
Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World

In a mystical realm of Eldoria, an extraordinary establishment emerged amidst the bustling streets of the capital city of Luminaire Kingdom. It wasn't long when unusual people visit there to browse grimoires online, engage in epic virtual duels, and ... share magical memes. The owner named Luke— Luke: "System! Stop the narration. This is just a normal internet cafe with a handsome owner. Or rather, you're the unusual one!" System: "..."

Meagerton · Kỳ huyễn
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136 Chs

Chapter 31 - Misplaced Anger

Olga's expression turned grave as he heard the name Luke muttered.

'Isn't that the student who was under house arrest?' the vice-headmaster contemplated, but he quickly dispelled the notion of her being Luke's sister, given her commoner status.

"I apologize, sir, but I am not familiar with anyone named Lilith. However, there was a girl under house arrest, though she couldn't possibly be your sister, as she was a commoner," the vice-headmaster responded truthfully.

"What did you say? Can you describe this girl?" Luke's eyes narrowed, and an uneasy feeling crept over him.

Despite the strange sensation, Olga decided to answer, feeling Luke's intense gaze upon him. "She was 11 years old and had white hair—"


Luke's blood boiled with anger upon hearing the mention of Lily. In a fit of frustration, he slammed the table, cutting off Olga before he could finish his words.

Luke was all too aware that it was Lily he was referring to. Struggling to contain his surging emotions, he acknowledged that his anger had been difficult to control lately, yet he believed it was justified and chose not to suppress it.

As Luke pondered his tumultuous feelings, something extraordinary occurred. The very suit he was wearing began emanating a potent surge of magic power, as if in tune with his inner turmoil.

Indeed, Luke's attire, known as Astral Elegance, possessed remarkable defensive capabilities. Acquired from the armor section of the system shop, he had been drawn to its elegant appearance, and without thoroughly perusing the description, he decided to make the purchase.

As it turned out, Astral Elegance held a mysterious and formidable ability—it could absorb magical energy and amplify it, releasing the accumulated power with even greater force.

The unknown essence infused within the absorbed magic granted the attire an enigmatic and potent quality, making it a formidable asset in his possession. Little did Luke realize at the time of purchase just how significant and powerful this piece of armor is.

The magic power that Astral Elegance absorbed from Olga responded to Luke's surging anger with astonishing intensity. Released at a greater force, it carried an unknown attribute that seemed to enshroud the atmosphere. Olga could sense the overwhelming presence of the magic power, causing a feeling of suffocation.

Olga, in the midst of this mystifying encounter, remained unaware of the exact attribute of the magic power swirling in the air. The unknown magical essence exuded by Astral Elegance surrounded him, leaving him breathless and uncertain of its true nature.

In his misunderstanding, Olga believed it was Luke who was controlling and releasing the overwhelming magic power. Struggling to catch his breath and feeling genuine fear, Olga recognized Luke's undeniable strength, making him realize that he couldn't possibly resist the magical force being channeled.

Finally gathering his composure, Olga managed to speak through the suffocating atmosphere, "S-sir *cough cough. We have a good reason for doing this."

When Luke heard Olga's plea, he made a conscious choice to set aside his anger and opted to listen to the reasons behind Lily's house arrest. As he calmed down, the mysterious aura that had engulfed the air dissipated, returning the atmosphere to a semblance of normalcy.

Olga breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that the intense tension had eased, allowing him to speak more comfortably. He expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, sir. Actually, it's like this..."

As Luke observed Olga's polite demeanor, he recognized that his previous outburst had been unwarranted. Feeling remorseful for his anger, he resolved to address his temper issues at a later time. For now, he genuinely focused on listening to Olga's explanation, understanding the importance of the matter concerning his sister, Lily, and the circumstances surrounding her predicament.

"Actually, the two sons of a Count and two other noble households' sons mysteriously lost their memory. Nobody knows who caused this peculiar incident. It was discovered that these noble children had met Lilith prior to their memory loss. Concerned for her safety, the noble households sought to interrogate her. The Celestia Academy decided to place her under house arrest to protect her from potential harm. If Lilith were to venture outside, there was a fear that she might be kidnapped by these noble families.

Sir, if she is your little sister, we want you to know that we have no ill intentions towards her. On the contrary, recognizing her remarkable talent in creating Non-Attribute Magic Spells, we even endeavored to increase her scholarship benefits."

Olga earnestly shared the crucial information, hoping to clarify the situation and alleviate any misunderstandings. His sincerity shone through as he explained the academy's actions and intentions regarding Lily, aiming to establish a sense of trust and understanding between them.

