
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Tranh châm biếm
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120 Chs

Chapter 73: Tenma War III


In Eastern Empire, Rudra was clenching his head as Velgrynd looked at him worriedly. She was always beside him so she knew that something is happening the to skill that her brother gave to Rudra. "Rudra, are you okay?" Velgrynd asked as Rudra started to collect his breath, after a few seconds he replied to Velgrynd's question. "Yes.. I'm fine, I just need some rest" Rudra said with a weak smile on his face.

The lost of his family made him rather weak in mind, he was worried that he might be overtaken by his Ultimate Skill who is now in process of gaining an ego of its own. He lay down on the bed before starting to thought about something. "This attack.. I hope that there would be at least a damage to those people.. though I doubt it as their strength is not something that can be beaten by mere pigeons" Rudra muttered as Velgrynd also nodded her head.

Velgrynd matured rather fast as she realized that there are creatures that could fight True Dragons equally. Though she now believed that they are not her opponent as her powers grow stronger in the past centuries. She trained really hard after experiencing that humiliating defeat in the hands of Xander. Just the thought of how Xander easily beat her easily without even trying was irritating for her. All she wanted now was to take revenge but she didn't pursue that goal yet as Rudra prohibited her.

Rudra closed his eyes before saying something. "Velgrynd.." he muttered as Velgrynd's ears perked at his words. "What's wrong, Rudra?" She asked waiting for Rudra to say something. "I.. have a feeling. Velgrynd, kill me if Michael took over my body" this is already one of the many reincarnation that Rudra did so he can feel something creeping on his thoughts, he was already wary of what it was but his instinct told him that it was his skill doing something.

"What? I can't do something like that!" Velgrynd reacted aggresively as she didn't expect she would hear words like that from his mouth. "Its not an request.. its an order from your emperor" Rudra said as Velgrynd widened her eyes, Rudra saying something like this was alarming. This meant that there is something serious happening that he was forced to order her to destroy even his own existence. Velgrynd know that the term kill doesn't mean just die, instead it was erasing his existence.

Velgrynd closed her eyes before replying "Fine, I'll do it" Rudra observed her for a few seconds before shaking his head. He can see that Velgrynd wouldn't do it, she still don't understand the situation so he will just let her be. "Now, observe the empire, I'll rest for a bit" Rudra said before his body crumbled and his soul shot out of it. Velgrynd watched as Rudra's soul entered the body of a young kid, the Imperial Prince to be exact. Velgrynd was already used to seeing this so her reaction is not that big, she was just worried since it seems like something is happening to his soul.





In the Forest of Jura, Guinness was eating thousands of angels when he suddenly sensed something strong approaching. He took a sniff in the air and immediately got the information from that being, it was a dragon. A True Dragon to be precise, it is a western type dragon with dark blue scale. The Dragon was hoving in the air while laughing maniacally as he burn those pigeons to ashes. Guinness made his pack return as they watched the Dragon massacre millions of angels.

The dragon stopped when the angels were gone, he looked around to look for strong opponents he could find. He was tired of the draw that he gets when he fight Dagruel so he is looking for strong opponents that he can still play with. The Dragon stared at the battle wolves until his gaze went to Guinness, the most strongest of the all battle wolves. He grinned before diving to the ground intending to crash on Guinness who just dodged by stepping to the side. The ground shattered as the impact of the dragon planting itself in it was huge.

Guinness stared at the dragon as if it was weird, he then howled and ordered the pack to return to the barrier. He cares for his pack so unnecessary death is unneeded. Guinness stared at the Dragon seriously before howling, the moment he did that, the dragon stood up before doing a roar. The two gave each other a grin as the dragon spoke "Kuhahaha! I am Veldora! What's your name little puff" Veldora asked wanting to know more about this creature before it die. Guinness opened his mouth before some words appeared on it "G..uin..ness" He said.

Veldora tilted his head before gaining an understanding, "I see, Guinness it is! Let's have our battle that would shook the whole world!" Veldora said before flying, he flap his wings destroying a lot of trees in the forest. Guinness also bared his teeth at the dragon as his aura rose to the sky, "Hoh, quite an amazing aura. Still! That's doesn't get close to my real power!" Veldora said as he also released his aura bringing destruction to everything in the land. The sky turned black as a massive storm appeared, just the wind of the storm could shatter a mountain.

The two started fighting as Guinness was being pressed by Veldora. It was to be expected as he is currently fighting a True Dragon, the top species that this world could give, Veldora was also amused by Guinness's attempt to damage him as every attack of his just made a scratch to his durable scales. Veldora raised his claw before bringing it down causing a huge tear in space that hit Guinness as he fell to the ground. Veldora started laughing at the sky when he saw Guinness falling to the ground, Guinness slowly stood up.

