
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Tranh châm biếm
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120 Chs

Chapter 66


Xander and Sona lived in seclusion for a few more months, of course Carrera was with them. It only took a day before her energy was return from being defeated by Guy. She swore to train more until she can use her Ultimate skill to its limit, she wanted to become strong to at least fight along side Xander when they fight against beings like those. The forest became even more dangerous, as even the dryads are starting to get afraid from the monsters that get created from the magicules.

Many beings on par with Charybdis was born in this forest, fortunately they were rather tame and didn't try to get out of the forest. There is a huge white cat that can shake the whole forest with its stomp. There is a snake who has the size of half of the forest, each of the snake's scales are filled with mana that it can nullify magics with it. Xander was not satisfied with the snake's size as he ordered it to practice shapeshifting.

The snake was forced to learn the skill, afraid of Xander's wrath. In this day, they were just doing their usual stuff, traveling and relaxing in their house. They made a rule that they would travel a day to not get bored easily with their trivial daily stuff. Xander was drinking coffee that Sona made when he raised an eyebrow as he felt a strong being entering the forest.. No, it was controlling the forest and surprisingly the forest was following its will.

Sona and Xander waited while drinking the coffee that is from the DxD world. Xander has some so he enlargen the whole thing making their stock of it overwhelmed.

The door of their house was destroyed as the being entered, what they saw was a beautiful woman with a large rainbow wings attached to her back. It would have been quite a beautiful scene if she just didn't opened her mouth. "Hey, you!" The fairy said while pointing at Xander.

Xander tilted his head while pointing at himself. "Me?" The fairy stomped as she went towards the two. "Yes! You, are you trying to destroy the forest?!" The fairy as Sona and Xander looked at each other, "I thought releasing mana in the surroundings was normal?" Xander asked, "It would be.. if you didn't continue doing it for a millenium! The beings made from your mana are already dangerous, and now there are many of them?! You're really trying to destroy not just the forest right?! You're probably planning to destroy the world itse-" the fairy kept ranting while the two just ignored her and continue sipping their coffee.

The fairy finally stopped as she panted, she looked at the two and saw that they were not listening to her. "Hey! Listen to me!" The fairy said as Xander finally turned his head at her. "You're finally done? I thought it would take a day before you stop" Xander said while yawning. They were quite wild yesterday so they only sleep for a few hours.

"That's rude! Anyway, are you not going to stop releasing your mana? Can't you see that it would be dangerous if even more stronger beings would be born?" The fairy said as Xander thought about it for a moment. "Nah, its fine. They are loyal to us anyway, which being wouldn't obey their parents?" Xander said making the fairy infuriated. "Kiii! You're the annoying type right?!" Xander just chuckled at her words. "Xander.. she is strong right?" Sona asked as she can feel her instinct screaming at this girl.

"Yup, she is hella strong" Xander just nodded his head as he know who this buzzing fairy is. "Anyway, care to introduce yourself? I am Xander by the way and this is Sona, my wife" Xander said while placing his hand to Sona's waist, Sona blushed by the display of affection. Even though its been a millenium she still get embarassed by thing like this. The fairy grunted before doing it anyway, "I am the Great Spirit Queen, Ramiris! You need to remember that!" Ramiris said while raising her abundant chest. "So Ramiris, did you just came here to tell us that? Then you can go now" Xander said while making a gesture for her to leave.

"No way! I won't leave until you supress your mana!" Ramiris said making Xander and Sona twitch their lips. 'So she is also immature even in this form huh..?' Xander thought as he shook his head before letting her. While they were talking the door was suddenly opened with a bang. "Master, I am back.." Carrera said but stopped when she saw Ramiris talking with Sona and Xander. She went to Sona's side and asked. "Oujo, who is this?" Carrera asked while raising her eyebrow. Carrera became tame after Xander planted his fist on her brain, she gradually stop underestimating people. But she still has the arrogance of a Primordial, and Xander never really dislike it, so she just let her do her way.

"She is Ramiris, she says that she is the Queen of Spirits but I highly doubt that.." Sona said while pointing at Ramiris who was throwing a tantrum. "Yeah.. I would also do the same.." Carrera said having a hard time believing it. "You two! I can hear you! You're being rude, we literally just met! And how can you say that you doubt my identity?!" Ramiris went to their side before ranting again. Xander sighed in relief that Ramiris left his space.

A vein was threatening to pop on Carrera's head as she got closer to Ramiris. "Hah? As if I would believe in a bullshit like that" Ramiris shrieked and back out scared from Carrera's face. She then remembered what she is doing before returning with a mad look on her face. "I really am the Queen of Spirit!" Ramiris said before something unknown to the three erupted from Ramiris. The three of them was surprised, "Primitive Magic huh.." Xander commented as he looked at the magic on Ramiris's body.

