
Into The Chaos Universe [BL]

[Warning: Mature Content] Note: BL/HAREM/POLY/R18/Adventure Davy recently became curious about an adult VR game, purchased and tried one. Unfortunately, due to some system malfunction, he found himself trapped in the virtual world and he could only get out after he finished the mission assigned to him. The problem was... this mission was something he had not anticipated when he downloaded this game. The Mission: Conquer The Three Supremes of Chaos Just how could Davy complete it? Would he need to defeat them all? System: No, Your Highness. You need to make love with all of them.

ladyaize · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
74 Chs


Davy shook his head helplessly and canceled his intention to leave the room; instead, he decided to investigate the room first, hoping to uncover some clues regarding his identity and what the world was like... more specifically, to locate some appropriate clothing. The final part was probably the most crucial.

Davy turned around, and as he went through his plan, a mechanical voice came from his head rather than his ears. The voice sounded neither female nor male, but it wasn't unpleasant to hear.

[Your Highness, welcome back.]

The string of words, accompanied by the voice, appeared in his vision. Davy was taken aback at first, but he quickly recovered. It was most likely the system. There was no way a game wouldn't have a system to guide the players. Davy heaved a sigh of relief; he hadn't even noticed the system's greeting and had chosen to disregard them because his thoughts were preoccupied with the system's unexpected presence.

"System, what should I do next? How about the system interface?" Davy asked, his bewilderment dissipating. If you don't know something, just ask the system. Davy questioned first, and the confusion vanished. If a player was unsure about something, they could simply question the system.

The system stopped for a moment before responding to Davy's inquiry with a voice and a string of sentences.

[I apologize, Your Highness. The system was currently in maintenance due to a technical problem. The system interface cannot be contacted at this time.]

Davy's smile faded as he knitted his brows and scowled. "What do you mean about the malfunction? You mean... I can't utilize the gaming interface for now?" he asked the system calmly. He wasn't yet in a panic.

[Yes, Your Highness.] the system responded.

Davy then nodded, pondered, and fiddled with his golden hair. "Then I'll be logged out first. System, logged out me first and I'll come back later," Davy couldn't do much because the system interface was under maintenance, and even the logout option was there that he needed to ask the system first.

The system's response next stunned Davy to his core, as if a drum had been blown in his ears.

[Unfortunately, due to a technical problem, His Highness could not log out. Only after His Highness has completed a mission will you be permitted to quit the game.]

Davy's mouth dropped open as shivers ran down his skin. He suddenly went dumb as his mind couldn't process what the hell the system just spouted.

He managed to speak again, almost trembling his lips. "What do you mean..." he halted, gulping, "I can't be logged out?" Hearing words from the system and then from his tongue had a different effect on him. His demeanor was no longer as peaceful as it had been.

The cruel system responded to Davy in the same way it had before,

[Because the system is currently down, His Highness is unable to leave the game until he finished the mission assigned to him.]

Fuck. He almost fell as his face paled. If his mind could comprehend... He was now trapped in the game unless he completed the damned mission? Wait... Davy's face paled even more as his heart raced, panic engulfing his whole being.

What in the world was this? Was this even allowed?

Davy felt like slapping himself now, you horny lustful motherf*cker!

There was no way it could be true. Davy couldn't believe he'd be stuck in the virtual world unless he completed whatever mission it was. No, Davy, you must calm down in order to consider countermeasures... Like hell, he could fucking calm down in his situation right now.

The thought of himself being trapped in the virtual world terrified him, and panic coursed through his veins. He really shot himself in the foot. Was this even allowed? Wait, he realized adult VR games were illegal, to begin with. Why hadn't anyone warned him about how dangerous it was to play this kind of illegal game?

"Are you kidding?" Davy helplessly blurted out, still not quite accepting that he was indeed trapped in the virtual world.

He swore he'd give a terrible review as soon as he got out of this fucking game world. He considered suing them, but he knew it would be futile because the law did not cover underground and illegal VR games.