It raised its paw before slapping it in the air blasting Veldora away from the shockwave, though Veldora just returned unharmed from the attack that destroyed half a million of angel who began descending again. "Kuhahaha! Nice attack! But not enough!" Veldora before raising his mouth as a potent energy started gathering towards it. Veldora released a dragon breathe that Guinness could only watch as it was too fast for him to dodge, he was wondering if this would be his last day on this world. But it seems fate still doesn't want him to die as someone took him out of the range of the Dragon Breath.

Guinness stared at the blond girl wearing a maid outfit before widening his eyes. "Yo, runt. You didn't need to fight that shitty dragon you know" Carrera said while giving a grin to Guinness who closed its eyes before returning to the forest. Carrera turner her attention to the still laughing Veldora. "And you, you will pay for destroying the forest and almost killing our pet dog" Veldora stopped laughing and tilted his head as he saw the opponent changed. "Who are you? Where is that mutt?" Veldora asked before a punch landed on his face.

He flew shattering few sound barrier as he landed on the ground making a huge crater on it. He widened his eyes at what happened, this thing only happened when he was fighting with Dagruel or he was being lectured by his older sisters. He turned his head to Carrera who was just giving a light smile and turned serious. "I might not be able to beat your sisters but that doesn't mean you are included in it. You're just an inexperience brat so beating your ass down won't be a problem" Carrera said before raising her fist again.

Veldora immediately floated as he protected himself with various barrier that wouldn't be destroyed unless Unique skill is the one hitting it. Though it immediately shattered the moment Carrera's fist sunked on it, her fist continued before hitting his mouth breaking one of his fangs. "Ahh!! You fucke-" Veldora screamed in pain as he was about to get rid of the woman before he was bombarded with Nuclear Magic at point blank making the explosion so strong that some of his trusty scales were rooted out from his body.

Carrera watched the rampaging Veldora as it could not accept being damaged by a mere creature weaker than True Dragon. She sighed before doing the last blow on the arrogant dragon, even though she liked Veldora's attitude as he wanted to fight strong opponents just like her. It vanished as he just became pretentious about it, there is no worth in fighting a being like that, its also boring watching them rage about how they were defeated. Carrera raised her hand before throwing another Nuclear Magic that blasted Veldora hundreds of miles away.

Carrera saw Veldora fleeing but she didn't stop him, she is sure that he would be done with this, he would not return to their territory because of the thing that she did to him. Carrera smiled in satisfaction before entering the house, the Seraphims were boring as they would not even last a single punch from her. She saw Guinness sitting outside the house as his injury healed in a fast rate, she patted his head before entering the house. Now all she needed to do was clean their abode before her master return.


The long war finally ended, various countries was turned into rubbles while the other succeeded protecting theirs. Falmuth was destroyed as the king started making plans to build it again along with the surviors. Fullbrosia survived the catastrophe but with a huge consequences as their population fall. Dwargon was just doing fine while no harm was done to Eastern Empire.

The next day after the war, Sona got a call from Guy, "Yo, Sona. Are you still having sex with Xander?" Guy asked as Sona blushed, they were indeed doing that right now. "What do you want, Guy?" Sona asked while shaking her hips bringing it up and down devouring Xander's dick. Even though they kept doing this for a millenium, they never got tired of it, it was even opposite as they craved for each other's body more.

"Walpurgis coming up! Come with Xander!" Guy said before cutting the call, Sona stopped focusing on that as she continued riding Xander before a gate was suddenly opened at their side making them dumbfounded. A green haired maid appeared and was baffled at what she saw, "E-Excuse me.." Misery said before returning to the gate as it vanished. Xander's lips twitched while Sona's aura was bursting from her body. She can already see Guy laughing at the northern continent.

They finished the round before cleaning themselves with magic. "Sigh, too bad we stopped at the most exciting part" Xander said as Sona blushed, "You're really an pervert" Sona's words made Xander grin as he embraced Sona before sniffing her neck, "Hm? I wonder whose smell this arousal came from?" Xander said as Sona's ears turned red. "S-Stop it Xander! Were going now" Sona said while calling Guy, she was embarassed of what Xander is saying as the guy just smiled at it. The reaction never gets old.

After a few seconds another gate appeared as Rein was the one who emerged from it this time. "Sona-sama, Xander-sama, the other demon lords are waiting" Rein said while lowering her head, the two nodded their heads as they entered the gate to other dimension. Guy changed the location after that show that someone suddenly entered their banquet uninvited. They arrived at the room where they saw many of them were already there, Ramiris wasn't reincarnated yet so she is not here only Milim.

"Sona! Xander! You came!" Milim said while floating at their side, she was jolly as usual. Xander patted her head before leading Sona to a chair, he is just an attendant in this meeting as he is not an official demon lord. Sona turned her attention to the newcomers and just smiled lightly while Dino and Dagruel stiffened at her gaze. "Hello, Dino-chan, Dagruel-chan" Sona said as the two was pissed but didn't react on her words.

Xander went to Guy's side who is trying to act cool by just sitting and closing his eyes while showing his destructive aura. "Guy, how did you hooked those two?" Xander asked as Guy opened his mouth, "Now that's a trade secret~" Xander stared at him for a few seconds before returning to Sona's side. He doesn't need to know it, he was just curious. Guy chuckled at his actions.

