
Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic)

An untimely death. Something common in the business of Interdimensional Travels. Adam White, a normal human and an average man tore away from his normal life due to the childish wish he once made to the higher power that is finally granted to him. Facing a lottery to decide his power in the next life, his luck had unfortunately ran out. Of all power he could get, he get a System that grants futuristic military gears. However, perhaps it is for the best. With his wish to wield mystical magic power shattered and equipped with his System, Adam White embark into his next life as Soldier of Fortune, Gun for Hire or just a humble Mercenary trying to make a living in worlds tethering to destruction. After all, the muddy and turbulent water is the best place for fishing. ————— Cover not mine. I found it on Google. Update schedule is 3 CH/ week If I have extra chapters in stock, I will release one per 100 Power Stone. Main World 1. Rwby 2. Azur Lane Contract World 1. Girl Frontline 2. Black Bullet 3. FGO, Orleans Singularity 4. Muv Luv Alternative 5. Bleach (Before Canon Timeline) Support my fanfic with donations of join my sect at, https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

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158 Chs

Chapter 59 - Final Mission

(Sorry the update is late. I know y'all told me to rest. I try to write even while resting because I get bored very easily. The anime stocks I kept had all been watched and I had no internet connection again and couldn't play games. So, I just write a little and a little. Took three days since I can't use google and only have the SAS4 game to provide some insights.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter:)

After going through several missions, Adam finally reached his final mission.

[Qualification Test]


- Survive until the completion of all missions. (Pending)

- At least 20% of the Aartis population survives. 74% survived. (Pending)

-Exterminate all Infected. (Pending)

- Investigate the cause of the outbreak on Kurios Space Port. (Optional) (Complete)

- Collect the secret research data hidden in the vaccine research facility. (Optional) (Complete)

- Rescue all the trapped civilians without any death. (Optional) (Complete)

- Find and destroy the infected Combot's plan to create cyborg zombies. (Optional) (Complete)

- Make sure the hospital survives until help arrives. (Optional) (Complete)

- Defend the final Evacuation Center without any Infected breach. (Optional) (Pending)


Adam opens his eyes and meets with the usual operators he deployed with from the Vaccine mission onward.

"So, this is our final and arguably, the most difficult mission." The Assault operator said with a nostalgic tone while smoking a cigar he grabbed off the governor mansion during his rescue mission.

"No shit. We have to defend this Evacuation Center for half an hour for the dropship to arrive while fighting off the entire city's worth of Infected." The Heavy operator responded with a tired grunt in the end but his will to fight is unwavering like his armor.

"The city we're in has a population in the hundred of millions. It's the capital of Aartis after all." The Medic added with a monotone voice as if he was cracking a dry joke.

"Can you say something less depressing for once, doc?" The Assault operator sighed having his mood ruined.

"I speak only facts." The Medic operator defended while placing down several turrets.

"What about you, Mr Enigma?" The Assault operator had enough dealing with the Medic and turned to Adam instead. "Have anything to add before the last gate is breached?"

About the gate that the Assault operator said, it's the wall of makeshift barricades meant to slow and hopefully stop the zombie's advance but as expected when the enemies have something like Savage Devastator or Necrosis, a mere makeshift barricade wouldn't stop them at all.

"Hmn. I missed my family I guess. It's been a long week for me." Adam said while staring at the night sky that remained beautiful despite all the death and destruction happening all across the planet.

"Family? I didn't know you were a family kind of guy. But I can understand that. My family lives in this world. I heard they were safe and evacuated during the early stage of the outbreak. But I still feel restless unless I see them with my own eyes and give them a hug." The Assault operator said while taking a deep drag off the cigar before throwing it toward the gate.

The zombies finally reached the final gate and squeezed through it. Everyone put on their gear and get ready to fight.

The Assault operator shot the barrel of fuel placed before the gate as part of the barricade, which leak out fuel to the ground and when it reach the cigar, the fuel immediately set ablaze and through the gate, burning the Zombies while each operator fires their weapon, activate their skills, whatever that can keep the gate stand longer. The turrets placed before the gate also turned on immediately and shoot at the incoming zombies.

Time went by neither fast or slow. Ten minutes later, they are still shooting everything and skill they got just to keep pushing back the horde. But Adam noticed the horde seems to get stronger instead and pushing harder on the wall. He tried to figure out why but he soon noticed it along with other. The wall of pure muscle like what happened if Tank form Left 4 Dead had a cousin that overdose on steroids. Red bulging muscle look red like it's on fire as it charged into the wall and bent it with a single punch.

"Savage Devastator incoming!" Everyone shouted.