Upon hearing Olga's explanation, Luke couldn't help but break into a nervous sweat. The realization dawned on him that his anger had been misplaced all along. The memory loss of the noble children was, in fact, his responsibility, as he had deleted their memories. He felt remorseful and guilty for his actions, knowing that the situation with the noble households had escalated due to his misguided actions.

With a heavy heart, Luke let go of those troubling thoughts and heaved a sigh of relief. The weight on his shoulders lifted as he finally grasped that Lily was safe and under the protection of Celestia Academy. The academy's actions, though drastic, were taken to ensure her safety from potential harm.

As the gravity of the situation settled, Luke's perception of the academy underwent a transformation. He began to see it in a different light, realizing that it might be a place of genuine care and concern for its students' well-being. With newfound hope, he considered that this academy might offer the safety and support that Lily needed.

"I'm grateful to the academy for saving my sister. But why did I hear from Lily that she was being bullied by the nobles here?"

Luke's face turned serious as he directed his question towards Olga. His concern for Lily's well-being overshadowed all other thoughts, and he needed to understand the truth behind her distress.

Upon hearing Luke's inquiry, Olga's expression turned solemn. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, gathering his resolve before responding. The weight of the issue at hand was evident in his demeanor, and he knew the seriousness of addressing the matter.

With determination in his voice, Olga began to explain, "In the academy, everyone is supposed to be treated equally; that's our motto. However, there is a growing presence of elitist nobles who believe that bloodlines define their superiority. They have even managed to meddle in the academy's affairs by becoming professors and staff."

He paused, taking a deep breath, "It was my failure that led to the current situation. If our headmaster were here, he could have resolved everything swiftly. The truth is, many commoners have been subjected to bullying, and in an effort to address the issue, I implemented rules for strict punishment of anyone caught bullying within the academy premises.

Unfortunately, they found a loophole by taking their torment of the commoners outside the academy, where my authority is limited due to the watchful eyes of other nobles."

Olga's sincerity was palpable as he spoke, and his determination to confront the problem was evident. Luke listened intently, realizing that the situation at the academy was more complex than he had initially assumed. The weight of the responsibility to protect Lily and ensure her safety was now clearer than ever.

After absorbing Olga's explanation, Luke finally grasped the intricacies of the situation. He realized that the academy itself was not to blame; it was the troublesome elitist nobles who had sown discord. The irrational obsession with bloodlines puzzled him, considering they all had the same red blood flowing in their veins.

Empathy welled up within Luke as he understood the challenges Olga faced in dealing with these powerful and influential individuals. He knew all too well what it felt like to be powerless in the face of such forces.

"I understand," Luke stated with a reassuring tone, wanting to alleviate Olga's burden. "It's not your fault."

Feeling the sincerity behind Luke's words, Olga appreciated the reassurance. He understood the complexities of emotions and the burden of responsibility that came with authority. He nodded, acknowledging Luke's apology, knowing that it was not directed at him but at the misunderstanding.

Observing Olga more closely, Luke noticed the telltale signs of exhaustion in his eyes and the pleasant wrinkles on his forehead, evidence of the dedication and hard work he had put into his role at the academy.

Wanting to show his appreciation, Luke decided to find a suitable present for Olga's efforts. After browsing the system shop, he stumbled upon a perfect gift.

Dragonfire Chai.

In an almost magical display, Luke reached out into thin air, seemingly conjuring a box of Dragonfire Chai out of nowhere. The surprise on Olga's face was evident as he watched this unexpected gesture.

Luke extended the box of Dragonfire Chai to Olga, his face filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry for my earlier outburst. Please take this as an apology. It's a good tea, I think," he said, offering the present with genuine remorse.

The box of Dragonfire Chai contained ten sachets of the exquisite tea. While Luke had never tasted it before, he was confident that Olga would appreciate it. He had observed Olga savoring the tea they had earlier, and that gave him the assurance that this gift would be well-received.

Olga was taken aback by the unexpected gift, feeling touched by Luke's gesture. Gratefully accepting the box, he thanked Luke for the thoughtful present. As he held the tea box in his hands, he sensed something extraordinary about it, as if the essence of magic itself was infused within.

This Dragonfire Chai would undoubtedly become a treasured possession for Olga, cherished for its significance beyond the simple act of gift-giving. The thought that he might even keep it as a personal keepsake, not sharing any with even his revered headmaster, spoke volumes about the depth of his appreciation for Luke's kindness and the benefits the tea gave.

"Can I please see Lilith?" Luke asked with a touch of excitement in his voice.

"Y-es, of course, sir. Please come with me," Olga responded, still a bit surprised by the unexpected gift. He quickly composed himself and led the way, guiding Luke towards where Lily was being kept under house arrest.

As they made their way through the corridors of Celestia Academy, Luke's heart pounded with anticipation. He couldn't wait to see his 'sister' again and ensure that she was safe and well.