
Hunting Down the Stragglers Part II

While JT escaped from the primitive world in which he had assassinated one of the remaining sages on. Sinaria was deep in federation territory. She had not after all been freed from her imprisonment, and because of this she was still sworn to carry out whatever duties Erich gave her. 

As a former Grand Inquisitor of the Federation, Sinaria had the skills to track down and eliminate enemies of the state. After all, that was pretty much what her entire job was. She rarely presided over interrogations unless a big fish had been caught. And Erich was a big fish. 

Because of this, the Dark Elven beauty had ample skills, knowhow, and contacts to track just about anybody who entered Federation space. Her target was a Dark Elf Sage, who had actually been foolish enough to stay on the world she was tasked with performing espionage on.