
Chapter 66: This is Martial Arts

After getting God Ki, Raditz and Nappa got a huge power boost and they both now hold a battle power of 1 billion, as for Gohan- he holds the battle power near 2 trillion.

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After returning back home from Kame house, Vegeta started training nonstop for the whole night as he wanted to show something to Krillin.

Krillin said no to Vegeta because Krillin believes that a mere base Martial Art skill can never be compared to the unique skills that others have

He is right but how in the world did he dare to think that knowing Martial Art makes you weak?

Back on earth, as Kei Hisashi, Vegeta had immense respect for each fighting style but after coming into this world, he had long forgotten about his roots

And seeing Krillin sad, he remembers those things that made him successful and the thought of Krillin made him angry

Thus, Vegeta refreshed his memories of earth and also combined many attacks to make a new attack form to show Krillin that this is what Martial Arts can do and this is how far you can go with it.

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Goku, Piccolo, and Tien had long sensed the Ki of Gohan and they knew that Gohan must be having a training session with someone

But then they sensed the power of Natz, and this made them curious about the battle between Gohan and Natz, so they all are on their way here.

Goku wanted to use his Instant Transmission to appear by Gohan's side but Chichi warned him to not even think about leaving the place until Goku has completely harvested all crops

So, it took him some time, and then he went to the island where everyone else is and till that time, Piccolo and Tien have also come to watch the battle.


The moment Piccolo and Tien appeared on the deserted island, they had their eyes go wide as they saw the battle between Gohan and Natz against Vegeta.

This blew away their mind as Vegeta is right now compressing his Ki which means that Vegeta is in a very weak state right now but still


Gohan and Natz together are unable to land even a single attack on Vegeta.

Krillin, after the battle with Frieza, had been training a lot and now he holds a battle power of around 1 billion and that is the same power level Vegeta holds in his base from after nerfing himself down



The battle is going at a high speed, Natz and Gohan have combined their power and are attacking at the same time at Vegeta and also blocking the attack at each other coming from Vegeta.

Natz appears in front of Vegeta and tries to throw a right kick at Vegeta, but before Natz could gain a full moment on his right foot-

Vegeta threw his left foot at the right knee of Natz, literally canceling the whole momentum of Natz's right kick as Vegeta attacked straight at the point of the knee, a weak point, destroying the force of Natz's kick.


The wind goes wild, but Vegeta paid no attention to it and tries to attack Natz with a Karate chop at the neck using his left hand, as he circles to gain momentum and some force

But Gohan appears from behind and catches Vegeta's Hand, stopping Vegeta's attack right when it was about to touch Natz's neck

"Not so easy Vegeta San" Gohan said with a smile and throws a kick at Vegeta



But just when Gohan's kick was about to land on Vegeta's head, Vegeta quickly ducks down and the moment Gohan's Kick passed through his head- Vegeta throws a left kick


When Vegeta was about to land his left kick on Gohan, Natz blocked Vegeta's kick


All three of them left each other and made some distance.

And then another new person joined the battle

"Oye, Vegeta!

I am also in!

I will be by your side!" (Goku)

"Father?" (Gohan)

"SHUT UP Kakarot!"

"EEK" (goku)

"If you want to join the battle, then go to the side of Natz and Gohan, I don't need you by my side

Or else, don't join


Goku didn't want to see 3 vs 1 but still, he is all pumped so he eventually joins the battle and then he goes straight after Vegeta


Goku, even though he is in his base form, he still holds the power level of 6 trillion, appears in front of Vegeta and throws right fist at Vegeta

It's clear to everyone that Goku will finally manage to land an attack


Vegeta moves to the side and dodges Goku's attack but at the same time, Vegeta grabbed Goku's right hands wrist with his right hand, and then with his left hand- Vegeta uses his thumb to land a small attack at the acupoint of Goku's shoulder


The strength of Goku, in his whole right hand, disappears and this shocks Goku.


Gohan shouts as he comes from the right side with a kick, but Vegeta still manages to move away from the kick by just a hair distance and then landed his right hand's index finger at the chest of Gohan


One more time wind goes wild and Gohan also lost all of his power in a blink.

