
Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic)

An untimely death. Something common in the business of Interdimensional Travels. Adam White, a normal human and an average man tore away from his normal life due to the childish wish he once made to the higher power that is finally granted to him. Facing a lottery to decide his power in the next life, his luck had unfortunately ran out. Of all power he could get, he get a System that grants futuristic military gears. However, perhaps it is for the best. With his wish to wield mystical magic power shattered and equipped with his System, Adam White embark into his next life as Soldier of Fortune, Gun for Hire or just a humble Mercenary trying to make a living in worlds tethering to destruction. After all, the muddy and turbulent water is the best place for fishing. ————— Cover not mine. I found it on Google. Update schedule is 3 CH/ week If I have extra chapters in stock, I will release one per 100 Power Stone. Main World 1. Rwby 2. Azur Lane Contract World 1. Girl Frontline 2. Black Bullet 3. FGO, Orleans Singularity 4. Muv Luv Alternative 5. Bleach (Before Canon Timeline) Support my fanfic with donations of join my sect at, https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

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158 Chs

Chapter 32 - Into The City

"So… what will we do about them?" Winter asks while Adam is treating them with his First Aid skill.

"I don't know actually." Adam replied hesitantly. He didn't really think about it yet.

While he planned to bring them back to Remnant rather than leaving them in this world where most people treated them as pests. He didn't know how to bring them back. Unlike T-Dolls that he can store in his Inventory, these girls are proper living beings and couldn't be stored.

The girls that heard him instantly became worried and restless. They were afraid to be abandoned especially after they cut ties with the government. Adam noticed this immediately when most of them stared at him with puppy eyes.

Seeing this, Adam scratches his hair neck sheepishly and pat the girl in front of him. "Don't worry, I will not abandon any of you."

Yeah, no way he will do that, especially since he planned to bring them back to Remnant as his solution to the Zombie Outbreak. They are all capable fighters after all.

"You guys stay here for a moment. I will be right back." Adam told his team to take care of the girls while he walked to a secluded place and took a cigarette break using the cigarette he borrowed from a dead soldier.


Outside of the underground room the girls were gathered. Adam took off his gas mask and anticipated a bad stench from the sewer but there was none, surprisingly. But the air isn't exactly pleasant either. It felt stale.

He lit up a cigarette and felt the familiar kick from the nicotine coursing through his bloodstream.

"Haah… that feels good." He sighed before bringing up his System. "So, you know what I need. Is there a way to transport them back to Remnant?" He asked.

[Yes. However the Host had yet to reach the requirements to unlock the usage of the Orbital Fortress.]

"Wait, I can unlock the Orbital Fortress?" Adam started at the System interface with a shocked look and the cigarette on his finger almost fell off.

It's a total game changer! The Orbital Fortress is exactly as it stated, a spacecraft armed with enough armaments and thick enough armor to be a fortress floating up above the surface of a world. Not to mention self-sufficient as ammunition isn't a problem when he can fabricate them with the onboard 3D printer! As long as he has enough material, the Zombie Outbreak isn't even a big problem at all!

[That thought is precisely why the Orbital Fortress hadn't been unlocked yet. The condition of unlocking the Orbital Fortress is to resolve the Outbreak on Host's home planet first.]

Adam is going through a rollercoaster of emotions. From excitement immediately down to depression.

"Of course, it wouldn't be that easy…" Adam sighed and took a deep puff of his cigarette before he sighed along with a big plume of smoke.

[However, the System can allow a limited function unlock of the Orbital Fortress.]

Perhaps pitying Adam, his System gives him some leeway. He gives Adam a task that will reward him with a limited use of his Orbital Fortress only to bring the Cursed Children back to Remnant with him.

"Really?!" His spirit immediately invigorated as he had a look of excitement as his plan to bring the Cursed Children back to Remnant isn't impossible.

Instead of replying with words of confirmation, his System replied with a mission.

[Savior of the Oppressed]

Objective - At least 5,000 Cursed Children

Reward - Limited function unlock, Orbital Fortress

"Five thousand…" Adam mutters. The number is quite big. Even the one he saved recently only amounted to 300+.

"I'll do it." Adam replied resolutely.

Even if his true desire is selfish. To bring the Cursed Children to Remnants and help combat the Zombie Outbreak, at least he vows to treat them 100 times better than how most people in this world treated them. Even if the System told him to save a million of them, he will still do it without complaints.

[Should I raise it?]

"No no no. It's just an expression." Adam quickly stops his System.

But still, even after the Contract ended. He already planned to slowly help the Cursed Children to migrate over to Remnant.

After finishing his cigarette, Adam put on his gas mask and returned to the girls with good news.


In the Washington underground city.

"What do you mean we lost contact with Travis and his team?"

