tactics and they were divine beings just like him. They had grown far too powerful to be simply "killed" of by changing their fates by going back in time.

See every action has equal and opposite reaction. And if the action isn't great enough to overcome the opposite reaction, they pretty limited in what they can do.

Same with his control over time, his changes were met head on but butterfly effects and other opposing factors head on. It wasn't so simple like go back in time, change what happened and now you win. A thing as abstract as time may be manipulated but no one can ever truly control it you can only eliminate immediate timelines which increases a favourable outcome.

And Kronos lost that chance the day his children were born as none of them were Titans, they were intrinsically different being thus carrying a different factor which he couldn't eliminate as they were born more "Powerful" than Titans.

Atlas on the other hand stood there like an unbreakable wall that decimated all who crossed his path for he had to protect his King as much as he hated what had happened to Rhea, as much as he wanted to just turn around bash Kronos' head in he couldn't.

The Scythe Kronos carried and some love for his little brother he had deep down inside him compelled him to protect him for he had seen the hate in the eyes of all three of his nephews.

'Gaia that fuvking bitch! Your schemes may have worked so far but no more!! After this war is won I'm coming for you.'

And speaking of the Devil, The Big Three had now joined the battlefield. They turned the tide Kronos had been manipulating.




P.O.V. Hades

The final encounter had begun. We had hidden Rhea in the Underworld as we didn't want any weak links in the conflict to come. The War had erupted and things were looking a bit disadvantageous.

At first I thought I was hallucinating as I saw things just abruptly change like someone was moving things around.

"Poseidon. Tell me, wasn't Iapetus' arm supposed to be severed right there?"

— "That's what was supposed to happen but it seems like it never happened. What's up with that?", Poseidon replied trying to make sense of the absurdity of the situation.

"It seems Kronos is messing with time."

— "What! He could do that? Why didn't he do it in our previous battles?", Poseidon asked, confused why hadn't Kronos done such things before. It would have been quite easy to win if he did such things before.

"I wonder, maybe someone was prevent him from doing this by increasing the unfavourable timelines. It should be Gaia. All the battles that have occurred have been on Earth it makes rather easy for her to increase unfavourable outcomes.", I replied as I was once again reminded of just how much of a gap separates a God and a Primordial.

— "If this keeps continuing we'll lose control over the battlefield. Lets join the fight.", Zeus said, arrogance clear in his voice as he wanted to engage in the battle.

— "Quit a bit early if you ask me. We still haven't got our weapons and look Atlus hasn't entered the battle yet. If we engage now we'll be open to an ambush by him.", Poseidon voiced his opinion while scanning the battlefield, an opinion I concurred with.

"Yeah Zeus I agree with Poseidon on this one. Sure the we are facing a disadvantage but jumping right in to ambush seems like an unwise move.", I reply while stroking my beard.

— "Don't worry about it. I have something up my sleeve.", Zeus replied in a confident manner, which suprised me. It wasn't his usual vain arrogance speaking. It seemed that he really did have something of substance in his claim.

Which leads to question how and what? Why is he so confident of going in to such an obvious trap. Kronos had altered some minor outcomes yes, but it was a clear ploy to make us join the war and have us ambushed and overwhelmed and I assume he has other layers to his trap.

"Well if you are so confident, let us join brother.", I reply as I ready myself by surrounding myself in black fire and a shadowy aura oozing out of me and my eyes turned black.

— "Eh, So be it.", Poseidon agreed as well, as the tattoos on his body started glowing blue and his eyes turned blue.

— "Let's kill some Titans.", Zeus said as lighting cracked and surrounded him and his eyes turned white.





A/n:- Yo readers.

The final encounter begins. Hope you like it and the development of the arc so far. If you have questions about the chapter please ask as even though most of it will be answered in coming chapters but even then something are missed.

Anyways, I also noticed the recent growth of DC fanfics, not crossover or Multiverse jumping garbage, but really DC oriented fanfics and some of them are really good. And I in my Humbleness (Ego) would like to believe it cause of me 🤣🤣.

Leave your suggestions, thoughts, questions, criticism or corrections in the comments. And do live a review if you like my work. Also I made an "Invincible" Fan-fic called "Shazam in Invincible" check it out if you like.