But the battle is not over yet as Natz had enough

"I am now angry!

Vegeta, take this!"


Natz appeared from above, holding a Ki Ball in his right hand, and threw that Ki ball at Vegeta

"Not enough"

Vegeta remarks and then he moves his right foot backward, and then Vegeta moved both of his hands to make a Taijitu form (yin and yang)

Vegeta moves his hands in the direction of Ki ball thrown by Natz to grab it, and circles it around to change the direction of the ball


"Catch it!"

Vegeta shouts as he circles around with the Ki ball thrown by Natz and threw it back at him.





Just what was that?"

"Is this even possible?"

Piccolo and Tien are shocked to see the results of the battle, it was a simple battle but still held a huge impact on them due to the way Vegeta fought the battle so far.

Vegeta is able to beat everyone or to be more accurate, render them from fighting further even when he is his base form with a huge nerf on himself.

This is no joke and everyone can tell from the battle that Vegeta holds a huge amount of martial art skills.

Vegeta takes a deep breath and looks in the direction of Krillin who is hiding behind a giant rock and then he looks back at Goku

Natz is back on his feet, he is injured by his own attack so his health is down a little bit but still he is alright.

Gohan is still struggling to calm down his Ki becasue Vegeta's attack has distorted the flow of his ki and the same is with Goku but Goku transforms into SSJ 1 so he is now okay,



Natz releases a huge amount of Ki and then goes after Vegeta, he is angry because he didn't land a single attack so far, no matter how hard he tries.

Seeing Natz coming after him, Vegeta starts talking about something

"raw power does matter a lot and also, a unique skill does make you stronger than others, BUT-"

"I am not done yet Vegeta!"

Natz appears in front of Vegeta and threw a fist filled with full strength



Don't take Pure Martial Art skills lightly" Vegeta tells everyone as he stands on the head of Natz


Everyone, just everyone is shocked to their core and Krillin had his jaw drop on the ground from seeing how Vegeta evaded Natz attack and also stood on the head of Natz

The moment Natz appeared in front of Vegeta, Vegeta moved away at a very slow speed as if he is being blown away by the pressure of Natz's Punch

But that was not the case

Rather, Vegeta used the force/pressure of Natz's punch to move and land on Natz's head while grabbing Natz's wrist to make sure he is not blown away.

Every single move he did was in a calm manner with zero effort, only Natz's strength was used to achieve the current scene.

Natz is shocked to see Vegeta standing above his head.

"Don't take me Lightly!"

Natz screams in anger as he can't believe that he is being literally toyed around by Vegeta in his base form.

Natz disappears from below Vegeta and Vegeta lands on the ground, then Natz again appeared in front of Vegeta, with a circling Kick

Vegeta further continued his words-

"Martial Arts is not about being the strongest or anything stupid like that!"

Vegeta grabs Natz's foot and moved in the same circling direction Natz is throwing his kick at Vegeta, he used the moment of Natz against him

Vegeta grabbed his feet, then started circling with Natz's feet two times in the air, and when he finally got the momentum in his control


Vegeta threw Natz on the ground, making the whole island tremble.

And then he further said

"Martial Arts is about understanding the flow of nature and using that flow against your enemy"


Natz disappears from the ground and then he appears far away from Vegeta and then he starts collecting Ki on his hand, preparing for a big ki-based attack and starts running towards him

Vegeta further said

"Martial Arts is about understanding your limits, tempering your body to break those limits.

Martial Arts is about understanding the flow of your enemies Ki and-"


Natz appeared near Vegeta and was about to throw a Ki canon attack but-

Vegeta pulled his right foot back, made a strong grip, and then he threw his left elbow at the hands of Natz

Using a certain angle, Vegeta was able to cut through the charged Ki in Natz's hand and managed to land it at that point where the Ki was getting collected and dispersed it

In the end, Vegeta added to his sentence


Overcoming your weaknesses by destroying that flow"

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To be continued-