
Chapter 60: Rescuing Kids

Vegeta and Jacob are going toward Planet Potaufeu, where Trunks and Goten are.

On the planet Potaufeu-

The story is going the same as it had in the original timeline, Trunks and Goten got stuck in some problem and now they are being chased by the pink-colored peoples

These pink colors are the duplicate of Gryll who wants to absorb Trunks and Goten in order to increase their own power.


One laser struck on Trunks and he falls on the ground with Potage (ant-like person) and now he is surrounded by the Duplicate Gryll, one of them points their weapon at Trunks and then shoots a laser beam at him


But at that time, a figure appears and saves him

Who is it? Its Vegeta


"Round up, we are leaving this planet"

Vegeta didn't have time to waste on child's play, he got no such time, so he wants to end things as fast as possible.

He didn't even want to come to this planet but he was forced to come here.

Vegeta looks at the Duplicate Grylls, and also the main leader of these duplicate henchmen but he didn't care much about them

"Oye Goten, bring Monako here, we are leaving this place!"

Vegeta tells everyone to wind up and get inside the spaceship of Jacob as they are leaving already, but this is not liked by the Duplicate Grylls


Do you really think that you can leave this planet unscathed?!"

The Duplicate Gryll shouts at Vegeta and this makes Vegeta stop his steps his heart is filled with rage because an ant has dared to show its fang to him.

He turns his head around and looked Duplicate Grylls, but he didn't bother to say anything

On the other hand, Jacob has noticed the Duplicate Grylls have the same face as the galactic evil man Gryll and Potage explains the whole situation.

While these people talked, Vegeta kept on staring back at Duplicate Grylls and Duplicate Grylls also didn't make any move

It was as if both sides are busy waiting for the other person's move.

Finally, after a long silence, Vegeta spoke

"This planet… if I am right, you (Jacob) said that this planet has zero population, right?"

"Yes" (Jacob)

"wait! It's not completely empty, I am still here" (Potage)

"Doesn't matter as you will leave with us.

As for you all, look up"

Duplicate Gryll got confused by what Vegeta told them but still, they looked above


It's not just Duplicate Grylls who looked up in the sky, everyone else also who looked at the sky to know what Vegeta wants to show them and all of them had their eyes go wide

In the sky, a Giant Meteor is coming toward them.

Trunks, Goten, Jacob, and Potage fell on their butt as they saw the meteor coming at them

"Just what are you all waiting for, lets leave this planet" Vegeta told everyone and they all moved toward the spaceship

Vegeta was not assessing his opponent, he long knew that his opponent is weak and he knows what the storyline is so he didn't even want to fight the duplicates

He just remained silent and focus on the nearest meteor in space and then pulled it toward this planet with his telekinesis skill.

Potage came in front of Vegeta and told him to do something about the meteor as he can't see his planet, his home, get destroyed by a meteor.

Even though he is all alone on this planet, he still cherishes his past and wants to die on his own planet.

This seemed sentimental to everyone but

"Who said that I can handle that meteor?"


"Yes, I don't even know how this meteor appeared out of nowhere

I just noticed it before you all, that's all…

So, lets go"

"No way…"

Vegeta completely disagrees about having any link with the Meteor and even lies about not being able to handle it

This completely breaks Potage as he can't see his planet get destroyed like this. He falls to his knees and started crying.


Can you all be faster?! I don't want to die!"

Jacob shouts at everyone, he has already activated his spaceship and wants to get out.

Trunks and Goten also got on the spaceship with Monako and then they called Vegeta and Potage.

"NO, I can't!

I cant leave my place like this!!!

My… memories… I cant leave my home!

This is my home and I shall live and die here" Potage told everyone

"Suit yourself"

Vegeta doesn't care, he left him there and enters the ship, and then he orders Jacob to leave

As the door of the spaceship starts closing down, Trunks and Goten looked at Monako who is crying like a baby and they also started feeling emotional and sad for him

At the last second,






Trunks and Goten couldn't see Potage cry like a baby for his home planet and flew out of the spaceship at the last moment of closing the window. Vegeta called both of them but they didn't listen to him and stood by the side of Potage

Trunks look at his father and ask him "Father, can you really not stop the meteor?

