
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Kỳ huyễn
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154 Chs

The Kindness of Laozi

"Do you want to take advantage of me?" Yang Yuqing suddenly raised her head, staring at him with wide eyes.

Li Zhi was taken aback. He had just casually mentioned making Yang Yuqing his goddaughter as a joke. He wasn't a pervert. Why would he want a daughter figure of his own age?

He smiled and said, "Do you really want me to be your godfather and take care of you?"

Yang Yuqing bit her lip and said seriously, "I can be your lover, but you have to help me get into the film academy." I know you have the means to make it happen. If you're willing and able to afford it, I'll be your partner for four years, until I graduate. Deal?

"Aren't you afraid that I'll take advantage of you and then change my mind?" Silly girl, there are many scammers in this world. Be more mature and don't be so easily trusting. "Especially in the entertainment industry, you'll be taken advantage of without even realizing it," Li Zhi said with a shake of his head.

Yang Yuqing pouted and said, "If you're not willing, then forget it." "I'll find someone else to help me!"

Li Zhi chuckled and said, "So you still want me to be your godfather." Now that you're willing to sleep with me, after entering the entertainment industry, you'll be able to do the same with others. Have you considered your original intention? "Every step in life requires self-examination and consideration."

"Why are you so annoying?" Yang Yuqing suddenly stomped her foot and stood up, wanting to leave. She felt a bit embarrassed by what Li Zhi had said.

"Stop!" Li Zhi's tone turned commanding, with a hint of firmness and no room for refusal.

Yang Yuqing trembled with anger, turned around, and glared at Li Zhi. "What!"

"Come back!" Li Zhi ordered with a firm and unyielding tone.

Watching Li Zhi's genuinely angry expression, Yang Yuqing hesitated for a moment but ultimately returned, despite claiming not to fear Li Zhi. However, his recent assertiveness had left a deep impression on her, which was also influenced by her experiences and age.

"Did I let you go?" If I did, then go. "Show some manners!" Li Zhi looked at her and said sternly, "Finish all the food on the table!"

Initially, Yang Yuqing wanted to argue with Li Zhi, but upon seeing his expression, she decided to eat in silence.

She ate with some trepidation, stealing glances at Li Zhi, ready to run at any moment.

After finishing his meal, Li Zhi said, "I can help you get into the film academy."

"Really?" Yang Yuqing's eyes lit up.

"But I have a condition," Li Zhi said.

"What condition?" Yang Yuqing blushed, realizing that her previous words to Li Zhi were insincere. Was it worth using herself as a bargaining chip to gain admission to the film academy?

However, Li Zhi didn't say what she had imagined.

"Call your parents, talk to them, and explain your thoughts." "If they still disagree with you attending the film academy, then I'll pay for it," Li Zhi said.

Yang Yuqing blinked and murmured softly, "But what benefit does it bring to you?" "Why are you helping me?"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes and scolded, "Must I exploit you for you to be content?" I have a kind heart. Isn't that sufficient? "Now go, or I'll pin you to the ground!"

Startled, Yang Yuqing got up from her chair and ran outside.

Li Zhi couldn't help but smile as he watched her disheveled appearance. Why was he helping her? He didn't know. Perhaps it was because she reminded him of his younger sister. When he was young, he had wanted a sister. He wasn't trying to take advantage of the girl.

Although she appeared delicate, her mind was not yet mature, and she didn't understand much. She had the potential to be a star. Despite not being a skilled actress, she possessed the qualities to become an idol.

The matter of the film academy wasn't complicated. As long as Li Zhi was willing to spend money and use his connections, it was almost certain that she would be admitted.

Li Zhi began to understand why the girl had come to Hai Cheng for no apparent reason. She was actually heading towards the Hai Cheng Film Academy.

Yang Yuqing didn't actually leave. She hid outside for a while. Then, noticing that Li Zhi didn't follow her, she hesitantly returned. She peeked inside before entering, holding her head high.

"Back again?" "Aren't you afraid I'll eat you?" Li Zhi teased.

Yang Yuqing blushed and muttered, "You always scare me!"

"Boss, are your words just now valid?" Yang Yuqing asked.

"What words?"

"The ones about helping me get into the film academy." If they are, I'll call my parents now and talk to them. "If they still disagree, you cannot go back on your word!" Yang Yuqing said, feeling uncertain.

Li Zhi shrugged and said, "Do I look like someone who reneges on his word?"

"Then I believe you!" Yang Yuqing said softly, "I will definitely repay you in the future!" With that, she turned and ran out again.

"This girl!" Li Zhi shook his head with a smile. He didn't expect anything in return. It was just a chance encounter, a matter of fate.

As long as there were ingredients, it wasn't too difficult to prepare the dishes. Although the price was high, there wasn't much to it.

The menu, consisting of ten dishes, was decided by Huang Youwei and the kitchen staff.

Due to the customer's order, Fallen Star Pavilion had canceled all other orders for the night and was only serving this one customer.

The number of people and the time of arrival were unknown.

The information provided was vague. Although a woman had placed the order, it was uncertain whether she would actually come to eat.

The only certainty was that the payment had been made. Even if no one showed up that night, Fallen Star Pavilion would not refund the money.

Li Zhi wasn't in a hurry. Whether the customer came to eat or not was up to her.

The scale of the Fallen Star Pavilion seemed a bit small. Li Zhi considered buying the adjacent shops and knocking down the walls to expand the restaurant. Moving wasn't even a consideration.

The Star Moon Bay Hotel was just across the street. Where else could the Fallen Star Pavilion relocate to? With the Star Moon Bay Hotel as a landmark, locating the Fallen Star Pavilion was very easy. As long as you find the Star Moon Bay Hotel, the Fallen Star Pavilion is right across from it.

Buying three shop spaces would cost around a hundred million dollars. The restaurant's operating area would exceed 1,000 square meters with the expansion.

The price was high, but it was unavoidable. The current market prices were high, and if they did not meet the seller's expectations, the landlord would not consider selling.

A thousand square meters was neither too big nor too small. It would be just right for the Fallen Star Pavilion.

However, Li Zhi was somewhat reluctant to spend the money. He could easily withdraw fifteen billion US dollars from the factory world to buy the Dragon Armor Type 1, but spending an additional billion to expand Fallen Star Pavilion made him feel uneasy. Such a large sum of money would definitely attract attention!

Should he wait?

For the time being, Li Zhi had no clear idea. Fortunately, there was no rush to the Fallen Star Pavilion. At the rate it was making money, it would take less than a month to raise over a billion, as long as Fallen Star Pavilion's reputation remained strong!