
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Kỳ huyễn
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154 Chs

Like a Little Woman

Before leaving, Dong Xiaorou spent the whole day with Li Zhi.

"You didn't mention that your body has too much Yin energy, making it difficult for me to get close to you," Li Zhi remarked, looking at Dong Xiaorou, who was tightly holding onto his arm, with a playful smile on his lips.

Dong Xiaorou glanced at him coquettishly, behaving unusually gentle, perhaps because they were about to part ways.

"Today is a special occasion; consider it a day off for you!" Dong Xiaorou said with a smile. "Don't you want that?"

"Of course, I would love that." "I wish every day could be like this!" Li Zhi chuckled and playfully pinched her from behind. Such intimate gestures between lovers not only make the other party feel comfortable but might even bring a little joy.

A man who is not bad, a woman who doesn't love; the meaning of 'bad' is for you to interpret.

"Behave, we're in public," Dong Xiaorou teased, her face blushing, looking very alluring.

"How about we go home now?" Li Zhi's throat moved up and down as he spoke softly. It's not that Li Zhi hadn't seen women before, but this enchantress was too tempting.

"No!" Dong Xiaorou blushed and shook her head, holding onto Li Zhi's arm as they walked forward like a couple. They went shopping at the mall, purchasing clothes, shoes, and underwear for Li Zhi. He couldn't resist her enthusiasm, and in the end, he was laden with bags, most of which were for him.

Dong Xiaorou was the one spending the money!

Li Zhi smiled wryly and asked, "Do you think I'm starting to depend on you for my livelihood?"

"Yes!" Dong Xiaorou nodded with a smile, looking at him with a teasing expression. "If you don't want to, I can find someone else." "There are plenty of young and charming men around, many of whom are younger and more attractive than you, and they are all eyeing me."

Charm is subjective, regardless of gender. Dong Xiaorou was the kind of woman who exuded irresistible charm, causing any man passing by to steal a glance at her.

"Where are these more handsome, younger, and more charming men?" Li Zhi looked around and then turned back with a smirk. "I don't see any." The most charming and handsome man in the world is standing right in front of you. Why look elsewhere?

"You're shameless!" Dong Xiaorou playfully scolded him. "And you're so fickle." Who knows how many women you have outside!

Li Zhi chuckled and didn't dare to respond, aware of his own tainted past.

"Give me some advice!" Li Zhi said.

Dong Xiaorou didn't address Li Zhi's behavior, considering it as his "personal issue" unrelated to her. She couldn't accompany him for more than two days a month, and it was too early to think about the future. Thinking about those things now was premature.

"As for me, I prefer a slightly larger house, but not too big." I live alone, and a house that's too big would feel empty. "It should be warm and cozy, just enough for my needs," Dong Xiaorou said with a smile. Feeling the change in Li Zhi's demeanor, she blushed and pushed him away, saying, "You have no business here." Get out and stop making a mess.

Li Zhi thought about it, shook his head, and smiled. "Wait until I have enough funds available, then we can consider buying a house." "If we're going to buy, we should do it all at once."

Dong Xiaorou was preparing to cook, and then she would help Li Zhi clean the house!

"Buying a house?" Li Zhi considered the situation, then shook his head with a smile. "Let's wait until I have enough funds." "If we're going to buy, we should do it all at once."

The most important thing was that Li Zhi didn't have the money!

Although "Happy Fish Balls" made money, for Li Zhi, it was just "small change." He still owed the Interstellar Trade Union's private commercial loan company 15 billion US dollars. This money had to be repaid within a year. Furthermore, he needed to invest in the development of Fishing Port No. 5. If he hadn't developed it, he wouldn't have been able to earn enough money within a year in the real world. He could only rely on the industry of the No. 5 Fishing Port.

Money, money, it's needed everywhere!

But as long as he could get through this year, repay the private commercial loan, Li Zhi wouldn't have to worry about money anymore.

Or rather, he wouldn't have to worry about money for buying a house, and he could stop being so frugal.

Li Zhi lacked not money, but time.

Time is money, and money can extend time. Even if time cannot be extended, at least life can be prolonged.

It was the eighth day, and if he earned $80,000 every day, the main fish ball processing factory in the No. 5 Fishing Port should have accumulated $640,000 in its fund pool. By tomorrow, it will probably have over 4 million US dollars. This money would be enough for Li Zhi to invest in building another primary fish ball processing factory. With two factories, he could earn $960,000 per day. In less than four days, he could invest in building another factory.