"Exactly as I said, sir." An overworked and exhausted man in military uniform said. "Earlier he reported that the Cursed Children on the west ruin were revolting and offered to take care of the matter. But an hour later, he still hadn't reported back any attempts to contact him were unsuccessful."

"Those monsters are revolting?" The superior looked thoughtful. He was trying to think of any reason why the revolt would happen. But there's none. There isn't any reason for them to revolt unless there's an outside factor.

"Did Travis know any reason why those monsters are revolting?"

The overworked officer tried to remember but couldn't recall anything and shook his head sideways.

"It didn't matter for now. What can they do about revolting? They are still depending on us for Inhibition drugs and supplies. Just send a team to investigate the area and search for Travis.

"But who should I send sir? Travis is a Rank 2000+. If he could be defeated, we will need someone even stronger to handle this task."

"Just inform the guild. They will handle it."

"Yes, sir." The overworked officer saluted and left.

"Still… I suspect an outsider. It's impossible for them to just revolt on their own." The superior mutters as he happens to look at the NEXT file. A company aimed to create the perfect mechanized super soldiers.

The president of the company is Ayn Rand, one of the four sages. He had been causing the nation a lot of hassle to hide his dirt on his experimentations on healthy Cursed Children. But he can't argue with the results when all five of his creations reached the top 100 Ranking.

He took out his phone and dial to a number. "Yes. It's me. I need to borrow your toys for a job." "Don't worry, it's just an investigation job perfect for her." "Alright." Then the call ended.


After relocating the Cursed Children he was saved to the Orbital Fortress. Adam resumes his journey on the ground. But Winter was left behind to look after them as she expressed her worry about leaving them unattended in a spacecraft filled with advanced machinery and technology. Besides, she isn't really suitable for this world either with the risk of being infected by Gastrea Virus. So, she volunteered for it.

"Master, they are sending people to investigate us. But they are not yet aware of us." Agent informed as she is actively tapping into the network of the underground city.

"Good." Adam felt relieved that they hadn't been recognised. "We will split up for now. Alice and Agent will be going around to gather up the Cursed Children. Executioner and Destroyer will be coming with me into the city."

"Hold on a moment, Master." Agent panics for a moment when Adam is sending her away with Alice. "Are you sure this is wise?"

"What's wrong, Agent? Master had already decided. Don't tell me you are disobeying his order." Destroyer sees this as her chance to enter the spotlight and finally not being sent away for menial jobs, immediately strike at Agent.

"I am not! It's just that Executioner and your reliability in combat isn't as good as Alice and I. None of you have been upgraded yet." Agent defended and tried to make Adam change his mind. But unfortunately he had his reason for this arrangement.

"No need to fight. I have my reason for this." Adam stops the quarrel and begins his explanation. "Alice is better at persuading the Cursed Children and Agent can manage the group until I'm done with the objectives in the city." Adam said which Agent can see the reason but still dissatisfied.

"As for Executioner, her weapon and skill is the best against the enemies I expected to encounter. While Destroyer is perfect for demolition jobs."

While Destroyer is happy that she has use for Adam and manages to secure a victory against Agent. She feel a little sour when he stated she is only needed for demolition purposes.

Executioner didn't really care much about what was happening between the Destroyer and Agent. What she cares about is the mention of possible worthy opponents to test her blade against. That makes her feel very excited.

Another one that is affected is Alice. All five of them corral around Adam to express their sadness to separate from him.

"It's alright. After the Contract is done. I will bring all of you to the theme park again." Adam promised them while trying his best to give everyone enough headpat to last until his return.

Which honestly is impossible as they demand more and more, unwilling to stop until he has to stop himself and each of them make a pitiful face to make him feel more guilty.

After that they parted ways and Adam with his group went into a specific tunnel in the deeper level of the sewer which is being used sort of as an exhaust vent for the underground city.

Upon arriving, they found a thick Varanium fence blocking the path which Executioner slashed open with ease.

After that, they are technically inside the underground city. The only thing left is to navigate from the sewer into the actual city.


Inside the underground city, Adam and his team immediately appeared in the slum area covered in hooded cloak.

It's a surprise that he even saw a slum area. In the anime, the Tokyo area didn't really have a slum area for humans. But here, sickly people and those that generally look unfit or unhealthy, gathered and living in very small homes that look like a very big apartment building filled to the brim with people.

Wary eyes, confused gaze and curious ones. The people of the slum stared at the odd group with various feelings. But mostly wary because of the way they dressed. Wearing cloaks, carrying weapons and also expensive looking gears. Most think of Adam and his team as Civil Officers and didn't dare to interfere with Civil Officer's jobs.

Of course, there is always an exception though.

One confident looking man approached Adam and greeted him warmly while rubbing his hand.