"Is this all, Guy? I thought I heard the Voice of the World announcing 3 of them?" Sona asked while looking at the two newcomers. "Nah, there is another one, but she was busy so she has no time to come, and since a bunch of them appeared at the same time, they're gonna be the Second Generation Demon Lords" Guy said while staring at Dino and Dagruel for possible rejections, but it seems like they were fine with it.

"Guy! Are they strong?" Milim asked with an excited look on her face. "Probably, they fought Sona there and still live. So they should have the capability. Oh, and I heard that the giant guy could fight Veldora equally" Guy smirked as stars appeared on Milim's eyes. "Let's fight! Let's fight!" She started annoying the two who was tired of fighting already, they just experienced a beating yesterday, they don't want to taste it consecutively.

Dagruel and Dino stared at each other with complex look on their face. "We'll.. pass, I'm too lazy to.. do that" Dino said while yawning as Dagruel just nodded his head. They came to this side as the benefits that Guy offered to them was enticing enough, also they don't want to fight Guy. Because when they tried to retaliate to his threat, their skills were copied from them. Guy haved fun playing with them using their own skill.

Milim was sad to hear that but she didn't stop and tried to convincing them to fight her. Dino just slept on the table while Dagruel ignored Milim and closed his eyes, seeing that they are not listening anymore Milim pouted and returned to her seat. "Now that's done, shall we start?" Guy asked as everyone nodded their heads, Guy was de facto leader of Demon Lord Council as he was the first one who awakened, and also because of his strength.

Guy smirked and did something that made Sona twitch, "Sona, please make your attendant report the casualties in your area" Sona tried to stop her laughter as she nudged at Xander who was just staring dumbfoundedly at the two. He sighed before informing them that there are no visible damage in their area. "Lady Sona's territory is fine, except for some damaged trees that was done by the Storm Dragon Veldora" Xander reported.

Everyone's ears perked at his report, specially Dagruel since he know how strong Veldora is, he also know how cruel that guys is so leaving only damaged trees are impossible except.. "Who stopped Veldora?" Guy asked what is on Dagruel's head. "It was Lady Sona's maid. The lizard wanted to fight the little pet of Lady Sona so he was punished" Xander said calmly as if the feat of driving away Veldora is an easy task. Dino was getting alarms all over the place, another queen piece in the board is dangerous.

"Hoh? Jayne did that? I guess she did become stronger" Guy said while holding his chin, he would love to fight against Yellow again sometimes. "So in other words, no damage right?" Guy asked as Sona just nodded her head. "Then let's proceed, your territory Milim?" Guy stared at Milim who just shook her head, "They were too weak, they didn't even last a single attack from me. It was boring" Milim said while pouting and crossing her arms. "Figures" Guy said, asking Milim was foolish in the first place. He just did it for formality.

"Next you, what place are you going to claim, Dino?" Guy asked as the person just lazily pointed at Dagruel who raised an eyebrow. "Are you fine with that, Dagruel?" Guy asked as Dagruel thought about it for a moment before nodding his head. "Then its decided that Dino will live with Dagruel" Guy said ignoring the fact that he didn't ask about Dagruel's territory. They were also the reason it became a Barren Land as that place was where Milim rampaged.

"Then let's go to our next agenda for today" Guy said surprising them, "There is more, Guy?" Sona asked with dissatisfied expression on her face, she was interrupted in her time this morning so she wanted to continue it, but now there are more? She couldn't wait anymore. "Relax, you're going to get your fucking time later. Were just going to decide our name" Guy said as Sona forced herself to calm. The others pretended to not heard Guy's words to avoid offending Sona.. except for Milim that is.

"What?! You two are having sex? I thought those only are possible to husband and wife? And aren't Sona a True Demon Lord? She can't get pregnant now right?" Milim asked a lot of questions which made Guy chuckled, Xander's lips started twitching as Guy couldn't help it anymore as he laughed hard. "We're married you know.." Sona said with emotionless look on her face, her aura is already starting to burst as Xander shook his head. "That's enough playing Guy, don't worry, she can still get pregnant" Xander said as Sona smiled.

Milim surprisingly backed down pretty fast, "Umu! Let's start the name!" Milim said as everyone stopped talking. "What aren't you giving your suggestions? Were brainstorming here" Guy said as everyone somehow couldn't thought of a perfect name. If there were only four of them then Guy would name them Four Heavenly Kings which would made Xander cringed for sure. But now there are seven of them, it wasn't possible anymore. "Then, how about super stronger demon lords?!" Milim suggested as it was denied immediately.

"Heavenly Defyier Demon Lords?", "Law of Demon Lords", "Demonic Heaven Omega Demon Lords"... Various suggestions were given but was rejected, their foreheads began to crease as they thought of some nice and fearsome name for their groups. In the end, there was no name that was chosen so they were given time to think of it, the Walpurgis ended with the demon lords bad mood which made the sky rumble.
