
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
120 Chs

Chapter 7

It was already dark when Xander arrived at his house, he took a shower and immediately went to bed. 'That was fantastic, I'm also getting used to lying' Xander keep thinking of many things until he finally fall asleep.

In the morning, Xander woke up feeling refreshed. He started preparing for school and he made 4 lunch box today since he's going to make up for the trouble he caused Sona yesterday, he made her portion much bigger since its her first time eating his food, he's quite confident that she would ask for more after eating it.

After cooking and wrapping the bento box, he wore his uniform and started walking towards the school, where he met Sona and Tsubaki at the entrance. "Ohhh! Were you waiting for me Kaichou? I'm honored!" Sona can't helped but sigh at his antics. "Its still early in the morning, please refrain from doing something so shameless and fix you're uniform its messed up" Sona scolded Xander while he just smiled at her.

After fixing his uniform, he entered the school with a huge smile on his face, 'She's really adorable, should I challenge her for another game of chess again?' Xander started imagining Sona embarassed figure. He went to his classroom and slept on his desk again, he only woke up when its already lunch.

He went to find Koneko and after giving her the lunchbox he excused himself saying that he will have lunch with the Student Council President. Koneko was mad at first but that changed immediately after Xander gave her the Unlimited Cookie Bag, her eyes went wide the moment he explained the bag to her, she quickly took the bag and hid it in her body.

Xander arrived at the Student Council Room and knocked, the door was opened by Tsubaki and she lead him to the sofa while brewing him tea. "I came to fulfill my promise yesterday Kaichou~" Xander said while he took the lunch box from his Storage. His storage is different from others, the time inside the storage is stopped so any food would not rot. Infact he already have plenty of things inside of his storage, he put some food that would last him a year and some unnecessary things.

They were surprised when Xander took out the lunch box from out of nowhere but immediately gained their calm, many unknown things happen everyday once you're part of the supernatural world. That surprised turned into shock when they sniffed the insanely good aroma that's oozing out of the lunch box. "...Did you use some magic to make this?" Tsubaki asked unwilling to admit that this carefree guy can make something this special.

"Uh? Nope, how is it? I'm quite the perfect husband material right? So, how about it Kaichou? Would you like to test how good I am?" Xander said while showing a sly grin that made Sona lightly blushed in shame. "You... You're really enjoying this right?" Sona said frustrated and can only point at Xander. "Sure I am, here's your promised bento" Xander handed one of his bento to her while opening his.

"...Thank you" Sona wanted to refuse because her pride couldn't take it, but the content inside of the lunch box changed her mind. Inside the box were foods from different culture, because Sona is always busy making plans, she rarely eat this kind of gourmets. She took some meat and placed it in her nose, she took a sniff and was satisfied with this delicious smell.

She place the food inside her mouth and moaned in pleasure "Hyaa~!". The members of Student Council were shocked by this, they didn't expect their always calm and compose King would go out of control like this, they were also wondering if its really that good since it made Sona moan in delight. Sona didn't noticed this since she was in her own world, and was swimming in different kind of ingredients, every ingredient she met they would appear on her mouth.

Nobody noticed that Xander was already holding a camera and took many photos, when they turned their head towards him, he already finished his own lunch and relaxing on the sofa. He noticed their gaze towards him "Huh? Oh, do you want too?" They nodded their head quickly afraid that he might change his mind. "I'm sorry I already ate it all~!" His answer infuriated them, they can't believe they fall for that.

After Sona finished eating her lunch, she cleaned the lunch box using her magic and returned it to Xander while avoiding eye contact with her peerage. She was ashamed by what she did, the others asked her to give them some and she rejected them while saying that those are her lunch, now that she gained her senses, she realized that what she did was quite childish.

"...Thank y..ou." Sona gave her thanks with a small voice, still unable to believe that she acted so childish. "Anything for you Kaichou!" Xander accepted her gratitude with a teasing smile on his face. "Its already time for the next subject, so I'll go first, goodbye everyone! Next time I'll cook you too" after saying his piece, Xander immediately returned to his classroom ready for another round of sleep.

After class, Xander paid Koneko a visit and chatted for an hour, after that he went home thinking that today was quite a marvelous day, and the killing intent that's been bothering him since he arrives in this world has lessen. 'Maybe they already learned their lesson?' Xander though while humming.

Xander arrived home when the sun already went down. He took a shower and ate dinner, he got bored so he went to the living room to watch T.V and eat some snacks. Suddenly he turned his head to the side and said. "What are you doing here Infinite?' he asked while picking Ophis up and placing it in his lap. "Death, I need help" the Infinite Dragon God said while looking up to his face. "Uh, no I won't kill that child you know? He's necessary in my vacation here, If I kill him, humans will just become waste, that won't be fun" Xander refused without even looking at Ophis. Ophis could only stare at him with her emotionless eyes as she can't even force him to do since he's stronger than her. "Oh right, you made a terrorist group right? Let me see them!" Xander suddenly remembered as he asked her with excitement in his eyes.

Ophis nod her head and was about to transfer them when Xander suddenly stopped her. "Wait a minute" Xander took a pen and paper, as he started to draw.

['Drawing' skill acquired!]

'Nice' thought Xander as he raised it to level 5, he started to draw Takatou Yogiri's appearance and after a few seconds he showed it to Ophis while saying "Change me into this" Ophis merely nodded her head and use 'Shapeshifting' on Xander. Xander's entire figure changed from a above average handsome man to a ordinary high school boy.

['Shapeshifting' skill acquired!]

'This ability is really handy' Thought Xander as he started pinching Ophis cheeks while saying thank you to her. Ophis just nodded her head and use her power to teleport them in the Chaos Brigade's base.