"Disperse. Don't group together." The Heavy operator informed and also ordering both Adam and the Assault operator to summon operators. Which they did immediately and concentrate all their firepower at the Devastator.

"Eat this!" The Assault operator shout while constantly throwing Cryo grenades in intervals to keep the Devastator affected by the slow cause by the freezing liquid which temporarily froze it's muscle. "I stocked enough for you bitch!" The Assault operator added with a wide grin under his helmet after seeing how effective his tactics were.

Well, the Cryo grenade was effective until the Savage Devastator become enraged and it's blood literally boils and form a dense crimson red aura around it while it's strength and speed doubled.

"Medic! Smoke it!" The Heavy operator roared as the Medic toss two special smoke grenade filled with special Nanites.

The green and light purple smoke dome slowed and damage any zombies caught in it, including the Savage Devastator while the Cryo grenades and Turrets constantly slow their advance enough for the operators to gun them down.

Adam took position on the trunk of a broke down vehicle and activated both [Adrenaline Shot] and [Hold The Line] while wielding the Hornet sniper rifle to score headshots after headshots at the Savage Devastator until it's head cracked and popped open, signalling it's death.

It's incomprehensible for Adam to use skills of other class and even mixing it together. But they won't complain about it, that's for sure. They are mostly jealous.

"Nice job!" The Assault operator cheered at the Boss death. He would had jumped on Adam and gave him a big hug if not for the Zombies that continues to march to the gate.

The other two also acknowledged his effort with a nod while continue fighting.

As they continue fighting, the Heavy operator informed. "Another 10 minutes, guys. Keep up the effort. The dropships are almost here."

Immediately after that, everyone recieved a transmission from the command on the Orbital Fortress.

"Ground units be advised, Phase 1 of Operation Scorch Earth is initiating."

"Be ready to brace for the impact." The Heavy operator informed everyone briefly as everyone can see multiple light dots popped up in the sky like stars which progressively become brighter and bigger until they fall all around the city.

Noise vanished temporarily and white light consumed everything. Powerful, earth-shattering quake ravage the ground. From a brief peek using his quickly recovering sight, Adam saw half the city in the center had turned into red glowing magma.

"Nuke?" Adam was a little shocked as he questioned, not expecting an answer.

"Not really nuke. But close enough, it's the Planet Cleanser type fusion warhead torpedoes made specifically to handle Zombie virus threat. It was first used on Earth. But rumor said someone miscalculated the yield and accidentally destroyed Earth in the process of reclaimation." The Assault operator answer Adam with a quick trivia as if nukes hadn't just rained above his head. "Well, you don't need to worry about it. It was dropped strategically to eliminate major cluster of Zombie hives to prevent their rampant evolution."

Adam nodded, slightly unnerved. The other operator didn't look worried either so, it mean they aren't afraid of the explosion harming them. Which mean he is also safe. But still, having nukes rained on his head is definitely a unique experience.

After the explosion subsided, the numbers of zombies really dropped and the pressure on the gate lessened a lot. Most of the weak ones were killed instantly which leave only the strong ones alive and enraged.


The horde roared and charged at the gate with double ferocity and eventually felled the gate when a bunch of Apex Bloaters appeared out of nowhere and rammed the gate.

Adam glance at the timer on his HUD and still have 4 more minutes to go.

With the gate fallen, there is nothing stopping the Zombies from rushing in anymore and everyone have to fight even harder. Doing everything they got to stop any zombies from reaching the Evacuation Center behind them.

But, suddenly. Everyone saw one after another. Multiple Bosses appeared. Regurgitators, Wicker, Zombie Mechs, Devastator and Necrosis. They can see them climbing up the building. Perhaps, probably they were previously blocked by the sheer numbers of zombies trying to climb up the floors which now had been killed. Which mean, they are all really fucked.

"Everyone, retreat to the second line! We cannot defend the first line anymore." The Heavy operator said and ordered everyone ro retreat back while he is the last to move while he continues to hold the line with the help of the turrets and the other that already on the second line.

Suddenly, a Savage Necrosis teleported in front of the Heavy operator and slashed him with it's claw tipped with poison. It's then shreaked to show it's dominance for defeated the Heavy operator.

"Fuck! I'm going back to help him!" The Assault operator used [Reinforcement] and quickly rush to the fallen Heavy operator to drag him to the Medic while his summons stall for times.

However, the Necrosis seems to already expected this and quickly curl it's body and shoot out projectiles from its body into all directions. The summons immediately get killed by those projectiles and leave the Assault and Heavy operators expose to the Zombies

The Medic operator acted before Adam could and dropped two special grenades on the second line of defense where Adam is working hard defending alone before he jumped in to drag the two out from from the danger. However, Adam somehow felt like it's him that is in danger.