The beginning is always challenging, but making money will only become quicker in the future. In a "special production area," a loss of 15 billion US dollars is not significant to Li Zhi.

"What are you thinking?" Dong Xiaorou leaned on Li Zhi from behind and whispered in his ear. At this moment, Dong Xiaorou, like a woman in love, was no different—gentle and sweet, savoring the proximity of Li Zhi, embracing his ambiguous gestures.

Li Zhi turned around, kissed her on the cheek, and said, "Nothing much!"

Dong Xiaorou blushed and avoided him, muttering, "You said 'nothing much' several times. Why don't you answer me?" "Wash your hands; it's time to eat!"

"Okay!" Li Zhi stood up from the sofa.

On the dining table, there were five dishes, all prepared by Dong Xiaorou. Li Zhi took out two wine glasses and opened the bottle of red wine he had bought.

Dong Xiaorou had a high alcohol tolerance. She could handle a glass of red wine or even a strong liquor without getting drunk.

"I feel a bit dizzy," Dong Xiaorou murmured softly.

Li Zhi's eyes lit up, and he chuckled, "Then drink a little less." "You don't have to go to the company this afternoon." If you feel dizzy, just sleep!

"Okay!" Dong Xiaorou nodded with a blush, raised her glass, and took a small sip. As the saying goes, alcohol doesn't intoxicate people, people intoxicate themselves. Drinking depends on mood, and getting drunk depends on oneself. As long as you don't want to get drunk, no one can force you.

"Why are there so many wires connected to the door in the living room?" Dong Xiaorou asked, puzzled.

"That?" "It's my invention!" Li Zhi knew that Dong Xiaorou was referring to the "micro-door" in the living room, which was the passage to the Interstellar Trade Union, but for now, Li Zhi couldn't tell her.

"Invention?" Dong Xiaorou was puzzled for a moment, then shook her head with a smile. "You're not trying to invent a teleportation door to another world, are you?"

Li Zhi's eyes widened, and he asked in surprise, "How did you know?"

Dong Xiaorou glanced at him coquettishly and said, "How could I not know?" Do you think only men can play games?

"Hehe!" Li Zhi chuckled and said mysteriously, "That's right, I'm planning to invent a teleporter that can transport us from one place to another." Of course, this "place" is not limited to Earth. "It could be another planet or even a different world."

Dong Xiaorou smiled and said, "When you succeed in your research, you must take me to another planet or a different world." I'm curious about what aliens look like!

Li Zhi sighed inwardly. Sometimes, the more you tell the truth, the less people believe you. Because it is beyond the scope of their understanding of "science" and is difficult to accept, they think it is impossible. In fact, not to mention other planets or different worlds, even on Earth, there are many things that many people think are impossible and don't understand, but they happen.

These things are called "unsolved mysteries."

"Alright, when I succeed, you'll be the first one I take!" Li Zhi nodded with a smile.

Dong Xiaorou clinked her glass with Li Zhi's and asked softly, "Is there anything else you want to tell me before I go to Japan, boss?"

"Yes!" Li Zhi's expression turned serious. "First, it's about your safety." We can forgo the money, but your safety is paramount. You shouldn't encounter any accidents or hardships. You don't need to skimp on food and clothing. As a big boss, I can certainly afford to support you.

Dong Xiaorou's eyes flashed with tenderness, but she quickly covered it up and said with a smile, "Your words really touch me." "What's the second thing?"

"The second point is that you must not tolerate bullying or mistreatment." You can't have any problems or accidents. "If you can't fulfill these two points, then..." Li Zhi paused, only to be interrupted by Dong Xiaorou's playful question, "You don't need to go?"

Li Zhi had to ensure that Dong Xiaorou left Hai City to protect herself from Zhao Sihai. He was still lacking something, and it was too risky for Dong Xiaorou to stay in Hai City.

"We must go, after all, Japan is a very important overseas market for 'Happy Fish Balls.'" In short, you must not be mistreated outdoors. "No matter who you are, as long as you're with me, you can't have any problems," Li Zhi said, shaking his head.

"Okay, I promise you," Dong Xiaorou smiled and refrained from teasing Li Zhi any further. She knew he was thinking of her well-being.