"Hello, good sir. Is there anything we can help?" The man smiled while greeting Adam but his eyes glanced over to Executioner with her blade visible from under her cloak and Destroyer with her grenade launcher. But Adam somehow has no visible weapon on his body but him dressed in full tactical gear is enough to intimidate the man from doing anything rash.

Adam stared at the man for a moment, evaluating him if he is a foe or not before he replied. "Indeed, can you guide me towards the main city?"

"The main city?" The man from the slum asked with a confused look before he reached his own conclusion. "Ah, perhaps you came from another city? Well, sure I can but…" A flash of greed appeared on his face as he wanted to make his demands but before he could, Adam grabbed something under the cloak and threw it at the man. He catches it and finds a roll of cash.

"I knew it would come in handy." Adam mutters about the roll of cash which he gets from plundering the corpse from the battle in the sewer.

The man said nothing of it and immediately pocketed the cash before anyone else from the slum could see. However, there is a voice in his head whispering to him to extort more money from this fat sheep but extinguished instantaneously when he saw the tall girl next to the man stare at him with a sharp stare while holding her sword ready to draw.

"Ahem, please follow me sir. I will lead you to your destination immediately." He said with a bright smile before quickly leading the group out from the slum and into the city.

With the money he earned, he will change his life and free himself from the slum once and for all. Besides, going back isn't an option when everyone probably knew he got something from Adam.

Back to Adam, as soon as he and his team reached the edge of the slum, a proper and thriving city appeared in his sight. Tall skyscrapers in the underground city and a long tube extending from the ground up to the ceiling of the underground city which turn out to be the elevator connected to the actual entrance above ground that was protected by the military base and soldiers at the surface.

After the man left, Adam started trying to pinpoint where the red dot on his minimap was pointing at and what did you know? Adam encountered something familiar. A tall 15 storey high building with big words on the top stating 'NEXT'.

Adam remembers the company is owned by a high profile person, one of the four sages that belong to America, Ayn Rand. A mad scientist that is obsessed with creating the perfect mechanized soldier and succeeded with his greatest creation, Pluto Ranked 20+, real name is Rita Salisbury. All of his creations are powerful and on the top 100 Ranking, including Tina Sprout. A character that Adam personally liked.

"But isn't she in Japan? No, she was there for the assassination of the Tokyo Area's Governor…" Adam mumble to himself while the two T-Dolls simply wait by his side for an order which came not long after.

"Can any of you hack the network?" Adam asked.

Executioner immediately turns to the Destroyer. She is specialized for close combat and wasn't really outfitted with much hardware for electronic warfare. Meanwhile Destroyer is miles better than Executioner.

"Well, help me investigate this company called Next. I want you to find the location of the president." Adam ordered Destroyer.

"Okay, give me a moment." Destroyer nods and gets to work immediately.

Minutes later, Destroyer opened her eyes and stared at the building owned by NEXT. "According to his latest call by the Secretary Of Defence, his last location is in the research facility inside the building." She answered before looking at Adam, demanding her praise for her hard work.

Unfortunately, Adam didn't see it and instead asked another question. "I want you to find out how much protection he has around him."

Hiding her disappointment, Destroyer once again tried to infiltrate the network and this time, she hacked into the surveillance and most of the electronic devices in the building.

Surprisingly, there isn't much CCTV in the building and it only covers the unimportant part, mostly offices and labs used by normal researchers and workers. The personal facility owned by the president has none. Even the security cover only the former and the latter have none.

Not giving up, Destroyer looked deeper and tried to locate all five of the Initiators working for Ayn Rand. All five of them weren't in the building apparently. They were instead scattered all around the world.

From the call log Destroyer found inside his phone, she found out Ayn Rand sent them to mostly do dirty work for his or the government's interest. The only one in this city was recently sent out on a mission to investigate the battle that just took place in the sewer.

Destroyer immediately conveyed this information to Adam and finally earned the praise she wanted so badly.

"You did great." Adam praised but didn't give her the headpat that she expected and pouted silently while Executioner laughed at her misery.

"This is a great opportunity for us to break in." Adam said but he still wondered what the real objective was.

The objective was vaguely stated as 'seek out the contractor' but he had no idea who this contractor was supposed to be. His quest marker on his minimap also only pointed at the building, not a specific person considering it never moved and remained stationary from the beginning.

Deciding not to waste his time and dwell on the question, Adam led his team and made his way towards the building in the distance. "Let's go." He ordered the two to follow as they entered the city.


(Sorry I upload late. My update schedule has been a mess these last few days.

My brain is experiencing a drought and no Idea can be made unlike last week. So, this week is gonna be slow.

Sorry in advance for the late updates and probably bland writing. I try my best to write this arc.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here.