"You know about it?! I didn't even revealed it in the world" Ramiris was surprised by Xander's comment, she didn't left her labryinth so no one should have know about anything about her except for Veldanava. "What is Primitive Magic, Xander?" Sona asked as Carrera also listened, they were interested on what it was. "Basically it is the unstoppable magic that is based on will, you wouldn't need to learn manually on this magic as you need to use will on it" Xander said as Ramiris nodded her head with a proud expression on her face.

"Oh right, you're the spirit queen right? Can you give Sona a spirit to inhabit her body?" Xander didn't mention Carrera as they are some kind of spirit themselves. The Primordial's father is a spirit. The Great Spirit of Darkness to be exact. "No" Ramiris said as she thought it was a hassle. "Then how about this.." Xander took something from his storage, the thing that all child would be drawn to... "What's this?" Ramiris asked as she took the circle thing from Xander's hands."Eat it" Xander smiled as Ramiris was suspicious for a second before taking a bite.

"...What..What is this?! Its delicious!" Ramiris shouted as she started buzzing all around the house. Sona smiled at that, kids are really simple. Xander looked at Sona before chuckling, it seems like Sona is treating Ramiris as a child. Sona took the bag of COOKIES from Xander before waving it at Ramiris who just got closer. "Give me more!" Sona just smiled before handing Ramiris a cookie and patting her head. Ramiris immediately started numbing the cookie as she started to realize something. "Wait! Why are you treating me like a child?!" She shouted before slapping Sona's hands.

"She is really a child, master" Carrera said as Xander chuckled. "Don't treat your ancestor like that" Carrera cringed at Xander's words before she ran away. "Give me some more" Ramiris said while reaching her hand to the bag, Sona slapped her hand while smiling at her. "Apparently, I was taught by my parents that I would not always give to others" Sona said, as Ramiris raised an eyebrow. "Gngng... Okay! Let's go, I'll place an spirit on your body" Ramiris said before she teleported them to her Labryinth.

Sona and Xander saw that they were not in the house anymore. Xander nodded his head when he saw that the place looked the same in the cannon but more ethereal? Ramiris still didn't fall in this time so the place was shining alot. "This place is beautiful.." Sona said while appreciating the view infont of her. Ramiris just gave a smug look as she led them to the middle where there are a glittering alter placed in it. "Go there, I'll handle the spirit" Ramiris said as Sona went in the middle.

Ramiris's eyes began to turn rainbow as various lights can be seen in the ceiling as if a bunch of stars was gathered in one place. One black star suddenly began moving as Ramiris brought the spirit to Sona's body. The process was so simple that they could only stay in daze for a few seconds. "That was it?" Xander asked as Ramiris huffed. "You should be grateful that I even helped you! That spirit is still young so it doesn't possess a character yet. Take care of it" Ramiris said as Sona nodded her head. This is a powerup so she would certainly not refuse it.

"Then, thank you Ramiris-san, you can take this bag" Sona handed the bag of cookies to Ramiris who just smiled widely, cookies is still not discovered in this time so Ramiris still don't know about it yet. "What do you call this?" Ramiris looked at Sona with wonder. "You can call it cookies" Ramiris's eyes shoned after that. "Cookies..." She went to her own world ignoring the two who was watching her.





Seeing her like that, Xander and Sona didn't disturb her as they returned to their home. They also placed a barrier that would stop intruder from coming in, it would be a scene if Ramiris bumped into it. Xander knew that something like that wouldn't stop Ramiris, specially when she is still the Queen of Spirits. She can use various spirit magic that represents her strength.

In the last millenium Xander and Sona also witnessed the birth of the Storm Dragon Veldora. Xander was tempted to make Veldora a sword just like what Rimuru did but held himself. The process of his birth was the same as Velgrynd, covering the whole world with storms, many land was devasted by the disaster that he gave. People then remembered the true might of a True Dragon that they forgot a long time ago.

"Sona, is the garden okay?" Xander asked as Sona checked it before nodding her head. Since it would be boring to just live in this place without doing anything. Gardening became their habit, they built a garden with their own hands so it was important to them, even Carrera doesn't dare to accidentally destroy it since she knows what would happen. "There was no insects that entered our garden this year, this is an improvement" Sona said while smiling gently.