The Savage Necrosis turn it's head to him and Adam noticed something. It's lower body had brunt mark which immediately made him recalled the Savage Necrosis back from the space station. It might sound ridiculous because he made the space station self-destructs towards the end of that mission but this one could be the same one from the space station and Adam can somehow sense the burning hatred send toward him by the Necrosis' glare.

"Kieee!" The Necrosis howled before vanished into a plume of smoke.

Adam immediately dodged when he sees this as something else enters his vision a split second later which he could barely reacted to. After he dodged, the Necrosis' claw embedded deep into the wall behind Adam and the Boss itself is on top of him.

Without even a moment to panic, Adam turned on his skills again [Adrenaline Shot], [Hold The Line] and [Die Another Day]. Then he force the barrel of his sniper rifle on the Necrosis' gut before pulling the trigger, emptying his entire magazine and swiftly reload before shooting again until the Necrosis jumped away. Now it will think twice before getting close to Adam.


Adam glanced at the remaining time before looking at his teammates but to his shock, he saw the Assault operator missing a leg and the Heavy and Medic operators fighting off another Savage Devastator.

Adam look in front of him. The Savage Necrosis crawled up and recovered from the attack, showing it's twisted grin at Adam as if mocking him. Adam know the Bosses are smart and have intelligence especially the Necrosis. A very cunning and intelligent Boss that knew to exploit weaknesses.

"Damn you fuckers." Adam cursed and swap away Hornet for The Coffin.

There is no conceivable way they can kill the Savage Necrosis and Devastator and the other Bosses that keep pouring in. That's leave Adam with only one choice. To use his superweapon. He previously reluctant to use because for some reason, he can't replenish it's ammunitions and Adam want to conserve them. But this is literally the final one and he might as well end it with a boom.

The modified, miniature electromagnetic railgun cannon deployed and mounted on to his shoulder. When the projectile is loaded in, Adam pressed the trigger and shot the cannon relatively noiseless since it rely not on propellants and instead accelerated out from the barrel at nearly the speed of light, leaving a trail of beam where it travelled.

The projectile first pierced into the Necrosis' body before it exploded violently as the vaccum container holding the ultra dense Dust cracked and the Fire and Lightning Dust reacted, producing the violent explosion which inflate the Necrosis like a balloon before it explodes, showering it gores on the wall, street, building and the plaza.

Adam didn't stop his momentums and shot the next Boss and the next one and the next one until none of them left.

While he is single-handedly stopping the Zombie's advance, Adam reached an epiphany. "If I destroyed the path leading up to this floor. Wouldn't that mean I can skip this battle entirely?" However, he reached the realization too late and the fight is already over as multiple dropships arrived and evacuating the civilians sheltered inside the Evacuation Center.

Another dropship landed on the square and a group of operators exit the dropship to rescue the heroes. Everyone was safely brought up to the dropship except Adam who was nonexistent to the rescue team. But that didn't matter as Adam was standing in a daze staring at the screen pop-up stating the completion of his mission before he was consumed by a blue beam of light that whisked him away.


[Qualification Test]


- Survive until the completion of all missions. (Complete)

- At least 20% of the Aartis population survives. 71% survived. (Complete)

-Exterminate all Infected. (Complete)

- Investigate the cause of the outbreak on Kurios Space Port. (Optional) (Complete)

- Collect the secret research data hidden in the vaccine research facility. (Optional) (Complete)

- Rescue all the trapped civilians without any death. (Optional) (Complete)

- Find and destroy the infected Combot's plan to create cyborg zombies. (Optional) (Complete)

- Make sure the hospital survives until help arrives. (Optional) (Complete)

- Defend the final Evacuation Center without any Infected breach. (Optional) (Complete)

Completion Rate: SSS


- Full unlock of Orbit Fortress

- +10 level ups

- 100 Billion SAS$

- All Grade [RED] Weapon and Armor Blueprints

- 2 [BLACK] Grade Upgrade Ticket

- Interdimensionary Mercenary Licence

[[BLACK] Grade Upgrade Ticket]

-Ticket that upgrade the grade of any lesser grades to BLACK grade weapon. Not usable on Premium and Custom grades.

[Interdimensionary Mercenary Licence]

- The proof of one's success on a particular test that qualifies him now as an Interdimensionary Mercenary that can freely enter other dimensions.

(It's very much like Rogue Trader from 40k. Although they are not exactly up to good things, what they did is beneficial to the main SAS4 world. Exploring the other dimensions and introducing better techs and heck, even magic. Growing their civilization even more exponentially.)



If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here. Also for advance chapters and possibly +18 scenes.