There is no way that we can leave someone like this, are you not a Prince of the strongest warrior race? How can we leave someone like this?

Please, father!"

"Oye, are you all being an idiot, do you all want to die?!!!!"

Jacob is hella scared right now and the meteor is almost here, they have to leave now or else it will be too late.

Vegeta is really angry now, he wanted to end this mess fast but seeing how Trunks is not going to leave Potage alone and neither can he make his heart ready to leave him behind, Vegeta decides to give a hand

"Only this time I am listening to your request"


Trunks gave a bright smile hearing that his father will complete his request.

Veget starts flying toward the falling meteor


Mountains start getting crushed by the meteor and Jacob closes his eyes as its too late to get out but-


Vegeta changes activate his Sage God form and appear right beside the Meteor

He puts his palm on the meteor and then he looks at the far distance

*nerves appearing around his eye*


"HUH?" (Duplicate Grylls)


HUH?" (Jacob)

"???" (all others)

Everyone had their mind blown away from witnessing a miracle

The meteor that was about to crush all of them and end this planet's life, has completely disappeared


Suddenly, the whole planet trembled and then a strong blow of wind could be felt by everyone and then they heard the noise of the explosion




Jacob looked at the source of the noise, it was coming from the sky and there he saw the moon of Planet Potaufeu getting completely destroyed by something

It didn't take him much time to understand why the moon suddenly exploded.


Vegeta appears in the sky, in front of everyone, he looks at every one if they are safe or not.

"Father!" (Trunks)

"That was AMAZING Uncle!" (Goten)

Jacob gulped his dry saliva; he was already scared of Vegeta's presence as he has seen with his own eyes just how strong Vegeta is during the tournament against Universe 6 but he never expected that this man could even teleport meteors here and there as if he is taking a walk in the park.

Vegeta then looked towards the Duplicate Grylls who are still in shock, they still have not grasped the whole situation as everything just happened was unbelievable.

The leader of Duplicate Grylls looks at Vegeta and Vegeta looks back at him

One more time silence filled the place but it didn't last long as Vegeta showed his palm, it was as if he is creating something above his palm and his action made everyone confused.

But then-



The leader of Duplicate Grylls screams as his chest starts getting pulled towards Vegeta and then his core started coming out


No matter how much he screamed, the core made its way above Vegeta's palm and then Vegeta crushes the core.


Like a drop of water, Duplicate Grylls exploded and so the whole problem is resolved.

Before leaving for Planet Earth, Potage gave a deep bow to Vegeta for not destroying his planet.

Vegeta paid no attention to him and leaves with everyone.

While going back home, Trunks asks his father about the skill that he used to take the meteor somewhere else

"I call that skill, God's Step"

"Gods Step? I thought it was instant Transmission" (Goten)

"Who cares, Gods Step sounds way much better than Instant Transmission" (Trunks)

"I do know how to use Instant Transmission, but that skill takes up too much time and you need to pinpoint a person's ki to appear near them, and also, you need to stay motionless.

So, it is good for long-distance travel.

But my God Steps allow me to travel just anywhere if i can see it, doesn't matter how far it is, if i can see it or even sense it, i can travel to that place even if i am in motion.

It's a skill that I created when I was training with Kakarot in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber"

"Father, can you teach me this skill?

I want to learn it!!!" (Trunks)

"Me too! (Goten)

I want to learn God's Step"

"Both of you, first grow up and increase your intelligence, then think about learning such skills because if you try to learn this skill now, your head will explode"

"WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Goten, Trunks, and Jacob)


. . .

To be continued-

few filler chapters before we get to the main dish, TOP

But before that, i want to know the 10 members you would like to see in TOP

in the future chaps, you will see how strong people have become so, i want to know what is the ideal team for the tournament

especially about Frieza

mrCatcreators' thoughts