

His pov

I stared at her from my window. She looked like an angel. Happy. Carefree. Pretty. My lips curled upwards. She was dancing gracefully. Her eyes were closed, she was enjoying the music with a sweet smile. She swirled around in delight, enjoying the feel of her dress. I stared at her with an intense desire to go there, hold her in my arms and make her twirl while she giggles. I wonder how her voice sounds.

"Aiden!" I jumped when I heard my mom yelling behind me.

I don't know how long I have been staring at her.


"I've been calling you for the last five minutes! What are you staring at?"

I looked out of the window again. She followed my eyes.

The girl was gone.

I've never seen her here before. I would never forget someone as beautiful as her. My mood was suddenly off when she disappeared. Was it my imagination? I hope I see her again.

"Ouchhh!" I yelled as my mom slapped me in the head. "Mom what's wrong with you!"

"What's wrong with me huhhh! In which world were you lost? "

"What do you want?" I asked ignoring her question.

She smiled at me.

Ohh no I know that smile.

What does she want now!

"I need you to go to the shop and buy some vegetables for dinner."

"Mom, I don't feel like going out ask someone else." I don't know how to buy vegetables!

"Ouchhh!" I screamed again when she pinch me.

"You lazy bum. I did so many things for you when you were a little boy and never asked anything in return. Now I'm asking you to go buy some vegetables which you will eat tonight and you can't even do that."

I don't even like vegetables!

"Here we go again! Emotional blackmail." I replied her while wearing my shoes. "What vegetables do you need?"

She gave at me with a dramatic look and handed me the list of vegetables.

My face went blank when I saw 'Ice cream' on the list.

"Since when ice cream is a vegetable." I looked at her annoyed while she just smiled.

I was about to step out when I heard my sister calling my name.

I need to hurry before she tells me to buy her chocolate again.

"Aidenn! Can you buy some chocolates for me? I'll give you the money when you return."

She never gives the money back.

I ignored her and started walking.


I ignored her again.

I can't believe this family.

I glanced at the neighbor's yard in hope to see cutie again.

Yeah, I gave her a nickname even though I don't know her.

I was disappointed when I didn't.

The girl next door, I want to see you again.