As usual, the unsympathetic system confirmed Davy's death, and he was now withdrawing his previous statements. The voice of the system is indeed irritating and unpleasant to hear.

[I am serious, Your Highness.]

Davy collapsed on the floor, lifeless, as despair completely enveloped him. The hell you are fucking serious. Davy grumbled in his head. If only he could physically see the system, he would have long strangled this jerk.

The luxurious and majestic room, which turned out to be a beautiful prison, was enveloped in silence. Davy was no longer in the mood to admire the room and was only interested in getting out of this ridiculous situation.

He never expected to be trapped in a game world after deciding to pursue a blissful experience. He wants to shed real tears. He wished to believe that this was all a nightmare, but he hasn't yet reached that point.

After a long silence, Davy asked the system again, "What is the mission?" Why not finish this ridiculous nonsense so he can get out sooner? How difficult could the mission be for an adult game? It wasn't like he needed to go clear some dungeons or anything. He could only console himself with these thoughts. Wallowing in grief couldn't help him anyway.

Davy sat there, waiting for the system to respond. The system did not keep him waiting any longer and instead informed him of the mission.

It was only that... He had not expected the mission. In any case. His face took on an incredulous expression, and his eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

[Mission: Conquer the Three Supremes of Chaos]

The system's gender-neutral voice echoed once more, but Davy had no idea what this mission was about.

Davy was still naive and initially misunderstood the mission. To be fair, he had no idea what the game was about, so his reaction was a little delayed.

"What do you mean to conquer the three supremes of Chaos? Should I just defeat them all?" he wondered, perplexed by the mission's goal. He fiddled with the hem of his nightgown; his mind wasn't in the right mindset at the time.

Davy retained the mindset of a mainstream player. From a different perspective, it was not like Davy was wrong. It was only that... Was the mission really that simple?

As he felt something really bad in the air, Davy could hear fate laughing in the background. When he listened to the sound, he imagined the voice had a mocking tone.

[Your Highness must conquer the Supremes of Chaos in bed]

The system responded succinctly once more; it was just that Davy chose to malfunction this time. Perhaps his hearing was suffering as a result of his desperation. He believes he was experiencing hallucinations as well.

His brow furrowed, and his playful fingers came to a halt as he tried to comprehend what the system had just said. "Wait, could you repeat what you just said? I don't understand it clearly." Poor Davy was still in denial. He inquired as his heartbeat accelerated even further in a matter of seconds.

Unfortunately for him, the system that appeared to be respectful on the surface reveled in his misfortune by shattering his hope.

[You heard correctly, Your Highness. The goal is to conquer the Three Supremes of Chaos in bed and make them yours. It is as you believe, His Highness must make love to all of them in order to complete the mission.]

Davy could feel his soul leaving him as soon as the system finished. His mouth was agape as he leaned against the couch, his entire weight slumping to the floor. Wasn't this ridiculous?

The realization struck him once more. He remembered that this was an adult game, so the mission being so vulgar and sexy made perfect sense to him. The issue was... His intuition warned him that he was in a dangerous situation and that this mission was never going to be easy. As this thought occurred to him, he noticed his reflection in the mirror.


Davy sat there frozen and stiff, staring dumbly and without blinking at his figure and appearance. As a terrible realization dawned on him, he fell silent. If he could, his eyes would widen and his face would pale even more. Davy's hand touched his face to ensure that what he was seeing was real.

Even with his tongue tied, he forced himself to say something, "You... you mean... this Supremes... are what?" Davy stuttered, his tone slightly trembling. He finally realized what a dangerous feeling he had the moment he saw this character of his. It appeared... He was currently in that situation.

The system had decided to go even further against being human.

[Yes, Your Highness. The Three Supremes of Chaos were all men. They were also recognized as the greatest existence the Chaos Universe had ever created.]

His eyes widened as his lips parted. Even some moisture appeared in the corners of his eyes. Men? What did it all mean? Davy was now completely miserable. It couldn't be true. How did I get stuck in a fucking gay adult game? It wasn't the problem. But he was the fucking bottom for not one, not two, but THREE fucking guys?