They didn't use any magic or anything else in their garden. Xander 'killed' the possibility of using magic in their garden so it was impossible to even use mana there. Even Ramiris might not be able to cast a Primitive Magic in there. "Really?" Xander asked while going to the garden on his own. In the garden, a bunch of marvelous flowers can be seen, they were properly trimmed and no dead leaves can be found. This is the result of their hardwork which they are proud of, they would beat anyone who tries to destroy this divine place for them.

The next day, Xander felt a disturbance in the barrier. He looked at it and saw Ramiris being planted on the barrier, the scene was funny so he took a pic of it. "What is this?! They placed a barrier here?" Ramiris said before making a hole in the barrier using Light Spirit Magic. Sona went to the door and opened it, "I'm thankful for yesterday, but what are you doing here?" Sona asked as Ramiris thought for a moment before deciding.

"I decided to abandon my Labryinth. I will make one here, you need to be observe incase you do something dangerous" Ramiris said with a serious tone, Sona looked at Xander who just nodded his head. "Its her job, being a Administrator of this world is rather troublesome" Xander said as Ramiris started buzzing beside him "My job is great!" Ramiris shouted to Xander while he just yawned. "Okay, okay" Ramiris left Xander's side as she started to inspect his house.

It was a new thing for her, modern house looked cool for the people in this age. Ramiris started messing with the things like the refrigerator, switch for the lights, the tap and many more. She was amazed by each of them, wondering how the two made it. Ramiris went out of the house saw a garden, she fly towards it as the flowers were something that she never seen before, she was the ruler of dryads who handle the forest so she already saw many flowers in her life.

"Xander! Sona! What flower is this?" Sona and Xander went towards her and started explaining to her. After a few minutes Ramiris was satisfied with the new informations she gained. "Do you know what is the most beautiful flower here?" Xander asked while smiling as the two girls tilted their heads. "Its her" Xander went towards Sona's back before embracing her making the girls face red. "Xander.. there is people" Ramiris's face darkened watching the two flirting.

"You're didn't really get used to displaying affection in public huh.." Xander smirked as Sona just looked away. This is cute on its own way, if they get used to each other then they would just live a boring life. "Stop! You're going to make me puke!" Ramiris said while waving her hands in the air, this sweetness is too much even for her who loved sweets. Xander stopped for a moment before continuing ignoring the fairy who just turned around and started looking for a place.

"Yosh, I'll use the side of the garden. Its free anyway" Ramiris said before flying there, she was about to use her magic when she suddenly can't use mana. "Huh..? What's happening?" Ramiris asked while tilting her head. Her question was answered by the new arrived Carrera, "Master made the garden a bane for magicians, he don't want magic to influenced his flowers so he 'killed' it" Carrera explained while crossing her arms under her chest.

"What do you mean killed?" Ramiris asked as Carrera just shook her head. "Even I don't know, Ojou only informed me about this" Carrera was intrigued by the thing when she first heard it, she immediately went to it and tried to use magic. But to her suprise nothing worked, even using Abyssal Cores didn't solved the problem, she tried overwhelming it with mana but still nothing happened.

Ramiris was interested in it so she tried spirit magic, the moment the thing escaped from her body, it dissapated in the air as if its existence is not allowed. Ramiris was challenge so she used many Spirit Magic including Space and Time spirit magic. She just clicked her tongue when nothing worked, she went to her trump card that she believes would work. She molded her will as it turned into a black ball on the top of her hand.

This ball is super dangerous as Carrera's instinct was screaming at her. But she didn't move as she know what would happen. Ramiris released the Annihilation Magic as she heard a pop before her primitive magic was erased. "What?! That's not possible! The Primitive Magic is outside by some measel Laws! It couldn't be erased!" Ramiris was flabbergasted at what she saw while Carrera just smirked. "You see? Everything they do are absolute" Carrera said.

"No! It was just a fluke!" Ramiris started using molding her will again using other Primitive Magic but just like the first time, it disintegrated in the air the moment she tried to release it. Primitive Magic don't use mana so it was not stopped from being made, only when it was released it was treated as an anomaly by the garden and eliminated it.

Ramiris finally stopped as she admit her defeat against the formidable garden. She just used the place outside the house of Xander and started to build her labryinth. "Master, I confirmed it, she is really the queen on spirits" Carrera said as Sona and Xander stared at her weirdly. She really didn't accept Ramiris's words yesterday?

The three watched astonished by what Ramiris is doing, she was usually childish so the serious look on her face doesn't connect in their minds at all. The Labryinth was finished in a minute, they inspected it and saw the inside was not the same as the previous one. Meaning that Ramiris made a new blueprint on her mind in just a minute, she can become an architect now, Xander thought while nodding his head in satisfaction.
