
Interstellar Legend

A man kissed by God, possessing unparalleled talent and impeccable courage. He is destined to be the savior of this world! In countless struggles, gradually moving towards glory! Created one immortal achievement after another!

Jason_Fan_0528 · Khoa huyễn
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150 Chs


The explosions of the second and third spider mines occurred in the late night, with a relatively short interval between them, but the events that unfolded were vastly different.

After the explosion of the second spider mine, the contestant almost immediately retreated, abandoning the fight decisively, which surprised Reno.

However, the third spider mine nearly led to Reno's defeat—it was a bait. Someone had seen through Reno's spider mines, but instead of falling for it, they placed four more mines nearby and then detonated Reno's mine as bait.

If Reno hadn't rushed out with his energy shield fully activated and due to the boost in engine power, his speed and defense were much higher than that of a regular mech, he would have been eliminated by now. Even so, Reno still suffered attacks from three spider mines, and the shockwaves of the energy shield were flashing like a rainbow. Then, the enemy hidden in the dark rushed out...

This was Reno's most difficult battle to win so far—the opponent's mech skills were far superior to his own, having unlocked the engine just like him. Both in terms of combat experience and skills, the opponent was much stronger than him. Reno was almost constantly pressed by the opponent throughout the battle.

He only won because of the powerful firepower configuration of the Silver Wing Angel.

As missile after missile whistled through the air, bullets poured down like a torrential storm, and the thick yang electron streams repeatedly tore through the night sky. Combined with almost full energy and speed matching his own, facing all this, the contestant was completely bewildered.

As he fell, his eyes widened in disbelief, shouting incredulously, "Cheating! This must be cheating."

Reno couldn't be bothered to explain. With thousands of spectators watching every contestant, where would he cheat? If there was anything they didn't understand, they could go back and watch the replay themselves.

Although he won the battle, the ammunition consumption was greatly exceeded.

This became Reno's first losing battle—he obtained very few spoils from the opponent, but paid far more than he gained.

However, this was the norm of war—real battles always consumed more than they yielded.

So, although it was Reno's first losing battle, it definitely wouldn't be the last.

After defeating this opponent, Reno finally dared not to sleep anymore. He held his gun, sat cautiously in the darkness, but the last spider mine never went off.

After daybreak, Reno didn't go out to fight but changed his location to continue hiding.

This puzzled many people.

Due to his outstanding performance earlier, Reno's attention had once again increased. Therefore, the confusion about Reno's behavior led to a flood of complaints, and the hotline of the Storm League was instantly overwhelmed, with some impatiently cursing, "Hey, I didn't pay to watch that kid sleep!"

Under the control of the Storm Group's superbrain, all hotline data would be transmitted to the host platform at the first time.

The always mature host, Ben, looked at the hotline data and smiled, "Wow, it seems that our Shadow's actions have attracted a lot of attention."

"It's not surprising, right?" Christina replied, "His current behavior is indeed somewhat irrational."

"Irregular? I don't think so," Ben replied confidently with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Are you saying there's some meaning behind Shadow's actions?" Christina's eyes flashed with curiosity.

Ben was very satisfied with this.

As a male host, he didn't have looks to flaunt, so he could only rely on his outstanding professional knowledge and insight to establish himself in this fiercely competitive industry. And Christina, who could surpass him, was undoubtedly a smart girl, who took the opportunity to flatter this senior.

Ben cleared his throat and replied, "Yes, I think this is a tactical choice. I believe many viewers have already noticed that Shadow is not a good mech operator. In my opinion, his mech skills are at most the standard of an experienced hand... able to proficiently operate a mech, but occasionally making some low-level mistakes."

This statement resonated with many viewers. Yes, in the past matches, due to the uniqueness of the Silver Wing Angel system, Reno had indeed made many mistakes. Although most of them were not fatal, they also exposed his lack of experience, which everyone could see.

Ben continued, "His real excellence lies in his extraordinary tactical awareness and judgment of the battlefield situation. It is precisely because of this that Shadow will not engage in combat when the situation is unfavorable, or even if the situation is not advantageous to him, he won't fight. Because he is very clear about one thing, that is, most of those who can reach this point are mostly skilled. Look at the opponents he defeated before, either being ambushed by him or directly overwhelmed by powerful firepower... He doesn't compete with anyone in terms of skills because he knows he can't win."

"What does this have to do with his current choice?" Christina asked.

"Of course, it does. Today is the second day of the competition. After a day and a night of confrontation, many contestants have more or less unlocked some weapons. The firepower advantage that Shadow previously relied on has actually been greatly neutralized. Due to the large number of points invested, the firepower of the contestants has not decreased due to battle consumption, but has instead greatly increased. Under such circumstances, going out to fight is not beneficial for Shadow. You can understand this by looking at the opponent he previously defeated; he was practically struggling."

"Wait a minute, Ben," Christina interjected, "I admit that what you said makes sense, but the problem is how does Shadow know that everyone has put their points into weapons and not kept them?"

"It's simple because he did the same thing. The rules of this competition remind everyone that it is the most foolish decision to keep points at the beginning. First, if you are driven out of the field, you will only retain twenty percent of your points, which means not being driven out is much more meaningful than gaining one or two more points. And to avoid being driven out, you must arm yourself. Second, every day, the prices of merchants double. What could be bought for five points yesterday will cost ten points tomorrow, and fifteen points the day after tomorrow. Faced with this situation, the vast majority of contestants will choose to spend all their points on the first

 day to accumulate for later."

Christina understood, "So Shadow can easily judge that today is definitely the strongest moment for all opponents. In this case, he chose to give up the battle on the second day. By the third day, when everyone's points are exhausted, he will have rested for a whole day... Oh my god, no wonder all his second purchases were logistics factories and energy generators. He was prepared from the beginning. This guy, he's really cunning!"

Christina exclaimed.

The rules of this survival challenge are telling everyone that the sooner the points are spent, the better. If the first day is an accumulation stage, the second day is a consumption stage, and the third day is a struggle stage. By this day, whether it's the retention rate of eighty percent or the tripled prices, it means that contestants will basically not invest heavily to improve themselves. After a day of consumption, it's very difficult to maintain the previous day's firepower.

By conserving his energy and producing weapons and ammunition for a day, Reno knew exactly what would happen when he went out to fight at this time.

Ben proudly replied, "Now you understand? From a tactical point of view, his choice is not wrong."

"From a tactical point of view, it's not wrong? Does that mean there's actually a problem?" Christina listened to the strings and knew the music.

Ben was extremely satisfied with his partner, "Yes, Shadow's biggest problem is that he uses things on the battlefield, but ignores the fact that this is not a real battlefield, but a competition field."

"Is there any difference?"

"Of course," Ben replied:

"The battlefield has no gods, but the competition field does!"